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the encourager of talent, and try his fortune as an author. His favourite maxim was that every thing possible was within the reach of man, and might be acquired by diligence and abstinence; and therefore supposed that it would be impossible for him to fait, who felt all the consciousness and aspirations of superior genius, in a place where genius was patronised and talent encouraged. Previously to his departure he addressed a letter to the celebrated Horace Walpole, in which he made known to him the humbleness of his fa

His sister states, as his peculiarities, that he was indifferent to females, was very proud and impetuous, remarkably temperate, stu-mily and condition; his taste or elegant studied best towards the full of the moon, and "would often set up all night and write by moonlight."

dies; the treasures of ancient poetry in his possession, and his wish that Mr. Walpole would aid him in emerging from the dullness It was during the 2d year of his appren- and obscurity of the condition in which he ticeship, (which, by the way, was irksome to was placed. To this letter Walpole replied, his feelings and considered by him as de-after having submitted the specimen of anbasing to his character, for he was confined cient poetry, sent by Chatterton to Gray and to the mere drudgery of the office,) that he Mason, who pronounced it a forgery; and adfirst put into execution that plan of imposture, vised him, instead or generously giving him as it has been called, which has given him that aid he requested, to confine himself to such reputation, and which he had previously the duties of his low and laborious profession, meditated and arranged. And in Farley's as affording the most certain means of future Bristol Journal for 1768, there appeared an ease and independence. We shall neither account of the ceremonies emploved on open-justify nor censure Walpole for this indiffe ing the old bridge, said to be taken from an rence to the application of a boy who had giancient M.S. 1 he appearance of this curious ven him so favourable a specimen of the pow memoir at such a period excited great curi-er and singularity of his mind. The odium osity, and it was soon traced to Chatterton, which was cast on the character of this man who to the "threats of those who treated after the melancholy death of poor Chatterhim as a child, returned nothing but haughti-ton, he attempted to remove, and to this jusness, and refused to give any account. But tification we must refer the reader, without a milder usage and fair promises finally in- comment. The short period he spent in Londuced him to confess that he had received don partakes more of the wildness of a dream that, and many other MSS. from his father, than of the reality of life. In April 1770, he who had found them in an iron chest, placed quitted Bristol, never to return. We behold by William Cannynge, (the founder of the him now a youth of 17, without a friend to church) in a monument room, over the north-aid or advise him, in the very centre of vice, ern portico of St. Mary Redcliffes." The cu- profligacy and corruption, with no fixt prinriosity and noise the publication of this me- ciples of religion, (for the poor boy had unmoir produced, brought him acquainted with fortunately imbibed, in the course of his reaone Catcott, a pewterer, and Barrett, a sur-ding, the poisonous doctrines of infidelity,) geon, who was then engaged in writing a his- casting himself on his own centre, and fiattory of Bristol. To these men, his only pa- tering himself with the prospect of attaining trons, who sometimes supplied him with mo- distinction and fortune by the unpatronised ney, but to a very limited amount, he produ- and unaided efforts of his own genius. His ced all the poems of Rowley, except the encouragement was not such as his warm "Ballad of Charitec." In his conversations and fervid imagination had lead him to antiwith Catcott and Barrett his statements, it cipate. He was, indeed, immediately emis said, were contradictory, and led to a sus-ployed by the conductors of several Literary picion that he was himself the author of these celebrated poems. About this time, also, he .contributed considerably to the Town and Country Magazine; and in order to rise by the efforts of his genius, and acquire more powerful and opulent patrons than those with whom it had been his destiny to come in contact, in his native city, he determined to repair to London, the emporium of taste, and

Journals, to all of which he contributed, but the meagre compensation he received did not correspond with the high hopes of opulence and fame he had entertained, and he became gloomy and desponding. Notwithstanding however his poverty, and the numerous occupations and pleasures in which he was engaged, he still found time and money to bestow on his mother and sister with whom he

frequently corresponded, and to whom he often sent many little presents. In the last letter he ever wrote to his sister, dated July 20th, 1770, he says-"My mother may expect more patterns. I have an universal acquaintance; my company is courted every where, and could I humble myself to go into a compter, could have had 20 places before now; but i must be among the great; state matters suit me better than commercial."

