THE RAILWAY CLERK asks the readers whose Addresses are incorrect to please fill out and forward this form to R. E. Fisher, Business Manager, Kansas City, Mo. MANAGER RAILWAY CLERK. OKLAHOMA TER. Oklahoma City... 24 Thurmond 廣 PENNSYLVANIA. Corry. .140 Erie 10 Janesville. 98 Pittsburg. 29 Williamsport. 90 RHODE ISLAND. ... Providence SOUTH CAROLINA. ......103 Charleston Columbia 26 Florence 15 .134 14. DIAMONDS ON CHARGE ACCOUNT WE WILL SELL YOU AT CASH PRICES. Just drop us a postal stating size of stone and style of setting desired and we'll send you beautiful, sparkling, pure white Diamond-a gem of the first water. No deposit required-we even pay the express. When the stone arrives, ex. amine it carefully and compare it with other diamonds which COST MORE MONEY. If it isn't the finest, most brilliant diamond for the money for you PAY AS YOU PLEASE. Diamonds increase you ever saw-send it back at our expense. If You THE WALKER-EDMUND CO. NOVEMBER 30, 1907 TAGS (PAPER BACKS) The best package Chewing Tobacco =A whole (1) Coupon in each 5c package= EEEEEN BUGGIES $27.25 and DO YOU in the free Vehicle or Wagon Catalogue. Write at once; state if you want the free Vehicle Book or the free Wagon Book and get all our wonderful 1907 offers, on rigs and harness, prices, terms, induce ments. advantages you can't afford to miss. Address. Department 11. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.. CHICAGO. LINOIS WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Agents wanted to sell our STYLOGRAPHIC and FOUNTAIN PENS. L. ULLRICH & CO., 610 Thames Building, New York, N. Y. LINOTYPE Perfect Slugs, Lock Up Like Type Our facilities are such that can handle the largest jobs and complete them quickly. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, SEE US. Smith-Grieves Typesetting Co. 716 WALL ST. Kansas City, U. S. A. BLOOD POISON We have a Remedy unknown to the profession. We refund money if we do not cure. You can be treated home for the same price as if you came to our mice. We will give you a guaranty to cure or return money. For many years we have been curing patients in every country in the world. Our treatment is in every sense a home treatment. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains, mucous patches in mouth, sore throat, pimples, copper-colored spots, ulcers on any parts of the body, hair or eyebrows falling out, it is this secondary blood poison we guarantee to cure. solicit the most obstinate cases. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. For many years we have made a specialty of treating this disease with our Magic Cure, and we have $500,000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. WE CURE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY We Our patients cured years ago by our great Discovery, unknown to the profession, are today sound and well, and have healthy children since we cured them. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY experimenting. Absolute and positive proofs sent sealed on application. 100-page book FREE. No branch offices. Address fully as follows: COOK REMEDY COMPANY 1454 Masonic Temple, Chicago, U. S. A. COOK REMEDY CO. When addressing our advertisers, please mention THE RAILWAY CLERK |