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with them! The sight was so dreadful, that I could by no means bear it. My thoughts recoiled; and I said (but under a more affecting sense than ever before) Who can dwell with everlasting burnings? Oh, methought, that I could now see my friends, that I might warn them, to see to it, that they lay their foundation for eternity sure.

And you, my dear brother, I have been particularly concerned for; and have wondered that I so much neglected conversing with you about your spiritual state, at our last meeting. Oh, my brother, let me then beseech you now to examine, whether you are indeed a new creature; whether you have ever acted above self; whether the glory of God has ever been the highest concern with you; whether you have ever been reconciled to all the perfections of God; in a word, whether God has been your portion, and a holy conformity to him your chief delight. If you cannot answer positively, consider seriously the frequent breathings of your soul; do you not, however, put yourself off with a slight answer. If have reason to think you you are graceless, oh, give yourself and the throne of grace no rest, till God arise and save. But if the case should be otherwise, bless God for his after press grace, and holiness.

"My soul longs that you should be fitted for, and in due time go into, the work of the ministry. I cannot bear to think of your going into any other business in life. Do not be discouraged because you see your elder brothers in the ministry die young, one after another. declare, now I am dying, I would not have spent my life otherwise for the whole world. But I must leave this with God.


If this line should come to your hands soon after the date, I should be almost desirous that you should set out on a journey to me,

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With the same ardent zeal and love he thus addressed a young friend to whom he was tenderly attached, and who was at that time a candidate for the ministry.

Very dear Sir, --- How amazing it is, that the living, who know that they must die, should notwithstanding put far away the evil day, in a season of health and prosperity; and live at such an awful distance from a familiarity with the grave, and the great concerns beyond it! And especially it may justly fill us with surprize, that any, whose minds have been divinely enlightened, to behold the important things of eternity as they are, I say, that such should live in this


And yet, Sir, how frequently is this the case? How rare are the instances of those who live and act, from day to day, as on the verge of eternity, striving to fill up all their remaining moments in the service and to the honour of their great Master? We insensibly trifle away time, when we seem to have enough of it; and are so strangely amused, as in a great measure to lose a sense of the holiness and blessed qualifications necessary to prepare us to be inhabitants of the heavenly paradise. But, dear Sir, a dying bed, if we enjoy our reason clearly, will give another view of things.

'I have now, for more than three

weeks, lain under the greatest degree of weakness; the greater part of the time, expecting daily and hourly to enter into the eternal world: sometimes I have been so far gone, as to be wholly speechless for some hours together. And, oh, of what vast importance has a holy spiritual life appeared to me to be in this season! I have longed to call upon all my friends, to make it their business to live to God; and especially all that are designed for, or engaged in, the service of the sanctuary.


O dear Sir, do not think it enough to live at the rate of common Christians. Alas, to how little purpose do they often converse, when they meet together ! The visits, even of those who are called Christians indeed, are frequently extremely barren; and conscience cannot but condemn us for the misimprovement of time, while we have been conversant with them. But the way to enjoy the Divine presence, and be fitted for distinguishing service for God, is to live a life of great devotion and constant self-dedication to him; observing the motions and dispositions of our own hearts, whence we may learn the corruptions that lodge there, and our constant need of help from God for the performance of the least duty. Dear Sir, let me beseech you frequently to attend to the great and precious duties of private fasting and prayer.

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I have a secret thought, from some things which I have observed, that God may perhaps design you for some singular service in the world. O, then, labour to be prepared and qualified to do much for God. Read Mr. Edwards's piece on the Affections, again and again; and labour to distinguish clearly upon experiences and affections in religion, that you may make a difference between the gold and the shining dross. I say, labour there as ever you would be a useful minister of Christ; for nothing

has put such a stop to the work of God in the late day, as the false religion, the wild affections, that attend it. Suffer me, therefore, finally, to entreat you earnestly to give yourself to prayer, to reading and meditation on divine truths. Strive to penetrate to the bottom of them; and never be content with a superficial knowledge. By this means, your thoughts will gradually grow weighty and judicious; and you hereby will be possessed of a valuable treasure, out of which you may produce things new and old, to the glory of God.

