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confinement. He was particularly employed in carrying messages to those Churches where St. Paul had planted the Gospel. It is supposed that he left St. Paul at Rome, and travelled through Greece, Egypt, &c. But the more probable supposition is, that he did not entirely leave St. Paul till he had finished his course in martyrdom. The place and the manner of St. Luke's death are uncertain.

Q. What account do you give of the Gospel written by St. Luke?

A. St. Luke wrote his Gospel in Achaia, by the assistance of St. Paul, principally with a view to record many particulars relating to the Saviour which the other Evangelists had passed over. It is dedicated to Theophilus, who was probably some magistrate of Achaia, who was converted and baptized by St. Luke.

Q: What account do you give of the Acts of the Apostles which were written by St. Luke ?

A. The Acts of the Apostles were written by St. Luke at Rome, while he was there attending on St. Paul in his imprisonment. In this history he relates the actions and sufferings of some of the chief Apostles, particularly St. Paul. Q. What are the characteristics of St. Luke's style?

A. St. Luke's manner of writing greatly excels that of the other writers of the sacred history. His style is polite and elegant, sublime and expressive; yet clear and perspicuous. He comes up to the character of a true historian, being faithful in his narrations, and elegant in his expressions.

Q. What instruction may we derive from the observation of this festival?

A. We should rejoice in those glad tidings of salvation proclaimed to the world by this holy Evangelist; and it should be our supreme care and aim to obtain an interest in this great salvation. From the advantage which St. Luke received from the learning of Antioch, we should be impressed with the necessity and importance of human literature as a powerful auxiliary to divine truth. From the pains which this Evangelist took to instruct his friend Theophilus in the truths of the Gospel, we should learn to consider it as one of the most sacred duties to advance the spiritual welfare of those dear to us. The attendance of St. Luke on the aged Apostle Paul, during his confinement and persecutions at Rome, should teach us the duty of assisting and comforting our fellow Christians in their distress and persecution; by praying to God to succour and console

them; by vindicating them from the assaults of calumny and slander; and by endeavouring to supply their necessities. They are members of the same spiritual body with ourselves, in which, "if one member suffer, all the members suffer with it." They are redeemed by the same common Saviour, who "being rich, for our sakes became poor.' These considerations should urge us to seek to comfort and relieve them. We are also liable to the same afflictions which assail them; and therefore we should "remember them that are in adversity, as being ourselves also in the body.""


ST. SIMON and ST. JUDE, October 28.


WHAT account is given of St. Simon?

A. St. Simon the Apostle was born, as some suppose, in Cana of Galilee, for which reason they conclude he was surnamed the Canaanite. But others, with more probability, derive that name from Kanah, which signifies the same as Znawrns, zealot; St. Simon having received this appellation from his great zeal for the honour of the Christian faith. But others again are of opinion, that he received this name from a particular sect among the Jews called zealots, who professed a great zeal for the honour of God; which zeal afterwards degenerated into licentiousness and extravagance, and became the occasion of great miseries to their own nation. St. Simon having preached the Gospel in Egypt and Africa, and it is supposed in Britain, at last suffered martyrdom.

Q. What account is given of St. Jude?

A. St. Jude the Apostle is reckoned among the number of the brethren of our Lord, being the son of Joseph, and brother of James, Bishop of Jerusalem. He is called in scripture Libbæus, denoting prudence and understanding; and also Thaddeus, signifying a person zealous in praising God. Q. What is particularly recorded of St. Jude at our Lord's Jast Supper?

A. At our Lord's last Supper, when he was declaring what

31 Cor. xii. 26.

t 2 Cor. viii. 9,

u Heb. xiii. 3.

v Luke vi. 15.

particular manifestations he would make of himself to his disciples after his resurrection, St. Jude asked him what was the reason he would "manifest himself to them and not to the world."w

Q. How does our Saviour answer St. Jude's inquiry?

A. To this inquiry of St. Jude, our Saviour answered, that because the world had no respect for him or his doctrine, therefore they should not enjoy the happiness of his presence. But since they who had been his constant disciples had showed their love to him, by obeying his laws, and attending upon his person, he would reward them, by revealing himself to them, who were to be the witnesses of his resurrection to the world.

Q. Where did St. Jude exercise his ministry?

A. It is most probable that St. Jude preached in Judea, Galilee, and the neighbouring countries, and at last suffered martyrdom in Persia.

