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Literary and Scientific Mirror.


This familiar Miscellany, from which all religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending LITERATURE, CRITICISM, MEN and MANNERS, AMUSEMENT, elegant EXTRACTS, POETRY, ANECDOTES, BIOGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY, the DRAMA, ARTS and SCIENCES, WIT and SATIRE, FASHIONS, Natural HISTORY, &c. forming a handsome ANNUAL VOLUME, with an INDEX and TITLE-PAGE. Persons in any part of the Kingdom may obtain this Work from London through their respective Booksellers.

No. 377.-Vol. VIII.

Scientific Notices.

ALLEGED IMPROVEMENT IN SHORT-HAND. In copying the following article from the Literary Gazette, we must not suppress the free expression of our opinion that this alleged improvement is a retrograde rather than an advance movement in the iences. The very principle of short-hand requires that the pen or pencil should be as seldom as possible moved from the paper, as time is, of course, lost by every remove. Now, in the system of Dr. Erdmann, it appears to us that, however practised the writer may be, he will be longer in performing his peration than by the ordinary process of writing ng hand; for, although the signs used are as simple scan be well devised, the jumps will be so frequent to counteract any advantage arising from the simplicity of the symbol. Thus, if it were required to write the word man, we should have to begin with the perpendicular stroke on the lower line, then to Jass or rather jump up to make a dot above the upper line, then dart back again to form the perpendicular stroke below the lower line. It does certainly appear to us that we could in the oldfashioned way write not only man, but woman to boot, before the man could be formed by Dr. Erdmann's symbols.We shall lay before our readers the description of the new system illustrated by an engraved specimen. -Edit. Kal.


Dr. Erdmann, physician to the King of Saxony, who last year published a highly interesting work, founded entirely on personal observation, relative to the south-eastern governments of the Russian empire, has invented a system of short-hand writing, which has been highly commended in Germany for its simplicity, and appears so deserving of attention that we have been induced to furnish the readers of the Literary Gazette with the subjoined description and ilInstration of this method. The former is given in

his own words-(translated:)—



sitions, according as the sign is placed upon, between, sured by the difference in the heights of the two columns above, or below the lines. of either liquid, multiplied by its specific gravity; so that, "To facilitate the distinction and combination of by dividing the difference of the two columns of water by the signs, I choose the dot for the designation of the the difference of those of the other liquid, we obtain the vowels, omitting the y, which may so well be dis-specific gravity of the latter, that of water being unity. pensed with. Thus, in its five-fold position, it sig- applying any scale of small equal parts, or the glass may The difference between the columns may be measured by nifies a, e, i, o, u-while the dash, in its four direc-be attached to a graduated plate, furnished with verniers, tions and five positions, denotes with precision twenty &c. The longer the columns of liquid employed, the consonants, admitting sch into the class of simple more accurate the process. The expansion of the glass, consonants. In this manner is composed the sub- or its capillary action, cannot affect the result, nor is it joined alphabet, No. 1, some of the combinations influenced by the expansion of the scale: the only correcof which are exhibited in No. 2. The rule in re- tion required will be to reduce the observations to one temgard to the latter is, that the signs standing per-perature.-Philosoph. Mag. pendicularly over one another must be read from above downward, but in the case of dots and horizontal or oblique dashes, the former must in pronunciation precede the latter, when they stand above or below the fore-end of them; but succeed when they are placed above or below the hinder end of those dashes."

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"In order to save space and time in writing, I A SYPHON HYDROMETER, BY MR. MEIKLE. adopt, as substitutes for letters, the simplest of all signs, the dot and the dash; and that they may suf- open at both ends, and bent into a kind of This instrument consists of a glass tube, fice for expressing the twenty-five letters, I make each double syphon, having four parallel legs, so of them denote several letters. This is done in two that the open ends are pointed in the same different ways, by varying either the direction or the direction, or upwards, as in the annexed position of the sign. As to varying the direction, figure. The manner of using it is very this is, of course, practicable with the dash only, and simple. Let one of the ends be stopped with that according as it is made horizontal, perpendicu- a finger or cork, and water be poured in at lar, or oblique from left to right, upward or down- the other. The fluid will only rise a small ward. By these means I, nevertheless, obtain five way into the second leg, because of the insigns, including the dot. As I give to each of these cluded air: next stop the other orifice, and a five-fold position, they suffice exactly for denoting into the latter the liquor whose specific graopen the one first closed; and, having poured twenty-five letters. This five-fold position is deter-vity is to be tried, open the top of the watermined, as in musical notation, by parallel horizontal tube; then the instrument being held uplines; but instead of five, two only are requisite, right, the two liquids will arrange themselves so as to press these being quite enough for marking the five po- equally on the included air. This pressure will be mea

The Bouquet.

“I have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and have brought nothing of my own but the thread that ties them." MONTAIGNE.


We have seldom met with a more original or entertaining article than that we are about to present to our readers. We have often been amused with the coquetry, if we may so term it, which is to be found amongst females of different countries in the delicate affair of courtship; but we never before heard of maiden coyness being reduced to a regular code of laws, to be obeyed by the sighing swain, before he can hope to melt the heart of an Alpine fair


It would be a curious subject of investigation to ascertain the source of that maiden skittishness which seems to prevail, more or less, especially in uncultivated communities, the members of which, it is natural to think, would be more unsophisticated and artless in their manners than those of more polished societies. In this said affair of courtship, however, it appears to be otherwise, as we could show by the concurrent testimony of the most respectable travellers.

