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Accountants' Magazine, 1908

April-Life Assurance Book-Keeping: Brown (Richard). The
Finance Act, 1907: Brown (Chas. H.).
May-Choosing Curators: Scott (James).

The Analysis of Trading Results, with reference to Departments: De Zouche (R. C.).

June-Depreciation of Buildings, Machinery, and Plant, in Reference to Accounts and Income-Tax: Montgomery (H. H.). Bankers' Magazine, 1908

May-The Budget. Progress of Banking in Great Britain and Ireland during 1907. Canadian Bankers' Association. Stock Exchange Values. Sidelights on Banking History: Phillips (Maberly). Gold Reserves. Banking and Commercial Law.

June The Progress of Banking in Great Britain and Ireland during 1907. The Budget. Gold Reserves. Stock Exchange Values. Bank Clerks Orphanage. The German Cheque Law. Economic Journal. June, 1908-The Enlargement of Economics: Ashley (Prof. W. J.). Equilibrium under Bilateral Monopoly: Pigou (Prof. A. C.). Gaps in our Factory Legislation : Hutchins (Miss B. L.). The Equalisation of rates in London: Bray (R. A.). Back to the Land: Smith (Wm.). Plea for Reform in the Assessment of Railways: Lyons (F. O.). Economic Review. April, 1908-The Remuneration of Women's Work: Fyfe (W. Hamilton). The Factories of Osaka: Carter (Rev. J.). Firstfruits of Co-operation in India: Wolfi (Henry W.). The Oxford Sanitary Aid Association: Prichard (M. H.) and Fisher (L. F.).

Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 1908—

April The creation of small holdings under the Act of 1907:
Wilkins (Mrs. R.) (L. Jebb). Insurance of live stock.
Review of Market prices in March: Matthews (A. T.).
May-The Census of Production and Agriculture. Small
Holdings in Hampshire: Newsham (J. C.). Committee on
Forestry in Ireland. United States Department of Agricul-
ture. Notes on the Weather and the Crops in April.
Agricultural Labour in England during April. Review of
Market Prices in April: Matthews (A. T.).

June-Number of Milk Tests made in 1907. Notes on the
Weather and the Crops in May. Review of Market Prices
in May: Matthews (A. T.). Review of the Provision Trade :
Stevens (Hedley). Prices of Agriculture Produce. Diseases
of Animals.


Journal of Department of Agriculture, &c., for Ireland. April, 1908 The Farmer and the Labourer: a Talk with Farmers: Gill (T. P.).

Journal of Institute of Actuaries. April, 1908-On the Method of Dr. Johannes Karup of valuing in groups Endowment Assurances and Policies for the Whole of Life by Premiums limited in number: King (George). Bonus Reserve Valuations: Coutts (C. R. V.).

Journal of Institute of Bankers, 1908

April-Sidelights on Banking History: Phillips (Maberly).
Gilbart Lectures, 1908: Paget (Sir John, Bt., K.C.).

May-Gilbart Lectures, 1908: Paget (Sir John, Bt., K.C.).
Banking in Ancient and Medieval Societies: Tipper (Henry).
New German Cheque Law.

June-Annual Examination Papers. The Budget.
Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute.


April-Our East African Empire: Colquhoun (A. R.).

May-The All-Red Route: Strathcona (Rt. Hon. Lord, G.C.M.G.).
June-The Possibilities and Prospects of Irrigation in Australia :
Coghlan (T. A., I.S.O.).

Journal of Royal Agricultural Society. Vol. 68. 1907-The
Agricultural Holdings Act, 1906: Poley (Arthur P.).
American Meat Exports. Wool Production. Co-operation and
Agricultural Credit. Statistics affecting British Agricultural
Interests. The Weather during the Agricultural Year 1906-07:
Brodie (Fredk. J., F.R.Met.Soc.). Rainfall, Temperature, and
Bright Sunshine during 1907.

Proceedings of Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Vol. 38. 1906-07-Statistical Studies in Immunity: Brownlee (John, M.A., M.D.). The Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Land Values Taxation (Scotland) Bill, 1906: Todd (John A., B.L.). The Training of Youth: Supervision of Lads from their Fourteenth till their Seventeenth Year: Scott (Alex., M.D.). On the Use of Stimulants, Narcotics, and Intoxicants among Uncivilised Peoples: Allan (James W., M.B., C.M.).

