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Forsyth, Sir T. D., 277, 381.

Fort Gary Settlement, 241.
Fortaleza, height of, 269.

"Fou-fou" dish, curious mode of pre-
paring, 303.

Foweira, 432.

Göes, Benedict, Jesuit explorer, 381.
Goklan tribe, 132.

Gold in Akém, 301; abundant in the
rivers of Perak, 379.

"Gold-teeth" tribe, 221 and note.
Golungo-Alto, 429, 430.

Fowlad Mohalla Plain, 68; Village, 68. Gondokoro, 413, 415, 416.

Fowler's Bay, 329, 330.
Findarisk district, 133.
Finderisk Village, 112.
Firoz Kuhi tribe, 123.

Firuz Kuh Village, 65; Plateau, 65, 66.
Fittri Lagoon, 406; territory, 409.
Franco, Porto, 319; River at, 319.
Freighting, American mode of, in the
Western plains, 249.

Fremantle seaport, Western Australia,

French, Capt., R.A., 259.

Fullerton, Hon. R., Governor of Prince
of Wales Island, 358.

Funil, Rapids of, 320.

Gopin Hill, 367.

Gorǎan, Arab name for Southern Tibbu

[blocks in formation]

Futteh Ali Shah, Chief of Wakhan, Grandy, Lieut., Map of his Journey

[blocks in formation]

from Ambriz to San Salvador and
Congo, explanatory Note on, by Mr.
W. J. Turner, Assistant Map-curator
R.G.S., 428.

Grant, Lieut.-Col. J. A., c.B., on Mr. H.
M. Stanley's Exploration of the Vic-
toria Nyanza, 10 et seq.

Grass-trees, 343.

Gravalandà River, 7.

Gregory, Mr., 353.

Grevillea, 334.

Grimstadir farm, 6, 10; ferry, 7.

Guajajaras, Indian tribe, 325.
Gudor-i-Kuhsar Pass, 107.
Gugah Province, 279.

Guibuchak, Mount, 290 note.

Guingham Station, Major Cook's resi--
dence, 355.
Gulbini Pass, 107.
Gulfe, 409.
Gulhek, 62.

Gulugah Village, 116, 118.
Gunabad Village, 80, 82.
Gunbuz-i-Kus stream, 132.
Gunnlaugsson, map by, 6.
Gunong Buboo, or " Wild Man Moun-
tain," 357, 360, 362.


Hijau, or "Green Mountain,"

Pondok, or "Shark's Tooth
Mountain," 357, 359, 361, 362.
Gur Safid stream, 66.

Gurgan River, 71, 103, 113; source of
the, 131; Pass, 104; Plain, 110, 131,
132; Valley, 141.

Gurmah Village, 100.

name for Gutzlaff, M., 208 note.

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[blocks in formation]

Hasseballa, Prince of Darfur, submis-
sion of, to the Khedive, 410.

Hassin, King of Dar Fur, death of,

Hawkins, Major, death of, in an ambus-
cade, 365.

Hay, Capt. J. S., on the District of
Akém in West Africa, 299 et seq.
Hazar Jarib Plateau, 101.

Hecatompylos, suggested site of, 107.
Herchmer, Mr., 253.

Herdubreid Mountain, 4, 7.
Hill, Col., 376.

Himalayan system, 298.

Hinxman, Lieut., 274, 375, 376.
Hissar Fort, ruins of, 389; Pass, 104.
Hofs Jökull, 9.

Hoitapu tribe, 41, 42, 43; death cus-
toms of, 54.

Homr River, source of, 410.

Hood Point, 37, 39, 44.

Hsia, Mandarin, 190.

Hsin-chou, 180.

Hsin-T'i, 174.

Hua-king Village, 187.

Hudson's Bay Company, 228, 229.

Huen Tsan, Chinese Geographer, 298.

Hughes, Mr. Consul, 172.

Hu-hsin Chou Island, 174.
Hula, people of, 46 note.

Hu-nan, curious mode of storing straw
in, 190.

geographical field, 178.

Hu-Peh carts, 175.
Huron Lake, size of, 14.
Husainabad, 68.
Hwang-kwo-su Village, 185.
Hwen Tsang, traveller, 381.
Hwui Seng, traveller, 381.
Hy Hy Village, 89.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Irving, Mr., Straits Settlements, 359,
362, 369, 370, 371, 373.
Isamba Falls, 432.

Isferayin Plain, 107; Valley, 103.
Istirji Village, prolific vineyards and
orchards of, 98; earthquake at, 98.
Ishango Ridge, 31.

