Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, Том 36George Daniel J. Cumberland, 1875 |
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Стр. 49
... follow ! follow ! Dom . Massa come dis way - more pistol , more bullet : between two stool me fall to No , no ; hidee , Domingo : no seekee , no findee . [ Attempts to secrete himself , R. Enter DESPARDO and Robbers , L. Des ...
... follow ! follow ! Dom . Massa come dis way - more pistol , more bullet : between two stool me fall to No , no ; hidee , Domingo : no seekee , no findee . [ Attempts to secrete himself , R. Enter DESPARDO and Robbers , L. Des ...
Стр. 10
... follow him - Kasrac shows great reluctance , and makes a few steps in a contrary direction . Aba . [ Angrily . ] Follow me , thou speechless loon ! - Follow , or Kasrac , trembling with fear , trots after , looking anxi- ously behind ...
... follow him - Kasrac shows great reluctance , and makes a few steps in a contrary direction . Aba . [ Angrily . ] Follow me , thou speechless loon ! - Follow , or Kasrac , trembling with fear , trots after , looking anxi- ously behind ...
Стр. 47
... follow me . [ Exit over the bridge , R. [ The Soldiers bind Oscar to the centre of the bridge , and fire it - Malvina screams - the storm continues . Osc . Behold , Malvina ! one effort launches the boat , and glads the dying Oscar ...
... follow me . [ Exit over the bridge , R. [ The Soldiers bind Oscar to the centre of the bridge , and fire it - Malvina screams - the storm continues . Osc . Behold , Malvina ! one effort launches the boat , and glads the dying Oscar ...
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Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks Biographical and Critical, Том 36 George Daniel,John Cumberland Просмотр фрагмента - 1826 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Abomelique Aladdin Aloud arms bashaw Beda Brulgruddery Brus Bull Cæs Captain Florvil castle Cath Cathul Cathullin Cham charming Conlath Corcuelo Crossing CUMBERLAND TERRACE daughter dear Despardo Diana Don Cæsar Don Julio Don Martin Donna Olivia door Dougal Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father Fatima follow Frank Gil Blas Gil Perez give Grace hand heard heart heaven Helen honour Invincibles Irene Jew's harp JOHN CUMBERLAND Juliette Julio Kasrac lamp Laughing look Lord Lucy Lump Macgregor Malvina marriage married Mary Morna never O'Slash Oscar Phœ poor Pray pretty prison Rashleigh Re-enter Rob Roy Rochdale Rolando Ruro SCENE Shacabac Sir Simon Slash slave soldier sure sword Tactique tell THEATRES ROYAL thee There's thou Victoire WIDOW CHING Zounds