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461, 462.


Haydn, ii.
Haydon, B. R., ii. 223.
Hayes, Rutherford B., ii. 432.
Hayley, William, ii. 129, 146, 147.
Hazlitt, William, i. 36, 46, 68, 69, 149-
151, 166, 167, 177, 219, 223, 224,
230, 237, 244, 255,347,478, 479,
493-495,525, 526, 535; ii. 69, 77,
101, 104, 161, 162, 220, 248, 256,
257, 268, 269, 307, 326, 327, 336.

Headley, James T., i. 130.
Hebler, Carl, i. 203, 219.

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Hodgson, Francis, ii. 354.
Hogarth, William, i. 440; ii. 6, 25, 62.
Hogg, James, ii. 169, 220, 283.
Holbach, Paul Baron de, ii. 109.
Holbein, Hans, i. 87, 94.

Holland, Dr. J. G., ii. 437, 439.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, ii. 438-440.
Homer, i. 18, 47, 75, 110, 288, 333,

352; ii. 104, 112, 420.
Hood, Thomas, ii. 89, 101.
Hooker, Richard, i. 86, 109, 110.
Horn, Franz, i. 204; ii. 428.
Horne, R. H., i. 63, 80; ii. 459, 460.
Hosmer, Harriet, ii. 438.
Howard, John, ii. 10.

Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich, ii. Howitt, William, i. 35, 37, 38, 56, 57,
9, 19, 114, 115, 116.

Heidelberg University, i. 28.
Heine, Heinrich, i. 177; ii. 429.

Heloise, i. 14.

Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea, ii.
240, 241.

Hendricks, Thomas A., ii. 443.

Henry I., II., and III., of England,
i. 7.

Henry IV., of England, i. 23, 34, 81.
Henry V., VI., and VII., of England,
i. 81.

Henry VIII., of England, i. 81, 97;

ii. 365.

Henryson, Robert, i. 57, 84.

Heptarchy, Saxon, i. 9.

Herbert, George, i. 116.

Herder, Johann Gottfried, ii. 19, 20,


Heredia, ii. 119.

Herrera, i. 123.

Herrick, Robert, i. 116.

Herschel, Sir John, ii. 406.

Herschel, Sir William, ii. 9, 90.

Hertzeberg, Herr, i. 77.

134, 188, 303, 396-398, 465, 466,
505, 506; ii. 140-143, 179-182, 493,

494, 496, 497.

Hudson, Henry, i. 207, 209, 213, 214,
223, 226, 228, 229, 236, 238, 249;
ii. 436.

Hugo, François Victor, i. 223.
Hugo, Victor, i. 220, 235, 249; ii. 95,

110, 111, 400, 426, 427.
Humbert, King of Italy, ii. 429.
Humboldt, Friedrich von, ii. 108, 114,

Hume, David, i. 114, 147, 254, 280,
281, 289, 296, 381; ii. 3, 6-9, 19,
53, 54, 105, 281, 407.

Hundred Years' War, i. 12, 14, 82, 90.
Hunnewell, James F., ii. 269, 276-
280, 303.

Hunt, Leigh, i. 49, 63, 66, 67, 157-
160, 163-166, 168, 170, 296, 349,

391, 562, 563; ii. 57, 69, 74,343,

358, 359, 366, 446.

Hutten, Ulrich von, i. 93, 94.

Hutton, R. H., ii. 316, 317.

Huxley, Professor, ii. 406.

Hydraulic Press, ii. 88.

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Hesketh, Lady, ii. 129, 138, 139, 145, Huyghens, i. 385.

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Ingelow, Jean, ii. 416, 418.

Innocent VI., Pope, i. 28.

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Joseph I., of Germany, i. 448.

Innocent VII. and VIII., Popes, i. Joseph II., of Austria, ii. 17, 19, 112.


Innocent IX., Pope, i. 121.

Innocent X., Pope, i. 292.

Innocent XI. and XII., Popes, i. 386.

Innocent XIII., Pope, i. 450.

Irving, Henry, i. 251; ii. 419.

Irving, John, ii. 280, 281.

Irving, Washington, i. 184-187; ii. 64,
65, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 83, 84,
123, 124, 268, 289, 345, 349.
Isabella, Queen of Spain, ii. 119, 431.
Italian influence, i. 87, 88, 91, 98, 99,

104, 105.

