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Rowntree (Joseph) and Sherwell (Arthur), M.P. The taxation of the liquor trade. Vol. i, public-houses, hotels, restaurants, theatres, railway bars and clubs. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. London: Macmillan, 1908. Sauerbeck (4.). The course of average prices of general commodities in England, 1818-1907. Chart folded in 4to. London: P. S. King and Son, 1908.

A similar chart was published in the Journal, September, 1886, in Mr. Sauerbeck's paper "On the prices of commodities and the precious metals."]

Schooling (John Holt). The British trade book, covering the years 1880-1907, and showing the course of British and international commerce with its bearing upon our international trade and industries, &c., with preface by Prof. W. J. Ashley, including 340 tables and diagrams showing trade tendencies, &c. 3rd issue. xxx + 492 pp., 8vo. London: Murray, 1908. IOS. 6d. net. [This book is issued at intervals of two years.] Smith (James C.). Money and profit-sharing, or the double standard money system. xix+232 pp., 8vo. London: Kegan Paul, 1908. 78. 6d. net.

[This book springs out of a controversy on the author's "Intertemporary Values" and "The Gold Trust," the first of which was reviewed in this Journal, December, 1906.]

Snedden (David S.) and Allen (William H.). School reports and school efficiency. [Written for the] New York Committee on Physical Welfare of School Children. xii + 184 pp., Svo. New York: Macmillan, 1908. 6s. 6d. Stourm (Réné). Cours de finances: le budget. 6o édit. revue et mise au courant. xv+621 pp., 8vo. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1909. Sundbärg (Gustav). Aperçus statistiques internationaux. 11e année. xii+396 pp., 8vo. Stockholm: Imprimerie royale, 1908. Wassam (Clarence W.). Salary loan business in New York City. 127 pp., 8vo. New York: Columbia University, 1908. Watt (Sir George). The commercial products of India: being an abridgment of the Dictionary of economic products of India. Published under the authority of H.M. Secretary of State for India. 1190 pp., 8vo. London: Murray, 1908. 16s. net. Weld (L. D. H.). Private freight cars and American railways. 186 pp., 8vo. New York: Columbia University, 1908. Whitin (E. Stagg). Factory legislation in Maine. 146 pp., 8vo. New York: Columbia University, 1908.

Young (T. E.). Plain guide to investment and finance. In two parts. Part 1, Hints to investors. Part 2, An exposition of finance. xi+308 pp., 8vo. London: Macdonald and Evans, 1908. Žižek (Dr. Franz). Die statistischen Mittelwerte. Eine methodologische Untersuchung. x + 444 pp. Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot, 1908.



Accountants' Magazine, 1908

November-British and foreign insurance methods: Richmond (G. W.).

December-Differences between single trader, partnerships, and company audits: Charlton (F. F.).

Bankers' Magazine, 1908

October--Banking in the United States.

The recent Indian

currency crisis: Hackett (W. H.). The banking half-year in Canada. Bank of the Netherlands, 1907-08.

November-The American crisis of 1907 and emergency currency. Interest on deposits in the country.


Comparative studies of bank reports. A new form of money. Abnormal features of American banking. December-The gold reserve question. Bankers' superannuation and pension funds. An important banking amalgamation. The latest novelties in American banking: Lawson (W. R.). A study of a German bank amalgamation. American bankers' convention. The Institute of Bankers. Economic Journal. December, 1908-The relation of railways to the State Acworth (W. M.). On the nationalisation of railways Cohn (Prof. Gustav). Earnings and surpluses: Macgregor (Prof. D. H.). Appreciations of mathematical theories. (Concluded): Edgeworth (Prof. F. Y.). The State in its relation to telegraphs and telephones: Ogilvie (A. M.). Rating according to benefit: Harper (Edgar). Voices from the Indian up-country: Perrott (H. R.). Hotels and foreign. visitors in Switzerland: Farrer (A. M.). An essay on the causes of the decline of foreign trade: Gonner (Prof. E. C. K.). The labour insurance law in Hungary: Szanto (M.) Report on home circumstances of necessitous children: Bray (R. A.). The amended Sugar Convention: Cozens-Cooke (E.). The Board of Trade index-number for real wages: Yule (G. Udny) and Keynes (—). The Board of Trade and Mr. Ellis Barker B. (A. L.). Economic Review. October, 1908-The present position of social legislation in England: Ashley (Prof. W. J.). Recommendations. and inquiries: Rogers (Rev. Clement F.). The need of new Cities Craske (Harold). The historical Church and modern political tendencies: Fendick (G. H.). Legislation, parliamentary inquiries, and official returns: Pringle (Rev. J. C.). Financial Review of Reviews, 1908

September-British life assurance and American models: Midleton (Rt. Hon. Viscount). Shareholders and directors: Lowenfeld (Henry). The investor and the Navy: Currey (Commander E. H.). On the buying of investments: Newcombe (F. N.). The month's new issues. Digest of the latest companies' reports.


