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The study of the formula has its logical beginning at the Rectangular Co-ordinate" considered as the unit of Knowledge, regarding Knowledge as the third of the three most general orders of phenomena in nature, with Matter the first, and Life the second.

First its synthetical, or constructive powers should be noted. The figure in the upper left hand corner"Progression of the Unit,'"' being descriptive of its rational (quotient-like) progress by definite proportion (decreasing in size by one-half and increasing in number by three times) through verticity to symmetry, giving a harmonious whole. The same figure triadically classified (in colors-red, blue and green) in the upper right hand corner-The Sematical Unity," or Frame Work, by which the mechanism of fundamental principles, or primary ideas are enabled to exhibit their organic properties through their machine-like conformity to the "Fixed Order''. The same figure representing "The Ideation of the Unity'' setting forth the seriate character of the ideas their decreasing generality corresponding to the decreasing size of the unfolding unit, making the two commensurate, and therefore, alike mathematical.

Second, its analytical, or instructive properties should be attended to. The figure in the lower left hand corner-Regression of the Unit,'' is the Sematical (sign-like) unit of the third most general order of phenomena in nature, Knowledge, as the molecule is the physical (body-like) unit, or as the cell is the psychical (life-like) unit, a correspondence: resolved into its elements-positive and negative, the process resembles the ionization of some physical units, as water. The elimination of the motion (the line) from the polarized, classified (green and red) elements leaves, as the remainder, the polarized, classified points or places-Knowledge (Sematic-al) substance.

This prefatory glance at the formula shows that the

Law of Continuity, which is the prerequisite for verification, is recognized and respected throughout the structure.

But A MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY differs from all other so-called philosophies in its practicability, its usableness.

When it is considered that an organism is identifiable by its two mediums, the internal, to which its relationship is direct, and the external, to which its relationship is indirect, then the directness of the relationship of the Mechanism of ideas to the geometrical FrameWork, carrying them at definite points, or places, suggests the high probability that knowledge, in its completely unified form, is an organism. Then taking that other carrier of ideas, the life-like plasmic, cellular and fibrous structure, to which fundamental principles, primary ideas have a well known indirect relationship, we have at once the complemental external medium, and the complete organism given. So, as Nature's agents, or brokers (interpreters) we have, by observation and experiment, attained the ability to present the code of the Fixed Order', in its textile (architectonical) form, the warp of analytical geometry and the woof of fundamental principles working together to formulate an organic method, A NATURAL LOGIC.

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The applicability of the organic method exemplifies the three fundamental aspects of universal work, namely, homogeneity (it is the same for everyone), hetero-geneity (it accommodates the different in everyone) and auto-geneity (it is its own pecularity+form in self-explanation). The ideas of the first order are explanatoryof its body-like internal medium; those of the second order, of its life-like external medium; and those of the third order, of the sign-like organism which looks to its generative frame-work for fixity, and to its directive interpreters (brokers) for application.

Now this mechanism of ideas, carried in place by an inflexible frame-work, and doing ratio-nal (quotientlike) work, corresponds to the theory of machines (Ency. Brit.) and appears to be entitled to the name-Mind

in nature.


What is Mind? Mind is a subject, the negative element of a dialectic-al (speech-like) thought-unit, "that about which something is said.'' The complemental positive element is a predicate, 'that which says it."

Mind does work, and Mind cannot not work, and therefore, since "a thing is what it does,'' MIND IS WORK. Mind is a subject whose predicate is Work.

The application of the organic method in working out the answer to the question, as per the diagram, is a Given example in ratio-cination (quotient-ing).

Ratio-cination is an idea whose complemental reality is normalization (morphological rectification).

Normalization is a kind of digestive process; morphology, the science of organic form, presupposes the ability of the subject to break up into an organism, including its two identifying, internal and external, mediums. A digest from a code consists in the use of one or more of the codified body of laws in the establishment of the validity of an answer to a question, or claim. The kind of work done by the law, or laws, so employed, is a purposive aid to the assimilation of nutriment by the social organism, just as the use of a receipt or receipts for the preparation of food is a purposive aid to assimilation of nutriment by the individual organism, that is, prepared law and prepared food, are alike, purposive aids for digestion.

The two laws, taken from the code and applied in

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the diagram, are "Contradiction' and and Negation" respectively, the "First Law of Thought," and the 'First Law of Motion,'' but in their distilled, or organic form-the positive and negative Sematic-al (sign-like) elements.

Mind appears to have three most general forms, and they occur together in the man, and nowhere else. They are theoretically separable, i. e., intelligibly and diagrammatically, not actually.

Reference to the digest shows that these three forms are carried by the negative element (negation'') intelligibly. Mind in man equals the organism (social); Mind in the animal equals the internal, or generative medium of the organism; Mind in nature equals the external, or directive medium of the organism. This process of quotient-ing (ratio-cination) of the subject Mind is an exhaustive division (dichotomization) i. e., the whole dividend is given in the quotient, or answer. Besides the organic form of the subject, Mind, there is the isolation of the identifyingly classified particulars of the predicate, Work, also in organic form.

Of the Normalization the morphology attends to the "frame-work'' (carrying in place in "Fixed Order'') while the Rectification looks to the banishment of indifference from the 'Mechanical'' parts thus carried.

Hence, while the whole is a psychological (life and logic) theory, intelligible and diagrammatical, it has that philosophical reference to the machine-like method of the 'Fixed Order,'' which seems to entitle it to the name "Philosophical-Psychology.'


Natural Law or the "Fixed Order'' in its social ap-plications, dichotomizes (exhaustively divides) into the command, the duty and the sanction. To the legal fra

ternity this triad of denotations is quite familiar, also that when either becomes explicitly denoted, the other two are implicitly connoted.

Law phenomenalizes (makes its appearance) in the social organism as knowledge-the gotten given. It manifests itself under the conditions imposed by comprehension e. g., when one comprehends that, three and two are equal to five, one cannot not know it. What may have been either a fancy, a guess, or a belief, previous to comprehension, has lost every possibility of the marks of caprice, and taken on the fixedness of the order of things,'' the stamp of necessity.

This gotten given knowledge constitutes a tremendously advantageous endowment for man over all other animals, and for this, man owes-is under obligation, or duty to use, and not to abuse, the invested trust.

"The greater the blessing in use,
The greater the curse in abuse."'

The man may, choice, and it is the punishment for the abuse of the trust.

and does act in accordance with office of the sanction to inflict failure to use, or for the successful

Now, both the sanction (nature's penal code), and man's abuse of knowledge, are evidently forms of evil, but the former has the positive reference, the latter the negative. To comprehend the opposite operations of these opposite conditions would, manifestly, be equal to the ability to solve the problem of evil, so called. By the instrumental help of the well-known algebraical formula of plus and minus, and the logical localization of the necessary fundamental principles in the formula with the algebraical custom of substitution, the solution is effected. in the diagram entitled "Algebraical form in Ethics.''

"Neither the naked hand nor the understanding left to itself can effect much. It is by instruments and helps that the work is done, which are as much wanted for the understanding as the hand. And as the instruments of the hand either give motion or guide it, so

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