A sudden change seems to have taken place in his mind, or affairs, for this was written only a month before he put a fatal period to his lue. The cause of this melancholy catastrophe has never been, and never will be, fully ascertained. By some it has been ascribed to disappointed ambition, or a desire to seal his secret with his death; and by others, perhaps with more truth, to indigence, to the actual want of the necessaries of life. Be this however as it may, on the 25th of August,

1770, ho was found doad in his chamber, iu consequence of having, the day before, swallowed arsenic in water. Thus terminated he life of this intellectual phenomenon betore he was 18 years of age. He was buried in a sheil in the burying ground of the Shoe Lane workhouse at the expense of the public Before his death he had taken the precaution to destroy all his MSS. as his room, when it was broken open, was covered with little scraps of paper.

came to bed till it was morning and then never closed his eyes. Chatterton's bed-fellow, the brother of the woman whose statement we have just given, said, that notwithstanding his pride and haughtiness, it was impossible to help liking him; that he lived chiefly upon a bit of bread, and some water; that he never slept to his knowledge; that almost every morning the floor was covered with pieces of paper not so big as sixpence, into which he had torn what he had been writing before he came to bed. One Mrs. Wolfe, a barber's wife, who lived within a short distance o the house in which Chatterton last boarded, stated that his landlady told her that, as she knew he had not eaten any thing for two er three days, she asked him to dine with her, on the 24th of August, but he seemned onended at her invitation, which indicated he was in want, said he was not hungry, and soon after swallowed the arsenic which closed his

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The motive which led to this fatal resolu tion it is impossible to ascertain; nor shall we "His taking such a rash offer a conjecture. and unjustifiable step," says a friend of his, is "almost as strange as his fathering his poems upon Rowley." "His death was, like his life, unaccountable and unfortunate. We shall not seek to draw his frailties from their dread abode, but leave them to that judge before whom all must ultimately appear. But we Such was the melancholy end of this extra- think the destiny of this poor youth was inordinary youth, whose genius, according to deed singularly unfortunate-opposed with Dean Mills, should be preferred to that of indigence-struggling alone against the nuHomer, Virgil, Spencer and Shakespeare. merous difficulties of life, his haughty and Poor Chatterton-ill-fated and misguided elevated soul, sensibly alive to every species boy-short and miserable was thy life and of indignity and contempt-and conscious. wretched its termination. No hand was of the intellectual superiority he possessedfound charitable enough to tender thee its aid his miseries while in being, must have been -to guide thee through the thorny paths of truly exquisite-iile dolet vere qui sine teste life, and to save thee from thyself. When dolet; but poor boy! death was not the termino more, thousands rushed forward to rescue nation of his wrongs. As soon as the extrathy name from oblivion, and to exalt thy ge- ordinary merit of the poems he had fathered nius to the skies-who, while in being, suffer-upon Rowley was discovered, his character ed thee to starve, and to pass thy short but melancholy existence in misery and want.

became a common mark for the shafts of calumny and detraction. He was called a base The observations of those with whom he impostor, for merely attempting to make the 'lived while in London, give an additional in-world believe the poems which he had himterest to the character of this singular young man. One female states that, but for his face, she should never have thought him a boy, he was so manly and so much himself—|| that he never touched meat, and drank only water, and seemed to live on the air. She adds that he was good tempered, and agreeable, and obliging, but sadly proud and haughty

that he used to sit up almost all night reading and writing, and that her brother said he was afraid to lie with him, for to be sure he was a spirit and never slept, for he never

self composed had been written 300 years before, by one Rowley, a priest; by others he was denominated a villain, whose profligacy was equal to his abilities; and it was even said by one reverend gentleman, that his death was of little consequence, since he could not long have escaped hanging. And for what? why, forsooth, e having produced some of the finest poems ever written in our language, and because, for a purpose best known to himself, he did not choose to pub"lish to the world that he was the author, to