Krantz tells us that in "Greenland, when parents consent that their daughter should be married, the daughter will hear nothing of the matter, but tears her hair, and runs away amongst the mountains, and obliged to be brought back by force."


And Carver, in his Travels in North America, p. 377, says, "Amongst the American Indians the lover enters his mistress's apartment at night, lights a match, and, approaching her bed, wakens her. If she then rises, and blows out the light, it is a token of his good reception; but if she covers up her head he is rejected."-Edit. Kal.


(From a new French Work by M. Jerome.)

In the fifth chapter of this work we have the following curious account of the manner of courtship observed in some of the wildest and remotest regions of the Alps.

Their manners are unknown in the towns situated at the very foot of these mountains, The citizens of these good towns are like the lodgers on the ground floor, who never


Further Extracts.


trouble their heads about what their neighbours, who live a month, comes to her house, always accompanied by his | Ash Wednesday, two pigeons at Pentecost, and a fricaser in the garrets, are doing. Social immobility is the domi- principal relations, always at the same hour, and always on at Easter. Thus the habitudes of these simple and hones nant trait in the character of these pastoral people, who a Sunday; he brings a neatly-made osier basket, adorned people lead their minds always to religion, which is a mo live in what are called the haut travers of the mountains. with flowers, which is the same as if he said to his fair one pure and elevated love than the other; both, however, What their forefathers thought, believed, said, and did, a "Let us go and gather maioasses (strawberries) to having a paradise, a purgatory, and a hell. thousand years ago, they think, believe, say, and do, at gether." She looks as if she then saw him for the first present. They are primitive beings, who have but few time. She disowns and rejects him; witness the harsh points of contact with the beings of a secondary creation. words that she addresses to him :-" Go seek somewhere Sometimes a quarter of a century passes away without any else for your dupe. There is nothing for you to do here. strangers being seen in their abodes. When one of these I scorn you and your basket." She further seasons this herdsmen wishes to marry, he goes on a Sunday after mass, dismissal with the following disagreeable epithets :- At Montelimart the exiled Emperor heard the last et with his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, if he be "blackamoor," or, " carrotty-pated fellow," "dog-face," pressions of regard and sympathy. He was now approach still alive, in a word, with the whole ascending line, to the or, "weazel-muzzle," according to the complexion, colouring Provence, a region of which he had never possess house of the fair one. They enter, sit down, and, without of the hair, or form of the nose of the poor devil. But he the affections, and was greeted with execrations and cr of "Perish the Tyrant!"'-"Down with the butcher saying a word, put a saffron cake on the table. This cake is far from being discouraged. The following Sunday he our children!" Matters looked worse as they adva is the orator of the party; and, in order to let it speak, calls upon his fair termagant, and is not very much sur- On Monday, the 25th of April, when Sir Neil Carp the gallant and his family retire in silence. The following prised to find upon the table two baskets instead of one, having set out before Napoleon, arrived at Avigne, Sunday, at the same hour, the same party returns to the by which he is to understand that he has been promoted officer upon guard anxiously inquired if the escort at same house; and if they find the cake whole, and una step, and is accepted as maioussier. And it is by virtue ing the Emperor was of strength sufficient to ress pular disturbance, which was already on foot at the touched, upon the same table, they take it up and carry it of the privilege which this dignity confers upon him that of his arrival. The English Commissioner entre away, without saying a word. But if the cake has dis- he sets out alone with the damsel the following Sunday, to protect the passage of Napoleon by every mens piše appeared, or if a quarter, one-third, or one-half of it has at the break of day, and does not return till night fall, sible. It was agreed that the fresh horses should be road been cut, it is a sign that it has been acceptable, and that when they bring back the two baskets filled with straw- at a different quarter of the town from that where s the gallant may come back on the fourth, the third, or the berries, which are left with the maiden, the gallant renatural to have expected the change. Yet the meh covered and surrounded them, and it was with diff second Sunday following, according to the greater or less tiring to sleep at home. A certain interval then inter- that Napoleon was saved from popular fury. portion of the cake that has been cut off; should but a venes-time passes, love remains, the autumn arrives, and dangers attended him elsewhere, and, in order to a few crumbs remain on the table, it is an invitation to re- with it on a Sunday the lover. You have now been ac- assassination, the ex-Emperor of France was obliged turn the next Sunday. The following Sunday the gallant cepted as herbager and maioussier, you have cut grass and disguise himself as a postilion, or a domestic, anxi comes, always accompanied by his ascendants, and finding gathered strawberries together, moreover, your blackbird altering from time to time the mode of his dress; orde his servants to smoke in his presence; and inviting t the cake almost entirely eaten, he takes from under his has been accepted, and your cake has been eaten, and con-commissioners, who travelled with him, to whistle or coat a blackbird, with a reddish spot, (un merle à plaque sequently you present yourself with that noble assurance that the incensed people might not be aware who rose, a bird indigenous to the Alps,) and ties it by the which the favours with which you have been honoured the carriage. At Orgon the mob brought before him foot to the sabot, or wooden-shoe, of the fair one, which, inspire. You take from your pocket, and boldly offer a own effigy dabbled with blood, and stopped his care by a chance, calcule d'avance, is found lying in the middle very elegantly-turned nut-cracker, made of box-wood; from Avignon to La Calade, he was grossly insulted a till they displayed it before his eyes; and, in ster of the table. At the sight of the bird, his red spot, his but how grievously has your presumption misled you! every town and village, and, but for the anxious beak, and his tail, the fair one, who knows well what all At the sight of the odious instrument the