Financial Review of Reviews, 1908-Contd.

October-India's hoarded wealth: Is an inquiry necessary? 1: Law (Maj.-Gen. Sir Edward F. G.). 2: Cotton (Sir Henry J.). 3: Lethbridge (Sir Roper). 4: Rolleston (Sir J. F. L.). 5: Bhownaggree (Sir Mancherjee M.). Factors determining the value of corporation stocks: by the Investment Critic. The best market for capital: Withers (George). November-Investing safely: Lowenfeld (Henry). How Ireland would be financed under home rule; A reply to Mr. Swift MacNeill, K.C., M.P.: Dunraven (Rt. Hon. the Earl of). Investment risks and the geographical distribution of capital: Chapman (S. J.).

December-Tests for every investor's real position: Lowenfeld (Henry). Finance of the Irish Land Act: Kenmare (Rt. Hon. the Earl of). The future of Indian railway finance: Kimber (Sir Henry).

Journal of the Board of Agriculture, 1908

September-Farm accounts: Orwin (C. S.). Agricultural credit
societies. Fruit and vegetable production in Germany, France
and Holland. Agricultural returns of 1908. Imports of grain
in the cereal year 1907-08. Review of market prices in
August: Matthews (A. T.). The wool sales of 1908. Review
of the provision trade in August: Stevens (Hedley).
October-Competition in apple growing: Bear (W. E.).
Suppression of tuberculosis among cattle on the Continent.
The improvement of woodland: Anderson (Robert). Culti-
vation of tobacco in Ireland. The Colorado fruit industry.
Insurance of live-stock in Denmark and Norway. Mutual
insurance societies in France. Changes in wages of
agricultural labourers in 1907. Summary of agricultural
experiments. Prices of agricultural produce.

November-Small holdings in South-West Lancashire: Peet
(John O.). Farmyard manure. III. The cost of making
farmyard manure: Hall (A. D.). Insurance of live stock
in Great Britain. Co-operation for small holders. Agri-
culture in Argentina. School of forestry in the Forest of
Dean. Fruit culture in Normandy. The corn markets in
October Kains-Jacksin (C.). The live and dead meat
trade in October: Matthews (A. T.). The provision trade
in October: Stevens (Hedley).

Journal of Department of Agriculture, &c., for Ireland. October, 1908-Agricultural education, with special reference to Ireland: Campbell (J. R.). Marketing wild fruits. Jubilee of the Imperial Union of German Agricultural Co-operative Societies. The cultivation of flax in Belgium and Holland. Forestry in Denmark Forbes (A. C.). Technical instruction in Newry: Holden (E.). Beans as a field crop in Ireland. Egg records. Journal of Institute of Actuaries. October, 1908-The select and ultimate method of valuation: Dawson (M. M.). Legal notes: Barrand (A. R.). Original tables. The Life Assurance Companies of the United Kingdom.


Journal of the Institute of Bankers—

October Stamp duties on cheques, bills of exchange, and pro-
missory notes in the principal countries of the world.
November-The history of companies' legislation in England
in its practical aspect, and its effect upon our industrial
and banking development: Perry (S. E.). Early legislation
on bankers cheques: Mckewan (W.). Banking in ancient
and mediæval societies. Article II: Tipper (Henry).
December-The President's inaugural address: Schuster (Sir
Felix). Banking in ancient and mediaval societies.
Article III: Tipper (Henry). Loans issued during the year.
Annual statistics.

Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute.

December, 1908-" Penny

a-word telegrams throughout the Empire": Heaton (J. H.). "Sierra Leone up to date": Alldridge (T. J.).

Surveyors' Institution. Transactions. Session 1908-09

Part I-The Opening Address, 1908. [On effects of sporting rights on rural prosperity]: Martin (Howard).

Part II-The administrative aspects of sewage disposal: Scoble (Herbert T.).


