The shepherd-swain of whom I mention made, On Scotia's mountains fed his little flock; The sickle, scythe, or plough, he never sway'd; An honest heart was almost all his stock; His drink the living water from the rock : The milky dams supplied his board, and lent Their kindly fleece to baffle winter's shock; And he, though oft with dust and sweat besprent, Did guide and guard their wanderings, wheresoe'er they went. From labour health, from health contentment springs, Contentment opes the source of every joy; He envied not, he never thought of, kings; Nor from those appetites sustain'd annoy, That chance may frustrate, or indulgence cloy : Nor Fate his calm and humble hopes beguil'd; He mourn'd no recreant friend, nor mistress coy, For on his vows the blameless Phoebe smil'd, And her alone he lov'd, and lov'd her from a child. No jealousy their dawn of love o'ercast, Nor blasted were their wedded days with strife; Each season, look'd delightful, as it past, To the fond husband, and the faithful wife; Beyond the lowly vale of shepherd life They never roam'd; secure beneath the storm Which in ambition's lofty land is rife, Where peace and love are canker'd by the worm Of pride, each bud of joy industrious to deform Th' exploit of strength, dexterity, or speed, To him nor vanity nor joy could bring: His heart, from cruel sport estrang'd, would bleed To work the woe of any living thing, By trap or net, by arrow or by sling; These he detested, those he scorn'd to wield; He wish'd to be the guardian, not the king, Tyrant far less, or traitor of the field : And sure the sylvan reign unbloody joy might yield. Lo! where the stripling, wrapt in won. der, roves Beneath the precipice o'erhung with pine; And sees, on high, amidst th' encircling groves, From cliff to cliff the foaming torrents shine : While waters, woods, and winds, in concert join, And Echo swells the chorus to the skies. Would Edwin this majestic scene resign For aught the huntsman's puny craft supplies? Ah! no: he better knows great Nature's charms to prize. And oft he trac'd the uplands, to survey, When o'er the sky advanc'd the kindling dawn, The crimson cloud, blue main, and mountain gray, And lake, dim gleaming on the smoky lawn; Far to the west the long long vale withdrawn, Where twilight loves to linger for a while; [fawn, And now he faintly kens the bounding And villager abroad at early toil.But lo! the sun appears! and heaven, earth, ocean, smile. And oft the craggy cliff he lov❜d to climb, When all in mist the world below was lost: What dreadful pleasure! there to stand sublime, Like shipwreck'd mariner on desert coast, And view th' enormous waste of vapour tost In billows, lengthening to th' horizon round, Now scoop'd in gulfs, with mountains now emboss'd! And hear the voice of mirth and song rebound, Flocks, herds, and waterfalls, along the hoar profound! In truth he was a strange and wayward wight, [scene : Fond of each gentle, and each dreadful In darkness, and in storm, he found delight; Nor less, than when on ocean-wave serene The southern sun diffus'd his dazzling shene, Even sad vicissitude amus'd his soul: And if a sigh would sometimes inter vene, And down his cheek a tear of pity roll, A sigh, a tear so sweet, he wish'd not to control. EDWIN'S MEDITATIONS IN "O YE wild groves, O where is now (The Muse interprets thus his tender thought) "Your flowers, your verdure, and your balmy gloom, Of late so grateful in the hour of drought! Why do the birds, that song and rapture brought To all your bowers, their mansions now forsake? Ah! why has fickle chance this ruin wrought? For now the storm howls mournful through the brake, And the dead foliage flies in many a shapeless flake. G And meads, with life, and mirth, and beauty crown'd! Ah! see, th' unsightly slime, and slug. gish pool, Have all the solitary vale imbrown'd; Fled each fair form, and mute each melting sound, The raven croaks forlorn on naked spray: And, hark! the river, bursting every mound, Down the vale thunders; and with wasteful sway, Uproots the grove, and rolls the shatter'd rocks away. "Yet such the destiny of all on earth; So flourishes and fades majestic man! Fair is the bud his vernal morn brings