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“ Religious," said Henry, "and that haunted by your words about death. I sort of thing --only fit for womery."

cannot get rid of them.” “ Why? "

She waited. “Oh, I don't know, except that it can't “I have resolved not to be religious in be manly to be afraid to do this and afraid your sense of the word,” he continued, to do the other, lest it should be wrong." « but still I must have peace. If it were

“ A man must either fear to sin or fear only possible to get to heaven without o die,” said Mrs. Hilton, gravely.

being so particular!” He hesitated, and Her brother made no reply, for her Mrs. Hilton finished the sentence for him. earnest words struck home. There was “If you could serve two masters," she but one thought that could make him said, "" you would like it, but you cannot. “start and shrink,”-it was that of the There must be pardon through Christ, and last enemy. He hated to look on a corpse, cleansing by Christ, and imitation of or to stand by an open grave, or to be re Christ, and submission to Christ, if we minded that a day must come when the would enter heaven, and all these things handsome features of which he was so are inconsistent with the love of the world, proud would be stiff and cold in death. the flesh, and the devil.” Yet there were times when he realised that “You use strong language, but you are he was mortal, when he was fully convinced sincere,” said Henry. "I suppose you that he was wasting precious moments of have been really converted, as they call it. brief probation, and madly neglecting to I almost wish I had.” prepare for an inevitable future; and al “ Almost p” said Mrs. Hilton. though hehad hitherto sought to banish the “ Yes.” unwelcome consciousness, by plunging into " And why not quite ?” dissipation, and affecting an extravagant "Because I am not yet prepared to give gaiety, he was often exceedingly miser up theatres, gaming, racing, and the rest. able.

Think how dull life would be without all One of bis sister's mottoes was, “ Peace these things!" on earth, good-will towards men !”.

“If your tastes were different ?". The calm words seemed to mock him as, - Well of course that would ater the in the midst of a wreath of holly and matter. But if they were as they are now." laurel, they met his eye. Peace !-- what “They could not be so if you were was peace? Would he ever be permitted Christ's." to know? How was it possible to compre “I am sorry for that, for I don't want to hend the meaning of such a word in a be so altogether unlike my present self. I world in which Death was a reality ? have a sort of affection for Henry Kildare,

He did not know, he had never wished as he is, and I don't want to look back and to know, how, more than eighteen hundred despise him." years before, his question had been an "Did you refuse to descend by the fire. swered by the advent of the Redeemer. |escape last Christmas Eve ?” The fact that Christ conquered Death for “Of course not.” himself and his followers was hidden from “But you had to confess next day that him, for he had long scorned the Bible. As, you had been worse than foolish when, ten minutes later, he turned from his sis- coming home late from a dinner-party, you ter's door, his heart was full of bitterness. left two candles burning in your dressing. He wished to forget, but could not.

room ?" That evening, as Mrs. Hilton sat amongst “Very true, and I was thoroughly ashamed her Christmas guests, she was surprised by of it. But after all, it did me good.” a visit from her brother, who, entering “Just so. Now apply my illustration," without ceremony, and laying his hand on said Mrs. Hilton. her shoulder, whispered, “ Mary!"

Her brother did so, and the result was She looked up into his face and down at a grave request that she would leave him. his white kid gloves, and smiled.

He wished to think, he said, for an hour “ Have you come to help me?”. or two. “I do not know; I want to speak to

"To think and pray,' said his sister. you. Can you come into the drawing. 1 “May God be with you, and draw you to room ? "

Himself, for Christ's sake!” They went upstairs, and Henry, throw I Her prayer was heard. The Bible which ing himself into a chair, said, “I am i she placed in her brother's hand revealed

Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth ;'

to him, in that hour's patient study, that he had need of an interest in Bethlehem and Calvary, that it could profit him nothing if he gained the whole world and lost his soul, and that the peace of God, which passes understanding, was within reach of all who fled for refuge “ to lay hold of the truth set i before them in the Gospel.”

