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for its own consumption. As the population of New Spain is concentrated in the interior of the country, we find fewer sugar works along the coast, where the great heats and abundant rains are favourable to the cultivation of the sugar, than on the ascent of the Cordilleras, and in the more elevated parts of the central table land. The principal plantations are in the intendancy of Vera Cruz, near the towns of Orizaba and Cordova; in the intendancy of Puebla, near Guautla de las Amilpas, at the foot of the Volcan de Popocatepetl; in the intendancy of Mexico, to the westward of the Nevado de Toluca, and to the south of Cuernavacca, in the plains of San Gabriel; in the intendancy of Guanaxuato, near Celaya, Salvatierra and Penjamo, and in the valley of Santiago; in the intendancies of Valladolid and Guadalaxara, to the southwest of Pazcuaro and Tecolotlan. Although the mean temperature most suitable to the sugar cane is 24° or 25° of the centigrade Thermometer*, this plant may however be successfully cultivated in places where the mean annual heat does not exceed 19° or 20°. Now the decrease of the caloric being nearly a degree of the Centigrade Thermometer for every 200 metres of elevation, we find in general,


* From 75° to 77° of Fahrenheit. Trans.
From 66° to 68° of Fahrenheit.
200 metres = 656 English feet Trans.

under the tropics, on the rapid declivity of mountains, this mean temperature of 20° at 1000 metres of elevation* above the level of the ocean. On table land of a great extent, the heat is increased to such a degree by the reverberation of the earth, that the mean temperature of the City of Mexico is 17° instead of 13°. 7† ; that of Quito, is 15°. 8 instead of 11°. 51. The result of these data, is, that on the central table land of Mexico, the maximum of heat at which the sugar cane vegetates vigorously without suffering from frost in winter, is not 1000 but from 1400 to 1500 metres§. In favourable exposures, especially in valleys sheltered by mountains from the north winds, the highest limit of sugar cultivation reaches as high as 2000 metres. In fact, if the height of the plains of San Gabriel which contain many fine sugar plantations, is only 980 metres, on the other hand the environs of Celaya, Salvatierra, Irapuato and Santiago, are beyond 1800 metres of absolute elevation. I have been assured that the sugar cane plantations of Rio Verde, situated to the north of Guanaxuato under 22° 30' of latitude, are at an elevation of 2200 metres, in a narrow valley surrounded by high Cordil

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leras, and so warm that its inhabitants frequently suffer from intermittent fevers. I discovered on examining the testament of Cortez* that in the time of this great man there were sugar works near Cuyoacan in the valley of Mexico. This curious fact proves what is indicated by several other phenomena, that this valley is colder in our days than it was at the commencement of the conquest, because a great number of trees then diminished the effect of the north winds which now blow with impetuosity. Those accustomed to see sugar cane plantations in the West India Islands will learn with the same astonishment, that in the kingdom of New Granada the greatest quantity of sugar is not yielded in the plains on the banks of the river de la Madalena, but on the ascent of the Cordilleras, in the valley of Guaduas, on the road from Honda to Santa Fe, in a district which according to my barometrical measurement, is from 1200 to 1700 metrest above the level of the sea.

"I order an examination to be made whether in my estados lands have been taken from the natives to be planted with vines; I wish also an examination to be made as to the ground given by me in these last years to my domestic Bernardino del Castillo for the establishment of a sugar plantation near Cuyoacan." (Manuscript testament" of Hernan Cortez, executed at Seville, the 18th August, 1548, art. 48.)

† From 3936 to 5576 feet. Trans.

Fortunately the introduction of Negroes has not augmented in Mexico in the same proportion as the sugar produce. Although in the intendancy of Puebla near Guautla de las Amilpas, there are plantations (haciendas de cana) which yield annually more than from twenty to thirty thousand arrobas* (from 500,000 to 750,000 kilogrammes†) almost all the Mexican sugar is manufactured by Indians and consequently by free hands. It is easy to foresee that the small West India Islands, notwithstanding their favourable position for trade, will not be long able to sustain a competition with the continental colonies, if the latter continue to give themselves up with the same ardour to the cultivation of sugar, coffee and cotton. In the physical as well as in the moral world, every thing terminates in a return to the order prescribed by nature; and if small islands, of which the population was exterminated, have hitherto carried on a more active trade with their productions than the neighbouring continent, it is only because the inhabitants of Cumana, Cara

* This produce is very considerable, and it is only to be found in a single plantation in the Island of Cuba of the name of Rio Blanco, belonging to the Marquis del Arcos, between Xaruco and Matanzas, which annually produces. 40,000 arrobas of sugar. There are not eight which yield for ten years in succession 35,000.

+ From 1,103,500 to 1,655,250 lib. avoird. Trans.

cas, New Granada and Mexico began very late to profit by the immense advantages derived by them from nature. But roused from a lethargy of many ages, freed from the shackles which a false policy imposed on the progress of agriculture, the Spanish colonies of the continent will gradually take possession of the different branches of the West India trade. This change, which has been prepared by the events of St. Domingo, will have the most fortunate issue in the diminution of the slave trade; and suffering humanity will owe to the natural progress of things what we had a right to expect from the wisdom of the European governments. Thus the colonists of the Havannah, well informed as to their true interests, have their eyes fixed on the progress of sugar cultivation in Mexico, and the coffee of the Caracas. They have long dreaded the rivalship of the continent, especially since the want of combustibles, and the excessive dearth of provisions, slaves, metallick utensils, and the necessary cattle, have considerably diminished the net revenue of the plantations.

New Spain besides the advantage of its population, has still another very important one in the enormous mass of capitals in the possession of the proprietors of mines, or in the hands of merchants who have retired from commerce. In order fully to feel the importance of this advantage, we must recollect that in

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