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the person convicted of treason put to death in the most horrible ways, but his property was forfeited, and no one could inherit property from him or through him. Thus not only the person himself, but also his children. and his children's children, were punished. The purpose of this provision is, in the words of Mr. Madison, to restrain congress "from extending the consequences of guilt beyond the person of its author.'

Pertinent Questions.

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By what authority was the Supreme Court established? By whom is it organized? Why is such a court necessary? How many judges or justices constitute the Supreme Court? Name them. Tell what president appointed each.

How many and what "inferior courts" has congress established? Name the Supreme Court justice assigned to this circuit. How many other states in this circuit? Name our two United States circuit judges. Name the United States district judge. How are these officers appointed? How long do they serve? State the salary of each class of judges. What legal provision is there in regard to retiring United States judges?

If a person should rob the mail, in what court would he be tried? Tell about the Dartmouth College case. If any one should be caught making cigars without a license, before what court would he be tried? If an American owed money to an ambassador from a foreign country, and declined to pay it, how could the ambassador get his pay? If the ambassador owed an American, how could the American get his pay? Would you, if the United States government asked you to represent it in a foreign country, like to be tried by a court of that country? If a murder be committed in the District of Columbia, in what court is the trial had? If committed in Minnesota? In Wyoming? If a sailor should steal from a passenger, when out on the ocean, where would the case be tried and in what court? If a state other than the one in which you live should sue you where could the case be tried? How can the United States be a party to a suit?

Have you knowledge of any case in which one state sued another? If a merchant in your town should buy goods from a wholesale house in Chicago or New York, and should fail or refuse to pay for them, how could the house get its pay? What laws would apply to the case? What principle seems to be involved in these answers?

How many acts of congress have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

Can a citizen of Wyoming bring a suit in a United States court? If you lived in Montana, how could you recover money owed you in Minnesota? Can a United States official be sued for acts performed in the discharge of his duties?

What famous case of treason was tried in 1807? Was Jefferson Davis ever tried for treason?

If the property of a traitor is taken by the government, must it be restored to his heirs at his death? Can you commit treason against this state? What do you know about the John Brown case?

Compare III. 2, 3, with amendments 5 and 6, and state the rights of a person accused of crime, which are guaranteed by the constitution.


Resolved, That all judicial officers should be appointed.

Tabular View.

Prepare a tabular view comparing the three departments of the United States government.





Full faith and credit1 shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.


1That is, such faith and credit as would be given to such acts, etc., in the state in which they orignated.

2That is, the legislative acts,-the statutes and the constitutions.

Such as the registration of deeds, wills, marriages, journals of the legislature, etc.

The proceedings, judgments, orders, etc., of the


"The records of a court are "proved" (that is, shown to be authentic) by the attestation of the clerk, with the seal of the court affixed, and the certificate of the judge. The acts of the legislature are authenticated by the state seal.


Clause 1.-Citizens.

The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

That is, no state can give its citizens any privileges which it denies to citizens of other states. For instance, a citizen of Wisconsin, New York or California, coming to Minnesota has all the privileges of a citizen of Minnesota. To be sure he cannot vote in Minnesota until he has resided here for a time. This is simply a police regulation, to prevent fraud in voting. But he is entitled to the protection of the laws of Minnesota, may hold property here, and may engage in any business in which a citizen of Minnesota may engage.

He cannot, however, carry with him any special privileges which he may have enjoyed in the state from which he came. Thus, if one state permits a person to vote upon declaring his intention to become a citizen while another requires that a voter shall be a full citizen, a person coming from the first state cannot claim the right to vote in the second until he becomes a full citizen.

Study in this connection the first clause of the fourteenth amendment.

Clause 2.-Fugitives from Justice.

A person charged in any state with treason, felony or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.

The necessity for this provision will readily be understood, when it is remembered that each state has jurisdiction only within its own limits. But for this provision, criminals would be comparatively free from restraint, because they could in most cases get into another state. And this would of course tend to increase the number of criminals. (See pp. 337, 349.)

As civilization advances, countries independent of each other politically agrec, for their mutual protection, to surrender to each other fugitives from justice. Treaties made for this purpose are called extradition treaties.

Clause 3.-Fugitives from Service.

No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.

This clause was inserted as a concession to the slaveholding states, and had special reference to slaves, though it also applied to apprentices and any other persons who for any reason might be "bound to service." But as slavery no longer exists, and apprenticeship and other binding to service are almost things of the past, this provision is practically obsolete.


Clause 1.-The Admission of New States.

New states may be admitted by the congress into this Union; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor shall any state be formed by the junction of two or more states or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the congress.3

1These few words mark an era in political history. Heretofore nations had acquired new territory merely to enlarge the extent of their provinces or subject states, never with a view of uniting the acquired territory with the original system, allowing it equal political privileges. But when we look at the matter carefully, we shall see that our government could not consistently do otherwise than it did. The proposition involved in the revolution was that new territory should either be permitted to enjoy equal privileges with the parent state, or it should become independent.

But it was not simply to carry out a political theory that this provision was made; it was to solve a practical difficulty. At the close of the Revolutionary War, the United States extended west to the Mississippi river. The territory west of the Alleghany mountains contained almost no inhabitants, and was of course unorganized. This territory became the object of contention. Some of the states claimed jurisdiction over it, while others maintained that it was not within the limits of any states, and that, as it had been secured by a war waged by the general government, this territory should be considered common property, to be managed by the general government. The states having claims

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