MANSION HOUSE MANSION HOUSE W. THORBEAN 349 Nth Market St Albany. J.P.BRADSTREET. The Aivove New Hotel contains upwards of One Hundred Spacious Rooms.comprising one of the prensiple ornaments of the City FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE, 1833. NEW-YORK: PEABODY & Co. BROADWAY. M DCCC ΧΧΧΙΙΙ. Art of making poetry-by an Emeritus Pro- 252 Editor's table 15 Evenings in Greece, Moore's-reviewed American bar, Sketches of, Daniel Webster 287 Fisherman, the-a tale of the Hebrides Amy Dayton, a tale of the revolution Song from "How blest a life 60, 119, 185, 258, 330 188 Eloquence, modern, the schools of 259 29 English eloquence 263 140 F. 107 317 301 the soldier leads" 306 Albatross, the-by Orcatius Financial reform-Sir Henry Parnell's 20 - 348 376 76 American portrait gallery, notice of 322 Falstaff, articles by 185, 370 Address spoken by Mrs. Sharpe, at the Dun- Faust, Goethe's 34 lap Benefit 327, Translations from 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, Album verses 285 44, 79, 80, 81, 82 Antwerp, siege of 72, Lord Leveson's Gower, translation of American theatre, history of-reviewed -disapproved 38 126 130 Fanny, a novel, in seven chapters 99 "Fill round once more before we go" 184 B. veries" 115 Bryant, William Cullen, Esq.-his letter to the Dunlap committee Burns compared with Byron Botany, alphabet of reviewed Belles philosophy Bossuet, eloquence of Extracts from his sermons $24 Finden's illustrations of Byron-noticed Flint's lectures-reviewed 193 Fine arts - 194, 255, 322 256 183 gallery of the graces 250 280 261 261, 2-3 337 |