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certainty for the participation of the Government. If such increase were registered, it would of course be included in our contribution. - In view of all the foregoing and for economic reasons, particularly this year, when because of the high cost of living in this country the budget voted by the National Congress included a 25% increase in all salaries of government workers, it would be materially impossible for our Government to contribute at the rate mentioned by His Excellency the American Ambassador, under instructions from the Department of State which emanate also from the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. Our Government appreciates and is highly grateful for the cooperation offered to it by the Institute, because of the benefits which both parties derive from such cooperation, and it is for this reason that our Government willingly makes the counter-proposal set forth above. Requesting you, Mr. Minister, to be good enough to transmit the contents of this communication to His Excellency the American Ambassador, I remain, Respectfully yours. (s) Julio Lozano, Jr. - To the Minister of Foreign Relations - His Office."

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. J. E. VALENZUELA.

J. E. Valenzuela.

His Excellency


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

of the United States of America.
American Embassy.

The Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador


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En relación con mi nota No. 362 de 26 de julio último, dirigida a esa Honorable Embajada, tengo el honor de trascribir a Vuestra Excelencia el oficio que dice:

"MINISTERIO DE GOBERNACION, JUSTICIA, SANIDAD Y BENEFICENCIA-Of. No. 897-Tegucigalpa, D.C., agosto 18 de 1949Señor Ministro:-Ruego a usted hacer saber a Su Excelencia el Señor Embajador Americano, los deseos de nuestro Gobierno de que el Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Pública (SCISP) continúe este año económico en curso con la administración del Sanatorio Nacional para Tuberculosos, conforme el Proyecto # 55, a cuyo efecto ha sido aprobada la suma de (L. 214,880.00) DOSCIENTOS

Aug. 18, 24, 1949

CATORCE MIL OCHOCIENTOS OCHENTA LEMPIRAS, valor que será incluído en el contrato de prórroga que se está considerando, si el Instituto de Asuntos Interamericanos le dá su aprobación-Del Señor Ministro, con toda consideración, muy atento y seguro servidor(f) JULIO LOZANO h.-Al Señor Ministro de Relaciones ExterioresSu Despacho."

En consecuencia, muy atentamente ruego a Vuestra Excelencia se sirva, si no hubiere inconveniente, comunicar a su ilustrado Gobierno los deseos expresados en el oficio anteriormente trascrito.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia el testimonio de mi más alto aprecio y distinguida consideración,

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In connection with my note No. 362 of July 26 last, addressed to your Embassy, I have the honor to transcribe to Your Excellency the following communication:

"MINISTRY OF INTERIOR, JUSTICE, SANITATION AND WELFARE.Communication No. 897.-Tegucigalpa, D. C., August 18, 1949.Mr. Minister: I ask that you inform His Excellency the American Ambassador of our Government's desire that the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Pública (SCISP) continue during the present fiscal year with the administration of the National Tuberculosis Sanitarium, in accordance with Project #55, to which purpose an allocation has been made in the amount of (L. 214,880.00) Two HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY LEMPIRAS, which sum will be included in the extension agreement now under consideration, if the Institute of Inter-American Affairs approves it.-Respectfully yours, (s) JULIO LOZANO, Jr.-To the Minister of Foreign Relations-His Office."

Therefore, I respectfully ask Your Excellency, if there is no objection, to communicate to your Government the wishes expressed in the above-transcribed communication.

Ante, p. 2732.

I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest esteem and most distinguished consideration.


J. E. Valenzuela

His Excellency


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

of the United States of America.
American Embassy.

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It gives me pleasure to state that as a consequence of receipt of Your Excellency's kind note No. 752 of August 18, 1949 concerning the desire of the Honduran Government that the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Publica (SCISP) continue the administration of the National Tuberculosis Sanitorium during the current fiscal year, it is considered that an agreement between our two governments has been reached providing for the extension of the Basic Agreement, as amended, between the Government of Honduras and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs providing for the existing cooperative health and sanitation program in Honduras.

Mr. John L. Hummel, Acting Chief of Party, has accordingly been authorized and requested to proceed with the execution of the extension agreement.

Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.

His Excellency


Minister for Foreign Affairs,


Tegucigalpa, D.C.

Arrangement between the United States of America and France respecting
passport visa fees. Effected by exchange of notes dated at Paris
March 16 and 31, 1949; entered into force March 31, 1949.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy





N° C.A. 1


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Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères présente ses compliments à l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis et a l'honneur de lui faire savoir qu'à compter du 1er avril 1949, les citoyens des Etats-Unis peuvent, sur simple présentation de leur passeport national en cours de validité, entrer sans visa:

a) en France métropolitaine, en Andorre, en Algérie, au Maroc, à la Guadeloupe, à la Martinique, en Guyane, à la Réunion, en transit ou pour des séjours de un jour à trois mois.

b) en Tunisie, en transit ou pour des séjours de un jour à deux mois. Ils en sortent dans les mêmes conditions.

Les citoyens des Etats-Unis désireux de faire en France des séjours supérieurs à trois mois consécutifs devront, avant leur départ, solliciter et obtenir un visa des autorités diplomatiques ou consulaires françaises compétentes.

Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères apprendrait avec plaisir qu'à partir de la même date, les citoyens français désireux de se rendre aux Etats-Unis, pour des séjours ne devant pas dépasser trois mois consécutifs, pourront recevoir, s'ils le désirent, des visas gratuits valables deux ans et pour un nombre de voyages illimité pendant cette période.

Le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères saisit cette occasion de renouveler à l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis les assurances de sa haute considération./.

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March 16, 31, 1949

[T. I. A. S. 1987]


16 Mar 1949



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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States and has the honor to inform it that, effective April 1, 1949, United States citizens may, simply by presenting their national passport during the period of its validity, enter without a visa:

(a) Metropolitan France, Andorra, Algeria, Morocco, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, and Reunion, in transit or for stays of from one day to three months.

(b) Tunisia, in transit or for stays of from one day to two months. They may leave under the same conditions.

United States citizens wishing to spend more than three consecutive months in France must, before their departure, request and obtain a visa from the competent French diplomatic or consular authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be happy to learn that, effective the same date, French citizens wishing to go to the United States for stays of not more than three consecutive months may, if they so desire, receive gratis visas valid for two years and for an unlimited number of trips during that period.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the United States the assurances of its high consideration.

March 16, 1949




The American Embassy to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

No. 887

The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to inform the Ministry that it is in receipt of telegraphic instructions from the Department of State in regard to the new visa arrangement between France and the United States which is to go into effect on April 1, 1949.

The instructions state that the government of the United States is appreciative of the concessions made by the Government of France in removing, effective April 1, 1949, the visa but not the passport requirements for American citizens, wherever they are resident, who are en

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