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selves. He has given a piece of land without the walls of the town, and permission to cut wood.

They are a very ignorant and selfwilled people; know nothing of common decency; but think they are to come into your house, and even into your private room, whenever they please, stay as long as they like, and that the King may take what he pleases. He has thus taken several benches, and cut them up for his own use. His wives, (he has only twenty-six!) I found, had appropriated part of the Mission-house to themselves, and used it as a cook-house. His people have lounged and laboured, writing charms, &c., under the verandahs. I have attempted to reform some of these things.

We had service in the evening. Many persons were present, and listened attentively whilst I addressed them. May God the Holy Ghost accompany what was said with his blessing! When I had ceased, a Marabu commenced praying for the King. They do this, because they know he loves flattery, and will give them something.

12th. Last evening, after preaching, I walked to Nyanimarü, for the purpose of having my tool-chest brought here. I arrived there about ten P. M. Returning by the light of the moon, I heard a wolf; but was conducted in safety by my gracious God, and reached Ngabantang about two A. M.

About ten A. M. the King sent a man with me, to show me where we were to cut wood.

This evening the King killed a large bullock, and sent a piece to me, and another to the native Teacher. This he usually does when he kills one, which is not very often.

The King is a sanguinary being. Before he left off drinking rum, he killed three persons in bursts of anger; and last year he killed another. Some time since one of his sons had a woman, with whom he cohabited, come to see him. He sent his people first to steal goats, and afterwards corn. The person from whom the corn was stolen traced it to the King's son, and went and informed His Majesty of the circumstance. latter summoned his people together, and inquired who had done this thing. They denied all knowledge of it. then summoned the people of his son. They acknowledged having stolen the things; but said, their master had ordered them to do so. The King then called his son, and asked if this was true. He said, "Yes; and the reason



was, this person had come to see me, and I had nothing to give her." His Majesty ordered his people three times to seize and tie his son; but they as often refused. Being vexed at this, the King seized him, in order to bind and flog him he resisted; when the King, in a rage, threatened to shoot two of his slaves if they did not bind him. They bound him, and the King proceeded to inflict the punishment; which William Sallah hearing, he went and remonstrated with the King, and set the son at liberty. Some time after this, the King had him again seized, carried into the bush, and so severely flogged, that in a short time he sickened and died. Such is Paganism and Mahommedanism, among which I now dwell! O may God arise, and make bare his holy arm in the conversion of these souls !

13th. Some time ago, walking in the bush, I saw the dress of Mumbo Jumbo hanging upon the branch of a tree. It is made of long strips of bark gathered into a tuft at one end, which is beautifully ornamented, and fits on the head of the wearer, the other part hanging down to the ground, covering the entire person. This formidable man is in the town this evening. The King's wives, who are Mandingoes, are obliged to be there on pain of being punished by flogging or death. I had an opportunity of speaking of the folly of such practices to one of the King's wives. At first she said, (as all Mahommedans do,) “God has taught us these things: therefore they must be good." Before we left her, I trust she was convinced these things were not taught of God, but of Satan.

Sunday, 15th. This morning my spirits were ready to sink. Work was going on as usual. The King was busy superintending the erection of a mudwalled house for one of his wives, and said he could not come to the service. However, about an hour and a half after, to my great surprise, he came, accompanied by a number of his people. I embraced the opportunity, and preached to them; after which I spoke to them on the duty of observing the Sabbath. The King does not love plain dealing; but I hope, by divine help, to be enabled at all times to be plain and pointed, but prudent.

Some time after, a Marabū came into my room, accompanied by a great number of people. With him I discussed the claims of Christianity and Mahommedanism. In the end, the Lord enabled me to confute him, and he was ashamed. I gave him an Arabic Bible. O that God may shine

upon the minds of all who were present, and bless what was said to the salvation of their souls!

18th.-Letters from Macarthy's Island inform me that Mr. Chapman has had a severe attack of sickness; but, thank God, he is better. With the letters, I received a supply of food, which was very acceptable, as I knew not whence my supper was to come. The Lord does provide !

Evening. A native dancer is in the King's yard, dancing, &c. His dress is most grotesque, and the movements are nothing but exciting stampings, shoutings, and the most indecent gestures. I was afraid we should have no service; but the King came, as he said, to have conversation with the Minister. I embraced the opportunity, and commenced service. The drummer and dancer were left with few attendants, while we had a good congregation, and I felt the power of the Lord of the harvest.

After the service the King came in and said he could not drive the dancers from his yard; for, if he did, they would 66 carry his name." As these persons are like the bards of old, they would speak disrespectfully of him to other Chieftains and people: this he dreads. How many, with far more light, for fear of the scoffs of the wicked, act upon no better principles !

19th. I do not understand the King. Last night he promised to give me wood to build a house. The wood, he well knew, (I think,) was not to be procured, as I have walked several miles through the bush to-day, during which I met with but a single tree. I now leave it, and wait to see how I am to proceed. I have committed my ways unto the Lord, and I am sure he will direct my steps.

His Majesty is now sitting beneath the verandah of our present dwelling. My interpreter says, "Santigiba is telling his people you want him to build you a large house; but if he is to buy heaven at that price, he will never have it. He is a double-tongued man, saying one thing to you, and quite the reverse behind your back."

21st. Last night there was a great disturbance at the town-well, where the people were preparing mud for the walls of some houses. The King had received some rum as a present from a trader: this he gave to the workmen ; and the effects were, intoxication, quarrelling, fighting, &c. So much for the influence of traders! I am sorry to say, they are the most active agents the devil has in this part of the world; for

much of the sin committed may be traced to rum-drinking.