It was late when he rejoined his sister. Her humble friends were singing as he en. tered,

“ Mild he lays his glory by, ..

Born that man no more might die,

and he paused at the door to listen. The sounds were familiar, but the emotion which they awakened was now, and when at the close of the hymn many eyes were turned towards him, it was not without effort that he maintained a calm exterior, and, standing beside the hostess, bade her happy guests goodnight.

It was a Christmas Eve to be remembered, for in it he had passed from death to life!

Gems from Golden Mines.

THE BLIND PREACHER. up into the pulpit, though condemned by CONCERNING Doctor Guyse, a very critics as speaking vulgar language, they learned man, there is a story told by Top

talked of common-place things, such as lady. He was in the habit of preparing

poor people could appreciate ; if they were his sermons very carefully, and he used to only to do this, God being with them, the read them very accurately. He did so for

absence of their mental power would be years, but there was never known to be a

| the means of more spiritual power, and we sinner saved under him ; never such a

should have reason to thank God that the wonder. The poor, good man-for he was

man had become less, and that God did an earnest man, and wished to do good

shine out with greater resplendence.was one day at prayer in the pulpit, pray.

C. H. Spurgeon. ing that God would make him a useful minister. When he had finished his prayer, he was stone-blind. He had sufficient self

THE COMMUNION OF THE HOLY possession to preach the sermon and extemporise, what he had prepared with

GHOST; OR, THE RISING TIDE. notes. People did not notice his blindness, WHEN the tide is out, you may have but they never heard the Doctor preach noticed, as you rambled among the rocks, such a sermon as that before. There was little pools with little fishes in them. To a deep attention; there were souls saved. the shrimp, in such a pool, his foot deep He found his way from the pulpit, and be of salt water is all the ocean for the time gan to express his deep sorrow that he had being. He has no dealings with his neighlost his eyesight, when some good old bour shrimps in the adjacent pool, though woman who was present said, perhaps a it may be only a few inches of mud that little bluntly, but still very truthfully, divide; but when the rising ocean begins “ Doctor, we have never heard you preach to lip over the margin of the lurking-place, like this before; and if that is the result of one pools joins another, their various being blind, it is a pity you were not blind tenants meet, and, by-and-bye, in place of twenty years ago, for you have done more their little patch of standing water, they good to-day than you have done in twenty have the ocaan's boundless fields to roam years." So I do not know whether it in. When the tide is out-when religion would not be a fine thing if some of our is low--the faithful are to be found insufine sermon-readers were struck blind, if lated, here a few, and there a few, having they were compelled to be less elaborate in no dealings with their neighbours, calling the preparatio of their sermons to lose | them Samaritans, and fancying their own some half-dozen hard words, which they | little communion includes all that are always write down as soon as found in the precious in God's sight; seeming to forget middle of the sermon; if, when they came ! the vast ocean can bring all fishes into the same great pool, and cause the Christians of God's servant, and have engaged to do tis all denominations to come together. When business as long as he pleases to continue the Spirit, like a flood, flows into the me therein. But now, brother, let me ask churches, joining church to church, and í you a question-What do you think I saint to saint, till all rejoice to find that, if I would say if I was to send my man into their little pools have perished, it is not the field to plough, and if at noon I shogii by scorching summer, or casting in earthly go to the field and find him lounging unde rubbish, but by the influx of that bound a tree and complaining, 'Master, the sun is less ocean whose glad waters touch eternity, i very hot, and the ploughing hard ; I am and whose depths eternity will never 1 weary of the work you have appointed me, fathom. Happy church that is nearest and am overdone with the heat and burden the ocean's edge; whose sectarianism shall of the day. Do, master, let me retura be first swept away, whose communion ' home, and be discharged from this used shall first break forth into that purest, and service. What would I say? Wor, 163: holiest, and yet most comprehensire of all he was a lazy fellow; that it was his besicommunions-the communion of the Holy ness to do the work that I had appointed Ghost! Jíay that be my church !- Di. 1 him, until I should think it to Cai Lin Hamilton.


