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The American Ambassador to the Netherlands Minister for Foreign



THE HAGUE, 17th May 1949.

On signing today the Agreement for the use of funds made available in accordance with the Agreement made between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding Settlement for Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus Property, Military Relief and Claims, signed at Washington on May 28, 1947, I have the honor to refer to the exchange of letters during the months of June and July 1948 between the Department of State and the Netherlands Embassy in Washington concerning the interpretation of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 12 of the aforesaid Agreement and pursuant thereto I herewith confirm that it is agreed that:

Article 12, Paragraph 1:

"Furniture, equipment, supplies, and any other articles intended for the official use of the Foundation" does not include such articles intended for personal use of members of the Board of Directors.

Article 12, Paragraph 2:

It is understood that the Foundation will be exempt from customduties, excises or surtaxes in all cases where such taxation is clearly distinguishable, such as import duties on imported goods. If goods are bought in the open market, excise and other indirect taxes will not be deducted from the purchase price when goods are bought.

The Government of the United States of America acknowledges that administrative complications may be involved in the collection of refunds of indirect taxes. It however suggests that a procedure be established whereby refunds can be made upon presentation of suitable documentation to the Netherlands Government.

The Government of the United States of America understands that the Educational Foundation established under the Fulbright Agreement will itself not be taxed. No exemption will be made, however, of payment of registration dues, stamp duties, or notary fees in the case of sales of real property or leases thereof.

I have the honor to agree that this Note, together with Your Excellency's Note dated 17th May 1949, shall be considered as placing on record the formal agreement of the two Governments in this


I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency


Royal Netherlands Minister

for Foreign Affairs,


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The Hague.

July 5, 1949 [T. I. A. S. 1947]

Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico respecting Air Force liaison officers. Signed at Washington July 5, 1949; entered into force July 5, 1949.



In conformity with the request De conformidad con la solicitud of the Government of the United del Gobierno de los Estados UniMexican States to the Govern- dos Mexicanos al Gobierno de los ment of the United States of Estados Unidos de América, el America, the President of the Presidente de los Estados Unidos United States of America has de América ha autorizado el nomauthorized the appointment of bramiento de oficiales de la Fuerza officers of the United States Air Aérea de los Estados Unidos para Force to serve as Liaison Officers comisionarlos como Oficiales de to the Secretary of National De- Enlace ante el Secretario de la fense of the United Mexican States Defensa Nacional de los Estados under the conditions specified be- Unidos Mexicanos, de acuerdo con low: las condiciones que se estipulan a continuación:


Purpose and Duration

Article 1

The purpose of assigning the


Finalidades y Duración

Artículo 1

El fin de los Oficiales de Enlace Liaison Officers is to cooperate es cooperar con el Secretario de la with the Secretary of National Defensa Nacional de los Estados Defense of the United Mexican Unidos Mexicanos y con el perStates and with personnel of the sonal de las Fuerzas Aéreas MexiMexican Air Force.

Article 2


Artículo 2

This Agreement shall continue Este Acuerdo permanecerá en in force for a period of two years vigor por un período de dos años from the date of the signing there- a partir de la fecha en que lo of by the accredited representa- firmen los representantes autoritives of the Government of the zados del Gobierno de los Estados United States of America and the Unidos de América y del Gobierno Government of the United Mexi- de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, can States, unless unless previously a menos que se dé por terminado

terminated or extended as herein- con anterioridad o que se proafter provided. Any of the Liai- rrogue según se dispone más adeson Officers may be recalled by lante. Cualquiera de los Oficiales the Government of the United de Enlace podrá ser retirado por States of America after the expi- el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos ration of two years of service, in de América después de transwhich case another member shall curridos dos años de servicio y, be furnished to replace him. en tal caso, se nombrará otro miembro en su lugar.

Article 3

Government of the

Artículo 3

If the Si el Gobierno de los Estados United Mexican States should Unidos Mexicanos desea que los desire that the services of the servicios de los Oficiales de Enlace Liaison Officers be extended be- se prorroguen más allá del período yond the stipulated period, it estipulado, presentará por escrito shall make a written proposal to una solicitud a tal efecto seis that effect six months before the meses antes de la expiración de expiration of this Agreement. este Acuerdo.

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Extension of serv


Termination of agreement prior to

This Agreement may be termi-
nated before the expiration of the
period of two years prescribed in
Article 2, or before the expiration el Artículo 2, o antes de expirar la
of the extension authorized in prórroga autorizada en el Artículo
Article 3, in the following manner: 3, de la manera siguiente:

Este Acuerdo podrá ser termi-
nado antes de la expiración del specified time.
período de dos años que dispone

(a) By either of the Governments, subject to three months' written notice to the other Government;

(a) Por uno u otro de los dos Gobiernos, siempre que el uno lo notifique al otro por escrito con tres meses de anticipación;

(b) By the recall of the Liaison (b) Al retirar el Gobierno de Officers by the Government of los Estados Unidos de América the United States of America in los Oficiales de Enlace en interés the public interest of the United público de los Estados Unidos de States of America, without necessity of compliance with provision (a) of this Article;

(c) By the Government of the United States of America in the case considered in Article 19.