blood rushes to ference of the commissioners, he would probably ha these mean, cries out and protests that she will not accept the face of the maiden; she is almost suffocated by anger, been torn to pieces. The unkindness of the people se it-that she will have nothing to do with it-that it is her laces burst and her heart bounds; she snatches from to make much impression on him. He even shed te odious in her sight. She then quits the house, and runs the hands of the rash intruder the odious instrument, and sistent with his approved courage; but it must be He showed also more fear of assassination than seemed t into the fields, like one distracted. (This is the most ap- throws it at his head, taking care, however, that it shall lected that the danger was of a new and peculiarly be proved etiquette.) But the following Sunday, when the not go within a yard of his ears. But, how bitter and description, and calculated to appal many to gallant returns, if he should find the blackbird in a neatly- sincere is her regret at having missed him! Let him dare terrors of a field of battle were familiar. The brave made cage, he presents the damsel with a rusty reaping- to return, and he shall know what he has to expect; and, dier might shudder at a death like that of the De Was hook, without a handle. At the sight of this instrument in fact, the gallant returns the following Sunday, and finds At La Calade he was equally nervous, and exhibited gr fear of poison. When he reached Aix, precautions we there is another exclamation of surprise and scorn, and upon the table a large basket, at the bottom of which he taken by detachments of gens d'armes, as well as by another flight into the fields. "Take back your old iron; perceives a rose, together with the odious nut-cracker, en- ties of the allied troops, to ensure his personal safety, s what would you have me do with it?" says the fair one. veloped in garden rocket and tormentil. This denotes that a chateau called Bouillidou, he had an interview with But the gallant is now accustomed to these ways, and does you have been promoted another step. Then all the resister Pauline. The curiosity of the lady of the h and two or three females, made them also find their not lose courage, but returns the next Sunday, followed, lations, near and distant, both on the paternal and materto his presence. They saw a gentleman in an Austr as on the former one, by his ascendants; and, if he finds nal side, assemble, and confer upon you, with a most ob- uniform. Whom do you wish to see, les ?"-" the reaping-hook cleaned of its rust, and fixed in a new streperous sounding of horns, the dignity of otagnier, Emperor Napoleon ?""I am Napoleon."-"You handle, he then, for the first time, speaks to his fair one, with all its honours, privileges, franchises, and immu- Sir," replied the ladies." What! I suppose you exp" touches her hand, and pats her upon the shoulder. Then nities. (Olagnier comes from olagne, the synonime of to see me look more mischievous? Oh, yes! that since fortune is adverse to me, I must look i follow compliments and kisses, the relations drink a few nut-cracker.) This grade gives the young couple the rascal, a miscreant, a brigand. But do you know glasses of wine, the lovers converse for a short time to liberty of going alone on a Sunday into the woods with all this has happened? Merely because I wished to pl gether, and you are then admitted and received in the the nut cracker and the basket, which latter they are to France above England."-While on board the Undaunt house as herbager-a grade which is in the same relation bring back full in the evening to the maiden's house. The Napoleon spoke with great freedom of the facility to that of husband as the dignity of licentiate is to that of nuts gathered and brought home have now to be cracked, which he had outwitted and defeated the allies during t last campaign. "The Silesian army," he said, " doctor. It is then tacitly understood that the gallant shall sorted, pounded, heated, and subjected to the oil press. given him most trouble. The old devil, Blucher, go during the fine season and cut the new grass with his Consequently you have still to be admitted as nut-breaker, no sooner defeated than he was willing to fight a fair one-taking care to make use of the reaping-hook that sorter, heater, and presser; and even after all this you But he considered his victory over Schwartzenburgi has been sharpened and put in a new hardle with an at- have still, before you can be admitted to the temple of certain, save for the defection of Marmont. Much tention so full of delicacy. And, accordingly, as soon as Hymen, to be examined as to your skill in spinning, and he said, with great apparent frankness, and seemed de rous to make himself in every respect agreeable to the earth is covered with verdure, our young couple set if approved of, raised to the rank of a spinner. You must companions on board. Even the seamen, who at first out very frankly together to cut the grass, which they make necessarily pass through all these grades before you can garded him with wonder, mixed with suspicion, did into bundles, and bring to the house of the betrothed. be invested with the rights and prerogatives of a husband. escape the charm of his affability, by which they we The harvest lasts a month: during which period they have A code regulating all these preliminaries exists; it is soon won over, all excepting the boatswain Hinton, & had time to become better acquainted with each other, in written in the romance language; and, amongst others, of the old school, who could never hear of the Empero cutting the same grass, singing the same song, drinking contains the following maxims of pastoral gallantry. The praises without muttering the vulgar but expressive phras "Humbug." The honest boatswain, however, ce out of the same cup, and eating off the same platter.-herbager should be sighing and suppliant; the maioussier understand and value what was solid in Napoleon's me But flowers and grass are of little consequence; we must gallant and seductive; the olagnier patient and suffering, As he had to return thanks in the name of the ship's ce come to the fruits, and it is the season of gathering them but presumptuous in intention; the spinner complaisant pany for 200 louis with which the Emperor preseta that is looked forward to with impatience. As soon as the and enterprising; the husband doleful and drowsy. By them, he wished "his honour good health, and better i strawberries begin to ripen-and I warn you that upon the mountain they do not ripen before the end of July-our herberger, who has been absent from his fair one more than

the same code it is the duty of an olagnier to give to his
fair one two pounds of virgin wax at Candlemas, a bundle
of box-wood the first Sunday of Lent, a pot of honey on

the next time."