Iskârdo, capital of Baltistan, 279, 293.
Islameya hamlet, 82.

Isligh stream, 391, 394.

Ismail, ex-Sultan, arrest of, as instru-
mental in murder of Mr. Birch, 364.
Itambeira Indians, 326.

Ivahy Valley, 263, 272; River, 272.
Iver Village, 108.

Jaburu moleque, white crane, 309.

Jafar Bai tribe, 116, 124.

Jafirabad Village, 86.

Jagatai Valley, 102.

Jaghun Village, 64.

Jaguar, strange adventure with a, 272.

Jahjarm Town, 102, 106, 107; former
population of, 108; Plain, 129.

Jajarud stream, 62.
Jampole State, 376.

Januaria City, 308.

Jash Plateau, 66; Valley, 67.
Jatahy Village, 273.

Jehan Numah, "World Shower" Peak,


Jellahu, 374.

Jervoise, Sir William, 360.

Johnson, Mr., 282 note.

Johnston, Mr. Keith, 15.

Jökull-dalr, 7.

Jökulls of Iceland, 1 et seq.

Jökulsà, former bed of, 6.

Jose Moreira da Cunha e Souza, Sen-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kabba Rega, Chief, 27, 30.
Kabuga Mountain, 27.

Kacharchi River, 283 note.
Kafurro, Arab depôt, 23, 24.
Kaga Banga Mountain, 405.

Kagera River, 24, 32; not. the Kitan-
gule, 25; source of, 31; Lake, extent
of, 30.

Kaifa Su, Russian settlement, 137.
Kaisa Su, 137.

Kakhyen tribe, 211; description of, 215.
Kakoo tribe, 216.

Kalat District, 73; Village, 75, 76, 77.
Kalla Chinor Village, 96.

Yusuf Khan Village, 89.

Khal-i-Shor stream, 108, 131.

Kalposh Plateau, 129, 131; Ridge, 132.
Kamad Village, 66.

Kampong Parrang Village, 371.

Quedah Village, 371.

Kanah Ajab Mountain, 101.

Kanats, Persian water-channels, 79.

Kanchi Village, 109.

Kang-wan River, 208 note.

Kanembu tribes, 401.

Kangsa River, 360.

Kang-gyi Village, 201.

Kanju, 297 and note.

Kanjût, 289 note.

Kank, 297.

Kanuri tribe, 401.

Kaplu, 295 note.

Kara tribe, 203.

Kazan spring, 101, 133.

Karadagh Mountain, 79.

Karagatch, barren ridge of, 63.

Karagweh, capital of, 20, 30; hilly
region of, 12.

Kara-Khanâk hamlet, 284 and note.
Karakoram Pass, 294; Range, 295, 296;
Ridge, 296 note.

Kàràkül, Great, 291; Lake, 381, 385;
Little, 291, 385.

Kara-kum sandhills, 284.

Karasu stream, 116, 283 note, 285.
Karà-Tazghun River, 283.

Karatuppa Village, Afghan colony of
Nadir Shah, 120.

Kara-turan, or Kara-muran, the Hoang-
Ho, 297.

Karaut, fishing-spear, 47.
Karchung Town and district, 289 and

Kardeh Village, 73, 74; stream, 74, 75.
Karez pasture tract, 139.
Kari stream, 125.

Karodagh Mountain, 131.
Karuma Falls, 14.

Kashaf Rud, or Abi Mash-had, 73,


Kâshghar, a Prince of, on the Geo-
graphy of Eastern Turkistan, 277
et seq.

River, 281, 290, 385.
Kash-tàshi-ling Pass, 290 note.
Kasht Tikka Village, 116, 118.
Kaskasu Pass, 383.

Kassang River, 376.
Katlung, 200.

Katonga Inlet, 12; River, 18, 20, 27,

Katul district, 133; Village, 112, 113.
Kauntung, or Tsen-ka, stream, 202,

Kawanga Village, 23.
Kazch, 12.

Kazimabad Village, 78, 80, 88.

Kelat Atak, 138.

Range, 130; stream, 138.

Kelatch Village, 70.

Kellers, MM., German engineers, sur-

veys of, in Brazil, 274.

Kérawul stream, 132.

Kerri, 431.

Khairabad Village, 93.

Khairrhat Village, 99.

Khân-arik or "King's Canal," 283 note,

285, 289.

[blocks in formation]

Kurrah Valley, 67.

Khoda Shah Village, 104.

