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And the faid payment fhall be allowed them in the accompt, by his Imperial and Catholick Majefty, as much as if it had been paid to himself.

On failure whereof, or rather in cafe the faid States fhould not grant the fubfidies with the neceffary speed, the States General may proceed to methods of compulsion and execution, and even to violence against the receivers, ftates and demefnes of the faid provinces and jurifdictions, which his Imperial and Catholick Majefty renders thereto liable, by virtue of this article. The whole without prejudice to the right of their High Mightineffes to the other revenues of the fovereign, over and above the fubfidy of the provinces, fuch as the duties of import and export, taxes, tailles, tolls, and other domains.

Moreover, it is agreed that the payment of the faid fubfidy shall not be retarded, much lefs refused on pretence of compenfation, liquidation, or any other claims, of what name or nature foever they be.

And this separate article fhall have the fame force as the faid treaty of barrier, altogether as much as if it was therein inferted verbatim, and it shall be ratified at the fame time as this treaty.

In witness whereof, we the minifters plenipotentiary of his Imperial and Catholick Majefty, his Britannick Majefty, and the Lords the States General, have figned this prefent article, and caufed it to be fealed with the feals of our arms. Done at Antwerp the 15th of November,


(L. S.) F. L. C. Konigsegg.

(L. S.) W. Cadogan.

(L. S.) B. v. Duffen.

(L. S.) The Count de Rechteren.

(L. S.) S. L. Gockinga.

(L. S.) Adr. v. Borffele Lord of Geldermalsen,

Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Spain, con cluded at Madrid, the 14th of December 1715,

W HEREAS fince the treaties of peace and commerce,

lately concluded at Utrecht, the 13th of July and the 9th of December 1713, between his Catholick Ma

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jefty and her late Majefty the Queen of Great Britain of glorious memory, there remained ftill fome differences about trade and the courfe thereof; and his Catholick Majefly and the King of Great Britain, being inclined to maintain and cultivate a firm and inviolable peace and friendfhip, in order to attain to this good end they have by their two minifters underwritten, mutually and duly qualified, caufed the following articles to be concluded and figned

1. The British fubjects fhall not be obliged to pay higher or other duties, for goods coming in or going out of the feveral ports of his Catholick Majefly, than thofe they paid for the fame goods in King Charles the Second's time, fettled by cedules and ordonnances of the faid king or his predeceffors: and although the Gratias commonly called Pie del fardo, be not grounded on any royal ordonnance, nevertheless his Catholick Majefty declares, wills and ordains, that it be obferved now and hereafter as an inviolable law; which duties fhall be exacted and raised now and for the future, with the fame advantages and favours to the faid fubjects.

II. His majefty confirms the treaty made by the British fubjects with the magiftrates of St. Andero, in the year


III. His Catholick Majefty permits the said subjects to gather falt in the ifle of Tortugas, they having enjoyed this liberty in the reign of King Charles II. without interrup tion.

IV. The faid fubjects fhall pay no where any higher or other duties than those paid by the fubjects of his Catho lick Majefty in the fame places.

V. The faid fubjects fhall enjoy all the rights, privileges, franchifes, exemptions, and immunities whatever, which they enjoyed before the last war, by virtue of the royal cedules or ordonnances, and by the articles of the treaty of peace and commerce made at Madrid in 1667, which is hereby fully confirmed; and the faid fubje&ts fhall be used in Spain in the fame manner as the most favoured nation, and confequently all nations fhall pay the fame duties on wool and other merchandizes coming in and going out by fea: and all the rights, privileges, franchises, exemptions, and immunities

munities that fhall be granted and allowed to the faid fubjects, the like fhall be granted, obferved and permitted to the fubjects of Spain, in the kingdoms of his Majelly the King of Great Britain.

VI. And as innovations may have been made in trade, his Catholick Majefty promifes on his part to use his utmost endeavours to abolish them, and for the future to cause them to be avoided: in like manner the King of Great Britain promises to use all poffible endeavours to abolish all innovations on his part, and for the future to cause them by all means to be avoided,

VII. The treaty of commerce made at Utrecht, the 9th of December 1713, fhall continue in force, except the articles that fhall be found contrary to what is this day concluded and figned, which fhall be abolished and rendered of no force, and especially the three articles commonly called explanatory: and these presents fhall be approved, ratified and exchanged on each fide, within the space of fix weeks, or fooner, if poffible. In witness whereof, and by virtue of our full powers, we have figned these presents at Madrid, the 14th of December, in the year 1715.