Jacobites, i. 441.

James I., of England, i. 103, 111.
James II., of England, i. 375.

James I., of Scotland, i. 33, 76, 82-84,


James II., of Aragon, i. 19.

James, Henry, ii. 439.

Josephine, Empress, ii. 110.
Jouffroy, ii. 109, 426.

Journalism, American, ii. 433,434;

British, ii. 99-102.

Jovellanos, ii. 22.
Jubilee, Shakespeare, ii. 7.
Julius II., Pope, i. 94, 96.
Julius III., Pope, i. 94, 97.
Junius, ii. 10.

Kant, Emmanuel, ii. 9, 18, 92, 105,


Katharine of Aragon, i. 86.
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, ii. 429.

Kean, Edmund, i. 250; ii. 104, 359,

Keats, John, i. 130, 170; ii. 102, 106.
Keble, John, i. 159.

Kegan, Paul C., ii. 413, 414.
Kellogg, Clara Louise, ii. 439.
Kemble, Charles, i. 250; ii. 419.

Jameson, Mrs., i. 209-212, 230, 231; Kemble, John, i. 250; ii. 91.

ii. 454, 460, 461.

Jamyn, Amadis, i. 117.
Jefferson, Thomas, ii. 120.

Jeffrey, Sir Francis, i. 455, 535; ii. 97,
100, 102, 188, 256, 286, 307-309,

Jerrold, Douglas, ii. 420.
"Jerusalem Delivered," i. 121, 122.
Joan of Arc, i. 82, 90.

Joanna I. and II., of Spain, i. 19.
Jodelle, i. 91.

John, of England, i. 7.

John I., of France, i. 13.

John II., of France, i. 24, 27.

John of Gaunt, i. 36.

John of Trevisa, i. 25.

Johnson, Andrew, ii. 432.
Johnson Club, ii. 4, 36-38.

Johnson, Dr., i. 36, 115, 175, 232, 248,
317, 324, 329, 330, 346, 355, 377,
422, 424, 427-429,433,454,496-
498, 500, 514, 518, 531, 563, 564;
ii. 3-5, 23-54, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63, 81,

Joinville, Count de, i. 14.
Jones, Robert, ii. 235, 236.
Jones, Sir William, i. 296.

Kempenfeldt, Admiral, ii. 10.
Kempis, Thomas à, i. 92.
Kepler, John, i. 121.
Key, Francis Scott, ii. 126.
Kilcolman Castle, i. 134.
King's College, i. 82.
Kingsley, Charles, ii. 165, 166, 516-
518, 523-525.
Kirke, Edmund, i. 135.
Kit-Cat Club, i. 506, 507.
Klein, L., i. 216.

Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, ii. 17-

19, 238.

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, i. 389, 443, 453.
Knight, Charles, i. 21; ii. 415, 492.
Knowles, James Sheridan, ii. 420.
Knox, John, i. 104.
Kohlbach, i. 16, 17.
Körner, ii. 116.
Kossuth, ii. 428.
Kotzebue, ii. 115.
Kreyssig, i. 204, 227.
Kyd, Thomas, i. 112.

LA BRUYÈRE, i. 384.
La Rochefoucauld, i. 384.
Lafayette, Marquis de, ii. 124.

Laidlaw, William, ii. 286.
Lamartine, Alphonse de, i. 239, 301,
302; ii. 110, 111, 334, 400.
Lamb, Charles, i. 128, 148; ii. 101,
238, 243.

Landon, Letitia E., ii. 309, 310.

Landor, Walter Savage, i. 35, 62, 177, Louis XIII., of France, i. 117.

348, 362; ii. 106, 107, 334, 364.

Landseer, Edwin, ii. 102, 422.

Langlande, William, i. 108.

Latini, Brunetto, i. 18.

Laura de Sade, i. 28.

Lawrence, Sir Thomas, ii. 101, 265, Louisiana, ii. 122.


Layamon, i. 11.

Le Nôtre, i. 383.

Le Sage, Alain Réné, ii. 446.

Lebrun, i. 383.

Lecky, William, ii. 408.

Lee, Nathaniel, i. 380.

Leibnitz, Baron von, i. 386, 449.
Leicester, Earl of, i. 131.