Q. What are the writings of this Apostle?

A. St. Jude left only one Epistle, which, though addressed to all Christians at large, is supposed to have been chiefly intended for the converted Jews in their several dispersions. He exhorts them, with firm, yet mild and gentle zeal, to defend" the faith once delivered to the saints," and to oppose the false teachers who were corrupting it.

Q. Since zeal is a great Christian virtue, to which we are excited by the example of these and the other Apostles, explain the nature of zeal.

A. Zeal is an earnest concern in favour of or against some truth or object; which concern leads to the eager pursuit of the truth or object, or to an eager opposition to it. Like the other passions, it is in its own nature indifferent, and is either good or bad, according to the object or degree of it. It is used in scripture in a good sense, when it is considered as exercised on those things which relate to the honour of God, and the salvation of the souls of men. And it is used in a bad sense, when applied to a furious spirit of persecution, and such contentions and divisions as produce wrath and ungovernable passions."

Q. Describe that zeul which may be considered as a Christian virtue ?

A. The zeal which is a Christian virtue should be right in regard to its object; that for which we contend should be

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some certain and important good, and that which we oppose some certain and important evil. The degree of it should be in proportion to the good or evil of the things on which it is exercised. And our zeal should be restrained to the use of lawful and justifiable means; for no zeal for God and his glory, for his true Church and religion, will justify the use of any means that are in themselves sinful.

Q. Where does our zeal become criminal?

A. Our zeal becomes criminal when it leads us violently to contend for any unimportant or erroneous doctrine; to violate any of the express institutions or laws of God, under the pretext of a concern for his glory; or to create divisions or schisms in the Church of Christ. And our zeal is criminal when it leads us to pursue and defend even truth, without the meekness and charity which are essential to the character of a true Christian.

Q. What are the considerations which should excite our zeal in the service of God?

A. The excellency of the divine nature, and the infinite bounty and goodness of God towards us; the wonderful con descension of the Son of God, who stooped so low to redeem us, and suffered so much to purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works; the great importance of the salvation of our souls, the weakness of our nature, and the strength of temptation; all these considerations should animate our zeal in the service of our gracious God and Redeemer, and should awaken our most earnest and active exertions to secure our everlasting interests.

Q. Does zeal for God extenuate the immorality of any action?

A. Wicked actions, even if done from a sincere but erroneous zeal for God, expose us without repentance to his just wrath; for the nature of wicked actions is not altered by our persuasion concerning them. It may, however, extenuate a crime, and render the person who commits it less obnoxious to the severity of God's wrath, if he has acted from the convictions of an honest, though deluded conscience. It is a much greater fault to do that which we really believe contrary to our duty, than ignorantly to transgress when we are under the power of an erroneous conscience.

Q. How ought we to exert our zeal towards heretics and schismatics?

A. Our zeal against heretics and schismatics should be exerted by earnest prayer to God for their conversion; that

it would please him to bring into "the way of truth, all such as have erred and are deceived;" by acting towards them with such kindness and gentleness as may induce them calmly to listen to our arguments and remonstrances; and, at the same time, we should remain steadfast and decided in maintaining the truth, and should earnestly endeavour to convince those of their error, who reject the doctrines or authorized ministry of the Church.



ALL SAINTS' DAY, November 1.


WHOM does the Church this day commemorate?

A. The Church has wisely set apart a day for the com memoration of those good and eminent Christians who have fought the good fight of faith, and been remarkably distinguished for their virtue and piety, and who are therefore properly called Saints. She celebrates on this day the viriues of those Saints who are militant here on earth, as well as the memories of those triumphant Saints who are now arrived at the haven of eternal repose, and who enjoy uninterrupted peace and happiness with their Lord and Saviour in the mansions of heaven.

Q. What was the design of the Church in instituting this festival?

4. The principal design of the Church in instituting this festival seems to be to honour God in the virtues and good examples of his Saints. For through the assistance of his grace they were made conformable to his will in this life, and through the unmerited mercy of the same gracious Lord, they are crowned with happiness hereafter. The Church also designs by this festival, to encourage us here below to run the race that is set before us; since we are encompassed with so great a cloud of witnesses," who have given the most illustrious evidence of their faith in God and constant adherence to his truth, and whose example should animate and encourage us.


Q. Does not the Church also, on this festival, remind us of the doctrine of "the Communion of Saints ?"

4. The Church, on this festival, reminds us of the impor

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