Surveyors' Institution. Transactions. Session 1907-08

Part 8-The Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1907:
Rolleston (W. G. S.). (Adjourned discussion on the Paper.)
Part 9-Quantities: Should they form part of the Contract?
Hunt (F. C.).

Part 10-The Agricultural Education of the land Surveyor:
Mackenzie (K. J. J.).

Part 11-The Licensing Bill, 1908: Lake (C. J.).


American Economic Association Quarterly. April, 1908-The Principles of Government Control of Business: Jenks (J. W.). Are savings Income Fisher (Irving). Economic Theory and Labor Legislation: Ely (Richard T.). The Normal Labor


American Economic Association Quarterly. April, 1908—Contd. Day in Coal Mines: Urdahl (T. K.). Workingman's Insurance in Illinois: Henderson (Charles R.). The Relation of the United States Treasury to the Money Market: Kinley (David). The Relation of the United States Treasury to General Finance: Gage (Lyman J.). The United States Treasury and the Money Market: Andrews (A. Piatt). Public Service Commissions: Hatton (William H.).

American Journal of Sociology, 1908—

March-Industrial Insurance: Henderson (Charles R.). The
Basis of Social Conflict: Carver (T. N.).

May-Industrial Insurance: Henderson (Charles R.).

American Statistical Association. Quarterly Publications. No. 81. March, 1908-Address of Carroll D. Wright, President of the American Statistical Association, at its Annual Meeting in Boston, 17th Jan., 1908: Wright (Carroll D.). The outlook for Statistical Science in the United States: North (S. N. D.). An interpretation of certain Statistical Evidence of Concentration of Wealth: Watkins (G. P., Ph.D.). The Measurement of Social Pressure: Giddings (F. H.). The Bill for the Thirteenth Census: Willcox (Walter F.). Notes on the Financial Panic of 1907: Forbes (Francis B.). Ten years of the Indeterminate Sentence: Butler (Amos W.). ·

Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1908March-Contains a series of papers by different authors on Lessons of the Financial Crisis.

May-Contains a series of papers by different authors on Control of Municipal Public Service Corporations. Supplement. Child Labor Legislation.

Bankers' Magazine (New York), 1908

March-The Battle for Currency Reform since 1896: Conant (Charles A.). Credit Currency: Youngman (E. H.). Answers to Law and Banking Questions: Crawford (J. J.).

April-Fundamental Defects of Bond-Secured Bank Notes: Fairchild (Fred Rogers). The New York Clearing-House and its Functions: Barrett (A. M.). Partial Responsibility of Secretaries Gage and Shaw for the Panic of 1907: Andrew (A. Piatt).

May-The Crisis of 1907: Conant (Charles A.). Development of the Trust account in New York: Kniffin (Wm. H.). Supervision of Trust Companies: Herrick (Clay). Banking in Rawhide Reihl (Charles W.). Making Bankers: Allen (George E.). Bank Advertising Suggestions: Cody (Sherwin). Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor

No. 73. November, 1907-Laws relating to the employment of
Women and Children. Laws relating to Factory inspection
and the health and safety of employees. Digest of recent
reports of State bureaus of Labor statistics.
recent foreign Statistical publications.

Digest of


Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor-Contd.

No. 74. January, 1908-The legal liability of employers for injuries to their employees, in the United States: Clark (Lindley D.). Summary of Foreign Workmen's Compensation Acts. Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of Labor Statistics.

Journal of Political Economy, 1908

March-Analysis of the Nature of Capital and Interest:
Bilgram (Hugo). The Budget Rights of the Russian Duma :
Harper (Samuel N.).

April Farm Ownership in the United States: Boggart
(Ernest L.). The Crisis of 1860, and the first issue of
Clearing House Certificates: Swanson (W. W.).

May-Rates on the New York Money Market, 1896-1906:
Scott (William A.).

June-The Fortune of John Jacob Astor: 1. The Fur Trade
and Foreign Shipping: Youngman (Anna). Stock Exchange
Regulation in Germany: Friend (Emil).