Pain's furnace-heat within me quirers,

God's breath upon the flame doth baj,
And all my soul in anguish shivers,

And trembles at the fiery glow;
And yet I whisper, “ As God wil!"
And, in His hottest fire, hold stil.

He comes and lays my heart, all heste,

On the hard anvil, minded so
Into His own fair shape to beat it

With His great hammer, blow on bus
And yet I whisper, “ As God will!"
And, at His heaviest blows, hoid stiil.

BE NOT WEARY. WHEN Mr. Whitefield was last in America, he one day dined with Mr. Ten: nent and other ministers at a gentleman's house. After dinner, Mr. Whitefield ad. verted to the difficulties attending the Gospel ministry; lamented that all their zeal availed but little ; said that he was weary with the burdens of the day; declared his great consolation that in a short time his work would be done, when he should depart and be with Christ; he then appealed to the ministers if it was not their great comfort that they should go to rest. They generally assented, except Dir. Ten. nent, who sat next to Jr. Whitefield in silence, and by his countenance discovered but little pleasure in the conversation. On which Jr. Whitefield, tapping him on the knee, said, “Well, brother Tennent, you are the oldest man among us, do you not rejoice to think that your time is so near at hand when you will be called home?" Jr. Tennent bluntly answered, “I have no wish about it.” Mr. Whitefield pressed him again ; Mr. Tennent again answered, “No, sir, it is no pleasure to me at all; and if you knew your duty, it would be none to you. I have nothing to do with death; my business is to live as long as I can, as well as I can, and serve my

[aster as faithfully as I can, until he shall think proper to call me home.” Mr. Whitefield still urged for an explicit answer to his question, in case the time of death were left te his own choice, Vr. Tenueat re. plied, "I hare no choice about it; I am

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Our Missions.


chapel will probably, ere long, be abandoned for a SOME four hundred and fifty miles from Calcutta, new one, which it is intended erect within the fort, up the river Ganges, and situated on its right bank, and nearer to the residences of the members of the is the healthy city and missionary station of congregation. At present, the mission residences, Monghyr. Its fort stands on a prominent rock chapels, and houses of the native Christians are close washed by the sacred stream, which is lined, near to the fosse which surrounds the walls of the fort. the landing place, with temples dedicated to Jug. The number of church members at the present gernauth and other gods. It is a sacred spot, and, time is forty-three Europeans, and twenty-eight at certain seasons, large numbers of pilgrims enter natives. In the schools connected with the misthe river to wash away the pollutions of sin; sion, about one hundred and seventy native while others cast kids into the stream, as offerings children are taught to read, and instructed in the to their god.

truths of the Word of God. There are many sacred spots around the city. From time to time individuals from the native At a place called Seetakond, four miles to the as well as the European population are added to south-east, is a hot well, which owes its great heat the Christian community ; but of late there has and medicinal properties to the subterranean fires been a dearth of converts from among the heathen. which mark this district. The well is much revered There are, indeed, many in the city who say they by the Brahmins and their followers, who believe believe in Christ, but who are not prepared to forthe following legend :-Seeta, the wife of Ram, sake all to follow him. They acknowledge they are a king of Oude, was carried away from her husband, wrong, but go on in the old way. Lately two or by Ravan, the king of Ceylon. After a long war, three respectable men of this class have visited the in which the monkeys, with their chief, Hunuman, missionary, and been present at the Lord's day took a leading part, Ram recovered his wife. To services in the native chapel. They display a good test her conjugal fidelity, the gods insisted upon knowledge of the Scriptures, talk with pleasure of her undergoing a fiery ordeal: whereupon, at the Him who died for sinners; but still hesitate to emspot where the hot well is, she threw herself into a · bark on the voyage to heaven. They say that they pit filled with fire, and when she came unharmed dread the sufferings which would fall on their wives from the flames, warm water flowed from the rock, and children, if they are baptized; these dear re. as it continues to do at this day. The water is now latives would be separated from them, and thrown received into a basin of masonry, and is too hot to on the tender mercies of the worshippers of false admit the immersion of the hand without injury. gods. Here the missionaries often gather round them Last year a native Christian died who was bapcrowds of pilgrims, and preach to them the word tized by Mr. Chamberlain forty years before. of God.