A Marabu, from Bambarra, who had drunk freely of the rum, went to the King, and said, "I am going to the Minister to ask him for some rum." 99 The King said, "Let no person hear you say that word. When did you see the Minister drink or sell rum?" and, sending one of his attendants for a piece of native cloth, he gave it to the Marabu, saying, "Go where you can, and get rum; but do not talk that word here." At first the King seemed to be ashamed; for he came, and called William Sallah out of the house, and asked if I had heard the quarrelling, and said anything about it; but to-day he called to converse with me on the subject, when it appeared to be pride rather than shame; for when I mentioned to him how he might prevent these baneful effects, he was quite offended, and said, "I am an old man, and you are but a little boy; and yet you presume to teach me." In the midst of these things, my soul is kept in peace; for which I am thankful to my gracious God.

I have just been to the east end of the town. Over the gate the dress of Mumbo Jumbo is suspended. Without the gate there was a native mill placed upon a low scaffold. It is covered with sentences from the Koran, and is placed there as a charm to prevent war. While standing near this gate I saw, at a short distance, several large and densely-populated villages, which forcibly reminded me of the eligibility of this place as a Mission-station. I could not help reflecting that Mahommedanism, with all its fatal errors, reigns there. May God arise, give energy to his truth, and save these blood-bought souls from such delusions!

Evening.-Mumbo Jumbo is in the town. I hear the women singing; but I do not understand the words, nor does William Sallah; and he says none know them but those who have to engage in the dance. The singing is not unmusical. Some of the poor women, who are compelled to be there, have very good voices. I wish they were engaged in singing the high praises of God. I hope they will be ere long, though at present they are scarcely ever seen in the house of prayer. It is contrary to the customs of Mahommedans for the women to attend ; or, if they do, it must not be at the same time with the men.

Sunday, 22d.-The King is displeased at what was said to him about rum. When William Sallah went to ask him

to come to the service, he said, "I wish to refuse; and, further, one of my sons has said a word that has pleased me very much; that is, 'If strangers come, and will not walk in your way, but want to change it, it would be best to drive them out of the country.' 99 Whether he will act upon this principle or not, I cannot tell. I leave it with God, whose I am, and whom I serve.

Another Sabbath is gone! My mind was much exercised before preaching this evening. The King and people had gone to the east side of the town to amuse themselves with feats of horsemanship. On their return into the town, the drums commenced beating, and the people dancing. I was afraid we should have no service, and needed encouragement. God gave it. The King came, attended by a goodly company, to whom I spoke on the depravity of our nature, &c.

A female, of the class of persons called Ngelowäri, and considered higher in rank than Kings, was present at the service, both morning and evening. Af ter the evening service I had a long conversation with her on the nature of the Christian religion, which afforded me an opportunity of preaching Christ to her.

To-day I read ten or eleven chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel to a Mandingo Marabu. He was very much pleased with what he heard. May these truths sink into his heart, and bring forth fruit to the glory of God!

25th. Yesterday, to my great surprise, two messengers arrived at Ngabantang, bringing the painful intelligence of Mr. Chapman's severe illness. I was sorry to leave this degraded people, hard as it is to live among them: still, I trust, I bowed in submission to the will of my divine Master. I left last evening about six o'clock, travelled all night, and arrived at Macarthy's Island about seven o'clock this morning.

I found Mr. Chapman much better than I expected; but the medical gentleman says he must not remain on the Coast. He is in the Lord's hands, to whom the labourers, the field, and the fruits belong.


During my short residence at Ngabantang, I became acquainted with the following circumstances illustrative of the customs of this people.

Fiery ordeal.-In case of doubt, they

have recourse to the ordeal of a red-hot iron; and if any person is burnt in the ordeal, he is accounted guilty, and usually shot.

Singular mode of procuring a wife.— When a man wishes to take a wife, he goes to some neighbouring town, and observes the females. Having made his selection, he mounts his horse, and, accompanied by several of his friends, well mounted, he lies in wait near the town, and, on the appearance of the female, she is seized, and placed behind the intended husband, who rides off, as fast as possible, followed by the other horsemen. In this manner female was brought into the town during my stay.



Foulah method of taking revenge.— When one Foulah thinks himself injured by another, he goes to the King, and says, "Such a person has done so and so:" (naming the person crime :) "I give him to you." The King sends his people, and fixes the price of the supposed criminal at several slaves, or ten or twelve head of cattle. If the person refuses to pay this amount, he, and his wife and children, are either shot, or sold for slaves. Should the person consent to pay the fine, the King will allow him some time for this purpose; but while the matter is pending, he is obliged to kill a bullock per day, to support the King's people. In this manner are these timid people oppressed.

A Mahommedan's reasons for not becoming a Christian.-In a conversation I had with a very aged Mahommedan, he gave several reasons why he did not embrace Christianity, of which the following is the substance :

1. My father and mother taught me to walk in the way of the Koran. I sucked my religion with my mother's milk.

2. It is wrong to leave the way of our


3. If I do so, my parents will say I have done wrong.

4. If a person does not drink rum, steal, commit adultery, &c., but looks to the way of God and his own head, God must save him.

5. If, when I was young, I do wicked, but, when I am old, I hide my sins, and try to walk in the way of God and of his Prophet, I must go to heaven. (When shown the fallacy of these things, he said,)

6. If my ancestors lead me wrong, they will bear the blame.


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