Political Science Quarterly. June, 1908-Marxism versus Socialism. I: Simkhovitch (V. G.). Protection and Capital: Johnson (Alvin S.). The Early English Colonial Mouvement: Beer (George L.). Quarterly Journal of Economics. May, 1908-Capital, Interest, and Diminishing Returns: Taussig (F. W.). Administrative Supervision of Railways under the Twentieth Section of the Act to Regulate Commerce: Adams (Henry C.). The Relation of Monopoly price to the Rate of Interest: Johnson (Alvin S.). Australian Economic Problems. I. The Railways: Clark (Victor S.). The Price Policy of the United States Steel Corporation: Meade (Edward S.).

Yale Review. May, 1908-Ten Years' Regulation of the Stock Exchange in Germany: Emery (Henry C.). Mistakes in State Regulation of the Insurance Business: Zartman (Lester W.). What Proportion of Voters Neglect to go to the Polls?: Lyon (Henry S.). AUSTRIA-HUNGARY—

Statistische Monatschrift, 1908

January-Die Wohnungsreform in Deutschland und ihre Erfolge: Grunenberg (Dr.).

February-March-Englische Kolonisationsmethoden in Irland: Bonn (M. J.). Die Ergebnisse der gewerblichen Betriebszählung vom 3. Juni 1902: Schiff (W.).

April-Die Ergebnisse der gewerblichen Betriebszählung vom 3. Juni 1902 (Fortsetzung): Schiff (W.).


Annales des Sciences Politiques. 1908

March-La politique maritime, militaire et coloniale de l'Espagne: Marvaud (4.). Les débouchés maritimes de l'Autriche-Hongrie : les ports de Trieste et de Fiume. I. Trieste Dewavrin (M.). La politique des banques allemandes relation avec l'industrie: concentration: Barety (L.). Chronique des questions ouvrières (1907): Festy (0.).


Annales des Sciences Politiques, 1908-Contd.

May-L'Autriche nouvelle: sentiments nationaux et préoccupations sociales. I.: Jaray (G. L.). La défense de la santé publique: Imbart de la Tour (J.). Essai d'une évaluation des revenus en France: Henry (P.).

budgétaire et législative (1907): Lavergne (A. de).


Bulletin de Statistique, Ministère des Finances. 1908February-Produits de l'enregistrement, des domaines et du timbre constatés et recouvrés en France pendant 1906. Les revenus de l'État (Exercice 1907).

March-Projet de loi tendant à reprimer les fraudes en matière de droits de succession Produits des contributions indirectes pendant 1907. Les indices économiques et les crises.

April-Les Contributions directes et taxes assimilées. Recettes et dépenses comparées des exercices 1897-1906.

May-Le projet de budget pour l'exercice 1909.

Journal des Economistes, 1908-

April-La situation vraie des finances communales: Goy (L. de).
Du repos hebdomadaire au salaire minimum: Bellet (D.).
Mouvement financier et commercial: Zablet (M.).
May-Une expérience de nationalisation: le rachat de l'Ouest :
Nouvion (G. de). La transformation de la police municipale:
Mossé (A.). La concentration industrielle: les trusts et les
cartels Huart (4.). Mouvement agricole: Molinari (M. de).
Le Budget Japonais pour 1908-09.

June-Le contrat de travail: Rochetin (E.). Une nouvelle
théorie de la répartition de la richesse: Bellom (M.).
Augmentation de la monnaie divisionnaire en Allemagne :
Raffalovich (A.). Le budget de la ville de Paris pour 1908:
Letourneur (E.). Mouvement scientifique et industriel:
Bellet (D.). Revue de l'Académie des sciences morales et
politiques: Lefort (J.). Travaux des Chambres de Com-
merce: Rourel (M.).

Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, 1908

March-La Métropole de l'Amérique latine. Buenos-Ayres au

début du vingtième siècle: Meuriot (Paul). L'abus du crédit aux États-Unis et la théorie des crises: Roulleau (G.). April-L'abus du crédit aux États-Unis et la théorie des crises: Roulleau (G.). Le coût de la vie en Angleterre : Bellom (M.).

May Statistique graphique de l'enseignement primaire en France: Levasseur (Emile). Quelques observations sur les procédés et sur certains enseignements des statistiques de salaires à propos des récentes communications de: Cadoux (G.) et Simiand (F.). Chronique trimestrielles des banques, changes et métaux précieux: Roulleau (G.). Variété le Mouvement d'émigration européenne. Les États à colonies et à protectorats.

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