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Fuller, A. E.
Gordon, hon. Capt.
Goring, C.
Goulburn, rt. hon. H.
Graham, rt. hon. Sir J.
Grogan, E.
Halsey, T. P.
Hamilton, G. A.
Hamilton, W. J.
Harris, hon. Capt.
Henley, J. W.
Herbert, rt. hon. S.
Hervey, Lord A.
Hodgson, R.
Holmes, hon. W. A'C.
Hornby, J.
Hotham, Lord
Hudson, G.

Taunton had admitted that there were | Frewen, C. H.
strong proofs of the dangerous interfe-
rence of the Jesuits in former times with
politics and religion, and he did not satisfy
him that the interference had ceased. The
promoters of this Bill had, indeed, a great
advantage, as they were the advocates of
a secret society; but, he had heard no
argument to prove that the Jesuits, in
their constitution, possessed not the same
characteristics now as those which had
ever marked them. Was it at all probable
their machinations would be less danger-
ous in this country than they were abroad,
when it was considered that here they
were not under the eye of a detective
police, nor the authority of a despotic Go-Hughes, W. B.
vernment? He thought the connexion be-
tween the Roman Catholic Church and the
Jesuits to be a great misfortune in
country. Liberty had never prospered
where the Jesuits had risen to power.
It was, therefore, because he felt sincerely
anxious that full tolerance should be ex-
tended to all Roman Catholics in this
country, that he would, if possible, disunite
them from that order-which was the
very type and impersonation of that in-
triguing spirit in domestic and political
matters, that had been for years the bane
and the stumbling-block of the Roman
Catholic Church. He was opposed to the
Bill, on account of the countenance it gave
to the Order of the Jesuits, and he should
support the Motion of the hon. Member
for Oxford.


[blocks in formation]

Jermyn, Earl
Johnstone, H.
Jolliffe, Sir W. G. H.
Jones, Capt.
Kemble, H.
Kirk, P.
Lawson, A.
Lefroy, A.
Legh, G. C.
Lennox, Lord G. H. G.
Lincoln, Earl of
Lindsay, hon. Capt.
Lockhart, W.
Long, W.

Lowther, hon. Col.
Lygon, hon. Gen.
Mackenzie, T.
M'Neill, D.
Meynell, Capt.

[blocks in formation]

Young, J.
Inglis, Sir R. H.

List of the NOES.

Aldam, W.
Anson, hon. Col.
Armstrong, Sir A.
Arundel and Surrey,
Earl of
Baine, W.
Bellew, R. M.

Bentinck, Lord G.
Blake, M. J.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Jervis, J.

Labouchere, rt. hon. H.

Langston, J. H.

Bowring, Dr.

Bridgeman, H.
Brotherton, J,
Browne, hon. W.
Callaghan, D.
Carew, hon. R. S.
Christie, W. D.
Clive, Visct.

Collett, J.

Duckworth, Sir J. T. B. Dennistoun, J.

Boldero, H. G.

Bramston, T. W.

Broadley, H.

Bruges, W. H. L.
Buck, L. W.
Cardwell, E,
Carnegie, hon. Capt.

Estcourt, T. G. B.
Farnham, E. B.
Feilden, W.
Flower, Sir J.
Forbes, W.

Fox, S. L.

Corbally, M. E.

Crawford, W. S.

Dawson, hon. T. V.

[blocks in formation]

McCarthy, A.

M'Donnell, J. M.

Maitland, T.
Manners, Lord J.
Marjoribanks, S.
Marsland, H.
Mitcalfe, H.

Morpeth, Visct.

Mostyn, hn. E. M. L.

Muntz, G. F.

Napier, Sir C.

O'Brien, W. S.

O'Connell, M. J.

Ogle, S. C. H.

Pechell, Capt.
Pigot, rt. hon. D.
Powell, C.

Price, Sir R.

Redington, T. N.

[blocks in formation]

Somerville, Sir W. M.
Stansfield, W. R. C.
Stuart, W. V.
Strickland, Sir G.

Strutt, E.
Thornely, T.
Trelawny, J. S.
Villiers, hon. C.
Wall, C. B.
Wawn, J. T.
Yorke, H. R.


Watson, W. H.
Wyse, T.

[The names and the numbers do not coincide, the names of the Noes amounting to 81, the number to only 80; the names of the Ayes to 119, the number to 120. The discrepancy is in the Votes of the House, of which our report is a transcript. By an erratum Viscount Adare was directed to be omitted from the Ayes, and Mr. Geo. Dodd to be added to the Noes. We have not the means of correcting the error. We presume the Noes should have been 81, the Ayes 119, and the Majority 39.]

what steps had been adopted by Government with reference to the Private Water Bills which had come before the House this Session?