(L. S.) M. de Bedmar. (L. S.) George Bubb.

Treaty of mutual defence between the most ferene and most potent prince Charles VI. Emperor of Germany, &c. and the most ferene and most potent prince George, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. concluded at Weftminfter on the 25th of May, 1716. Reprinted from the copy printed by authority.


In the name of the moft Holy and Undivided Trinity.

E it known to all and every one whom it may concern. The auguft emperor of the Romans, Charles VI. king of Spain, Hungary, and Bohemia, archduke of Auftria, duke of Burgundy, &c. and the most ferene and moft potent prince, George, by the Grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, duke of Brunfwick and Lunenburgh, cletor of the Holy Roman Empire,

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&c. having reflected on the eminent advantages which were derived from the fincere and conftant union of their predeceffors, and therefore confidering the more attentively the circumftances of the prefent time, they applied their minds to the renewing of the fame for the common good.

Whereupon, by the bleffing of God, concerting counfels, they have agreed in form upon a treaty and mutual alliance confifting of the following articles.

I. That there be between his abovementioned Imperial and Royal Catholick Majefty, and his Sacred Royal Majesty of Great Britain, a fincere friendship and union of counfels, and perfect alliance, that each of them look upon the other's interefts as his own, and earneftly endeavour to promote them, and prevent by the beft means he is able, all damages.

II. That the design and end of this defenfive alliance be no other than mutually to defend each other, and to preferve themselves in the poffeffion of the kingdoms, provinces and rights, in the condition they now are, which either of them actually has and enjoys; if therefore it fhall hap pen, that the one or the other of thefe allies fhall be hoftilely invaded or molefted by any power, it is agreed, that the honour, dignity, as alfo the kingdoms, provinces, and rights abovementioned, which that ally poffeffes in any part of Europe at the time of this alliance, or which during the fame they fhall by mutual confent acquire, fhall with common aid and affiftance by land and by fea, be preferved, defended and maintained inviolable, against all aggreffors whatfoever; and likewife that a juft fatisfaction fhall be procured for any injury which fhall happen to be done.

III. For attaining this wholefome end, in the forefaid cafe of any hoftile invafion, the party attacked shall notify the fame to his ally, who fhall ufe all his endeavours with the aggreffor, to induce him to abftain without delay from farther hoftility, to make due fatisfaction for the damage done, and shall take care for the future fecurity of his Ally.

IV. If this fair means do not fucceed within the space of two months, affiftance fhall immediately be fent by the ally to the party attacked, nor fhall the fame be recalled till what is expreffed in the foregoing fecond article be obtained.

V. The fuccours, which when this cafe happens, are to be furnished by the allies, fhall be as follows: On the part of his Imperial and Catholick Majefty, twelve thoufand men, that is to say, eight thousand foot, and four thoufand horfe. And on the part of his facred royal majesty of Great Britain, as many thousand men; that is to fay, eight thoufand foot, and four thoufand horfe. But if the nature of the war fhould require rather maritime fuccours, in whole or in part, the ally fhall be obliged to furnish, instead of the faid land forces, so many fhips of war as fhall be equal in expence to the faid number of men: So likewife in cafe greater fuccours, either of land or fea forces, fhould be néceffary, the allies fhall with out delay come to an agreement about them, and show an amicable difpofition on both fides.

VI. It is agreed, that no other prince or power fhall be invited or admitted into this alliance, unlefs by the unanimous and mutual confent of the allies, and in fuch manner as fhall be ftipulated and agreed between them.

VII. But whereas nothing is more defired by either ally, than, this treaty being made, to fecure by mutual affiffance the common fafety, and preferve inviolable the publick peace; and there being no doubt but the Mighty States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands are difpofed moft readily to affift and promote, by their ac ceffion, fo useful and fo neceffary a work, it is therefore now thought fit not only willingly to admit the faid States General into this prefent alliance; but to invite them amicably without delay, to enter into it.

In witness whereof the plenipotentiaries as well of his Sacred Imperial and Catholick Majefty, as of his Sacred Royal Majefty of Great Britain, have figned thefe prefents with their hands, and fet their feals thereto. Weftminster on the 25th of May 1716.

(L. S.) Otto Chriftophorus Comes Volkra:

(L. S.) Joannes Philippus Hoffman.

(L. S.) W. Cant.

(L. S.) Cowper C.

Done at

(L. S.) Sunderland C.P.S.

(L. S.) Devonshire.

(L. S.) Marlborough.

(L. S.) Roxburghe.

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(L. S.)

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