Khoja Paklan shrine, 285.

Khorassan, Extracts from a Diary of a
Tour in, and Notes on the Eastern
Alburz Tract, by Capt. the Hon. G.
C. Napier, 62 et seq.

Khushyeilak Mountain, 112, 139, 140.
Khuskhana Plateau, 101.

Kibkan hamlet, 90; Fort, 91; stream,

Kila Panja, 388, 390.

Kilbin, or Kilpin, Rabât, 284.
Kinara Port and Village, 116.

Kinchi, "Gold-teeth" tribe, 221 note,


Kinta River, 366, 367; Town, 367.

Kirapuua tribe, 41, 44; death customs,
of, 51.

Kisbakka, King, scimitar of, 28.
Kishakka, 30, 31.

Kistufell, 6, 8.

Kitagwenda district, 28, 29.
Kitangule Kagera River, 13. 18.
Kizil Art Plain, 385, 386, 394.
Sū, 385.

Village, 284 note, 289.

Kizil-Kum sand-hills, 284 note.

Klang, or Callang, River, 370, 371, 372;
Town, 372.

Knight, Robert, see Boler and Knight.
Kobe Town, 409.

Kofr Village, 104.

Koh Kammas Mountain, height of,
131; Peak, 88.

Karodagh, height of, 131.
Takakhana, height of, 131.

Kohna Shahr, or city of Kâshghar,
situation of, 282 note.
Kohsar Plateau, 132.

Koiari tribe, 41, 42, 43; houses of, 49,
54; death customs, 54.

Kok Moinok Pass, 395.
Kok-naur, or Koko Nor, Lake, 297.
Kok-Rabât, 284 note, 286, 287, 288, 289.
Komadugu, meaning of, 402.

Mbulu stream, 402, 403.
Yaóbe stream, 402, 403.
Komr M., "Mountains of the Moon,"

Koochan Town, 86, 87, 100, 141; earth-
quake at, 98; Plain, 86, 98, 101;
stream, 86, 97, 99.

Khan of, 97.

Kookoo Mountains, 432.
Kootenay Indians, 254,
Korosco, 416.

Kosh-Gumbaz village, 284 and note.
Kota Lama Village, an asylum for
criminals, 365.

Krasnovodsk, Russian settlement, "Ki-
zil Su" of the Yomuts, 136, 137.
Krean River, 357, 358.

Kroony Sarru, oil-producing plant, 379.
Krumchi Bi, Chief, 385.
Kuang-t'ung Hsien, 196.

Kuba ("Sky"), Anuapata Chief, 46.
Kubanda River, 406.
Kuduk Village, 284 note.
Kuèn-Lun Mountains, 280, 298.
Kufalung, 294.

Kuh Chuinli Peak, 88.

Giffan, 134.

Imarut Peak, 88.

Iwarat Mountain, height of, 131.
Salig snow-clad ridge, 98, 130.
Zirkay Mountain, 131, 132.

Kuhbaba Range, 107.

Kuh-i-Atak Mountains, 105.

Kuh-i-Buhar, view from, 105.
Kuh-i-Chukah Mountain, 107.
Kuh-i-Mirabad Range, 130.
Huh-i-Radkan spur, 82.

Kuh-i-Turga, or Salig, Mountain, 102.
Kuhsar Finderisk Beluk tribe, 110.
Kuh-Shah Jehan Ridge, 98.

Kuka, capital of Bornu; threatened
overflow of, by Lake Chad, 408.
Kül-i-Kulan, native name for the Great
Pamir Lake, 394.
Kulkaliga race, 43.
Kullubund, 127.

Kunjut Mountains (Hindu Kush or
Karakorum), 383.

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Kura Kavar, Lacus, 11.

Kurd Mohalla Village, 115, 116; ruins,

Kuri race, 407.

Kurow River, 358, 359.

Kushkhana Plateau, 99.

Kusun River, 289; river-system, 290.
Tazghun River, 283.
Kuta River, 406.

Kutlung Village, 205, 214, 226; lati-
tude of, 225.

Kverkfjöll Mountains, 6.

Kwat, goats'-milk cheese, 65; mode of
manufacture, 68.

Kwei-Chou, temperate climate of, 189;
dialect of, 186; curious mode of
storing straw in, 190.

Kwei-ting Hsien City, 182.

Kwei-yang, capital of Kwei-Chou, 183.
Kwei-yang Fu Plain, 184.

Kya torrential stream, 431.
Kyebi, capital of Akém, 299, 300.
Kyanlu tribe, 89, 90.