prevent all doubt and contention about their that have been recorded by Kliferus and authenticity. But let us enter more particu- Baillet. The description which has been gilarly into the merit of this young man. The ven of his person corresponds with that of circumstance of his having made, not only his mind. It possessed an uncommon dethe world believe in his restoration of thegree of manliness and dignity; and the evipoems of Rowley, but even his own family, den es of youth seemed to give way before 1s an additional evidence of his greatness. that which inspired respect, elicited admiraThere is nothing so difficult as to keep a se- tion, and exalted him almost above his specret from every body; we are social beings, cies. Dr. Gregory states that his most reand must communicate; the secret of a day markable feature was his eyes, which, though is painful; but Chatterton kept his during his gray, were singularly piercing; and when whole life. He meditated on and formed his warmed in argument, sparkled with fire; and plan before he was 15; it was neither crimi- that of these, one was more remarkable than nal nor odious; yet he never told one human the other, We shall conclude this brief being the secret. He kept it buried in his sketch by some judicious and elegant obserown bosom, at a period too when other boys vations by Lord Oxford, on the general chaare almost afraid of their own shadow.racter of Chatterton's works "His life," he Who can we compare to this youth? There observes, "should be compared with the pow is no analogous example in the history of the ers of his mind, the perfection of his poetry, world. "No such human being as this boy, his knowledge of the world, which though, in at any period of life. has ever been known, some respects erroneous, spoke quick intuior possibly ever will be known." But let us tion; his humour, his vein of satire, and, aine go farther, and consider the poems them all, the amazing number of books he must selves, the authenticity of which, at that time, have looked into, though chained down to a though now settled, gave rise to so much al- laborious and almost incessant service, and tercation and dispute. Certainly that man, confined to Bristol, except, at most, for the with all the labour and learning of years, last 5 months of his life; the rapidity with who could so accurately imitate the style and which he seized all the topics of conversation spirit, and language of Chaucer, as make the then in vogue, whether of politics, literature world believe a poem of his own, was the pro- or fashion, and when added to all this mass duction of that poet, would be considered as of reflection, it is remembered that his youthno ordinary being. But what poet, ancient ful passions were indulged to excess, faith in or modern, could produce an octavo volume, such a prodigy may he well suspended and in which after a long and laborious examina- we should look for some sectret agent Dehind tion of several years, has not enabled the the curtain, if it were not as difficult to beoldest heads to detect more than six or eight lieve that any man possessed such a vein of casual and accidental imitations of other wri- genuine poetry would have submitted to lie ters. Those that are admitted to be the concealed while he actuated a puppet, or greatest poets, have, in a much less compass, would have stooped to prostitute his muse to been found guilty of frequent and palpable so many unworthy functions. But nothing imitations. It was this perfect accuracy in in Chatterton can be separated from Chatterthe style and language of the period in which ton. His noblest flights, his sweetest strains, the poems were supposed to have been writ-his grossest ribaldry, and most common place ten, that created the difficulties and doubts imitations of the productions of Magazines, about their authenticity which so much agi- were all the effervences of the same ungoverntated the literary world. The extraordinaryable impulse, which, camelion like, imbibed merit of these poems has been admitted by the colours of all it looked on. It was Osall who have read them; but in the prose and sian, or a Saxon Monk, or Gray, or Smollet, poetical compositions, avowedly his own, he or Junius, and if it failed most in what it manifests the same sublimity of genius and most affected to be, a poet of the 15th centuthe same evidence of extraordinary intellect. ry, it was because it could not imitate what But every thing about this boy was surprising. had not existed." He had acquired, before he was 15, by his own efforts, a knowledge of drawing, archi- The legislature of New Hampshire have tecture, heraldry, music, astronomy, sur-appointed a committee to consider the expegery, &c. and in every thing evinced a matu-diency of establishing a public literary instirity and power of mind that must place him above all those instances of premature talents

* Sir flerbert Croft,

tution, in that state. The following gentlemen compose the committee-Wm. Allen, R. Vose, G. B. Upham, N. Parker, S. Moody, W. Pickering, J. Darling, R. H. Ayer, T. Whipple, jun, and J. P. Hale.


We know no foreigner to whom the United States are under more obligations than the Marquis de la Fayette, nor do we know any whose departure from our shores was more regretted or who left behind him more grateful and attached friends. His zeal in our public service and his private virtues alike entitle him to this high consideration. Of such a man the people of the United States will always be gratified to hear, when they can hear that he is steadfast to the principles of the revolution. Our readers will bear in mind that the following is from an English publication, that hatred of the French is Patriotism in England, and that there neither democratic principle nor democratic men, can expect || "equal and exaot justioc." With these drawbacks the following article will be read with pleasure.

