PREFACE. THE fifteen Discourses which were published in the first edition of this book, have been revised for re-publication. Those which bear the following titles, "Sorrow incidental to Man's Greatness," "Conflicting Views of Providence," "The Pilgrimage of Life," "The Ministry of Nature to Human Grief," " Action, not Repose, the Heavenly Rest," " Visions of the Spirit-world," "Spiritual Equality revealed through Suffering," "Life a Sealed Book," and "Age like the Noon-day," are now printed for the first time. The original character of the book has not been changed, although an attempt has been made to give a little more variety to its contents. If, in its more imperfect form, it has met the wants of sorrowing hearts, the Author hopes that it will now be regarded as more worthy of a favorable reception. The dates at the end of these Discourses will be unmeaning to most readers; but to those who heard them, and to the writer himself, they recall hours of the deepest experience. Another book has lately been published with the same title. This fact may be the occasion of some confusion; but it presents no sufficient reason for changing the title of a new edition of the present work. SALEM, (Mass.,) December, 1853. |