Article 5

América, sin necesidad de cumplir
con el inciso (a) de este Artículo;

(c) Por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América en el caso previsto en el Artículo 19.

Artículo 5

This Agreement is subject to Este Acuerdo está sujeto a cancellation upon the initiative of cancelación por iniciativa, ya sea either the Government of the del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos United States of America or the de América o del Gobierno de los Government of the United Mexi- Estados Unidos Mexicanos, en can States at any time during a cualquier momento durante un period when either Government is período en que uno u otro de los

Cancellation in case of hostilities.

involved in civil or foreign hos- dos Gobiernos se vea implicado
en hostilidades internas o externas.

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Integración y Personal
Artículo 6

Los Oficiales de Enlace serán los miembros de las Fuerzas Aéreas de los Estados Unidos de América que se determinen por acuerdo entre el Secretario de la Defensa Nacional de los Estados Unidos

The Liaison Officers shall be such personnel of the United States Air Force as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of National Defense of the United Mexican States through his authorized representative in Washington and by the Mexicanos, por conducto de su United States Air Force.


Duties, Rank, and Precedence

Article 7

representante autorizado en Wáshington, y la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos de América.


Funciones, Grado y Precedencia

Artículo 7

The Liaison Officers shall per- Los Oficiales de Enlace ejercerán form such duties as may be de- las funciones que determine el termined by the Secretary of Secretario de la Defensa Nacional National Defense of the United de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Mexican States.

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Benefits and privileges. Post, p. 2589.

The Liaison Officers shall be Los Oficiales de Enlace serán responsible solely to the Secretary responsables únicamente al Secof National Defense of the United retario de la Defensa Nacional de Mexican States or his designated los Estados Unidos Mexicanos o representative. a la persona en quien éste delegue sus facultades.

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The Liaison Officers shall be Los Oficiales de Enlace tendrán entitled to all benefits and priv- derecho a todos los beneficios y ileges which the Regulations of the privilegios que el Reglamento del

Mexican Army provide for Mexi- Ejército Mexicano otorgue a los can officers of corresponding rank. oficiales mexicanos de grado correspondiente.

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Disciplinary regula

As the Liaison Officers shall be Como los Oficiales de Enlace tions. governed by the disciplinary regu- se regirán por el Reglamento dislations of the Air Force of the ciplinario de la Fuerza Aérea de United States of America, in the los Estados Unidos de América, case of a Liaison Officer commit- en caso de que un Oficial de Enlace ting an act that by its nature in cometa un acto que, por su the opinion of the Mexican Gov- naturaleza, a juicio del Gobierno ernment deserves disciplinary ac- Mexicano, amerite ser sancionado, tion, the mentioned officer shall el referido Oficial será removido be removed on request of the a solicitud de las autoridades Mexican authorities so that the mexicanas, a efecto de que se le regulations of the United States apliquen los reglamentos de la Air Force shall be applied in the Fuerza Aérea norteamericana en territory of the United States of territorio de los Estados Unidos America. de América.


Compensation and Perquisites

Article 12


Remuneración y Obvenciones
Artículo 12

The Liaison Officers shall re- Los Oficiales de Enlace receive from the Government of the cibirán del Gobierno de los EsUnited Mexican States such net tados Unidos Mexicanos la reannual compensation as may be muneración neta anual que acuagreed upon between the Govern- erden el Gobierno de los Estados ment of the United States of Unidos de América y el Gobierno America and the Government of de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. the United Mexican States. This La remuneración se pagará en compensation shall be paid in doce (12) mensualidades iguales twelve (12) equal monthly install- que vencerán y se pagarán el día ments, each due and payable on último de cada mes. La remunethe last day of the month. The ración no estará sujeta a impuesto compensation shall not be subject alguno que al presente o en adeto any tax, now or hereafter in lante imponga el Gobierno de los effect, of the Government of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos o United Mexican States or of any alguna de sus subdivisiones políof its political or administrative ticas o administrativas. Sin emsubdivisions. Should there, how- bargo, si al presente o durante la ever, at present or while this vigencia de este Acuerdo exisAgreement is in effect, be any tieren impuestos que afecten a esta taxes that might affect this com- remuneración, tales impuestos sepensation, such taxes shall be rán sufragados por la Secretaría borne by the Ministry of National de la Defensa Nacional de los Defense of the United Mexican Estados Unidos Mexicanos a fin States in order to comply with the de cumplir con la disposición de

Tax exemption.

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