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And now, I commend you to the grace of God; earnestly desiring, that a plentiful portion of the Divine Spirit may rest on you; that you may live to God in every capacity of life, and do abundant service for him in a public one, if it be his will; and that you may be richly qualified for the inheritance of the saints in glory.

I scarcely expect to see your face any more in the body; and therefore intreat you to accept this as the last token of love from Your sincerely affectionate dying friend,


To his brother John he writes,

، Dear Brother,I am now just on the verge of eternity, expecting very speedily to appear in the unseen world. I feel myself no more an inhabitant of earth, and sometimes earnestly long to depart and be with Christ. I bless God that he has, for some years, given me an abiding conviction, that it is impossible for any rational creature to enjoy true happiness without being entirely devoted to him. Under the influence of this conviction, I have in some measure acted; Oh that I had done more so! I saw both the excellency and necessity of holiness in life; but never in such a manner as now, when I am just brought to the sides of the grave. Oh, my brother, pursue

after holiness: press toward the blessed mark; and let your thirsty soul continually say, 'I shall never be satisfied till I awake in thy likeness.' Although there has been a great deal of selfishness in my views; of which I am ashamed, and for which my soul has been humbled; yet, blessed be God, I find I have really had, for the most part, such a concern for his glory and the advancement of his kingdom in the world, that it is a satisfaction to me to reflect on these years.

‹ And now, my dear brother, as I must press you to pursue after personal holiness, to be as much in fasting and prayer as your health will allow, and to live above the rate of common Christians; so I must entreat you solemnly to attend to your public work. Labour to distinguish between true and false religion; and, to that end, watch the motions of God's Spirit on your own heart look to him for help; and impartially compare your experiences with his word.

God knows, I was heartily willing to serve him longer in the work of the ministry, although it had still been attended with all the labours and hardships of past years, if he had seen fit that it should be so: but as his will now appears otherwise, I am fully content; and can, with the utmost freedom say, The will of the Lord be done.

It affects me to think of leaving you in a world of sin. My heart pities you, that those storms and tempests are yet before you, which I trust, through grace, I am almost delivered from. But God liveth, and blessed be my Rock! He is the same Almighty Friend; and will, I trust, be your guide and helper, as he has been mine.

"And now, my dear brother, "I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified." May you enjoy the

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Divine presence, both in private and public, and may "the arms of your hands be made strong, by the right hand of the mighty God of Jacob!" Which are the passionate desires and prayers of Your affectionate dying brother, DAVID BRAINERD.'


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In this holy, heavenly state of mind, Mr. B. awaited his solemn change: change: one evening perceiving a fresh token of the fatal progress of his disorder, he exclaimed; Oh, the glorious time is now coming! I have longed to serve God perfectly; now he will gratify my desires.' As new symptoms of approaching dissolution made their appearance, he became still more animated and cheerful. When he spoke of the period of his death, he used to call it, that glorious day;' nor was this because he should then be delivered from sorrow and pain, and raised to dignity and honour, for he thought that a comparatively low and ignoble consideration, but because he should then be able to glorify God with a pure and perfect heart. One evening, when he was attempting to walk a little, he thought with himself: How infinitely sweet is it, to love God, and to be all for him.' Upon which it occurred to him:

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You are not an angel, not lively and active.' To this, his whole soul instantly replied: I as sincerely desire to love and glorify God, as any angel in heaven.' The same night, he said: My heaven is to please God, to give up all to him, to be wholly devoted to his glory; that is the heaven I long for; that is my religion; that is my happiness, and alway was, ever since, I suppose, I had any true religion. I do not go to heaven to get honour, but to give all possible glory and praise. It is no matter where I shall be stationed in heaven, whether I have a high or a low seat there; but to love, and please, and glorify God

is all. Had I a thousand souls, if they were worth any thing, I would give them all to him; but I have nothing to give when all is done. My heart goes out to the burying ground; it seems to me a desirable place; but, Oh, to glorify God! that is it, that is above all. It is a great comfort to me to think, that I have done a little for God in the world. Oh! it is but a very small matter; yet I have done a little, and I lament I have not done more for him. There is nothing in the world worth living for, but doing good, living to God, pleasing him, and doing his whole


· Mr. Brainerd was now daily growing worse; yet ill as he was, he eagerly employed the little strength which still remained, in some attempts to promote the glory of the Redeemer and the salvation

of souls. It greatly refreshed him amidst all his bodily sickness and pain, that he was enabled to contribute a little towards these important objects. Nature, however, was, at length, exhausted. He gradually sunk under the ravages of his disorder, and after a severe struggle, breathed his last, October 9, 1747, in the thirtieth' year of his age.

