Thirty COPPER-PLATE CUTS of the several Kinds Printed for JOHN and FRANCIS RIVINGTON, (N°62) at MDCCLXXV, TO EDWARD POPHAM, Efq; LITTLECOT in the County T of WILTS. HE benefits accruing to literature from the pa tronage of great and ju dicious perfons, has generally been deemed a sufficient excuse for ad dresses of this nature; but however plaufible such a reason might feem, the editor of the following piece had forborne to avail himself of it, or to requeft the patronage of so difcern ing a judge as yourself, if he had not hoped that his prefumption would have carried its own apology with it, and been confcious that, while he was foliciting Mr. Popham's pro tection for so valuable a work as the Complete Angler, he was at once in dulging his curiofity, and gratifying his benevolence. How |