Suspect their syren song and artful style, Their pleasing sounds some treatch'rous thought conceal! Full oft does pride with fainted voice beguile, And fordid int'rest wear the mask of zeal. A tyrant abbess here perchance may reign, Reflection fickens at the life-long tie, Lo! Discord enters at the sacred porch, Rage in her frown, and terror on her crest: Ev'n at the hallow'd lamps she lights her torch, And holds it flaming to each virgin breast. But fince the legends of monaftic bliss By fraud are fabled, and by youth believ'd, Unbought experience learn from my distress, O! mark my lot, and be no more deceiv'd. Three luftres scarce with hasty wing were fled, Yet Yet then what folemn scenes deceiv'd my choice! The choral virgins' captivating voice, The blazing altar, and the priests around: The train of youths array'd in purest white, The golden censers toss'd with graceful hand, -My willing foul was caught in rapture's flame, This temporary transport soon expir'd, My drooping heart confess'd a dreadful void: No wakening joy informs my fullen breast, Here Here haggard discontent still haunts my view; Arrays each virtue in the darkest hue, Chills ev'ry prayer, and cancels ev'ry grace. I met her ever in the chearless cell, The gloomy grotto and unsocial wood; I hear her ever in the midnight bell, The hollow gale, and hoarfe refounding flood. This caus'd a mother's tender tears to flow, (The fad remembrance time shall ne'er erase) When having feal'd th' irrevocable vow, I haften'd to receive her last embrace. Full-well she then presag'd my wretched fate, Yet ne'er did her maternal voice unfold This cloyster'd scene in all its horror dreft; Nor did the then my trembling steps with-hold When here I enter'd reluctant guest. Ah! could she view her only child betray'd, Alas! Alas! the might not her relentless lord But thou, who own'st a father's facred name, And giv'n (O blasting thought!) thy heart to bleed? If then thine injur'd child deserve thy care, O haste and bear her from this lonesome gloom Ye cloister'd fair- ye censure-breathing saints, 1 I fled not to this manfion's deep recess Tot let me to my fate submissive bow; From fatal symptoms, if I right conceive, : Ah! Ah! when extended on th' untimely bier With pious footstep join the sable train, As thro' the lengthening ifle they take their way; Behold the minister who lately gave The facred veil, in garb of mournful hue, (More friendly office) bending o'er my grave, And fprinkling my remains with hallow'd dew As o'er the corse he strews the rattling dust, THE L ROOKERY. : THOU who dwell'st upon the bough, And spreading shades the distant brook, And |