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Lord, how hast thou since blessed us, above other nations, in the enjoyment of the light of thy truth, and in the power and means to communicate it!

We feel that our privileges imply duties. Give us grace, then, to labour, that the word of the Lord may from us sound out in every place. We thank thee that thou hast given many the disposition to aid in this work, and that numbers of thy servants are united in societies, to send abroad the tidings of salvation. Lord, bless them all. Lord, greatly increase the number of such as have at heart the good of Zion.

We thank thee, O Lord, that thy holy word is translating into numerous different languages, and that now so many nations may hear in their own tongues the wonderful works of God. Give yet

Facilitate this work

peculiar talents to

greater success to these efforts. by imparting, more and more, those engaged therein. As thou didst give to thy servants of old peculiar skill in erecting the tabernacle in the wilderness, and the temple at Jerusalem, so in this age of thy church do thou grant special gifts to those engaged in building up thy spiritual temple.

Lord, do thou prepare and call forth labourers. Qualify fit instruments to conduct missionary efforts, and give them faith, wisdom, and judgment, uprightness, patience, and self-denial, a single eye and a single heart, in all their proceedings. So incline their minds that they may send none to labour among the heathen but those that are first chosen of thee: men anointed with the Holy Ghost. Do thou raise up meek, humble, patient, believing, laborious, and persevering men, counting their work their wages,


and looking for the recompense of reward hereafter: men suited to the exigencies of the heathen, in their various degrees of civilization and knowledge, and adapted to meet their wants in each particular situation; men willing to spend themselves and be spent for Christ. Lord, send forth, we beseech thee, send forth such labourers.

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REGARD, we beseech thee, O Lord, with thy infinite love, those who have gone forth in thy name to heathen lands, to labour in making Christ known to the Gentiles. Help them to be followers of thy Apostles. Grant that they may never lose that first love and ardour of mind which induced them, for Christ's sake, to leave country, home, friends, and relatives. Preserve them sound in doctrine, and pure in their life and conversation. In the faith of Christ may they vanquish the world, the flesh and the devil, and overcome apparently insurmountable difficulties. Give unto them utterance, that they may open their mouths boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel. Give them grace to hope even against hope; and in thy own good time remove every opposing obstacle to the universal diffusion of thy truth. Let the course of thy providence prepare the way for thy servants. Let every fresh advance, either in commerce, science, or arts, aid the coming on of the Redeemer's kingdom; and all things work together for good, till at his coming all shall know thee, the only true God, from the least to the greatest.

And for this we entreat the full outpouring of thy

Holy Spirit upon all flesh; upon kings of the earth and all people; upon bishops, priests, deacons, and all Christian ministers; upon princes, senators, and magistrates; young men and maidens, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is excellent, his glory is above the earth and heaven.

O Lord, it is not our glory we seek, but thine. We long, we ask, we pray, that thy will may be done on earth, as it is in heaven; that all nations whom thou hast made may come and worship before thee, and glorify thy name. Lord, thou knowest our desires: we know not how to express them as we should. Do for us and thy Church exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for thy great name's sake. Amen.

These prayers we offer up in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Our Father, &c.


O THOU great and glorious Saviour, who has so often said to thy church, Behold, I come quickly; who didst by thy holy angels assure the apostles who witnessed thy departure, thou wouldest so come in like manner as they saw thee go into heaven, I pray thee to grant me such faith in thee and love to thee, that thy return may be to me a blessed hope, ever purifying me and ever quickening to my soul. May I be among those who are looking and waiting for our Lord, and hasting unto the day of his coming.

And seeing thou hast told us that thou wilt to thine enemies come as a thief in the night, and punish them with everlasting destruction, I beseech thee to grant that I may watch and pray always that I may be accounted worthy to escape those things which shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man. O may I and all thy people, like the wise virgins, be now constantly gathering oil in our vessels, and acquiring that knowledge and experience of thy word which will preserve us from surprise and unpreparedness. May our treasure, our heart, and our conversation be in heaven, and our affections ever set on things above, that when thou, O Christ, our life, shall appear, we may appear with thee in glory. Hear me for thy name's sake. Amen.


ALMIGHTY Father, whose name is love, and who hast so shewn thy love to the world, that thou gavest thine only begotten Son for our salvation; we come to thee in the name of Him, who ever liveth to make intercession for us.

O Lord, we have been most unbelieving in thy word, and most unthankful for that great benefitthe good tidings of thy grace in Christ Jesus; and now we see thine enemies and ours, endeavouring to darken that glorious light, and to keep far from us all the comforts of thy great salvation. We deserve to lose that blessing which we have so greatly neglected. But, O God of all grace, pity us, spare us, and help us in our necessities. Pardon our sins, which are many and great, and for thine own name's sake, turn

us again, O God of Hosts, and cause thy face to shine, that we may be saved.

And, O Lord, seeing all things around us are disquieted and troubled, and there is no sure standing for our feet but on that word which endureth for ever; we pray thee to set our feet upon that rock. O let the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all spiritual wisdom and understanding; and grant that we may meditate therein day and night. Guard us thereby from all error, and guide us thereby into all truth; and may we shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life.

O Lord, deliver us from all false doctrine, heresy and schism; take away from us all unbelief, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word. Raise up every where faithful ministers, revealing thy love in Christ Jesus to them, and enabling them, boldly, freely, and constantly, to proclaim the gospel of thy grace.

Bless all societies formed for this end. Give grace to all who conduct them, that nothing may be dearer and more precious to them than thy truth, and that they may ever have wisdom to discern, faith to receive, love to embrace, and stedfast courage to maintain that truth, against all the assaults of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus in sincerity. Unite their hearts together as the heart of one man. May the enemy no longer prevail over us, to lead us to envy, vex, or harass each other; but whereunto we have already attained, may we walk by the same rule, and mind the same thing.

O Lord, bring thy people out of Babylon, before thy judgments descend upon it. May the warn

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