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But justly; I myself have brought them on,

Sole author I, sole cause.

If aught seem vile,

As vile hath been my folly, who have profaned
The mystery of God, given me under pledge

Of vow, and have betrayed it to a woman,
A Canaanite, my faithless enemy.

This well I knew, nor was at all surprised,
But warned by oft experience. Did not she
Of Timna first betray me? and reveal

The secret wrested from me in her highth
Of nuptial love professed, carrying it straight
To them who had corrupted her, my spies
And rivals? In this other was there found
More faith, who also in her prime of love,
Spousal embraces, vitiated with gold,

Though offered only, by the scent conceived

Her spurious first-born, treason against me?

Thrice she assayed, with flattering prayers and sighs

And amorous reproaches, to win from me



ὃ μὴ κακουργῶν μόνος ἐμηχανησάμην,
αὐτόσσυτον πημ', ἐνδίκῳ παθήματι.

τί δ ̓ αἰσχρὸν, εἰ μὴ τοὐκ Θεοῦ δοθὲν σθένος
ἐφ ̓ ᾧτε κρυπτὸν ἀσφαλῶς σώζειν ἀεὶ,
ῥῖψαι διαφθείραντ ̓, ἀβελτέρῳ φρενί ;
παρ ̓ οὗ προδόντος ἔμαθε βάρβαρος γυνὴ,
ἐχθρόξενόν μοι κἀπατήλιον κάρα.
οὐδ ̓ ἦν ἀπροσδόκητα, προὐσήμαινε γὰρ
τὰ πολλὰ πρὶν πραχθέντα· τοιοῦτον πάλαι
ἔτλη τὸ Τίμνης θρέμμα, πρώταρχος δόλων.
ἡ γὰρ τὰ κρυπτὰ παρατεθέντ ̓, ἔρωτ ̓ ἐπεὶ
ἐψεύσατ ̓ αἰνόλεκτρος, ἐν σμικρῷ χρόνῳ
τοῖς ἀνταγωνισταῖς τε καὶ σκοποῖς ἐμοῦ,
αὐτὴν παρεκτρέψασιν, ἁρπάσασά μου
μετέδωκεν· οὐδ ̓ ἄμεμπτος ἡτέρα δοκεῖ,
ἣ κἂν ἀπαρχαῖς εὐφιλῶν νυμφευμάτων
πρωτόσπορόν τι κῦμα, δυσγενὲς τέκος,
αὔρας πνοαῖσι παρανόμως ἐγείνατο,
φενακίσασά μ'· ἀργυρώνητος μάτην,
δῶρον προτεινάντων γὰρ οὐκ ἐδέξατο.
τρίς μου, λιταῖς σαίνουσα καὶ πολλῷ στόνῳ
πλάσασ ̓ ἔρωτα, τὸν μάλ ̓ ἄῤῥητον λόγον



My capital secret, in what part my strength

Lay stored, in what part summed, that she might know; Thrice I deluded her, and turned to sport

Her importunity, each time perceiving

How openly, and with what impudence,

She purposed to betray me, and—which was worse
Than undissembled hate-with what contempt
She sought to make me traitor to myself.

Yet the fourth time, when, mustering all her wiles,
With blandished parlies, feminine assaults,
Tongue-batteries, she surceased not day nor night
To storm me over-watched, and wearied out,
At times when men seek most repose and rest,
I yielded, and unlocked her all my heart,
Who, with a grain of manhood well resolved,
Might easily have shook off all her snares;
But foul effeminacy held me yoked
Her bond-slave. O indignity! O blot
To honour and religion! servile mind
Rewarded well with servile punishment!
The base degree to which I now am fallen,
These rags, this grinding is not yet so base,



ὅπου τὸ θησαυρισθὲν ἐνναίοι σθένος,

ὑπεξέκλεπτεν· ἀντιμηχανωμένου δ'

ἐμοῦ, τρὶς ὕβριν τοῦ μ' ἐνοχλοῦντος τρόπου 410 ἀπηύρατ', ὡς καὶ δῆλος ἦν ἑκάστοτε

τόνδ ̓ ἄνδρ ̓ ἐνεδρεύουσ', ἀναίσχυντον στόμα
καὶ πρὸς, σφαλῆναι τοῖς ἐμοῖς αὐτὸν λόγοις
παρῆγέ με σκώπτουσα τοιαύτης ἐγὼ
προειλόμην ἂν ἥτις ἐκ προὔπτου στυγοί.
τέλος δ', ἐπεὶ στόμαργος ἤθροισεν δόλους,
γυναικοβούλων τ ̓ ἐμβολαῖς προσφθεγμάτων
ἐπέκειτο πάννυχός τε καὶ πανήμερος
ἤδη καμόντι καὶ κατ ̓ ἄνθρωπον πόνων
ἄμπαυλαν ἀμφέποντι καὶ λήθην κακῶν
εἴξας ἔδειξα ταν φρεσὶν κεκρυμμένα,
ἀλλ ̓ εἴ γε καὶ πολλοστὸν ἀνδρείας παρῆν,
ἔμοιγ ̓ ἀμοχθὶ καταγέλαστος ᾤχετ ̓ ἄν.
ἀνθ' ὧν ἀεικὲς ἔνεσ', οἷα θηλύνους,
ζυγὸν γυναικὶς, οὐδ ̓ ἔτ ̓ ἐκφεύγειν ἐνῆν,
Θεοῦ τ ̓ ὄνειδος, τοῦ τ ̓ ἐν ἀνθρώποις κλέους.
φρονῶν τὰ δούλων, δουλίαν ἐκτησάμην.
προὔχει δὲ τῆς νῦν ἡ πάροιθεν αἰσχρότης,
εἰ καὶ ῥακώδες εἷμα καὶ στεῤῥὸν πόνον


As was my former servitude, ignoble,

Unmanly, ignominious, infamous,

True slavery, and that blindness worse than this,
That saw not how degenerately I served.


I cannot praise thy marriage choices, son, Rather approved them not; but thou didst plead

Divine impulsion prompting how thou mightest

Find some occasion to infest our foes.

I state not that; this I am sure, our foes
Found soon occasion thereby to make thee
Their captive, and their triumph; thou the sooner
Temptation foundest, or over-potent charms,

To violate the sacred trust of silence


Deposited within thee; which to have kept

Tacit, was in thy power: true; and thou bearest


Enough, and more, the burden of that fault;

Bitterly hast thou paid, and still art paying,

That rigid score; a worse thing yet remains.
This day the Philistines a popular feast
Here celebrate in Gaza; and proclaim
Great pomp, and sacrifice, and praises loud,
To Dagon, as their god, who hath delivered

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