Lord PORTMAN said, that before the noble Lord (Viscount Canning) replied to the questions just put, he (Lord Portman) begged to put another question, which he might answer at the same time. It would be in the recollection of the House that Metropolitan Buildings Act. an Act had recently been passed called the Their Lord

ships probably would also recollect that it was passed in a most extraordinary manner through the House. It was a Bill containing nearly 120 clauses, and it had been read a second time with only two days intervening between that and its first reading, and it had been passed within nine days from the time it was introduced. Well, this Bill, so far from increasing the public safety against fire, or improving the health of the community, as it professed to

The House resumed, and adjourned at do, had proved exceedingly inconvenient Six o'clock.


Thursday, June 25, 1846.

MINUTES.] PUBLIC BILLS.-1. Waste Lands (Australia).

24 Vexatious Actions, Protection against; County Works Presentments (Ireland).

Reported. Corresponding Societies and Lecture Rooms. 3. and passed. Corn Importation; Customs Duties.

and vexatious. So multifarious and complicated were its provisions, that it had been thought necessary by a gentleman named Lawes to publish a bulky volume to instruct the people as to the nature of its provisions, many of which were indeed of a monstrous and impracticable kind. His Lordship here quoted several passages from Mr. Lawes's book, which he described as an able work, well worthy the attention of all parties interested in the buildings of the metropolis; and mentioned various cases which had come under his knowledge of a vexatious and annoying character. hoped the noble Lord would be able to tell the House that there was a Bill in prepaUnions, for the Adoption of a Measure making the Land-ration to relieve the metropolis from the lords of Cottages where the Rents are under £6 liable to inconvenience he had mentioned. the Poor Rates.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By the Bishop of Hereford, from
Hereford, and several other places, against the Union

of St. Asaph and Bangor, but in favour of the Appoint-
ment of a Bishop to the See of Manchester.-By Lord
Kinnaird, from Lewisham, stating that the Provisions of

the Metropolitan Buildings Act are productive of Litiga

tion, and operate by Vexatious Restrictions as a Barrier to

useful and benevolent Enterprize in Building, and com

plaining of the excessive Rate of Fees authorized by the

Act.- From Guardians of the Hollingborn and Sevenoaks


VISCOUNT CANNING was understood to PETITION FOR BETTER DRAINAGE AND say, in reply to the question first put to


LORD KINNAIRD presented a petition from the Committee of the Working Classes Association, praying the House to pass some legislative measure for the better drainage and ventilation of the houses of the poor, and for furnishing them with a more ample supply of pure water. His Lordship, at the same time, wished to know from the Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests whether Government had taken or intended to take any steps on this subject with reference to the metropolis, and especially to the district of Bethnal-green? He also wished to know

him by one of the noble Lords opposite (Lord Kinnaird), that the noble Lord must have misapprehended the prayer of the petition which he had presented, inasmuch as it might be difficult to construct any measure more calculated to meet the evils of a bad system of drainage and sewerage than the Act in question. The Government had at present no intention of introducing any measure for the improvement of the supply of water in the metropolitan districts, for their first efforts had been directed with a view, in this respect, to the improvement of the manufacturing towns and rural districts. Last year a Bill had been brought in founded on the report of a Commission

