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Surveyor general of public lands in the State of California for the
year 1857. Annual report of the...

Surveyor general of public lands in the Territory of Oregon for the
year 1857. Annual report of the.

Surveyor general of public lands in the Territory of Washington for
the year 1857. Annual report of the..

Surveyor general of public lands in the Territory of New Mexico for
the year 1857. Annual report of the..
Surveyor general of public lands in the Territory of Kansas for the
year 1857. Annual report of the...

Surveyor general for the Territory of Utah. Letter of the Secretary
of the Treasury relative to the compensation of the....
Swamp lands selected by the several States under the acts of March
2, 1849, and September 29, 1850. Statement of the quan-
tity of...

Sweden and Norway during the year 1857. Commercial relations
of the United States with...

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Switzerland during the year 1857.
United States with..

Commercial relations of the

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Tariffs of the United States of 1846 and 1857. Comparative state-
ment of the....
Territories during the year ending June 30, 1859. Estimates for
appropriations for the support of the governments of the...
Texas debt paid since March 3, 1857. Statement of the amount
redeemed and the amount of interest to maturity of the....
Tobacco exported annually from 1821 to 1857, inclusive. State-
ment of the quantity and value of the.....

Tonnage of the United States, registered and licensed annually,
from 1789 to 1857. Statement of the......

Tonnage employed in steam navigation each year, registered, en-
rolled, and licensed. Statement of the

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Tonnage employed in foreign and domestic exports and imports,
exclusive of specie, from 1821 to 1857.
amount of.

Statement of the

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Tonnage and crews of American and foreign vessels which cleared
from the United States for foreign countries during the year
ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the number.....
Tonnage and crews of American and foreign vessels which entered
the United States from foreign countries during the year
ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the number..
Tonnage of American and foreign vessels arriving from and depart-
ing to each foreign country during the year ending June
30, 1857. Statement of the.
Tonnage of vessels that entered into each State and Territory
during the year ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the
number, crews, and ....

Tonnage of American and foreign vessels which cleared from each
district of the United States during the year ending June
30, 1857. Statement of the number, crews, and....
Tonnage of American and foreign vessels which entered each dis-
trict of the United States during the year ending June 30,
1857 Statement of the number, crews, and
Tonnage of American and foreign vessels which departed from each
district of the United States, and the countries to which they
cleared, during the year ending June 30, 1858. Statement
of the number and....

Tonnage of American and foreign vessels which entered the several
districts of the United States, and the countries from whence
they arrived, during the year 1857. Statement of the num-
ber and...

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Tonnage of the several districts of the United States on June 30,
1857. Statement of the

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Tonnage of vessels built in each State and Territory during the
year ending June 30, 1857. Statement of the number and. 14
Tonnage of the United States, and the proportion employed in the
whale fishery, cod fishery, mackerel fishery, and the coast-
ing trade, from 1815 to 1857, inclusive. Comparative state-
ment of the...
Topographical Engineers of the army of the operations of his de-
partment, and on the condition of the improvements of the
harbors on the northern and western lakes and the western
rivers during the year 1857. Report of the Colonel of..
Treasury, transmitting estimates for appropriations for the fiscal

year ending June 30, 1859. Letter of the Secretary of the.
Treasury, for appropriations specific and indefinite, which may be
required for the last three quarters of the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1858, made by former acts of Congress. State.
ment of the Register of the....

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Treasury Department during the year ending June 30, 1859.
mates for appropriations for the support of the...
Treasury during the year ending June 30, 1859. Estimates for
appropriations for the support of the independent................
Treasury on the condition of the finances of the government for
the year ending June 30, 1857. Annual report of the Sec-
retary of the.

Reports and documents accompanying the above report.