During the 3d of May, it was seen that the life of N poleon was evidently drawing to a close; and his follower

1 particularly his physician, became desirous to call in
re medical assistance; that of Dr. Short, Physician to
Forces, and of Dr. Mitchell, Surgeon of the flag-ship,
s referred to. Dr. Short, however, thought it proper
assert the dignity belonging to his profession, and re-
ed to give an opinion on a case of so much importance
itself, and attended with so much obscurity, unless he
are permitted to see and examine the patient. The offi-
rs of Napoleon's household excused themselves, by pro-
ssing that the Emperor's strict commands had been laid
a them, that no English Physician, Dr. Arnott excepted,
ould approach his dying bed. They said that even when
was speechless, they would be unable to brook his eye,
ald he turn it upon them in reproof for their disobedi-
e. About two o'clock of the same day the Priest Vignali
ninistered the sacrament of extreme unction. Some
s before Napoleon had explained to him the manner in
chhe desired his body should be laid out in state, in an
rtment lighted by torches, or what Catholics call une
abre ardente. "I am neither," said he, in the same
se which we have formerly quoted, "a philosopher
a physician. I believe in God, and am of the religion
ay father. It is not every body who can be an Atheist.
as born a Catholic, and will fulfil all the duties of the
holic Church, and receive the assistance which it ad-
nisters." He then turned to Doctor Antommarchi,
om he seems to have suspected of heterodoxy, which
Doctor, however, disowned. "How can you carry it
ar?" he said. Can you not believe in God, whose
tence every thing proclaims, and in whom the greatest
ds have believed?"
s if to mark a closing point of resemblance betwixt
rowell and Napoleon, a dreadful tempest arose on the
of May, which preceded the day that was to close the
rtal existence of this extraordinary man. A willow,
ich had been the exile's favourite, and under which he
A often enjoyed the fresh breeze, was torn up by the
rricane; and almost all the trees about Longwood shared
The 5th of May came amid wind and rain. Napoleon's
ting spirit was deliriously engaged in a strife more ter-
Lethan that of the elements around. The words "tete
mee," the last words which escaped his lips, intimated
this thoughts were watching the current of a heady
it. About eleven minutes before six in the evening,
poleon, after a struggle, which indicated the original
ngth of his constitution, breathed his last.

e same fate.

[From Memoires Anecdotiques par 3. de Bousset.] NAPOLEON'S DIVORCE.

1. de Bousset relates the following extraordinary scene : took place in his presence a short time before the ce was pronounced between Napoleon and the Emss Josephine:

uttering the most heart-rending cries and moans. "No, race course, &c. In four minutes and a half I lost sight
I shall never survive it," exclaimed the unfortunate wo- of the earth, and was in this dark and gloomy state for
man. Napoleon said to me, "Are you strong enough to seven minutes. At one time I had the curiosity to extend
take up Josephine, and carry her, by the private staircase, my hand beyond the edge of the car, to see whether I
to her room, in order that she may receive the care and could discern it at that distance, which I could but very
assistance that her situation requires ?" I obeyed, and faintly. The part of clouds which I passed through was,
raised up the Princess, who supposed had fallen into according to my calculation, three-quarters of a mile. I
a fit of hysterics. Aided by Napoleon, I took her in my at last perceived a shade of light above the balloon, and in
arms; and he, taking one of the lights from the table, led a moment was soaring in an atmosphere too brilliant for
the way through a dark passage towards a private stair- the eye to bear. The balloon net, &c. being very damp, and
case. On coming to the staircase, I observed to Napoleon, the sun shining in its greatest splendour, caused a powerful
that it was too narrow to allow me to descend it with the evaporation to commence, which gave me considerable
Empress in my arms, without the danger of falling. He buoyancy. It is impossible to describe the grandeur which
immediately called the guardian of the portfolio, who was presented itself to my view at this time, the clouds forming a
stationed night and day near one of the doors of his closet, level surface, only varied by shades. The reason of this ap-
which opened upon the landing-place of the private stair-pearance was my being so much above them. At the time I
case. Napoleon gave him the light, and told him to go on rose through the surface, they appeared as mountains of
before him; he then took Josephine by the legs, and in snow, only with much more splendour; so that I could
this manner aided me to bring her down. At one moment, only bear the sight of them at intervals. The heavens
in consequence of my sword having got between my legs, above me appeared of a dark blue, without the least va-
we were all near tumbling down together. Fortunately, pour. The sun appeared as a bright globe, the eye having
however, we descended without accident, and deposited no power to look on it, only when shaded by the bottom of
our precious burthen upon an ottoman in the bed- the balloon, which it was when above the hoop which sup-
chamber. The Emperor immediately rang for the ports the car. The reason of my being above the car and
Empress's woman. When in the drawing room, above hoop was, the bottom of the balloon being buoyed up out
stairs, I took the Empress in my arms, she ceased her of reach. To obtain the valve-string, I was compelled to
cries, and I supposed that she had fainted away; but, at leave the car, and rise above the hoop, supporting myself
the moment when I became embarrassed by my sword, by the net with one hand. In doing this I had to lean
in the middle of the private staircase, I was obliged, to myself backwards, bearing on the cords of the net; in
keep us both from falling, to clasp her more closely. I which situation my cap fell, from my head pressing through
held the Empress in my arms, which were thrown round the cords. Having obtained the valve-string, I again de-
her waist, her back was against my breast, and her head scended to the car. It being half-past two, and the bal-
reclining on my right shoulder. When she felt the efforts loon nearly expanded, I determined to reach the highest
that I made to keep myself from falling, she said to me, altitude in my power, which was at three o'clock, being
in a very low voice,You squeeze me too much." I one mile and a half above the clouds, and three miles
then judged there was nothing to fear for her health, and above the level of the sea. At this time I began to de-
that she had not lost her senses for a single instant. During scend. At twenty minutes past three I again reached the
the whole of this scene I had been exclusively occupied clouds, and was seven minutes in passing through them;
with Josephine, whose situation affected me, and could not at which time the town of Barnsley presented itself to my
observe Napoleon; but, when the woman of the Empress view. My descent was extremely rapid: I was obliged to
came, he passed into a small saloon contiguous to the bed- cast over all my ballast; and in three minutes made my
chamber, whither I followed him. His agitation and safe descent in a stubble field at Burton Smithies, near
anxiety were extreme. In this moment of trouble he ex- Barnsley, fourteen miles from Pontefract. I was soon
plained to me, in the following words, the cause of what attended by many hundreds, amongst whom was Mr.
had passed. "The interest of France and my dynasty J. S. Methley, of Burton; which gentleman conveyed the
has forced my heart to act thus; divorce has become an balloon to his house, where I received necessary refresh-
act of rigorous duty for me. I am the more pained by la ment and attendance. I returned to Pontefract at eight
scène que vient de faire Josephine, as she must have been o'clock."-Sheffield Iris.
made acquainted, three days ago, by Hortense, with the
unfortunate obligation that compels me to separate myself
from her. I pity her with all my heart. I thought her
possessed of more character; and I was not prepared for
this explosion of her sorrow." In fact, the emotion that he
felt forced him to leave a long interval between each phrase,
in order to take breath. His words escaped him with diffi-
faltering; and his eyes filled with tears. All this scene
culty, and without connexion; his voice was stifled and
occupied from seven to eight minutes. Napoleon imme.
diately after sent for the physician Corvesart, the Queen
Hortense, Cambaceres, and Fouche; and, before going to
his own apartment, he returned to that of Josephine,
whom he found calmer and more resigned.

