THE RAILWAY CLERK asks the readers whose Addresses are incorrect to please fill out and forward this form to R. E. Fisher, Business Manager, Kansas City, Mo. MANAGER RAILWAY CLERK. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston 15 67 Columbia Florence .134 .182 80 Agents wanted to sell our STYLOGRAPHIC and FOUNTAIN PENS. L. ULLRICH & CO., 610 Thames Building, New York, N. Y. LINOTYPE BLOOD POISON COMPOSITION Perfect Slugs, Lock Up Like Type Our facilities are such that we can handle the largest jobs and complete them quickly. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, SEE US. Smith-Grieves Typesetting Co. 716 WALL ST. Kansas City, U. S. A. We have a Remedy unknown to the profession, We refund money if we do not cure. You can be treated a home for the same price as if you came to our office. We will give you a guaranty to cure or return money. For many years we have been curing patients in every country in the world. Our treatment is in every sense a home treatment. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains, mucous patches in mouth, sore throat, pimpies, copper-colored spots, ulcers on any parts of the body, hair or eyebrows falling out, it is this secondary blood poison we guarantee to cure. solicit the most obstinate cases. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. For many years we have made a specialty of treating this disease with our Magic Cure, and we have $500,000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. WE CURE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY We Our patients cured years ago by our great Discovery, unknown to the profession, are today sound and well, and have healthy children since we cured them. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY experimenting. Absolute and positive proofs sent sealed on application. 100-page book FREE. No branch offices. Address fully as follows: COOK REMEDY COMPANY 1454 Masonic Temple, Chicago, U. S. A. COOK REMEDY CO. When addressing our advertisers, please mention THE RAILWAY CLERK. 99999999 NOVEMBER 30, 1907 TAGS (PAPER BACKS) TOBACCO The best package Chewing Tobacco =A whole (1) Coupon in each 5c package= NOVEMBER 30th, 1907 DEPARTMENT TOBACCO CO. €€€ ST. LOUIS, MO. LOOK HERE YOU !!! Patronize Your Fellow Workmen-Union Men. We are in line to give you the advantage of our past experience as well as lowest prices on good material. Let us make for you, your FACSIMILE RUBBER STAMP SIGNATURE, very neat little article, and a time saver. Write your signature as you would like it done in rubber, on plain white paper in ink, mail to us with $1.00 and receive above article post-paid. Regular price, $1.50 to $2.00-must not be over 4 inch by 3 inches or will cost a trifle more. Get our quotation on TYPEWRITERS. We have Chicago branch office, and can furnish low rates, on New, or Second-Hand rebuilt typewriters, Densmore Good 2ndhand at $30.00-Remingtons at from $25 to $45. Easy payments. We can give rates on Good and Stylish PRINTING-Neatness and Style count. Write us-We will find time to quote you prices-We have more time than money anyhow. Address: Mc NUTT-SMITH CO., 125 TAMA ST., BOONE, IOWA. L. S. McNutt, Mgr.-O.R.T. Opr., Cert. 516 Div. 76. C. & N. W. Railway System. Does Your Strop Satisfy You? FURANUS THE opositively will No honing required ~ The strop $150 will put a perfect edge on your razor POST PAID "Fish Will Bite Like Hungry Wolves, all the season if you use Magic Fish Lure. Most wonderful bait ever discovered for attracting all kinds of fish. If you like to pull out the finny beauties right and left, and catch a big string every time you go fishing, don't fail to try this wonderful bait, Sent by mail prepaid for 25 cents. Perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Full particulars and Catalog Free Address J. F. GREGORY, Desk 20 3319 Oregon Ave., St. Louis, Mo TWO PAINT BOOKS FREE. WRITE US and say: "Send me your new Paint Offers," and we will send you free by return mail, our two paint books, most valuable We and attractive ever offered; one, a text book, "How to Paint," tells everything about painting, the other, a big complete sample book, with exact shades of every color house paint, barn paint, Chinese Gloss Lacquer, for refinishing furniture (makes old articles like new). varnishes, stains, enamels, etc., shows harmonizing color selections and our wonderfully low prices. own our own big paint factory and sell you direct on the basis of material and labor cost one-half what you must pay all others. Our paint is guaranteed 10 years, smoothest, easiest working, covers double the surface, lasts twice as long as others, and you share in our profits. or choice of hundreds of other valuable articles free, according to our revised, more liberal than ever plan of sharing profits with our customers, all fully explained in the free paint books. Write at Address YOU CAN GET this couch, Morris chair, once and get the paint books. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. When addressing our advertisers, please mention THE RAILWAY CLERK. |