He was then sixty years of age; so that There is also in another direction a temple built he must have become a patriarch among his over a cave in a rock in which a few years ago a fellows. During these long years he served the man, who had entered to pray to his god, was de Master with fidelity, part of the time as a Scripture capitated by one of the officiating Brahmins, and his reader. Lately he became very infirm, and almost blood flowed on the altar before which he knelt. blind; but his faith in Christ wavered not, and

The city of Mongbyr contains about 30,000 in. | death found him longing to depart to be with his habitants ; the houses are generally small; they | Lord. have sloping roofs of red tiles and gables ornamented 1 But the missionaries do not confine their labours with earthen ware idols. It is a thriving place, to Monghyr. They often make excursions into the having a great number of shops and factories of neighbouring districts, accompanied by one or iron-ware and fire-arms. The bazaar is well sup more of the native preachers. Thus, in the plied with food and articles for native use. There months of July and August, last year, Mr. Laware also many goldsmiths in it, who carry on the rence, with Bandhu, visited the villages lying on or manufacture of ornaments, of which Hindu women near the banks of the Gunduck river. In some are remarkably fond, in the sight of passers-by. places they met with bitter hostility, especially from

For many years the Word of God has been the Brahmins. In one village, where Brahmins are preached in this city. It was first visited for a few very numerous, because supported by a neighbourdays by Mr. Moore, in November, 1815. But in ing rajah, they beset the missionary like bees; February, 1816,the apostolic Chamberlain "pitched four or five would talk at once, and endeavour to his tent” here, and commenced the work of the drown his voice. They shouted the praises of the mission, which has continued uninterruptedly to gods, and could only be overcome by patience and the present day. The Rev. A. Leslie, now of Cal kind words. In the bazaar, however, a few men cutta, succeeded bis father-in-law ; at present the were met with who received the message of the resident missionaries are the Revs. J. Lawrence Gospel with pleasure, and said, that if the missionand J. G. Gregson.

ary would live there they and others would adopt From these long continued labours two commu Christianity, but could not do so while no one was nities have arisen; one, consisting of Europeans at hand to guide and instruct them. In other and East Indians, mostly pensioners, who are places, persons were met with who expressed their numerous, attracted to the place by the salubrity admiration of the morality of the Gospel, and their of the climate ; the other, of natives who have been contempt for idols, and who eagerly sought for brought from the surrounding darkness into the books more fully to understand the nature of sal“ marvellous light” of the Gospel. The two form vation. Others expressed their opinion that the sections of ono church, which meets monthly to Hindus would never forsake Ram for Christ. have communion at the table of the Lord. At other From these and other similar instances, the mis, times the two sections meet in separate chapels sionaries are led to conclude that where the Gospel which are contiguous to each other. The Evolish has been preached, and the Scriptures have been

d East Indians, mo the place by the said heen

distributed, there the attachment of the people to idols is weakest; in districts which are secluded, and perhaps never visited by the ministers of Christ, there ignorance leads at first to its rejection, and the display of hostility against the preachers is most marked.

Our young missionary, the Rev. J. G. Gregson, has of late especially given himself to itinerant labours. Having acquired the language, he is able to go everywhere preaching the word : he, there. fore, avails himself of every opportunity to scatter the seed of heavenly truth, and to visit places not hitherto the scene of missionary labour. His reception is, of course, variable; here the people hear him gladly, there they turn away from the message of peace. In one secluded village he found an aged man who had in his possession an old tract which he had received some years before and carefully preserved, and from which he had learned the way of everlasting life. In another place, a zemindar, or native landholder, evinced a desire for information respecting the day of judgment, of which he had heard.