ject, has failed to sour his character; and his mild-
ness of disposition is undisturbed: but it is equally
true, that nothing has been able to change, or in the
slightest degree vary his opinions; and his confi-
dence that liberty will be triumphant, is as great as
that of a pious man in the life to come. These sen-
ments, so different, so contrary to the selfish calcu
lations of the major part of those men who have
played any part in France, may justly appear to
some persons worthy of praise and commisseration:
it is so silly, they say, to prefer one's country, and
not to change one's party, when his party is beaten;
in short to consider the human race, not like a pack
of cards, that we are obliged to turn to our advan-
tage, but as the sacred object of an absolute devo-
tion. Nevertheless, if we thus incur the reproach
of silliness, may our men of genius soon merit it.
character as that of M. la Fayette should have ma-
It is a very singular circumstance, that such a
nifested itself in the person of one of the first gen-
tlemen in France, but we can naishan appua
judge him impartially without knowing him, and
seeing his conduct in the light I have here painted
it. It will then be easy to comprehend the various
contrasts that arose out of his situation, and his
manner of acting. Supporting the more from duty
than inclination, he involuntarily drew nearer those
principles of democracy which he was obliged to
oppose; and it was possible to perceive him lean to-
wards the friends of the republic, though his rea-
son and good sense forbad him to wish their system

From the London Monthly Magazine. M. DE LA FAYETTE, having from his youth fought for the American cause, was very early in life penetrated with the principles of liberty, which form || the basis of the government of the United States. If he committed errors relative to the French revolution, they arose entirely from his admiration of the American institutions, and for the hero Wash-admitted in France. ington-who guided the steps of his nation in the path of independence.

Since the departure of M. la Fayette for America, which is now 40 years, it is not possible to mention one action, or one word, that has not kept steadily in the same line without his conduct ever having been influenced by the least personal interest. Snccess would have relieved this manner of existence; but it demands all the attention of the historian, notwithstanding the circumstances, aud even faults, which serve the enemy as weapons.

M. de la Fayette, young, rich, noble, beloved by his country, quitted all these advantages at the age of nineteen, to serve, beyond the seas, this cause of || liberty, the love of which decided the character of hie whole life. Had he been so happy as to have been born in America his conduct would have been that of Washington;-the same disinterestedness, the same enthusiasm, the same perseverance in Such is the portrait given by Madame de Stael of their opinions and they were alike equally distin-|| M. de la Fayette, one of the most modest and unasguished as warm friends of humanity and benevo-suming, as well as most celebrated or men. We


hope, in another number, to give an account of the same person by Lady Morgan. It will be interesting to oppose the judgment of these two celebrated women to the absurd stories and miserable calumnies of the general's enemies. It was not sufficient for them to attack his reputation, they must also find fault with his constitution in a physical sense. It is

Had General Washington been placed in the situation of the Marquis de la Fayette, chief of the National Guard of Paris, he very probably would not have been able to triumph over circumstances; but would have failed in the attempt to preserve his vows of fidelity to his king, at the same time that he wished to establish the liberty of the nation.well known that Gen. la Fayette is about 60 years It must, however, be acknowledged, that M. de la Fayette is a determined republican; yet none of the vanities of his class ever entered his head: power, the effect of which is so great in France, had not the least ascendancy over him; the desire of pleasing in the drawing room did not at all modify the expression of his sentiments; and he sacrificed his fortune to his opinions with the most generous indifference.

In the prison of Olmutz, as at the moment when his credit stood highest, he remained equally unshaken in his principles. He is a man whose man. ner of seeing and acting has always been direct and consistent, Whoever attentively observed him, might previously calculate with certainty upon what he would do under all circumstances. His political tenets are similar to those of the United States; and his face is more English than French.

The hatred of which M. de la Fayette is the ob

old; that he enjoys a perfect state of health; that his gaiety and tranquility are unalterable; that all his pleasures are centered in a domestic life, and that his only passion is to see consolidated the constitutional liberty of his country-He is said to be eighty years of age; overwhelmed with infirmities; afflicted with a deafness that prevents his understanding any conversation without the assistance of a trumpet; his disposition gloomy and morose; and to complete the picture, he is devoured by ambition. It is only just that the public should be informed of these little ruses de guerre, which will doubtless be renewed each time it becomes a question of adding General la Fayette to the legislative body. It is very natural, that a man of his character and disposition, who has always been constant in his principles and his disinterestedness, should displease those persons whom we have so often seen opposed to themselves in their opinions, but always faithful to their princi ples of arbitrary sway.


