eye green and the other yellow, or daub their legs or arms with lamp black. Neither is there any thing essential in having a tiger's tail behind, or that their dress should be reduced to the small compass considered fashionable by these worthy Indians. Nor, I think, need they consider it right to scarify their limbs with a comb made of fishes' teeth, or to dance all the preceding night round a blazing wood fire in the open air; still less to get drunk on whisky after the game is over-indispensable conditions amongst the Creek Indians in the forests of Alabama. [Abridged from CAPTAIN HALL.] RUINS OF THE SAVOY PALACE. THE annexed sketch is that of a Gothic window of the ancient palace of the Savoy, in the Strand, as it appeared at the time it was pulled down, about the year 1816, to form an opening for the new street, now called Wellington Street, leading to Waterloo Bridge. The sketch is from the pencil of Mr. T. W. Kelly, author of "Myrtle Leaves," and other poems, and was taken a short time before the demolition of the structure. The drawing represents the north face, -the most remarkable part of the building-as it is that in which John, King of France, is said to have been confined, when a prisoner in this country. : That monarch was defeated and taken prisoner by Edward the Black Prince at the memorable battle of Poictiers, in 1356. He fought with desperate valour ; but spent with fatigue, and seeing that all was lost, he determined to yield himself prisoner, and frequently cried out that he was willing to deliver him self to his cousin, the Prince of Wales. The honour of taking him, however, was reserved for an ignoble hand-that of Dennis de Morbec, a Frenchman, who had fled his country for murder. The prince conducted his royal prisoner through London, attended by an immense concourse of people. His modesty on this occasion was remarkable. The French king was dressed in royal apparel, and mounted on a beautiful white charger, while Edward rode by his side, on an ordinary little horse, and plainly attired. The unhappy monarch was liberated on an agreement for a ransom; but finding himself unable to pay it, in the then distracted state of his kingdom, he returned to prison, declaring that, "though good faith should be banished from the rest of the earth, yet she ought still to retain her habitation in the breast of kings." He lived in the palace of the Savoy till his death, which happened in 1384. This remain stood almost immediately behind the present office of the Globe evening newspaper, and until the row of houses of which that office is one was built, no doubt faced the Strand. The brick-work which appears between the mullions of the window, was the remains of some old tenements existing before the erection of the palace. This beautiful fragment belongs to the Decorated English Style of Architecture; which is distinguished by large and wide windows, divided by mullions, and of which, among other varieties of Old English Architecture, we gave a description and specimen in our first number. WHAT IS TIME? BY THE REV. JOSHUA MARSDEN. I ask'd an aged man, a man of cares, I ask'd the Seasons, in their annual round Dublin Dundee Edinburgh. Brown and Co. .George Langbridge. Westley and Co. .Thurnam. Swinborne & Co. Wilkins & Son. Curry Jun. & Co. Shaw. Hereford..........Child Hull Wilson. Lancashire and Bancks and Co. Cheshire .5 Manchester. Leeds Leicester Robinson. Combe. Liverpool.........Hughes. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Finlay & Charl ton; Empson. Nottingham....... Wright. Oxford. Sheffield Salisbury. Slatter. Ridge. Exeter.... Oliver and Boyd Griffin and Co. Shrewsbury. Brodie & Dowding .Eddowes. ..Deighton. THE MONTHLY PART, INCLUDING THE is now ready, price Sixpence. C. RICHARDS, Printer, 100, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEE OF GENERAL LITERATURE AND EDUCATION, APPOINTED BY THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. THE BRIDGES OF LONDON. Vien taken during the Erection of the New London Bridge. THERE is no feature in the architecture of this immense metropolis calculated to excite so enlarged an idea of the wealth and enterprise of its population, as the five magnificent Bridges, which within a space of little more than two miles are thrown across the Thames. This admiration is almost increased to wonder, when we consider that they have all been erected within nine- | ty years, and three of them within twenty years. Until the middle of the last century, the long narrow defile of old London Bridge formed the sole land communication between the City of London and the suburbs on the Surrey side of the river. A Londoner of the present day, who, according as business directs, of it, now this bridge is finished, there is not perhaps another in the world that can be compared to it:" and the praise was then