NESDAY SE’nnight.


struction of printing presses, that we hardly expected any So many improvements have been made in the conthing further would be effected in that way; but we have lately examined a press constructed in the establishment form is so compact, that it is scarcely 4 feet high; and of Mr. Pouchee, of Little Queen-street, that reflects great credit on the ingenuity of its inventor, Mr. Boyce. Its although of less weight by one-fourth than the Columbian, possesses still greater power, with much less labour to the workman. The pressure is obtained by levers and a screw somewhat similar to the Stanhope, but differently arranged; so that its power, compared to that press, is as 5 to 3. The mode of propelling the carriage is very ingenious; the lumbian, and with more ease: the carriage glides over the ribs on a frame with small rollers, and, when pressed We have received the following account of the voyage by the platen, rests on solid planes the whole length of of Mr. Brown:-"Having formed a determination of the bearing, the springs in the roller-frame giving way to ascending from the town of Pontefract, at seven o'clock I the pull. It also performs an action, by which the barcommenced generating the gas from the decomposition of handle is made to meet the hand of the pressman going water, which went on extremely well. The morning was in, and to recede on the return, thereby increasing the cloudy. My ascent was to have taken place at twelve speed, and giving more room for the platen to rise. The o'clock, but in consequence of a number of gentlemen table is free from corner-irons; and, in lieu of these, pohaving made arrangements for the races to commence at lished bars are made to traverse either end, with which the three o'clock, I was requested not to ascend until half-past form, whether large or small, is steadily secured on the one or two. At this time the roads and adjoining fields press by a single screw. By this contrivance stereotypewere lined with people. At half-past one, I commenced plates may be arranged and secured without chases. Inattaching the car, when the balloon was let to rise, so that dependently of these advantages, it is so constructed that the hoop restrained it. The sight was most striking, the it may be taken to pieces, and packed up in a comparaballoon being not more than one third inflated, which tively small compass-no single part weighing more than nearly represented the form of a parachute. The gas 2 cwt., rendering it extremely convenient for transport. being very pure, buoyed the balloon upwards, forming Upon the whole, whether we consider its portability, its nearly a flat surface on the lower side, the aperture being speed, or its power, we do not hesitate to say, it is the best upwards of nine yards from my head. To the spectators press that human ingenuity has yet produced. this sight would appear dangerous, the valve cord being. The inventor has also turned his attention to the Standso distant from me." It was my intention to have taken a ing Press, and has succeeded in obtaining a degree of pres. gentleman with me, but on trial I found there was not sure with the screw equal to the hydraulic, by a lever only sufficient power. I then took in about eighty pounds of three feet long. This is a decided improvement, as the ballast, and left the earth, at five minutes to two, amidst press is not only much cheaper, but can never get out of the shouts and cheers of thousands. In two minutes I order-a double advantage over the hydraulic-London had a most delightful view of the town of Pontefract, paper.

I was on service at the Tuileries from Monday, vember 27th. That day, and on the Tuesday and ednesday following, I was struck by a great change in looks of the Empress, and the embarrassed silence of apoleon. The only words he spoke during dinner were ask me a few brief questions, the answers of which he peared not to hear. On one of those days the dinner not last more than ten minutes. On Thursday, the h, the storm burst. Their Majesties sat down to din- MR. BROWN'S ASCENT AT PONTEFRACT ON WED- operation is effected in half the time occupied by the CoJosephine wore a large white bonnet tied under the n, which partly concealed her features; I could, how7, perceive that she had been weeping, and with dif alty even then restrained her tears. She appeared to me e the image of grief and despair. The most profound ence reigned during dinner. Napoleon and the Em, merely tasted for form's sake what was served to . The only words uttered were those addressed to e by the Emperor, What kind of weather is it?' and he pronounced them he rose from the table and went to the drawing-room, the Empress slowly following him. ffee was brought in; when Napoleon, contrary to his sal custom, took the cup from the page, and made a that he wished to be alone. I immediately quitted e room; but feeling anxious and alarmed, I sat down the salon de service (where their Majesties usually Led,) on a chair near the door of the Emperor's drawing om. I was observing, mechanically, the servants clearthe table, when suddenly I heard the Empress shriek the most violent manner. The usher of the chamber, Posing she had fallen into a fit, was on the point of ning the door, but I prevented him, saying that the peror would call for assistance if he thought it neces"y. I was then standing near the door, when Napoleon self opened it, and, perceiving me, said, in a hurried niner. Come in, Bousset, and shut the door." I ened, and saw the Empress stretched upon the carpet, and




