forms them day and night with admirable skill and unceasing operation, according to the natures He first gave them, and produces their buds and foliage, their flowery blossoms, and rich fruits, in their appointed months. Their progress in life is exceeding swift at this season of the year; and their successive appearances, and sweet changes of raiment, are visible almost hourly. But these creatures are of lower life, and give but feebler displays of the Maker's wisdom. Let us raise our contemplations another storey, and survey a nobler theatre of Divine wonders. What endless armies of animals is the hand of God moulding and figuring, this very moment, throughout His brutal dominions! What immense flights of little birds are now fermenting in the egg, heaving and growing towards shape and life! What vast flocks of four-footed creatures, what droves of large cattle, are now framed in their early embrios, imprisoned in the dark cells of nature! And others, perhaps, are moving towards liberty, and just preparing to see the light. What unknown myriads of insects, in their various cradles and nesting-places, are now working toward vitality and motion! And thousands of them with their painted wings just beginning to unfurl, expand themselves into fluttering and daylight; while other families of them have forsaken their husky beds, and exult and glitter in the warm sunbeams! An exquisite world of wonders is complicated even in the body of every little insect-an ant, a gnat, a mite-that is scarce visible to the naked eye. Admirable engines! which a whole academy of philosophers could never contrive-which the nation of poets hath neither art nor colours to describe― nor has a world of mechanics skill enough to frame the plainest or coarsest of them. Their nerves, their muscles, and the minute atoms which compose the fluids fit to run in the little channels of their veins, escape the notice of the most sagacious mathematician, with all his aid of glasses, The active powers THE FIRST OF MAY. 331 and curiosity of human nature are limited in their pursuit, and must be content to lie down in ignorance. It is a sublime and constant triumph over all the intellectual powers of man, which the great God maintains every moment in these inimitable works of nature-in these impenetrable recesses and mysteries of Divine art. The flags and banners of Almighty wisdom are now displayed round half the globe, and the other half waits the return of the sun to spread the same triumph over the southern world. The very sun in the firmament is God's prime minister in this wondrous world of Beings, and he works with sovereign vigour on the surface of the earth, and spreads his influences deep under the clods to every root and fibre, moulding them into their proper forms, by Divine direction. There is not a plant, nor a leaf, nor one little branching thread, above or beneath the ground, that escapes the eye or influence of this benevolent star-an illustrious emblem of the omnipotence and universal activity of the Creator. The Young Man's Entrance upon the World. Curino was a young man brought up to a reputable trade; the term of his apprenticeship was almost expired, and he was contriving how he might venture into the world with safety, and pursue business with innocence and success. Among his near kindred, Serenus was one, a gentleman of considerable character in the sacred profession; and after he had consulted with his father, who was a merchant of great esteem and experience, he also thought fit to seek a word of advice from the divine. Serenus had such a respect for his young kinsman that he set his thought at work on this subject, and, with some tender expressions which melted the youth into tears, he put into his hand a paper of his best counsels. Curino entered upon business, pursued his employment with uncommon ad vantage, and, under the blessing of Heaven, advanced himself to a considerable estate. He lived with honour in the world, and gave a lustre to the religion which he professed; and, after a long life of piety and usefulness, he died with a sacred composure of soul, under the influences of the Christian hope. Some of his neighbours wondered at his felicity in this world, joined with so much innocence and such severe virtue. But, after his death, this paper was found in his closet, which was drawn up by his kinsman in holy orders, and was supposed to have a large share in procuring his happiness ADVICES TO A YOUNG MAN. 1. Kinsman, I presume you desire to be happy here, and hereafter; you know there are a thousand difficulties which attend this pursuit; some of them perhaps you foresee, but there are multitudes which you could never think of Never trust, therefore, to your own understanding in the things of this world, where you can have the advice of a wise and faithful friend; nor dare venture the more important concerns of your soul, and your eternal interests in the world to come, upon the mere light of nature, and the dictates of your own reason, since the Word of God, and the advice of heaven lies in your hands. Vain and thoughtless indeed are those children of pride who choose to turn heathens in the midst of Great Britain-who live upon the mere religion of nature and their own stock, when they have been trained up among all the superior advantages of Christianity, and the blessings of Divine revelation and grace. 2. Whatsoever your circumstances may be in this world, still value your Bible as your best treasure; and whatsoever be your employment here, still look upon religion as your best business. Your Bible contains eternal life in it, and all the riches of the upper world, and religion is the only way to become a possessor of them. TO A YOUNG MAN. 333 3. To direct your carriage towards God, converse particularly with the book of Psalms; David was a man of sincere and eminent devotion. To behave aright among men, acquaint yourself with the whole book of Proverbs: Solomon was a man of large experience and wisdom. And to perfect your directions in both these, read the gospels and the epistles; you will find the best of rules and the best of examples there, and those more immediately suited to the Christian life. . 4. As a man, maintain strict temperance and sobriety, by a wise government of your appetites and passions: as a neighbour, influence and engage all around you to be your friends, by a temper and carriage made up of prudence and goodness; and let the poor have a certain share in all your yearly profits. As a trader, keep that golden sentence of our Saviour's ever before you, "Whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, do you also unto them." 5. While you make the precepts of Scripture the constant rule of your duty, you may with courage rest upon the promises of Scripture as the springs of your encouragement. All Divine assistances and Divine recompences are contained in them. The spirit of light and grace is promised to assist them that ask it. Heaven and glory are promised to reward the faithful and the obedient. 6. In every affair of life, begin with God. Consult Him in everything that concerns you. View Him as the author of all your blessings, and all your hopes, as your best friend and your eternal portion. Meditate on Him in this view, with a continual renewal of your trust in Him, and a daily surrender of yourself to Him, till you feel that you love Him most entirely, that you serve Him with sincere delight, and that you cannot live a day without God in the world. 7. You know yourself to be a man, an indigent creature, and a sinner, and you profess to be a Christian, a disciple of the blessed Jesus; but never think you know Christ nor yourself as you ought, till you find a daily need of Him for righteousness and strength, for pardon and sanctification; and let Him be your constant introducer to the great God, though He sit upon a throne of grace. Remember His own words, "No man cometh to the Father but by me" (John xiv. 6). 8. Make prayer a pleasure and not a task, and then you will not forget or omit it. If ever you have lived in a praying family, never let it be your fault if you do not live in one always. Believe that day, that hour, or those minutes, to be all wasted and lost which any worldly pretences would tempt you to save out of the public worship of the Church, the certain and constant duties of the closet, or any necessary services for God and godliness. Beware lest a blast attend it, and not a blessing. If God had not reserved one day in seven to Himself, I fear religion would have been lost out of the world; and every day of the week is exposed to a curse which has no morning religion. 9. See that you watch and labour, as well as pray. Diligence and dependence must be united in the practice of every Christian. It is the same wise man acquaints us, that the hand of the diligent, and the blessing of the Lord, join together to make us rich (Prov. x. 4, 22), rich in the treasures of body or mind, of time or eternity. It is your duty, indeed, under a sense of your own weakness, to pray daily against sin; but if you would effectually avoid it, you must also avoid temptation, and every dangerous opportunity. Set a double guard wheresoever you feel or suspect an enemy at hand. The world without, and the heart within, have so much flattery and deceit in them, that we must keep a sharp eye upon both, lest we are trapped into mischief between them. 10. Honour, profit, and pleasure, have been sometimes called the world's trinity; they are its three chief idols; each of them is sufficient to draw a soul off from God, and ruin it for |