One evening, retiring from a village after preach. ing, Mr. Gregson noticed a child whose bones almost pierced the skin, so emaciated was it, standing on a bank. On making inquiries, he found that the child had neither father nor mother, nor home nor friends, in the village, excepting her little orphan brother. The missionary had some rice cooked: but when the cook was about to give the food to the famishing child, a man came up and said, “Don't eat it, your caste will go." To the cook he said, “Take it away: she shall not eat it." Mr. Gregson here interposed, and rebuked the

cruelty of the man. The poor, hungry child gladly enough ate the whole.

Some twenty miles from Mozufferpore, Mr. Gregson had the pleasure of meeting some native Christian villagers, living just as other villagers live, in the same primitive way. The Lutheran missionaries have here founded & church : and it was no small pleasure to see the Christians, in the midst of their heatben countrymen, worshipping God, and observing the ordinances of the Gospel, He preached to them, a rude straw stool his pulpit, the Christians squatting on the ground about him in the open air. The first of this little band endured much persecution. His hut was burnt over his head, and he was driven from the village. For a time he lived under a tree, working his loom, until an English gentleman, commiserating his lot, built him a hut. Attracted by his patience and piety, first his wife rejoined him, then a brother and a young Brahmin sought his society and instructions. Gradually the little band increased; and the Gospel has now a permanent existence in the village. The converts live unmolested, and are raising a house of prayer.

These incidents will suffice to show the nature of the work going on in this and other parts of Indis. Slowly, very slowly, it appears to us, is the word of God penetrating the masses of the people; yet is it like leaven ; it cannot enter without sooner or later effecting a change. Here and there we see indications of its influence; and we can wel escourage one another to persevere ever to abound

in the work of the Lord, for in due season we shall | reap, if we faint not.

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TAE chief news from America is the dismissal from the command of the Federal army in Mis. souri, of General Fremont. The General and the President were at cross purposes in respect to slavery, and the use to be made of slaves in the contest now going on. The dismissal of General Fremont is a sad indication of the anti anti-slavery tendencies of the Northern party. As to the condict itself, it appears no nearer a conclusion, Austria is pursuing its demented course towards Hungary. An open conflict appears likely to be the result.-The Emperor of France has adopted decided measures to overcome his financial difficulties. Those difficulties, arising from an extravagant expenditure, were becoming very serious. It is rumoured that he has decided on a large reduction of his military expenditure. That would be good news for England and for Europe. Whether t will be so or not, time alone can show,

There is every reason to hope that his reign vil also be instrumental in extending amongst them the knowledge of the Cross of Cbrist as the noblest of regenerating influences. Letters received from native Christians speak of bim before his ascension to the throne in terms of respect and affection. Thus we read in a letter from Antananarivo :“ With respect to the Royal Prince, it causes to rejoice and bless God that he supports and makes the people of God strong to bear the affliction and trouble in Madagascar. Yes, what he has done, he has done by the help of God, and We therefore bless the Most High on tbat account. And not towards the Christians aloue does he show kindness, but to the people in general, when he can; and when any evil thing or calamity overtakes a man, he protects him from being reported, if he can do it. And, also, when any one wishes to talk with him, and shake hands with him, he does it in a friendly manner with all."

The names of two well-known public men here disappeared from our records during the last month. Neither Sir James Graham bor Mr. Thomas Duncombe will ever be heard again in the Legislature. Both were old men,-both were, no doubt, conscientious, their course, howerer, how different! Of late years, however, Sir James Graham had been increasingly respected for the broad statesmanlike view he took of public ques. tions. His earlier errors had been almost forgotten when he died. Mr. Duncombe bad been always, and uniformly, the advocate of liberal views.

The news from Madagascar augurs well. We announced the death of the Queen last month. To ascertain what is the actual state of affairs, and to take advantage of them, the Rev. William Ellis, a veteran of seventy years, has been again deputed by the London Missionary Society to visit the island. The country has been thrown open to the mercbants of every land, and the new King appears to be entering on a course well calculated to promote the civilisation and prosperity of his people,

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