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issued for the purpose, two years ago, | ed by the Government of small importance called the Health of Towns Bill, which at the time of the measure being introhad been laid on the Table of the House. duced, for Ministers then represented that It was considered, however, advisable that the equivalent to be proposed would in this Bill should circulate through the some degree compensate the landed incountry during the recess; and it had been terest for the loss which they would sussince consolidated and amended, and was tain. How was it, then, that they had now ready for the consideration of Parlia- now come to this period of the Session, ment. With respect to the better supply and that no notice had been taken of the of water, the Government had suggested subject in either House of Parliament? some clauses for that purpose, which had Was it the intention of Ministers that the been introduced, he believed, into all the Session should close without any proposal private Bills of pipe water companies, to of compensation being brought forward? secure a larger and cheaper supply of good One such compensation had been promised water to the poorer classes, which had to the country which which he was conbeen lately passed. He admitted, in reply nected, which, though not equivalent to to the noble Lord who had last spoken, the landed gentry or tenantry for the inthat the Metropolitan Buildings Act re- jury to their interests which would be inquired amendment. But, with respect to flicted by the Corn Bill, was in itself of certain complaints stated against the new some little importance; and it ought to Act, he could say that the public had been have been brought forward by the Govern prepared fully for the notices required by ment independently altogether of this meathe new Act, by the provisions of the old sure, for it was one of the Bills strongly Act. Within the last few days, the fees recommended to the Government by the had been very much reduced, especially the Commission of which Lord Devon was at larger fees, which had been reduced to the the head. He referred to the proposition extent of seventy-five per cent. The Go- by which the whole expense of the constavernment meant to bring into the other bulary force of that country was to be House four Bills for the separate regula- thrown on the Consolidated Fund, and the tion of the objects of the present Act, and various counties relieved from any portion he could say that two of those Bills were of the expense. Such a step was proposed in a state of great forwardness. by Lord Devon's Commission, not with reference to such a measure as the present, but as a matter of simple justice. that subject, however, they had heard no proposition of Her Majesty's Government made to either House of Parliament. He therefore thought, before they agreed to the third reading of this Bill, it was incumbent on some Member of the Government to explain to their Lordships what was their intention with reference to any measure to be brought forward. He now came to the second point, which appeared to him infinitely more important. Allusion had been occasionally made to the subject in that House, especially by his noble Friend opposite (Lord Monteagle), but no explanation had been afforded by Her Majesty's Government. When the right hon. Baronet at the head of the Government brought forward in the House of Commons his proposition for an income tax, he obtained the consent of the House to the tax for three years, on the especial ground that he was then effecting great financial changes and extensive reductions in the customs, which would inevitably lessen the amount of the customs duties, so as to require for a certain short period a means of taxation in


The EARL of RIPON moved that this Bill be read a Third Time.

The EARL of WICKLOW said, as they were now at the last stage of these proceedings, and were about finally to conclude this great change in the commercial policy of this country, he begged to direct the attention of Government and their Lordships generally to two points on which, it appeared to him, that no information had been afforded to their Lordships in the course of these proceedings, and on which he thought that both to the country and their Lordships information was due from the Government. The first of these respected the promises made by the First Minister of the Crown when he introduced his resolutions to confer certain equivalents or compensations, which, it was stated, should accompany this measure. They had now reached the last stage of it, and yet up to the present time he had not been able to ascertain that in either House of Parliament anything like a proposal as to any of these matters had been made. It appeared that this point was not consider


lieu of them. But the right hon. Baronet | sources, and the augmentation of trade, held out strong hopes to Parliament, that might raise the revenue, not up to the by the end of three years those reductions amount anticipated by Sir R. Peel when would so much increase the produce of the he first proposed the income tax; but up customs duties, as to render it unnecessary to the point at which the revenue stood at to renew the income tax. It was solely the present time. Under these circumon this ground that the right hon. Baronet stances, Government must have seen the had obtained a three years' income tax, for position in which they placed themselves he believed that no other Minister who had with regard to the future taxation of the governed this country for many years would country. They had now the income tax have obtained it on any grounds whatso- for three years. Their Lordships would, ever; but the great confidence reposed in however, observe that the financial Ministhe right hon. Baronet as a financial Mi- ter, when he brought forward the budget, nister by Parliament and the country, in- had held out little or no hope of a surplusduced them to waive the strong objection the whole surplus, including China money. which prevailed against an income tax in not being calculated at more than 70,0007. time of peace, and so far to confide in his Had they not then a right to demand that promises that the operation of the reduc- Her Majesty's Ministers should state their tions would be successful, as to concede the expectations with respect to the future reimposition of the tax for that period. The venue of the country? Was it not perright hon. Baronet's promises, they knew, fectly clear, on their own showing, that the had remained unfulfilled; but Parliament customs duties would not rise to the point was induced to extend the period for which at which they had formerly stood? Had the tax had been granted, from a belief not their Lordships a right to know if it that by the reductions in the customs du- was the intention of Government to propose ties the revenue of the country would be to Parliament the renewal of the income so increased as to make the continuance of tax? If it was not their intention, they the tax unnecessary. He believed this had a right to know to what sources of rewould have been the case if things had been venue Ministers intended to look as a comallowed to go on as they were then doing, pensation for the taxes they were now abofor the revenue was improving, and com- lishing. If it was their intention, they merce in every department was flourishing. were bound to announce it fairly. A new But most unfortunately, in the present Parliament would be elected before the exSession, partly owing to the very increase piration of the present tax; and if Minis. which had been thus predicted, the right ters intended to propose a renewal of the hon. Gentleman and his Government were tax, it must be to a new Parliament. determined by a sense of duty not to re- asked them, did they believe that a new main content with the alterations they had Parliament would ever sanction that tax as made, but to make those other alterations a permanent tax? If it was not their inwhich their Lordships had been considering tention to propose it, they must have some during the last three weeks. His noble other measure to propose which they ought Friend at the head of the Board of Trade to let the House know. But did they be(the Earl of Dalhousie), by the able man-lieve that any Parliament that would ever ner in which he had conducted these proceedings-and he gave his noble Friend credit for having done so in a most masterly manner-had shown himself an able statesman, a great debater, and capable of conducting affairs in any department which might be entrusted to him; but his noble Friend had never ventured to hold out to their Lordships that the result of the measures he proposed would ever raise the revenue beyond the point which it had attain-mercial, or indeed for any country, then it ed previous to the reductions, for he had swept away, in a great measure, the income derived from the duties which they affected. His noble Friend only proposed his reductions in the hope that in the course of years the buoyancy of the public re