American Journal of Sociology, 1908—

September-The assets of the United States: Powers (L. G.). The problem of poverty and pensions in old age: Hoffman (F. L.). Industrial insurance: Henderson (C. R.). The Minnesota system in the management of public charitable and correctional institutions: Smith (S. G.). The sociological warrant for vocational education: Gillette (J. M.). The redemption of the unfit: Batten (S. Z.).

November-The Chicago Employment Agency and the immigrant worker: Abbott (G.). Life in the Pennsylvania coal

fields, with particular reference to women: Maclean (A. M.). American Statistical Association. Quarterly Publications. No. 83. September, 1908-A statistical study of infant mortality: Phelps (E. B.). The statistical study of causes of destitution: Kleene (G.). Bankers' Magazine (New York), 1908

August-The banker in literature: Brighan (J.). Massa-
chusetts savings, insurance, and annuity: Braudeis (L. D.).
The speculators and the banks: Howard (E. D.). The
Industrial Bank of Japan: Kato (M.).
September-The monetary system of Japan: Conant (C. A.).
The thrift habit: Kniffin (W. H.). Strengthening our
banking system: Lyford (F. E.). Foreign banks of issue:
Dulles (J. W.). Loans on collateral: Spielberger (L. N.).
October-Banking unity: Stevenson (C. W.). An equitable basis
for credit currency: Tickner (G. L.). Savings banks in the
United States: Kniffin (W. H.). The banks of Mexico City.
November-The Stock Exchange and the public: Andrews (L.).
The exchange standard in British India: Conant (C. A.).
International banking: Scudder (S. D.).


Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor, 1908

No. 76. May-The Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigations
Act of 1907: Clark (Victor S.). What is done for the unem-
ployed in European countries: Bliss (W.D. P.). Laws of various
States relating to labor, enacted since 1st January, 1904.
No. 77. July-Wages and hours of labor in manufacturing
industries, 1890-1907. Retail prices of food, 1890-1907.
Compensation for injuries of artisans and laborers in the
service of the United States. Cost of living of the working
classes in the principal towns of Great Britain.

Journal of Political Economy, 1908

October-The Aldrich-Vreeland Act: Laughlin (J. L.). The fortune of John Jacob Astor. III. Conclusion: Youngman (Anna). Professor Irving Fisher's "Rate of interest": Loria (A.). Reply to Professor Loria's criticism of "The rate of interest": Fisher (Irving).

November―The application of a depreciation charge in railway accounting: Delano (F. A.). History of the employment of women in the American cotton mills: Abbott (Edith). Quarterly Journal of Economics. November, 1908-The statistical complement of pure economics: Moore (Henry L.). Railroads in their corporate relations: Dixon (Frank H.). A statistical survey of Italian emigration: Foerster (R. F.). On the nature of capital: investment, intangible assets, and the pecuniary magnate: Veblen (T.). Two experiments in public ownership of steam railroads: Powell (F. W.). Sex ratios at birth in town and country: Ripley (W. Z.). The Australian tariff: A supplementary note: Clark (Victor S.). The Cleveland referendum on street railways: Bemis (E. W.). Yale Review. November, 1908-Hard times and the standard wage: Emery (Henry C.). Japan in Manchuria-II: Asakawa (K.). The limitations of charity organisation: Kleene (G. A.). A statistical study of the Yale graduates, 1797-1866: Byrnes (R. M.). Abolition of imprisonment for debt in the United States; The International Tax Conference. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY

Statistische Monatschrift, 1908

July-Die Ergebnisse der gewerblichen Betriebszählung vom 3. Juni 1902 (Fortsetzung): Schiff (Dr. Walter). Todesursachen der Juden nach Altersklassen: Rosenfeld (Dr.). Die Ergebnisse des österreichischen Lottomonopols im Jahre 1907: Oppolzer (4.). Die österreichischen Bahnen niederer Ordnung. August-Die Ergebnisse der gewerblichen Betriebszählung vom 3. Juni 1902 (Schluss): Schiff (Dr. Walter). Die Verurteilungen von Unmündigen und Jugendlichen im Jahre 1905: Forcher (Dr.). Die Neuordnung des Einwanderungs- und Kolonisationswesens in Brasilien: Pflügl (Dr. Richard). September-Die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung: Herber (Dr. Johann). Wertzuwachssteuer und verwandte Abgaben: Ploner (Dr. E.). Studentenstiftungen im Jahre 1907: Lorenz (Dr. Alfred). Zur Fischereistatistik Österreichs: Gerl (Dr. G.).

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