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Ante, p. 2892;

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I have the honor to address Your Excellency to acknowledge receipt of your Note No. 56 of this date, in which, with reference to the Basic Agreement concluded between the Government of Paraguay and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, dated December 31, 1942, and the amendments and subsequent extension concluded for the establishment and execution of a cooperative agricultural program in Paraguay, and to the telegram dated June 14, 1948, from His Excellency the Provisional President of Paraguay, Dr. Juan Manuel Frutos, to President Harry S. Truman, suggesting a discussion by our respective Governments of a further extension of this Agreement, Your Excellency states that, considering the mutual benefits derived by both Governments from the program, your Government agrees with the Government of Paraguay that an extension of such a program would be desirable.

In this connection, I have the pleasure of informing Your Excellency that the said note having been transmitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, that department of state has informed this Ministry that it is agreeable to extending the aforementioned Basic Agreement. I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the expression of my distinguished consideration.



His Excellency

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

of the United States of America



The Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Relations and Worship to the

American Ambassador



D.A.E. y C.

N° 24.


ASUNCIÓN, 20 de enero de 1947.

Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Vuestra Excelencia con el objeto de transcribirle el texto de la nota S/N°13, del 16 de corriente mes, del Ministerio de Agricultura, que dice así:

"Señor Ministro: Hace cuatro años que viene prestando servicio en el Paraguay el STICA (Servicio Técnico Interamericano de Co

June 30, 1948, July 22, Aug. 11, 1949

operación Agrícola), entidad especial creada por un convenio suscrito por el Gobierno del Paraguay y el Instituto de Asuntos Interamericanos de EE.UU. (institución ésta ya ampliamente conocida por sus esfuerzos de colaboración dentro del espíritu de buena vecindad).- El convenio que creó el STICA lo dota de facultades para colaborar con este Ministerio en el aumento de la producción agropecuaria y el mejoramiento del standard de vida de la masa campesina, propendiendo así a la intensificación del intercambio comercial y cultural entre los dos países.- Los resultados de los trabajos del STICA recien empeizan a hacerse sentir en la economía nacional, pues es sabido que todo progreso en materia agropecuaria es por su naturaleza lento. Es así, opinión de este Ministerio, que los trabajos del STICA deben continuar sin interrupción unos años más, para que las inversiones y esfuerzos hechos por los dos gobiernos se vean coronados por un éxito ampliamente justificativo.Por las circunstancias brevemente expuestas, me dirijo a V.E. para rogarle se sirva hacer llegar al Excmo. Señor Embajador de los EE.UU. de Norteamérica, Honorable Willard Beaulac, los deseos de nuestro Gobierno de prorrogar los trabajos cooperativos del STICA por cinco años más (desde el vencimiento del contrato actual, el 31 de diciembre de 1947).- En el caso de ser imposible por el momento prorrogar el STICA por cinco años, es deseo de nuestro Gobierno que se firme una prórroga hasta el 30 de junio de 1948, reforzando al mismo tiempo el presupuesto actual, que es insuficiente para asegurar el éxito de los trabajos emprendidos.- En este sentido el Gobierno del Paraguay está dispuesto a firmar un nuevo contrato con el Instituto de Asuntos Interamericanos que regiría hasta el 30 de Junio de 1948, contribuyendo el Paraguay CIEN MIL DOLARES Y EE. UU. CINCUENTA MIL DOLARES, con cuotas y fechas de pago de las mismas a establecerse de común acuerdo.- Se sugiere que la firma del nuevo convenio se haga antes del 15 de Marzo de 1947, para que la marcha de los trabajos emprendidos no se interrumpa.Aprovecho esta oportunidad para saludar al Señor Ministro con mi mejor consideración.- FDO: GUILLERMO ENCISO VELLOSO.Ministro.-"

Al transmitir a V.E. los deseos de mi Gobierno expresados en la transcripta comunicación, lo hago en la seguridad de que V.E. interpondrá sus mejores oficios ante Vuestro Gobierno en el sentido expresado en la misma.

