Time and the Inner Future: A Temporal Approach to Psychiatric DisordersWiley, 1982 - 365 էջ |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 69–ի 1-ից 3-ը:
Էջ 59
... thought disorder of the group of schizophrenias . A formal thought disorder means that thinking processes are disturbed ; the deranged processes often give rise to bizarre thought content , such as delusions . Research has shown that ...
... thought disorder of the group of schizophrenias . A formal thought disorder means that thinking processes are disturbed ; the deranged processes often give rise to bizarre thought content , such as delusions . Research has shown that ...
Էջ 140
... thoughts wander haphazardly from subject to subject . Because he is unable to keep a goal in mind and to coordinate sequences of thought relevant to the goal , the train of his associa- tions appear to be loose and lack organization ...
... thoughts wander haphazardly from subject to subject . Because he is unable to keep a goal in mind and to coordinate sequences of thought relevant to the goal , the train of his associa- tions appear to be loose and lack organization ...
Էջ 164
... thought content is often explainable on the basis of the person's past history . How and why such thought content emerges at a particular time involves questions of process . In our model , we propose that no particular thought ...
... thought content is often explainable on the basis of the person's past history . How and why such thought content emerges at a particular time involves questions of process . In our model , we propose that no particular thought ...
Two Psychological Time and the Personal Future | 14 |
Futuring Temporal | 29 |
Հեղինակային իրավունք | |
19 այլ բաժինները չեն ցուցադրվում
Common terms and phrases
adjustment disorder ambivalence anticipations anticipatory control anxiety Beck become behavior biological Bowlby catastrophic expectations cerebral hemisphere changes Chapter clinical clock cognitive cognitive therapy correlation cybernetic depersonalization desynchronized transactions disintegration of sequences disorders disorientation distortions emotional spirals emotional vicious cycle example experiences family therapy feedback feedforward feel future images future self-image future time perspective future-oriented psychotherapy goals guided imagery help the patient hopelessness hypnosis impaired individual interaction interviewer involved limbic system loss of control Melges memory mental mismatches mother neurotic occur one's organic brain disease outcomes paranoid paranoid disorders personal future plans of action present problems with sequence prompt psychiatric patients psychological psychopathological spirals psychosis redecisions rehearsals relationships schizophrenia self-futuring semantic differential sense sequential thinking slowing stages studies techniques temporal disintegration temporal disorganization temporal organization temporal perspective therapist thought threat tions tracking difficulties transactional analysis treatment usually z-transformation