DIAMONDS ON CREDIT LOFTIS SYSTEM START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT By investing in a Diamond, it is Safer and more Profitable than a Savings Our Prices Are Lowest, Our Terms Easiest. Select from our Catalog LOFTIS Diamond Cutters, Watchmakers, Jewelers BROS. & CO. Est. 1858. Dept. A 14 92 State St., CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A. Don't forget the Brotherhood sells the best card case for carrying your membership card Send all orders to R. E. FISHER, G. S. and T., Kansas City, Mo. Our facilities are such that we can handle the largest jobs and complete them quickly. If you want the best, see us. SMITH-GRIEVES TYPESETTING CO., 307 West Eighth Street, KANSAS CITY, U. S. A. BLOOD POISON We have a Remedy unknown to the profession. We refund money if we do not cure. You can be treated home for the same price as if you came to our office. We will give you a guaranty to cure or return money. For many years we have been curing patients in every country in the world. Our treatment is in every sense a home treatment. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains, mucous patches in mouth, sore throat, pimples, copper-colored spots, ulcers on any parts of the body, hair or eyebrows falling out, it is this secondary blood poison we guarantee to cure. solicit the most obstinate cases. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. For many years we have made a specialty of treating this disease with our Magic Cure, and we have $500,000 capital behind our unconditional guaranty. WE CURE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY We Our patients cured years ago by our great Discovery, unknown to the profession, are today sound and well, and have healthy children since we cured them. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY experimenting. Absolute and positive proofs sent sealed on application. 100-page book FREE. No branch offices. Address fully as follows: COOK REMEDY COMPANY 1454 Masonic Temple, Chicago, U. S. A. COOK REMEDY CO. When addressing our advertisers, please mention THE RAILWAY CLERK. NOVEMBER 30, 1907 TAGS (PAPER BACKS) The best package Chewing Tobacco NOVEMBER 30th, 1907 DEPARTMENT TOBACCO CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE FUTURE? And if so have you made provision for those THE BROTHERHOOD your Brotherhood-has provided the way for you by establishing "THE MEMBERS' MUTUAL BENEFIT DEPARTMENT," through which you can secure, at a nominal cost, insurance that is not only safe, but in which you are both an interested party and a stockholder as well. All the other Brotherhoods carry their own insurance and the Railway Clerks can do the same thing and will just as soon as the members become acquainted with the workings of the Mutual Benefit Department of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks. HAVE YOU Read Articles I and II of the Mutual Benefit Laws? ARTICLE I Title and Government. This department shall be known under the name and title of the Members' Mutual Benefit Department of The Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, and shall be under the control and government of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks. ARTICLE II Its aim is to benefit the families and any person, or persons, having an insurable interest in the lives of deceased members of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, as defined by Article XVIII hereof. The expenses of maintaining this Department will be very light compared with what it would cost were it not run in connection with the Brotherhood; the same officers acting for this Department, which precludes the necessity of even small salaries being paid out of the funds of this Department. You would do well to investigate this thoroughly, for it is worthy your most earnest consideration. CLERK. Published Monthly by BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY CLERKS. WILBUR BRAGGINS, Editor-in-Chief. R. E. FISHER, Business Manager. VOL. VI. THE Office of Publication, Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. W. N. Gates, Advertising Manager, Garfield Building, Cleveland, O. INTERIOR FREIGHT FEBRUARY, 1907. HANDLERS AND WAREHOUSEMEN'S IN TERNATIONAL UNION. Immediately following this article is reprinted two reports that were published in the New Orleans Times-Democrat of January 28th and 29th concerning an effort, made by a few reputed clerks (said to be members of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks) and the International President, P. J. Flannery, and the International Secretary, J. J. Flynn, of the Interior Freight Handlers and Warehousemen's International Union, to induce members of the B. of R. C. to desert their class organization and join the I. F. H. and W. I. U. instead. There are some features of this effort to cause disaffection and desertion on the part of our membership, which make it as annoying as it is surprising and disappointing; but there is no menace to the prosperity or effectiveness of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks. If the twelve so-called clerks who attended the meeting are members of this Brotherhood and they desert this organization and join the I. F. H. & W. I. U., they will simply buy a little expensive experience, pay for it and finally return to the Brotherhood, sadder but wiser and better members. Some men never learn in the way their Creator intended, but must acquire wisdom by bumping against rocky experience; as a result they frequently fall easy prey to men who are more anxious to get their dollars than they are to help them. This action upon the part of President Flannery and Secretary Flynn is quite annoying because I had expected and hoped $1.00 per Year. No. 2 that the two organizations would work in harmony, each assisting the other whereever and whenever possible; either to increase membership or to get benefits for the membership of either or both. With the purpose in view of effecting such an agreement, I sought an interview with either or both of them while in Chicago about one year ago. President Flannery was not at home, but I met Secretary Flynn, who was very courteous and friendly. He assured me that he would do all that he could to assist the B. of R. C. and to establish mutually beneficial relations between the two organizations. He also assured me that President Flannery would be agreeable to such an arrangement. Upon the strength of this understanding I have neglected no opportunity to stimu late effort upon the part of our members to aid and encourage the freight handlers to organize and join the I. F. H. & W. I. U:; and to make our members take more interest in such effort, I have invariably called attention to the fact that we could be mutually helpful to one another. At the request of Secretary Flynn, I made special efforts to induce our members in Toledo to re-establish the local lodge of the I. F. H. & W. I. U. at that place. An attempt to do so resulted unsuccessfully because the freight handlers there for some reason unknown to me, were very much dissatisfied with that organization. At my request, he endeavored to have some of their members assist me to organize the clerks at a certain depot in Chicago. I accept his written statement to that effect at its face |