No. 1. Statement of the receipts and expenditures for the
year ending June 30, 1857

No. 2. Statement of the receipts and expenditures for the
quarter of the fiscal year ending September 30,

No. 3. Statement exhibiting the exportations from and im-
portations into the United States of certain arti-
cles during the quarter ending September 30,

No. 4. Statement exhibiting the amount of importations
annually, from July 1, 1849, to 1857; the
amount of customs of each year, and the ex-
penses of collection during the same period
No. 5. Statement exhibiting the expenses of collection in
the Pacific ports from July 1, 1850, to June 30,

No. 6. Statement exhibiting the amount of public debt on
the 1st July, 1857; the amount paid and re-
deemed since, and the amount outstanding No-
vember 17, 1857.....

No. 7. Statement exhibiting the amount of the public debt
on the 3d March, 1857; the amount redeemed
and paid to July 1, 1857; the amount since.
and the total amount redeemed and paid, and
the amount outstanding November 17, 1857

No. 8. Statement exhibiting when the United States stock
is redeemable; the amount redeemed and Texas
debt paid since the 3d March last; the amount
of interest to maturity, an 1 the amount saved
by anticipating the day of payment..

No. 9. Statement exhibiting the capital paid in, the amount
of debt due, the net income, annual interest on
debt, and available income of the railroads of
the United States for the year 1857..

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Treasury, report of Secretary of, papers accompanying-Continued.
No. 10. Statement exhibiting the deposits and coinage at
the mint of the United States, branches, and
assay office during the first six months of 1857;
report of the director of the mint, and explana-
tory tables...

(No. 2.) Circular instructions to the Treasurer of the United
States, the assistant treasurers of the United
States, the treasurers of the mint and the branch
mints charged by law with the duties of assistant
treasurers and the public depositaries, designa-
ted under the 15th section of the act of August
6, 1846...

(No. 3.) Circular instructions to the disbursing officers and
disbursing agents employed under the direction
of the Treasury department ...

No. 11. Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury to the First
Auditor respecting the contingent fund of the
House of Representatives

No. 12. Statement exhibiting the report of the engineer-in-
charge on construction of custom-houses, court-
houses, post offices, marine hospitals, and other
public buildings confided to the charge of the
Treasury department ...

No. 13. Statement exhibiting the receipts and expenditures
of the marine hospital fund for the relief of sick
and disabled seamen in the ports of the United
States, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1857..
No. 14. Statement exhibiting the report on the condition of
the Louisville and Portland canal

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A. Statement exhibiting the report of the First Auditor
on the operations of his office...

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No. 15. Statement exhibiting the report of the supervising
inspectors of steamboats....

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No. 16. Statement exhibiting the report of the Light-house

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No. 17. Statement exhibiting the amount due under treaties
with various Indian tribes payable on time

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Treasury, report of Secretary of, papers accompanying-Continued.
No. 18. Statement exhibiting the amount of stock held in
trust by the United States for several of the In-
dian tribes and Smithsonian Institution
No. 19. Statement exhibiting balance of various other trust

No. 20. Statement exhibiting the gold and silver coinage at
the mint of the United States annually, from its
establishment in 1792, and including the coin-
age of the branch mints and the assay office,
(New York,) from their organization to Septem-
ber 30, 1857.

No. 21. Statement exhibiting the amount of coin and bul-
lion imported and exported annually, from 1821
to 1857, inclusive; also the amount of importa-
tion over exportation, and of exportation over
importation during the same years

No. 22. Statement exhibiting the gross value of exports
and imports from the beginning of the govern-
ment to June 30, 1857..

No. 23. Statement exhibiting the amount of the tonnage
of the United States, annually, from 1789 to
June 30, 1857; also the registered and enrolled
and licensed tonnage employed in steam naviga-
tion each year....

No. 24. Statement exhibiting the revenue collected from
the beginning of the government to June 30,
1857, under the several heads of customs, pub-
lic lands, and miscellaneous sources, including
loans and treasury notes; also the expenditures
during the same period, and the particular tariff,
and price of lands under which the revenue from
those sources were collected..........