forth, And fostering gales a while the nursling fan: O smile, ye heavens, serene; ye mildews wan, Ye blighting whirlwinds, spare his balmy prime, Nor lessen of his life the little span : Borne on the swift, though shent wings of Time, Old age comes on apace to ravage all the clime. "And be it so. Let those deplore their doom, Whose hope still grovels in this dark sojourn: But lofty souls, who look beyond the tomb, Can smile at Fate, and wonder how they mourn. Shall spring to these sad scenes no more return? Is yonder wave the sun's eternal bed? Soon shall the orient with new lustre burn, And spring shall soon her vital influence shed, Again attune the grove, again adorn the mead. "Shall I be left abandon'd in the dust, When Fate, relenting, lets the flower revive, Shall Nature's voice, to man alone unjust, Bid him, though doom'd to perish, hope to live? Is it for this fair Virtue oft must strive With disappointment, penury, and pain? No: Heaven's immortal spring shall yet arrive And man's majestic beauty bloom again, Bright through th' eternal year of Love's triumphant reign." This truth sublime his simple sire had taught, In sooth, 't was almost all the shepherd knew, No subtle nor superfluous lore he sought, Nor ever wish'd his Edwin to pursue:"Let man's own sphere" (quoth he) "confine his view; Be man's peculiar work his sole delight." And much, and oft, he warn'd him to eschew Falsehood and guile, and aye maintain the right, By pleasure unseduc'd, unaw'd by lawless might. "And from the prayer of Want, and plaint of Woe, O never, never turn away thine ear; Forlorn in this bleak wilderness below, Ah! what were man, should Heaven refuse to hear! To others do (the law is not severe) What to thyself thou wishest to be done. Forgive thy foes; and love thy parents dear, [alone; And friends, and native land; nor those All human weal and woe learn thou to make thine own." MORNING. BUT who the melodies of morn can tell? The wild-brook babbling down the mountain side. Loaded with loud lament the lonely Young Edwin, lighted by the evening star, Lingering and listening wander'd down the vale. There would he dream of graves, and corses pale; And ghosts, that to the charnel-dungeon throng, And drag a length of clanking chain, and wai Till silenced by the owl's terrific song, Or blast that shrieks by fits the shuddering aisles along. Or when the setting moon, in crimson died, Hung o'er the dark and melancholy deep. To haunted stream, remote from man he hied, Where Fays of yore their revels wont to keep; And there let Fancy roam at large, till sleep A vision brought to his entranced sight. And first, a wildly-murmuring wind 'gan creep Shrill to his ringing ear; then tapers bright, With instantaneous gleam, illumed the vault of Night. Anon in view a portal's blazon'd arch Arose; the trumpet bids the valves unfold; And forth a host of little warriors march, Grasping the diamond lance, and targe of gold. Their look was gentle, their demeanour bold, And green their helms, and green their And here and there, right venerably old, And some with mellow breath the martial With merriment, and song, and tim brels clear, A troop of dames from myrtle bowers advance : The little warriors doff the targe and spear, And loud enlivening strains provoke the dance. They meet, they dart away, they wheel askance To right, to left, they thrid the flying FANCY AND EXPERIENCE. I CANNOT blame thy choice (the Sage replied), For soft and smooth are fancy's flowery ways. And yet even there, if left without a guide, The young adventurer unsafely plays. Eyes dazzled long by fiction's gaudy rays, In modest truth no light nor beauty find. And who, my child, would trust the meteor-blaze, That soon must fail, and leave the wanderer blind, O let your spirit still my bosom soothe, Inspire my dreams, and my wild wan derings guide! Your voice each rugged path of life can smooth; For well I know, wherever ye reside, More dark and helpless far, than if it There harmony, and peace, and innocence, ne'er had shined? Fancy enervates, while it soothes, the heart, And, while it dazzles, wounds the mental sight: abide. Ah me abandon'd on the lonesome plain, As yet poor Edwin never knew your lore, |