Fair art thou, Rosalie, divinely fair,

Love hovers o'er thee, and, with dalliance bland, Delighted waves his thrice-enchanted wand, Whilst thou, unconscious of the mischief near, Like some sweet star of beauty fearless shines, The while around thee noxious vapours rise, The tempest gathers, and the lurid skies Portentous threaten, and pale Death entwines, Unseen, his coronal thy locks to braid; And ah! thy icy pallet to bestrew,

Fond Pity plucks the tender violet blue.

For thou soon, Rosalie, bright flower! must fade-
For thou art Love's, and Love, in league with Death,
Still yields to him the beautiful of earth.

long; but his amazing strength of genius made ample amends for his remissness. He wrote five plays, besides his poems and letters, which, considering the early age at which he died, may be reckoned an amazing performance, and gives an idea what might have been expected from him when his genius had become matured. He was the intimate friend and associate of Jonson, Carew, Davenant, and other celebrated poets of his time. He died of a fever, said to have been occasioned by extreme grief, on the 7th of May, 1641, in the 28th year of his age.


I prithee send me back my heart,
Since I can not have thine,
For if from yours you will not part,
Why then should'st thou have mine?
Yet now I think on't, let it lie,

To find it were in vain ;
For thou'st a thief in either eye

Would steal it back again.

Why should two hearts in one breast lie,
And yet not lodge together?

Oh love! where is thy sympathy,
If thus our breasts thou sever?
But love is such a mystery,

I cannot find it out;


For when I think I'm best resolv'd,

I then am in most doubt.


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The deadliest poisons and the rankest weeds The learned chemist by his skill succeeds To change to life-invigorating balm, The anguish of the suffering wretch to calm: So may the man of philosophic mind In Charlotte's fate an awful lesson find; And as he deeply mourns the sad event Which freedom's sons unfeignedly lament, Let him awhile suppress the starting tear, To point this moral for the peasant's ear: "Ye who, with patient and unceasing toil ،، Still ply the loom, or cultivate the soil ; "Ye unambitious tenants of the cot, "Taught by her fate, repine not at your lot; "But ere ye murmur at your humbler state, ،، Think-to be happy is not to be great : "No privileg'd rank claims Heav'n's peculiar care, "And earthly dignity's an empty snare; "That pomp, and luxury, and wealth, and power, “ Embitter death's inevitable hour.

"Then while your vigour and your health are spar'd, "Grateful for life, still be for death prepar'd; ،، With cheerfulness await that last event, "Which has no terrors to a life well spent." Liverpool, 1827.

No. III.




This accomplished poet was born at Witham, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1613. Langbaine, writing of Suckling, says,-" He had so pregnant a genius, that he spoke Latin at five years old, and writ it at nine years of age." He had a great taste for music and poetry, both of which he assiduously cultivated, but excelled more particularly in the latter, as his poems evince. Being of a sprightly and vivacious disposition, his volatility of temper would not allow him to pursue any one particular study

For I'll believe I have her heart, As much as she has mine.


On a still silent night, scarce could I number
One of the clock, but that a golden slumber
Had lock'd my senses fast, and carried me
Into a world of blest felicity;

I know not how. First to a garden, where
The apricot, the cherry, and the pear,
The strawberry, and plumb, were fairer far
Than the eye-pleasing fruit that caused the jar
Betwixt the goddesses, and tempted more
Than fair Atlanta's ball, though gilded o'er.
I gazed awhile on these, and presently
A silver stream ran softly gliding by ;
Upon whose banks, lilies more white than snow
New fallen from heaven, with violets mix'd, did grow;
Whose scent so chaf'd the neighbouring air, that you
Would surely swear Arabic spices grew
Not far from thence, or that the place had been
With musk prepar'd, to entertain love's queen.
Whilst I admir'd, the river passed away,
And up a grove did spring, green as in May,
When April had been moist: upon whose bushes
The pretty robias, nightingales, and thrushes
Warbled their notes so sweetly, that my ears
Did judge at least the music of the spheres.
But here my gentle dream conveyed me—
But then-I awak'd.

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Till night's black wings do overtake me, Thinking on thee, thy beauties then, As sudden lights do sleepy men,

So they by their bright rays awake me. Thus absence dies, and dying proves No absence can subsist with loves That do partake of fair perfection; Since in the darkest night they may, By love's quick motion find a way

To see each other by reflection. The waving sea can with each flood Bathe some high promont, that hath stood Far from the main up in the river; Oh! think not then but love can do As much, for that's an ocean too, That flows not every day, but ever.