meet in this country would sanction the imposition of the income tax as a permanent tax? He believed the contrary. He believed that no Parliament would ever sanction that direct mode of taxation as a permanency. See to what this would drive them. If they determined to adopt the direct mode of taxation, and to abolish that indirect mode which had hitherto been looked upon as the most proper for a com

became absolutely necessary that the whole or almost the whole of the taxation of the country should be derived from that source. It was impossible that another Parliament, if it sanctioned that measure, would ever allow the malt tax to continue, or that tax

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which they had been discussing lately, the they were considered measures right in duty on hops. It was impossible that themselves, and as far as they went tendGovernment, in considering the measures ing to do that which it was desirable to they had brought forward, should not have effect-to diminish the cost of production fully and distinctly deliberated on these to those whose capital was employed. No matters. Was it fair or just that they doubt Her Majesty's Government felt now should now conclude these measures with- as they did then, that what they undertook out any information whatever being given to propose to Parliament with that object respecting the points to which he had called in view, they were bound to adhere to; their attention? Let him not be told that and although it might be true that those the financial Ministers in the other House measures had not yet passed in the shape were the proper persons to answer those of law, he believed some of them did not posiquestions. There was his noble Friend at tively require an Act of Parliament, except the head of the Board of Control (the Earl in so far as the sum to be raised from the of Ripon), who had been Chancellor of the Consolidated Fund, instead of in any other Exchequer, and without whose full sanc- way, was concerned. There was, howtion no measure of this kind could be pro-ever, another measure of very considerable posed to Parliament. His noble Friend at importance, which stood much on the same the head of the Board of Trade was also footing as those to which he had referredperfectly capable of giving an answer; he alluded to the measure relative to the and if they declined, on this last stage of removal of paupers. That measure was, the measure, to give an answer, the country no doubt, quite independent of the question would draw its own conclusions from their of the Corn Law, and would have been a silence. Let it not be said that because proper measure to adopt whether the Corn Ministers were going to resign, they would Laws were altered or not. A Bill had been throw the affairs of the country in an em- brought into the other House of Parliabarrassed state into other hands. Let it ment for carrying that measure into effect; not be said that, because they had received and he could not answer for the circumthe affairs of the country in an embarrassed stances which had rendered it impossible state from their predecessors, they would to proceed with that Bill so as to bring it retaliate by leaving them in a similar con- into their Lordships' House; and when dition. Such an excuse would not be re- his noble Friend complained that the meaceived by the country; it would be tamper-sures had not been brought forward in their ing with public feeling to offer it; but he knew that his noble Friends were men of too high honour to be influenced by such considerations. He said that, before the measure passed, Ministers were bound to give their Lordships the information upon these subjects which they must possess; and he called on his noble Friends to give him an answer on the two points he had stated, which he considered of vast importance to the country.

The EARL of RIPON said, that as he had no right to object to the questions which had been put to him by the noble Earl, and as he had no fault to find with the manner in which they had been put, he would endeavour to give them an answer. The first question was, whether Her Majesty's Government intended to carry into effect those measures which were stated at the commencement of the present Session as intended to accompany the alteration which they proposed to make in the Corn Laws, and which were considered likely to be beneficial to the agricultural interest. He was not aware that they were to be considered as equivalents or compensations;

Lordships' House, he must understand that they were of such a nature that their Lordships could not originate them. The noble Earl having asked those questions, proceeded to inquire what it was the intention of Her Majesty's Government to do as to the continuation of the property tax. Now, under all circumstances, he apprehended that no Government could undertake to give answers or pledge themselves to reply to such questions as these. The property tax had been originally brought in for three years; it had been since renewed, and he thought it would be exceedingly unwise to give any pledge that it would not again be renewed. Looking on the question in that light, he must therefore decline answering it. But he would make one or two remarks on the observations of the noble Earl as to the actual condition of the revenue with respect to the effect of the reductions which had been made within the last four years. He thought his noble Friend could hardly have attended to a document which had been laid on the Table, which would have explained to him the ground on which the Government trusted that the reductions

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