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ing proved to the Commander that such pretensions were all "moonshine," and were not grounded in truth. This hy pocrisy and deceit is a peculiar characteristic of the Chiefs here; and their conduct this morning may be taken as a

fair sample of their character as a whole.
Hence arises the danger of being in any
way connected with them, or dependent
upon them.
The Commander requested
the two Chiefs to publish to all what he
had said, as it was intended for all.


DEATH OF THE REV. JOHN CULLINGFORD. BARBADOES.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. William Ritchie, dated Bridgetown, March 9th, 1846.

THE painful task of communicating the mournful intelligence of the death of our highly esteemed Chairman, the Rev. John Cullingford, devolves on me. I therefore haste to the discharge of the melancholy duty.

Mr. Cullingford was taken very ill in the island of Trinidad immediately after his return from Demerara in August, last year, where he had been to assist in the services connected with laying the foundation-stone of their new chapel. The best medical skill that could be obtained was employed; but he continued to sink under his affliction. He still endeavoured, in much weakness, occasionally to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinances, until the first Sabbath in December, when he preached his last sermon, and gave the sacrament of the Lord's supper. It then being the opinion of the medical men that a voyage to England was absolutely necessary, he immediately left Trinidad, and came thus far, hoping that he should have strength to preside at our DistrictMeeting. His emaciated, debilitated appearance caused considerable alarm; but the calmness of his mind, the buoyancy of his spirits, and the firmness of his nervous system, were truly astonishing; and the brethren were led to indulge in the hope, that their much beloved Chairman would rally, and still continue to preside over them. But, no! life was fast ebbing out; the weary wheels were soon to stand still. The last and only ministerial duty he performed in Barbadoes, was to baptize, in James-street chapel, the infant son of the Rev. E. Branston, on the 8th of

February last; on which occasion it was evident to the crowded congregation, whilst he evinced much firmness and self-possession, that his physical energies were almost prostrated. Yet the true spirit of the faithful Minister shone forth conspicuously in the very excellent address he then gave to the parents and heads of families who were present. On the day following, our Annual DistrictMeeting commenced, when he took his proper place among his brethren. It was a truly distressing sight to behold him coming in and going out, day after day, supported by two of the brethren. This he continued to do until two days before all the business terminated. Then, at his own request, the District-Meeting was closed in his own bed-room. From that period he never quitted the sick chamber, but gradually wasted away, with scarcely any pain of body, until Wednesday morning, March 14th, when his disembodied spirit escaped to the paradise of God, in the forty-sixth year of his age, and the twenty-first of his ministry. He died as he had lived, firmly resting upon the atonement of Christ, the only foundation of the believer's hope. In his death, the Connexion has lost a valuable Missionary, his brethren a warm and affectionate friend, and the Committee a zealous, cautious, indefatigable agent. May the great Head of the church direct you in the choice of a successor !

Mr. Cullingford has left a widow and five children to deplore their loss. The eldest is at Sheffield Proprietary Grammar-school, and the youngest is an infant of three months old.


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