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Form of Prayer in behalf of a Called Angel, shortly to be Drdained.


In the Prayer of Oblation (after Consecration).

our prayers. We especially beseech Thee for this Thy servant, called by the Holy Ghost to be an Angel and Bishop in Thy Church, that Thou wilt prepare and furnish him for consecration to his holy office. Search out, we beseech Thee, all hidden iniquity, and wash him throughly from his sins. Shine into his heart and mind with heavenly light, direct his thoughts, rectify his imaginations, teach him Thy ways, inspire him with the knowledge of Thy truth, and fill him with zeal for the honour of Thy Name and for the welfare and glory of Thy kingdom. Pour into his heart Thy Fatherly love, that in all things he may be fitted to be Thine Angel and Messenger, and a Chief Shepherd over Thy fold. And now, in this space of time which yet remains unto him, keep him from all power of evil, accomplish him with all good, and bring him up before Thy holy sanctuary in purity of heart and mind, and in sanctity of spirit, that he may be consecrated to be Thine Angel, in the fulness of the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

R. Amen,

The Drder for the Drdination or Consecration of an Angel.

The Apostle, with the other Ministers, shall kneel before the altar; and the Elect Angel and the two Angels supporting him shall have seats provided in front of the Priests' stalls. After secret prayer the Apostle shall commence with the Introductory Collect:

Let us pray.

REVENT us, O Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended, in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy attain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

The Apostle and Ministers shall go to their seats.
¶ The Psalm [Ps. lxviii. 1–20].

The Lesson [Levit. viii., or Exodus, xxxv. 30,
to xxxvi. 3].

After the Lesson, the Elect Angel, and the two Angels supporting him, shall stand up, and the Minister with the Apostle shall say:

M. N., who hath been called to the office of Angel, by the word of the Prophet, is here present;

that, if it be the will of God, he may be ordained and consecrated Angel and Bishop in the Church of Christ.


The Apostle shall say, turning to the Ministers



with him,

assured in your hearts that this priest, M. N., is sufficiently instructed and prepared, and in all respects fit and worthy of this office? R. We have instructed and examined him, and in our hearts we believe him so to be.

Apostle. We give thanks unto the Lord.

Then the Apostle shall address those present to the following effect:



Our Lord Jesus Christ, who at the first committed to His apostles the exercise of the priestly office, and the pastorship and oversight of the sheep of His flock, hath provided that, according to the exigencies of His people, His apostles should, by solemn rites of consecration, admit others also, whom the Holy Ghost should designate and call, to the same offices and ministries of priesthood, pastorship, and oversight. And this our brother, who hath faithfully served in the office of the priesthood, having been called by the Holy Ghost, through the ordinance of the Prophet, to serve in the higher order of the ministry, is here present, that through the laying on of my hands, by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, he may be ordained and admitted to the office and ministry of Angel and Bishop in Christ's Church, and may receive the gift and grace of the Holy Ghost for fulfilling the duties of the


[When the Lord commanded Moses to hallow Aaron, that he might minister in the high-priest's office, he was bidden to take with him appointed sacrifices, and the garments which had been prepared according to the word of the Lord; and to bring Aaron before the Lord in the presence of all the congregation; to wash him with holy water; to put upon him the holy garments in their order; to anoint him with holy ointment, and to offer as well the sacrifices for atonement and propitiation, as also the sacrifices and offerings for consecration.

These things are figures and examples of the truth; they instruct us that there is a holy order appointed in the Church of God; they set forth as types and shadows the glorious operations of the Holy Ghost, who dwelleth in His temple, the Church, and therein worketh all things according to the will of God.]

In fulfilment of this order our brother hath been washed and cleansed with the word of pure and holy teaching, through the ministers here present to whose office it belongs, as they in your hearing have testified; he hath been warned and instructed how he ought to walk in all holy conversation before men, and in all truth of doctrine and in every respect how he should behave himself as a holy and faithful ruler and bishop in the Church of God, which is the pillar and ground of the truth.

This instruction, therefore, it is unnecessary to repeat at this time, but having first demanded of you, whether you or any of you know any cause or impediment wherefore this our brother called of the Holy Ghost should not be admitted by holy ordination to the office of Angel, I shall proceed (if there be no sufficient cause for delay) to examine him in

your presence, that ye may hear him publicly confess, and testify to, the faith which is in him.

I demand therefore, Do you, or any of you, know any just cause or impediment why this priest, M. N., should not be ordained Angel and Bishop in Christ's Church?

After a sufficient pause, if no objection be made, the two assistant Angels shall bring the Elect Angel forward, standing with him between them, before the sanctuary; and the Minister, whose office it shall be to present him, shall say,

N the Name of the One, Holy, Catholic, and

Church, we

hath been called of the Holy Ghost to higher ministry, that he may be ordained and consecrated Angel and Bishop in the Church.


The Apostle shall address him to the following

EAR Brother in Christ,

You are now presented that you may receive the laying on of my hands for ordination to the office of Angel: and we are instructed in the Holy Scriptures that we should lay hands suddenly on no man. And although you have received a good testimony from these faithful brethren, yet before admitting you to this holy office I will call upon you publicly and before this congregation to make confession of the things which you believe, that they being assured in their hearts, through your testimony to the faith and hope which are in you, and through the avowal of your godly resolution, in dependence on the Divine grace, to fulfil the duties to which God hath called you, may the more confi

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