Un sommeil calme et pur comme sa vie, Un long sommeil a rafraichi ses sens: Elle sourit et nomme ses enfans; Adèle accourt, de son frère suivie. Tous deux du lit assiègent le chevet; Leurs petits bras étendus vers leur mère, Leurs yeux naïfs, leur touchante prière, D'un seul baiser implorent le bienfait. Céline alors, d'une main caressante, Contre son sein les presse tour-à-tour, Et de son cœur la voix reconnaissante Bénit le Ciel, et rend grâce à l'amour: Bientôt Adèle au travail occupée, Orne avec soin sa docile poupée, Sur ses devoirs lui fait un long discours, L'écoute ensuite, et répondant toujours A son silence, elle gronde et pardonne, La gronde encore, et sagement lui donne Tous les avis qu'elle-même a reçus, En ajoutant: Surtout ne mentez plus. Un bruit soudain la trouble et l'intimide; Son jeune frère, écuyer intrépide, Caracolant sur un léger bâton, Avec fracas traverse le salon, Qui retentit de sa course rapide. A cet aspect, dans les yeux de la sœur L'étonnement se mêle à la tendresse: Du cavalier elle admire l'addresse, Et sa raison condamne avec douceur Ce jeu nouveau, qui peut être funeste. Vaine leçon ! il rit de sa frayeur ; Des pieds, des mains, de la voix, et du geste De son coursier il hâte la lenteur. Mais le tambour au loin s'est fait entendre; D'un cri de joie il ne peut se défendre: Il voit passer les poudreux escadrons; De la trompette et des aigres clarions Le son guerrier l'anime; il veut descendre, Il veut combattre ; il s'arme, il est armé. Un chapeau rond, surmonté d'un panache, Couvre à-demi son front plus enflammé; A son côté fièrement il attache Le buis paisible, en sabre transformé : Il va partir; mais Adèle tremblante, Courant à lui, le retient dans ses bras, Verse des pleurs, et ne lui permet pas De se ranger sous l'enseigne flottante. De l'amitié le langage touchant Fléchit enfin ce courage rebelle; Il se désarme, il s'assied aupres d'elle, Et pour lui plaire il redevient enfant. A tous ces jeux Céline est attentive, Et lit déjà dans leur ame naïve Les passions, les goûts, et le destin Que leur réserve un avenir lointain.


Plant the wild rose-tree around her tomb;
For O! it is like in its delicate bloom

To the mild, and the pale, and heavenly hue
That mantled her cheek e'er the spirit flew.
And O! let the lily of purest white,
Bearing the kiss of the chaste moonlight,
Wave o'er the sod, and fondly sigh
As it breathes a rich odour in harmony.
And let the winds be pillow'd at night,
Until, waken'd again by earliest light,
They move on their journey of love and joy
To the sound of their own minstrelsy.

Let the fragrant dew, that from heaven falls,
Be gather'd again in the wild flowers' halls,
And mingling there with a bland incense,
Softly steal on the fainting sense.

And when Winter taketh his garment of snow,
And the cold-stricken daisies of summer be low,
Let the maidenly snowdrop lift its head
To lessen the lonliness of her bed.

J. M.

1 the Kaleidoscope of July 24, we inserted the first part of "The Chase," the conclusion of which has been postponed until now, in order to enable the writer to make certain corrections of which it appeared to us to stand in reed. Some little change has resulted from the delay, but it is evidently still in want of revision, as some of the expressions are unintelligible to us. However, as we see no prospect of further communication with the author, we must commit it to the press "with all its inperfections on its head."-Edit. Kal.


(From the German of Burgen.)

(Concluded from page 20.)

"O mercy! mercy! noble Lord,

Spare the hard pittance of the poor, Earned by the sweat their brows have pour'd In scorching July's sultry hour!" Earnest the right-hand stayer pleads, The left still cheering to the prey; Th' impetuous Earl no warning heeds, But furious holds the onward way. "Away, thou hound, so basely born, Or dread the scourge's echoing blow!” Then loudly rung his bugle horn,

"Hark forward! forward! holloo, ho!"

So said, so done, a single bound

Clears the poor labourer's humble pale; While follow man, and horse, and hound, Like dark December's stormy gale. And man, and horse, and hound, and horn, Destructive sweep the field along; While joying o'er the wasted corn,

Fell Famine marks the maddening throng. Again up roused, the timorous prey

Scours moss, and moor, and holt, and hill; Hard run, he feels his strength decay, And trusts for life his simple skill. Too dangerous solitude appeared, He seeks the shelter of the crowd; Amid the flocks' domestic herd

His harmless head he hopes to shroud. O'er moss, and moor, and holt, and hill, His tract the steady blood-hounds trace; O'er moss, and moor, and holt, and hill, The unwearied Earl pursues the chase. The anxious herdsmen lowly fall,

"O spare, thou noble Baron spare,
These herds, a widow's little all!
These flocks, an orphan's fleecy care!"
Earnest the right-hand stayer pleads,
The left still cheering to the fray;
Nor prayer, nor pity, Walter heeds,

But furious keeps the onward way.

"Unmanner'd dog! to stop my sport Vain were thy cant and beggar whine, Though human spirits of thy sort

Were tenants of those carrion kine!"
Again he winds his bugle-horn,

Hark forward! forward! holloo, ho!"
And through the herd in ruthless scorn
He cheers his furious hounds to go.
In heaps the throttled victims fall,

Down sinks their mangled herdsman near; The murderous cries the stag appal,

Again he starts, new nerved by fear. With blood besmeared, and white with foam, While big the tears with anguish pour, He seeks, amid the forest's gloom,

The humble hermit's hut obscure.

But man, and horse, and horn, and hound,
Fast rattling on their coursers go;
The sacred chapel rung around

With Hark, away! and holloo, ho!"
All mild amid the rout profane,

The holy hermit poured his prayer;
"Forbear with blood God's house to stain,
Revere his altar and forbear!