Lely, Sir Peter, i. 379.

Lenz, ii. 20.

Leo X., Pope, i. 94, 95.
Leo XI., Pope, i. 94, 121.
Leo XII., Pope, ii. 117.
Leo XIII., Pope, ii. 429.
Leon, Luis de, i. 123.
Leopardi, Giacomo, ii. 119, 430.
Leopold I., of Germany, i. 385, 448.
Leopold II., of Germany, ii. 112.
Leslie, C. R., ii. 266, 267.

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, i. 176,

249, 486; ii. 17, 18, 92, 104.
Lewes, G. H., i. 194, 255, 289; ii.
407, 426.

Liebig, Baron von, ii. 428.

Linacre, i. 85.

Los Herreros, Breton de, ii. 120.
Lothaire II., of Germany, i. 14.
Louis VI., VII., and VIII., of France,
1. 13.

Louis IX. and X., of France, i. 14.

Louis XI. and XII., of France, i. 90.

Louis XIV., of France, i. 291, 382,

385, 446.

Louis XV. and XVI., of France, ii. 14.
Louis XVIII., of France, ii. 108.

Louis Philippe, ii. 108, 425.

Lounsbury, Professor, i. 77.

Lovelace, Sir Richard, i. 116.

Lowell, James Russell, i. 32, 35, 51,

52, 63, 64, 69, 71, 72, 75, 76, 130,
142-144, 149, 156-160, 162, 168-
170, 216, 222, 225, 226, 338, 391,
456, 479, 488; ii. 221, 262, 436-

"Lusiad," i. 123.
Luther, Martin, i. 88, 93, 94.
Lydgate, John, i. 33, 39, 57, 73, 76,
82, 83.

Lyly, John, i. 105, 112, 118.
Lyndsay, Sir David, i. 84.

MACAULAY, T. B., i. 148, 266, 267,
269-275, 278, 296, 297, 311, 314,
315, 319, 324, 325, 348, 351, 352,
357, 360, 361, 367-370, 384, 385,
391, 408, 413, 424, 428, 499-501,
507, 508, 510, 511, 516, 517, 521,
523-525; ii. 24, 35-40, 45, 49, 50,
52, 95, 96, 99, 101, 104, 157, 163,
164, 336, 395-399, 414.
Machiavelli, Niccolo, i. 97, 98.

Mackenzie, Henry, ii. 186.

Lincoln, Abraham, i. 178; ii. 432, 435. Mackintosh, Sir James, i. 148; ii. 101,

Lingard, Dr., ii. 99.

Linnæus, ii. 16, 17.

Lithography, ii. 94.

Livy, i. 27, 46, 96.

Locke, John, i. 119, 320, 380, 381; ii.

8, 407.

Lockhart, John G., ii. 101, 184, 185,
197, 265, 266, 277, 288, 290-292.

Locomotive engine, ii. 105.

Logan, Frederick, i. 121.

Logarithms, i. III.

Lombard League, i. 17.

106, 359.

MacMahon, Marshal, ii. 427.

Macready, William Charles, i. 251;

ii. 104, 419.

Macri, Theresa, ii. 340.
Madison, James, ii. 120.

Maffei, Marquis Scipio, i. 450.
Magellan, i. 99.

Magendie, François, ii. 426.

Maginn, Dr., i. 227, 234.

Magna Charta, i. 12.

Mahon, Lord, ii. 26.

Malebranche, i. 385, 503.

Malherbe, i. 117, 118.

Longfellow, Henry W., i. 16, 61, 121, Maintenon, Mme. de, i. 384.

122; ii. 127, 435,436.

Lope de Vega, ii. 319, 320.

Malory, Sir Thomas, i. 8, 83.
Malthus, Robert, ii. 98.
Mandeville, Sir John, i. 25.
Mann, Horace, ii. 441.

Mansard, Jules, i. 383, 384.

Manso, Giovanni Baptista, i. 294.

Mantegna, Andrea, i. 96.

Manuel, Don Juan, i. 30.

Miller, Hugh, ii. 172, 407.
Milman, Dean, ii. 99, 415, 420.
Milton, John, i. 9, 46, 76, 112, 113,

117, 128, 174, 239, 240, 287, 288,
293-372; ii. 119, 121, 204, 218,
234, 340, 365, 466-468.