Válgome de esta oportunidad para renovar al Señor Embajador las seguridades de mi consideración más distinguida.


A Su Excelencia


el Señor Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario

de los Estados Unidos de América,






D.A.E. y C.

No. 24.


ASUNCIÓN, January 20, 1947.

I take pleasure in addressing Your Excellency in order to provide you with the text of note S/No. 13 of January 16 from the Ministry of Agriculture, which reads as follows:


"Mr. Minister: For four years services have been rendered in Paraguay by STICA (Servicio Técnico Interamericano de Cooperación Agrícola), a special agency created under an agreement signed by the Government of Paraguay and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs of the United States [1] (which institution is already widely known for its cooperative efforts within the spirit of the Good Neighbor Policy). The agreement which created STICA vests in it powers to collaborate with this Ministry in increasing agricultural and livestock production and improving the living standards of the farm population, thereby furthering the intensification of commercial and cultural exchange between the two countries. The results of the work of STICA are just beginning to be felt in the national economy, for it is well known that all progress in agricultural and livestock matters is by nature slow. Hence it is the opinion of this Ministry that the work of STICA should be continued without interruption for several more years, in order that the investments and efforts made by the two Governments may be crowned with fully justified success. In view of the circumstances briefly set forth above, I request that Your Excellency be good enough to communicate to His Excellency Willard Beaulac, Ambassador of the United States of America, our Government's wish to extend STICA'S COOperative work for five more years (from the expiration of the present contract on December 31, 1947). Should it not be possible for the time being to extend STICA for five years, it is our Government's desire to subscribe to an extension until June 30, 1948, at the same time increasing the present budget, which is not sufficient to insure the success of the projects undertaken. To this end the Government of Paraguay is prepared to sign a new contract with the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, which would be in force until June 30, 1948, Paraguay contributing ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS and the United States, FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, the quotas and dates of payment thereof to be established by mutual agreement. It is suggested that the new agreement be signed before March 15, 1947, so that the work undertaken may not be interrupted. I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you, Mr. Minister, my highest consideration. SIGNED: GUILLERMO ENCISO VELLOSO. Minister."

'Not printed.

In communicating to Your Excellency my Government's wishes as expressed in the communication transcribed above, I do so with the assurance that Your Excellency will interpose your good offices with your Government in accordance with the terms of the said communication.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.

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The American Chargé d'Affaires ad interim to the Paraguayan
Minister of Foreign Relations and Worship

No. 397


ASUNCIÓN, March 3, 1947

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's note no. 24 of January 20, 1947 transcribing the text of a communication (S. N. 13) dated January 16, 1947 addressed to Your Excellency by the Minister of Agriculture, with regard to the extension of the contract with STICA, or Servicio Técnico Interamericano de Cooperación Agrícola.

My Government, apprised of the desire of Your Excellency's Government to continue this useful program through an extension of the present contract, has instructed me to agree to such an extension, from December 31, 1947 to June 30, 1948, with financial contributions in the new contract to be in the amount of 100,000 dollars for Your Excellency's Government and 50,000 dollars from the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. The Institute will also make a separate allocation of funds necessary to pay the salaries, living expenses, travel and transportation costs, and other administrative expenses of the members of the Institute Field Party in Paraguay and other Institute employees incurred after execution of the new agreement. The estimated sum of approximately 85,000 dollars will be allocated for these purposes separately and apart from the funds to be deposited to the account of STICA by the Institute.

The texts in English and Spanish of the new contract are enclosed herewith. They will be signed at the convenience of Your Excellency's Government on behalf of the Institute by Mr. William Brister, Vice-President of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, a corporate instrumentality of the Government of the United States of America. It is a source of sincere gratification to my Government to learn that the cooperative program which our two Governments have undertaken in accordance with inter-American agreements to implement

Ante, p. 2894.

Period of extension.


the Good Neighbor Policy is making a definite contribution to the national economy of Paraguay and that it will now be continued until June 30, 1948 on the terms provided in the aforementioned contract. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my most distinguished consideration.

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