It deck'd the boar's head, tusk'd and grim, His jaded steed the armed knight From humble monk to abbot great. The maiden then, in quaint attire, Loosed from her head the silken hood, And danced before the yule-clog fire The crackling monarch of the wood. Helmet and shield flash'd back the blaze, In lines of light, like summer rays, While music sounded loud and clear ; For Christmas came but once a year. What though upon his hoary head As 'twas a thousand years ago. Are ever standing ready there, For Christmas comes but once a year.. No marvel Christmas lives so long, His nights were spent with mirth and song, While every voice cried" Welcome here, For those old times are dead and gone, And still around these good old times Which somehow sink into the heart, At early day the youthful voice, For once are happy all day long; Upon a gayer, happier scene Never did holly berries peer, Or ivy throw its trailing green On brighter forms than there are here, THE END. MILLER. 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