Minnesänger, i. 16, 17.
Mirabeau, ii. 365.


Manzoni, Alessandro, i. 386, 387; ii. Mitford, Rev. John, i. 431, 432, 555,

118, 119, 429, 430.

Marcellinus II., Pope, i. 94.

Maria Theresa, ii. 14, 17.

Marie Antoinette, ii. 13.

Marlowe, Christopher, i. 62, 104, 111,

Marini, i. 118, 122, 123, 292.

Mark's, St., Library, i. 29.


Marot, Clement, i. 91, 118.

Mitford, Mary Russell, ii. 97, 217,

418, 445, 446, 459.

Moberly, Rev. C. E., i. 229, 230.
Molière, Jean, i. 29, 382; ii. 392.
Monboddo, Lord, i. 315, 316, 341-
343; ii. 187.

Monroe, James, ii. 120.
Montagu, Basil, i. 264-266.

Marsh, George P., i. 25, 244; ii. 440. Montagu, Edward Wortley, i. 509.

Martel, Charles, i. 13.

Martin V., Pope, i. 94.

Martineau, Harriet, ii. 412, 460.

Marvel, Andrew, i. 305.

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, i. 455,

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Montalvan, i. 124; ii. 319.

Mary Stuart, i. 104, 109, 117; ii. 421. Montespan, Mme. de, i. 384.

Mary Tudor, i. 81, 88, 89.

Massinger, Philip, i. 113.

Masson, David, i. 298, 349-351, 378,
384, 391, 392, 405, 406, 536; ii. 72.

Mather, Cotton, ii. 120.

Matthias of Beheim, i. 28.

Matthias of Germany, i. 119.

Maurice, John, ii. 408.

Maury, Juan Maria, ii. 119.

Montesquieu, i. 442, 446, 447; ii. 16.
Montfort, Simon de, i. 12.
Montgomery, James, ii. 170.
Monti, Vincenzo, ii. 117, 362.
Montijo, Eugénie, ii. 426.
Montpensier, Mlle. de, 383, 384.
Moore, Thomas, i. 455, 456; ii. 89,
102, 170, 171, 223, 287, 332-334,
341, 350, 351, 366, 388, 393.

Maximilian I. and II., of Germany, i. Moratin, Leandro, ii. 120.


Maxwell, Dr., ii. 29.

Mazarin, Cardinal, i. 92, 291, 382.

Mazzini, Joseph, ii. 430.

Medici, The, i. 28; Catherine de, i.
118; Lorenzo de, i. 95, 96; Mary
de, i. 118.

Meistersänger, i. 27, 28.
Melancthon, Philip, i. 93.
Melendez, ii. 22.
Mendelssohn, Moses, ii. 18.

Mermaid Tavern, i. 112, 189, 190.

Metaphysical poets, i. 114-116.
Metastasio, i. 450; ii. 21.

Methodists, i. 444; ii. 7.

Michelet, Jules, ii. 426.

Middleton, i. 113.

Mignet, François, ii. 426.

Mill, James, ii. 96, 98, 407.

More, Sir Thomas, i. 85-87; ii. 4.
Moreto, i. 292.

Morris, William, i. 16, 77; ii. 421.
Morse, Samuel F. B., ii. 126, 432.
"Morte d'Arthur," i. 83.
Motley, John Lothrop, ii. 440.
Mozart, ii. 4, 112, 392.
Mühlbach, Luise, ii. 428.
Müller, Wilhelm, ii. 117, 344,345.

Murillo, i. 125.

Mürner, Thomas, i. 92.
Murray, Lindley, ii. 126.

Musset, Alfred de, ii. 111, 401, 427.
Myers, F. W. H., ii. 260, 261.

Mysteries, i. 88, 89.

Nasmyth, ií. 165.

Necker, Jacques, ii. 15.

Nekrassow, ii. 402.

Mill, John Stuart, i. 289; ii. 8, 96, 98, Necker, Mme., ii. 17, 108, 110.

106, 221, 407, 426.

Nelson, Lord, ii. 95.

Neronia, Conde de, ii. 119.

Newstead Abbey, ii. 345-349.

Newton, Rev. John, ii. 138, 140, 144,


Newton, Sir Isaac, i. 381.
Niccolini, ii. 117.