Extract of a letter from an officer on board the U. S. ship Franklin, dated at Pale. mo. May 7, to the Editor of the Boston Gazette.

"The operations of our squadron consist. principally, in visiting the ports of Sicily, and the neighbouring States of Italy, and keeping the ships in the most perfect order. Now

dreadful manner; a torrent of liquid fire rushed suddenly from the mountain, and buried it ane hundred feet below its surface. This volcanic matter is equally hard with granite; the excavations are of course exceedingly limited, and have never been pursued in any other direction, than where the wall was first sunk, that discovered the city. Such was the good Barbary, and the rock of Gibraltar, for intel- fortune however, which directed the discoverligence. We have now in company the Guer-ers, that they fell immediately on the theatre; rich in statues and monuments of art.

and then one of the vessels visits the coast of



riere and Erie. The Spark sailed a few days since for Tunis. I am tired of Palermo, and "We returned to Naples, in the evening, rejoice that we leave here in a day or two for and where the splendid theatre of San Carlo Naples. Having lately had a taste of the next awakened our astonishment with its enpleasures and splendor of that delightful capi-chantments and wonders. The piece was a tal, I feel on the tiptoe of youthful expectancy pantomine dance, called Orlando Furioso from again to renew them. You may possibly Had I tracked my imagination, I doubt what those pleasures are-rational (and could not have fancied any thing so superbly I was almost about to say, something of sub-elegant. The delight of myself and my friends limity) I assure you. We spent the 20th of was unbounded. To cap the climate of rare April only in the capital of the Kinguem or tend astonishing sighte, the mean invoible Vetwo Sicilies, arriving on Saturday evening, suvius with the night, commenced throwing and sailing on Sunday night. In company without a torrented of lava, reaching half way four officers of the ship, I paid a visit to Pom-down its side; the largest eruption that has peia and Herculaneum; and derived that plea. taken place for several years. We got on sure and interest which the scene was calcu-board at one o'clock, at night; when the ship lated to inspire; in a mind, not totally unac-immediately weighed, and stood out of the quainted with the history of their foundation. Bay by the light of nature's light-house, steamInstead of giving you an accurate descriptioning from that mountain, "whose eternal fires of the destruction and resuscitation, in part, of forever glow." these once splendid cities, I shall rather express my feelings on beholding temples, pafaces, and other buildings of art, emerging to SOLAR SPOTS. Spots on the Sun have chis light from the ruin and darkness, in which they year appeared frequent. We have witnessed have been concealed for twenty centuries. them for more than a month past, and same of The destruction of Gomorrah was not more them seemed exceedingly large. Four were dreadful, or complete than that of unhappy distinctly viewed on the 28th May. They Pompeia. The first shower of pomice, vomi- continued for number of days successive, and ted by Vesuvius, now forms a stratum of five then disappeared. On the 11th Jone one or six feet above the level of the streets.- larger than any before seen appeared conTo this succeeded the shower of cinders, spicuous on the centre of the sun's disk, and which effectually crushed and covered every seemed to render its rays feeble an obscure, building, and left not a trace or vestage of the nor unlike those occasioned by a partial eclipse. city above ground; the shower of ashes is from On the 13th it disappeared. The day was fifteen to twenty feet more; you will therefore cold and windy; thermometer standing at 67. comprehend at once the vastness of the labour On the succeding day two others entered upon to effect the removal of such a mass of matter, the eastern and advanced towards western covering a town three miles in circumference. || limb, until the 19th, when three of less magniYet, this is contemplated, and whole streets tude appeared; thermometer rising to 87.have been opened from one extremity of the From these observations it would seem that wall to the other. Six temples are laid open the weather is effected, if at all, by the situa to the eye of the curious; a vast amphitheatre, tion, rather than the number of spots; and theatre, and forum; many are the beautiful that one large spot on the centre of the sun's statues and vases daily collected from this disk, has more influence in producing cold than mine of antiquities. It is to be regretted they various smaller ones scattered upon its sardo not remain where found, but are conveyed face. Notwithstanding, however, the number to the museum at Naples. Although the sub-which has been this year, the season is unusualstance that covers Pompeia is light, yet thely fine; and never, perhaps, did the smiles of quality is such that a century will not suffice Heaven seem more gracious, cr the beauties for its removal. Herculaneum was destroyed of nature "bloom more lavishly," than at the at the same time-but if possible, in a more" present moment.

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