No. 25. Statement exhibiting the value of manufactured
articles of domestic produce exported to foreign
countries from June 30, 1845, to June 30, 1857.
No. 26. Statement exhibiting the value of foreign merchan-
dise imported, re-exported, and consumed, an-
nually, from 1821 to 1857, inclusive; and also
the estimated population and rate of consump-
tion, per capita, during the same period..........
No. 27. Statement exhibiting the total value of imports,
and the imports consumed in the United States,
exclusive of specie, during each fiscal year, from
1821 to 1857; showing also the value of foreign
and domestic exports, exclusive of specie, and
the tonnage employed during the same period..
No. 28. Statement exhibiting a summary view of the ex-
ports of domestic produce, &c., of the United
States, annually, from 1847 to 1857, inclusive... 1
No. 29. Statement exhibiting the value of certain articles
imported annually from June 30, 1814, to June
30, 1857, (after deducting re-exportations,) and
the amount of duty which accrued on each dur-
ing the same periods respectively......

No. 30. Statement exhibiting the value of foreign merchan-
dise and domestic produce, &c, exported annu-
ally from 1821 to 1857, inclusive

No. 31. Statement exhibiting the quantity of wine, spirits,
&c., imported annually from 1843 to 1857, in-

No. 32. Statement exhibiting the value of imports annually

from 1821 to 1857



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Treasury, report of Secretary of, papers accompanying-Continued.
No. 33. Statement exhibiting the value of dutiable mer-
chandise re-exported annually from 1821 to 1857,
inclusive; and showing also the value re-export-
ed from warehouse under the act of August 6,

No. 34. Statement exhibiting the aggregate value of bread-
stuffs and provisions exported annually from
1821 to 1857...

No. 35. Statement exhibiting the quantity and value of
cotton exported annually from 1821 to 1857, in-
clusive, and the average price per pound.

No. 36. Statement exhibiting the quantity and value of
tobacco and rice exported annually from 1821 to
1857, inclusive

No. 37. Statement exhibiting the values of iron and manu-
facture of iron, and iron and steel, steel, wool
and manufactures of wool, manufactures of cot-
ton, silk and manufactures of silk, flax, linen
and linen fabrics, hemp and manufactures of
hemp, manilla, sun and other hemp of India,
and silk and worsted goods, imported from and
exported to foreign countries from 1840 to 1857,
inclusive, and also showing the domestic exports
of like articles for the same periods...
Statement exhibiting the value of iron, manufac-
tures of iron, and iron and steel, steel, sugar,
wines, and all fabrics of which wool, cotton,
silk, flax or hemp is a component part, imported
annually from 1847 to 1857, inclusive, with the
duties which accrued thereon during each year
respectively, and brandies for the years 1856 and

No. 38.

No. 39. Statement exhibiting the exports to and imports
from Canada and other British possessions in
North America from the 1st of July, 1851, to
the 30th of June, 1857....

No. 40.

No. 41.

No. 42.

Statement exhibiting the amount of goods in
warehouse on July 1, 1856. and on the first of
each succeeding month until July 1, 1857.
Statement exhibiting a synopsis of the returns of
the banks in the different States at the dates

Statement exhibiting a comparative view of the
condition of the banks in different sections of
the Union in 1853-54, 1854-'55, 1855-'56 and

No. 43. Statement exhibiting a general statement of the
condition of the banks, according to returns
dated nearest to January 1, 1857.

No. 45.

No. 44. Statement exhibiting a comparative view of the
condition of the banks of the United States,
according to returns nearest to January 1, 1837,
1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848,
1849, 1850, 1851, 1854, 1855, 1856 and 1857
Statement exhibiting the amount of moneys in the
United States treasury, amount of drafts out-
standing, amount subject to draft, amount of
receipts and amount of drafts paid, as shown by
the Treasurer's weekly exhibits rendered during
the year ending June 30, 1857 ..


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