Thus died Mr. David Brainerd, a young man, whose extraordinary worth and piety entitle him to the warmest admiration and respect of the Christian world, and whose memory deserves to be embalmed to the latest generations. He possessed, according to President Edwards, uncommon natural talents; a quick perception; a ready invention: a strong memory; a clear, correct, penetrating judgment; a sound and vigorous understanding; much natural eloquence, and a peculiar facility of communicating his ideas to others.


had an extraordinary knowledge of men, as well as things, and a happy faculty of accommodating himself to the capacities, tempers,

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and circumstances of those whom he wished to instruct. His gift in prayer was almost inimitable : there was such a propriety in his petitions; such a weight in his expressions; such an appearance of sincerity, reverence, and solemnity in his manner. His learning was very considerable: he excelled in knowledge in general; but particularly in the knowledge of theology. He was truly, for one of his age, an extraordinary divine, especially in all matters relating to experimental religion. Grace in him appears to have been, with scarcely any interruption, in sensible and vigorous operation. He was distinguished by the purest and most ardent love to God; by a most abasing impression of his own vileness, particularly of the depravity of his heart; by deep contrition of spirit, on account of his small attainments in piety, and fervent longings after perfection in holiness; by intense desires to promote the glory of God, and the extension of the kingdom of Christ in the world; by singular spirituality of mind, and entire deadness to earthly things; by clear and impressive views of eternity, as if he were actually out of the body, and beheld with his eyes the grand realities of the other world.'

The last entry in his diary, in his own hand, was the following,

Sep. 25, 1747.-This day I felt unspeakably weak, and little better than speechless all the day. However, I was able to write a little. Oh, it refreshed my soul to think of former things, of desires to glorify God, of the pleasures of living to him! O my God, I am speedily coming to thee, I hope! Hasten the day, O Lord, if it be thy blessed will. Oh " come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!" Amen.'

His diary was continued a little further, in a broken manner, written by his brother Israel, but indited by himself. The last entry thus made in it here follows,

Oct. 2.-My soul was, this day, at turns, sweetly set on God. I longed to be with him, that I might behold his glory. I felt sweetly disposed to commit all to him; even my dearest friends, my dearest flock, my absent brother, and all my concerns for time and eternity. Oh that his kingdom might come in the world! that all


might love and glorify him, for what he is in himself! that the blessed Redeemer might "" see the travail of his soul, and be satisfied!" Oh "come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!" Amen.'

May God vouchsafe to raise up in his church, many who may follow this his departed servant, as he followed Christ. Amen.


You may

MY DEAR -, Unwittingly, yet effectually did you, on my visit during the summer, lay the foundation of no inconsiderable drawback to my religious peace. perchance recollect stating your disbelief on the personality of the Holy Spirit. Nor even yet are the turbulent waves of this noisome heresy entirely at rest. May he to whom the waves of the ocean paid their due allegiance, say to my contentious and erring heart, "Peace, be still."

Consider me not, I pray you, as that ignorant and shackled person, who led by the baseness of fear, would feign throw aside the reasonable interpretation of Scripture in obedience to the dogmas of commentators and expositors.

For I

do maintain that Holy Scripture has explicit and conclusive testimony to the personality of the Holy Ghost; and lest you should fancy I make assertion without proof, I annex the following pas


Luke i. 35. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.

Matt. iii. 16. And Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water; and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him. And lo, a voice from heaven,

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saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

The parallel passage in St. Luke iii. 22. is as follows. The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

On these passages the Homily for Whitsunday remarks. Where note three divers and distinct persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Matt. xxviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Would Christ have appointed a solemn service in his religion, and placed it at the door of the church, as a test prior to admission, in the which an equality is plainly shewn between what you would call the deity and an energy? See Dr. Hawker.

Acts xiii. 2. The Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

The eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans abounds with testimony to the personality of the Holy Ghost. But the following verses deserve especial attention.

Rom. viii. 26, 27. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities-but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us-He that search

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