Nichol, Professor, ii. 334, 369, 373,

386, 387, 390-394.
Nicoll, Henry J., i. 168, 169, 278.
Niebuhr, ii. 93, 98.
Nightingale, Florence, ii. 418.
Nollekens, ii. 23, 100.
Normans, i. 11.

North, Christopher (Wilson, John), i.
141-143, 147, 177; ii. 48, 101, 170,
222, 244, 256, 269, 492.
Norton, Andrews, ii. 121.
Nota, Alberta, ii. 118.
Novalis, ii. 114, 116.

OCCLEVE, i. 31-33, 39, 73, 76.
Ochelhäuser, W., i. 228.
O'Connell, Daniel, ii. 104, 409.
Oliphant, Mrs., ii. 151, 152, 158-160,
214-216, 298, 299, 303, 312, 313,
317, 318, 327-330, 390.
O'Neill, Miss, i. 250; ii. 419.
Onimus, Dr., i. 226.
Opie, Mrs., ii. 96, 335.
Opitz, Martin, i. 120, 292.
Orcagna, i. 18.

"Orlando Furioso," i. 13, 96.
Orleans, Duke Charles of, i. 90.
Orosius, i. 10.

Orsini, ii. 426.

Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, ii. 126, 447.
Otfried, i. 15.

Otho the Great, of Germany, i. 14.
Otho II., III., and IV., of Germany,

i. 14.

Otway, Thomas, i. 380.
Ovid, i. 43.

Oxford, University of, i. 10.

Page, William, i. 173.
Paine, Robert, ii. 126.

Paine, Thomas, ii. 286, 287.
Palfrey, John G., ii. 440.

Palgrave, ii. 415.
Pantheism, i. 387.
Paper, i. 28.

"Paradise Lost," i. 326-353.

Parini, Giuseppe, ii. 21.

Parkman, Francis, ii. 440.

Parliamentary Reform of 1832, ii. 105.
Pascal, i. 291, 384.

[ocr errors]

Paston Letters," ," i. 84.

Pattison, Mark, i. 304, 306, 307, 312,

313, 319, 335, 336, 356, 372.
Paul II., III., and IV., Popes, i. 94.
Paul V., Pope, i. 121.
Paul's, St., Cathedral, i. 378, 379.
Peel, Sir Robert, ii. 106, 266, 352.
Peele, George, i. 104, 112.
Pellico, Silvio, ii. 118.
Penn, William, i. 378.
Penny-postage, ii. 409.
Percival, James Gates, ii. 127.
Percy, Bishop, ii. 5, 88, 270.
Perugino, i. 96.

Peter I., of Navarre, i. 19.
Peter I., II., III., and IV., of Ara-
gon, i. 19.

Peter the Great, i. 381.
Peter the Hermit, i. 14.
Peter's, St., Cathedral, i. 94, 122.
Petrarch, i. 18, 28, 29, 40, 42, 46, 60,
85, 87, 94, 96, 104, 105; ii. 365.
Philip I., II., III., IV., and V., of
France, i. 13.

Philip VI., of France, i. 13, 27.
Philip II., of Spain, i. 98, 119, 123.
Philip III., of Spain, i. 123.
Philip IV., of Spain, i. 123, 292, 387.
Philip V., of Spain, i. 451.

Philip of Germany, i. 14.
Phillips, Ambrose, i. 508.
Phillips, Thomas, ii. 332.
Pianoforte, ii. 5.

Pierce, Franklin, ii. 432.
"Piers the Plowman," i. 24.
"Pilgrim's Progress," i. 289.
Pindar, Peter, ii. 23.
Piozzi, Mrs., ii. 25, 55.

Pitt, William (Lord Chatham), ii. 1o.
Pitt, William (the Younger), ii. 12, 87,

88, 96, 100.

Pius II., Pope, i. 94.

Pius IV. and V., Popes, i. 121.

Pius VI., Pope, ii. 20.

Pius VII., Pope, ii. 117.

Pius IX., Pope, ii. 429.

Poe, Edgar A., ii. 437, 473, 476, 492.

Poliziano, i. 95, 96.

Polk, James K., ii. 432.
Pope, Alexander, i. 14, 60-62, 75, 77,
96, 115, 122, 129, 140, 141, 147, 175,
254, 263, 330, 384, 401, 412, 413,

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