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OAKLAND, CAL., March 19th, 1878.

SENATOR BONES: The citizens of this town have held a meeting this evening, and passed a series of resolutions which will be presented to you for consideration. They demand your resignation. If you fail to do as they demand, the plank which you agreed to accept -the Kearney plank-will be enforced. !!! We have said it!!!


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To the Legislature of the State of California:

(The Board of Park Commissioners have seen no reason to alter

the general plan of operations announced in their second and third biennial reports to the Legislature. They have become more and more convinced of the necessity of pushing to completion the construction of "The Great Highway" committed to their charge by Act of March eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-four.

This improvement will not only furnish a sea-shore drive of unsurpassable beauty, but serve as a permanent bulwark against the encroachments of the sand drifts, whose steady growth menaces interests of more consequence than the Golden Gate Park, if the experiences of the western coast of Europe are applicable here. But the construction of the highway requires a great deal of labor. Its foundations must be laid by continuous effort, not piecemeal.

The scanty means at the disposal of the Commissioners compelled them to abandon the work, of which a section had been commenced. Indeed, unless the Legislature shall by prompt action authorize the Supervisors of the city and county to appropriate at least twenty thousand dollars from the General Fund to supply the demand upon the Park Improvement Fund, the Commissioners will be obliged to discharge, on the first of January next, the greater part of the laborers whom they now employ on the roads and care of the plantations.

Exhibit B, appended to the Superintendent's report herewith forwarded, gives the receipts and disbursements for the past two years. It shows a balance on hand November thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, of one thousand three hundred and forty-six dollars and seventy-three cents. It is worthy of remark that infractions of Park police regulations have augmented the Park resources more than two thousand dollars. But for this aid, the impending discharge of laborers must have already taken place.

The second section of the Act of April third, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, is so framed that the Commissioners doubted their power even to hire an office in the city.

Through the courtesy of the Engineer of the West Side Irrigation Commission they were allowed the privilege of desk room, and held their meetings and deposited their books and papers in his office.

By reference to all the past reports of the Commissioners it will be found that no charge whatever has been allowed for legal services. Emergencies may however arise requiring the advice and service of

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