"The meanest brute has right to plead,
Which, wronged by cruelty and pride,
Draws vengeance on the ruthless hand,-
Be warned, at length, and turn aside."
Still the fair horseman anxious pleads,
The black, wild whooping, points the prey;
Alas! the Earl no warning heeds,

But frantic keeps the onward way.
"Holy or not, or right or wrong,
Thy altar, and its rights I spurn!
Not sainted martyr's sacred song,
Not God himself shall make me turn!"
He spurs his horse, he winds his horn,
"Hark forward! forward! holloo, ho!"
But off on whirlwind's pinions borne,

The stag, the hut, the hermit go.

And horse, and men, and horn, and hound,
And clamour of the chase were gone;
For hoofs, and howls, and bugle sound,-
A steady silence reign'd alone.
Wild gazed the affrighted Earl around,
He strove in vain to wake his horn-
In vain to call; for not a sound
Could from his anxious lips be borne.
He listens for his trusty hounds;

No distant baying reached his ears;
His courser rooted to the ground,
The quick'ning spur unmindful bears.
Still dark and darker round it spreads,
Dark as the darkness of the grave;
And not a sound the still invades,

Save what a distant torrent gave.
High o'er the sinner's humble head,
At length the solemn silence broke;
And from a cloud of vivid red,

The awful voice of thunder spoke: "Oppressor of creation fair!

Apostate spirits' harden'd tool!
Scorner of God! scourge of the poor!
The measure of thy cup is full.
"Go, hunt for ever through the wood,
For ever roam the frighted wild;
And let thy fate instruct the proud-

God's meanest creature is his child."
'Twas hush'd!-flashes of sombre glare,
With yellow tinge the forest brown;
Up rose Earl Walter's bristling hair,

And horror chill'd each nerve and vein.
Cold pour'd the sweat in freezing rill;
A rising wind begun to sing;
And louder, louder, louder still,-

Brought storm and tempest on its wing.
The earth is rock'd-it quakes-it rends

From yawning rifts, with many a yell,
Mix'd with sulphureous flames, ascend
The misbegotten dogs of hell.
What ghastly huntsman next arose-
Well may I guess, but dare not tell ;-
His eye-like midnight lightning glows!
His steed the swarthy hue of hell.

Earl Walter flies o'er bush and thorn With many a shriek of helpless woe; Behind him, hound, and horse, and horn, And "Hark, away! and holloo, ho!" With wild despair's reverted eye Close, close behind he marks the throng, With bloody fangs and eager cry, In frantic fear he scours along. Still shall the dreadful chase endure Till time itself shall have an end; By day earth's tortured womb they scour At midnight's witching hour ascend. Theirs is the horse, and hound, and horn That oft the lated peasant hears; Appall'd, he signs the frequent cross, When the wild din invades his ears. The wakeful priest oft drops a tear For human pride, for human woe, When at the midnight mass he hears The infernal cry of" Holloe, ho!" Kirkdale, July 18th, 1827.

J. Br.


(From the Pelican Island, &c. by James Montgomery.)
"Curious observation caught the clue
To this live labyrinth,-where every one,
By instinct taught, performed its little task;
To build its dwelling and its sepulchre,
From its own essence exquisitely modell'd;
There breed, and die, and leave a progeny,
Still multiplied beyond the reach of numbers,
To frame new cells and tombs; then breed and die
As all their ancestors had done, and rest,
Hermetically seal'd, each in its shrine,
A statue in this temple of oblivion!
Millions of millions thus, from age to age,
With simplest skill, and toil unwearyable,
No moment and no movement unimproved,
Laid line on line, on terrace terrace spread,

To swell the height'ning, bright'ning, gradual mound,
By marvellous structure climbing tow'rds the day.
Each wrought alone, yet all together wrought,
Unconscious, not unworthy instruments,

By which a hand invisible was rearing

A new creation in the secret deep.

Omnipotence wrought in them, with them, by them;
Hence what Onnipotence alone could do,
Worms did. I saw the living pile ascend,
The mausoleum of its architects,

Still dying upwards as their labours closed;
Slime the materials, but the slime was turn'd
To adamant by their petrific touch;

Frail were their frames, ephemeral their lives,
Their masonry imperishable. All
Life's needful functions, food, exertion, rest,
By nice economy of Providence
Were overruled to carry on the process,
Which out of water brought forth solid rock.


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Compared with this amazing edifice,

Raised by the weakest creatures in existence,
What are the works of intellectual man?
Towers, temples, palaces, and sepulchres;
Ideal images in sculptured forms;

Thoughts hewn in columns, or in domes expanded;
Fancies through every maze of beauty shown;
Pride, gratitude, affection turn'd to marble,

In honour of the living or the dead ;

What are they?-fine-wrought miniatures of art,
Too exquisite to bear the weight of dew
Which every morn lets fall in pearls upon them,
Till all their pomp sinks down in mouldering relics,
Yet in their ruin lovelier than their prime!
Dust in the balance, atoms in the gale,
Compared with these achievements in the deep,
Were all the monuments of olden time,
In days when there were giants on the earth.
Babel's stupendous folly, though it aim'd
To scale heaven's battlements, was but a toy,
The plaything of the world in infancy;
The ramparts, towers, and gates of Babylon,
Built for eternity,-though where they stood,
Ruin itself stands still for lack of work,
And Desolation keeps unbroken Sabbath;
Great Babylon in its full moon of empire,
Even when its "head of gold" was smitten off,
And from a monarch changed into a brute

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