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R.—M. W. S., I bring with me these worthy Knights, who, having travelled through dangers, difficulties, and the Valley of the Shadow of、 Death, in search of the lost Word, and having fortified themselves with the three Cardinal Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, now supplicate to be rewarded for their labours.

M. W. S.-Most Worthy and Perfect Raphael, we doubt not that these worthy Knights, assisted by your powerful aid, are worthy of every distinction, and I shall now call on them to ascend the ladder which leads from darkness to glory and perfection. M. W. S.-(To Cand.)-First, however, let me ask how you came hither? CAND. Through darkness, difficulties, and dangers.

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M. W. S.-What supported you? CAND. The example of our Saviour's sufferings.

M. W. S.-What do you seek to obtain ?

CAND.-The lost Word.

M. W. S.-Then, as you appear to have proceeded thus far aright, and

to be well prepared to ascend the mysterious ladder leading to the mansions of glory and perfection, you may commence, pausing on each step, and replying to my questions as your Conductor, the Excellent and Perfect Raphael, shall direct you.

(At the 1st step, the M. W. S. says:—) M. W. S. What is that virtue which leads from earth to heaven?


(At the 2nd step, the M. W.S.says:-) M. W. S.-What virtue supports you when oppressed by shame and sorrow?


(At the 3rd step, the M. W.S.says:—) M. W. S.-What is the perfection of every Christian virtue?


(At the 4th step, the M. W. S. says:-) M. W. S.-Whence come you? CAND. From J...a.

(At the 5th step, the M. W. S.says:—) M. W. S.-By what village did you pass?



(At the 6th step, the M. W.S.says:-)

M. W. S.-Who conducted you?

(At the 7th step, the M. W. S. says:-) M. W. S.-Of what tribe are you? CAND.-J...h.

M. W. S.-Give me the initials of the four last words.*

(Raphael hands the l...s to the M. W. S.)

M. W. S.-Worthy Knights, you have indeed, by the aid of Faith, Hope, and Charity, succeeded in finding the lost Word. By Faith you have found the Rose of Sharon, and by Faith you have been enabled to apprehend Him who will never leave you nor forsake you. By Hope you have obtained a Heaven-born blessing, which will console you under all difficulties and distresses, and will teach you under all the afflictions of

*The following is given in some Chapters :-M. W. S.-Give me the initials of the four last words.

CAND.-J. N. R. J.

M. W. S.-What do these four letters signify?
CAND.-Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judæorum.
M. W. S.-Ora pro nobis.

CAND.-Miserere nobis.

your earthly pilgrimage to expect a better and more enduring inheritance. By Charity you have beheld the perfection of every Christian virtue. Now, by taking the initials of the last four steps of your journey, and by putting them together, you will have found Him who is the Word; for St John says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." Now, worthy Knights, having found the Word of the New Law, I will affix it in its proper place.

(The M. W. S., or the Prelate, places the letters over the cubic stone on the altar. All present point their swords towards it, kneeling on their right knees. They then rise, and give seven salutes, the music playing softly all the time.)

M. W. S.-The Candidates will please to approach the East. (Done.) Worthy Knights, I rejoice to confer upon you the reward you have so well earned, and I trust that by the prac

tice of those virtues that have this day been commended to your notice, you will indeed be led to the Word, which is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Kneel, therefore, before the Altar, and receive those honours to which you are now entitled.

(The Candidates kneel in the East, the M. W. S. passes from left to right, and confers upon them the honour of being received into the degree of Rose Croix, saying:-)

M. W. S.-By virtue of the power and authority in me vested by the Supreme Council of England and Wales, I hereby make, create, and constitute you, now and for ever, a Knight of the Pelican and Eagle, and Prince of the Order of Rose Croix. Rise, Perfected and Puissant Prince of Rose Croix, and receive the emblems of our Order.

M. W. S.-I present you with this Rose (giving one), an emblem of Him who is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley. I invest you with the Collar and Jewel of the Order. (Done.) And, lastly, I seal you with

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