Laboré, 431.

Lady Alice, Mr. H. M. Stanley's ex-
ploring vessel, 13, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26,
29, 33.

Lakatois, canoes, 59.

Lake of the Woods, natives of, 232.
Lake of the Woods to the Rocky
Mountains, on the North American
Boundary from, by Capt. S. Ander-
son, R.E., 228 et seq.

Langar-Kisht Village, 389.

Langat River, 370, 373, 374; Town,

Lang-tai City, 186; coal-bed near, 186.
Lanjun, Mount, 376.

Lapa, Antonio da, contest of, with
Indians, 314.

Lardo, 416.

Laroki River, 36, 37.

Laroot district, 359, 362; Range, 357,

359; River, 358; tin-mines, 357,
358, 359.

Lawin, or Lawan, stream, 360.
Leewumbu, or Shimeeyu, River, 17,

Lefroy, Mr., station of, Western Aus-
tralia, 356.

Leipoa ocellata, 343.

Lela, Rajah, principal accomplice in
the murder of Mr. Birch, 364, 365.
Lemnun Plain, 66.

Lemos, Dr. Candido Pereira de, 325.
Lenkoran, 119.

Lennas, the, 199, 200.

Leo Africanus, 409.

Les mauvaises Terres, 243.

Les Roches Percées, Indian superstition
as to, 242.

Liao Ya Tsui, 177.
Limoeiro Town, 309.
Lindà River, 7.

Linghie River, 373, 374; Town, 374.
Li-pi-shêng, Mandarin, 178, 179.
Livingstone, Dr., 13, 15, 16.

Locusts, plague of, in North America,

Log, patent, failure of, on the White
Nile, 414.

Logon River, 400, 403, 404, 405; Town,

Long, Col., 12, 16, 33.
Long-kong Village, 209.
Lo-shan Town, 175, 176.
Lou-ch'i Hsien, 179.
Low, Capt. James, 358.

Lowans' eggs, usefulness of, 343, 352,
353, 359.

Luaserri River, tide observed in, 22.
Lu-ch’i-kou, 174.
Luey-leik, 207.

Lufeng Hsien, 195.
Lukût River, 374.

Lung-Han-quan Village, 209 note.
Lung-li Hsien, 182.

Lurs, the, tradition respecting, 117.
Luwamberri River, 17.

[blocks in formation]

rington D'Almeida :-Malay Race,
377; Vegetable Productions, 379;
Mineralogy, 379.
Mallee, giant, 343.
Mälung Chou, 191.
Mamún, Caliph, 81.
Mana Village, 101, 133.

Mandalay, longitude of, 223, 226; lati-
tude, 226.

Mandarin boat, construction of, 173.
Mangifera indica, mango, 38.

Manitoba Prairie, inexhaustible soil of,
257; climate of, 258.

Manoel Aloes River, 322.

Mansey Village, 201, 213; latitude of,
224, 226.

Mantequeira, Serra da, the magnificent
forests of, 312.

Manumanu River, 37.
Manyara Land, 18.
Mara River, 17.

Maranhão City, Notes of a Journey to,
from the River St. Francisco, by
Mr. James Wells, c.E., 308 et seq.
Marco Polo, see Polo.

'Marco Polo,' Col. Yule's, 95, 215, 222,

Margary, Mr. A. R., Notes of a Journey
from Hankow to Ta-li Fu, 172 et

murder of, 198, 199.

Markosoff, Gen., 136.

Marra Mountains, 405, 409, 410.

Marsden, Mr., 378.

Marusi, Mount, 432.

Mash-had Plain, 131.

Mash-had-i-Ser Port, 119, 121, 125.

Massangano Fortress, 431.
Maten Tsaubwa, 219.

Maten-Tsau-luna, pedigree of, 218.
Matogorogoro, 53.
Matto Grosso, 263.
Mauá, Viscount, 263.
Maulatabad Dastjart, 91.
Mauresh Khan, 83.

Mazanderan Province, 122; peasant

proprietors in, 121.

Mazinak Village, 64.

McKenzie, Sir Alexander, 234.

Mearim, Rio, 327.

Mehna, ruined town, 138; pasture tract,

Mê-k'ou Village, 187.

Menowatsi, battle of, 410.

Merim, oil-producing tree, 324.

Meroc, ancient capital of Ethiopia, 416.
Merv, 78.

M'foombiro sugar-loaf cones, 13, 25.
Miankullar Peninsula, 121.

Miautze, social outcasts, 187; raids of,

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