just, although its subject has since been so immeasurably surpassed. Company came from far and near to admire the beauties of its architecture and assembled in boats with French horns and other wind instruments, under its semicircular arches, to enjoy the novel effect of the strong echo produced by them. Its glories however were not of long duration. The citizens of London soon followed the example of their brethren of Westminster, and determined to build another new bridge at Blackfriars. The first pile was or his fancy leads him, can select at pleasure West-driven on the 7th of June, 1760, the first stone laid minster, Waterloo, Blackfriars, the Southwark, or London Bridge, for his passage across the Thames, must feel some surprise that his forefathers contented themselves for so long a period with such seemingly insufficient accommodation; but inconveniences to which we are " in a manner born," are habitually endured, though, when we summon resolution to remove them, we wonder the effort has been so long delayed. The Act of Parliament for the erection of Westminster Bridge was applied for in 1735, and the first stone laid 29th January, 1739. This bridge was nearly twelve years in building, and was opened as a public thoroughfare at midnight of the 17th November, 1750, amidst the sounding of trumpets and the discharges of cannon, A writer of that day says VOL. I. on the 31st Oct. following; a footpath was opened across it in 1765, one for horses in 1768, and the bridge was finally opened for carriages, 19th November, 1769. The light airy design of this new bridge formed a strong contrast with the unpretending plainness of its predecessor, and the superior width of its arches, the smallest of which were only five feet narrower in span than the centre arch of Westminster Bridge, gave it an appearance of grandeur far superior to anything which had been yet seen in England or elsewhere. Unfortunately the work was much better than the materials, which have turned out to be of so perishable a nature, that it was at one time expected that the architect, Mr. Milne, who lived to a very advanced age, would have survived his work. 11 An interval of more than forty years now passed the smallest arches of this bridge exceed the largest over, during which, although new bridges were repeatedly talked of, and many places for their erection suggested, nothing was actually undertaken; but in 1811, two were commenced-the Waterloo Bridge, and that at Vauxhall. If Blackfriars Bridge surpassed in boldness of design its predecessor at Westminster, it was determined that Waterloo should throw both of them far into the background. Westminster Bridge consisted of fourteen arches, the widest seventy-five feet in span; Blackfriars of nine arches, the widest one hundred feet span. The width of the river where the new bridge was to be erected, was much greater than at Blackfriars; yet it was resolved to cross it by the same number of arches, all of an equal span, and that span exceeding the centre arch of Blackfriars by twenty feet. The Middlesex shore in this spot being raised considerably above that on the Surrey side, suggested the idea of making the bridge itself perfectly straight, and carrying the road on the Surrey side by a gradual slope down to the level of St. George's Fields. On this plan a bridge was erected, which, by the common consent of all, whether foreigners or natives, is allowed to be without a rival in the world. The rapidity with which it was built was no less wonderful. Westminster and Blackfriars Bridges had taken the one nearly twelve, and the other nine, years in constructing; that of Waterloo, a much more stupendous undertaking than either, of any other stone bridge in the world. London Bridge took about seven years and a half in building, and was opened to the public on the 1st of August, 1831, the King himself assisting at the ceremony. We are indebted for the cut with which this article is adorned to Mr. E. W. COOKE, who has permitted us to copy it from one of his plates. It is published in the first number of his beautiful Views of the Old and New London Bridges, a work equally valuable to the antiquarian and the lover of the fine arts, and which must long perpetuate the remembrance of the old structure, which has now almost entirely disappeared, PARISH REGISTERS. THESE very useful chronicles of private life are by no means of such high antiquity as the generality of persons suppose. In a letter written by Mr. Brokesby to Mr. Hearne, (both learned antiquarians, dated Dec. 12, 1708, the writer, speaking of long-lived persons, tells us there was a woman whom he had conversed with in Yorkshire, who gave out that she was six score, and afterwards seven score, and hence had many visitants, from whom she got money. He then adds, "She was born before Registers were kept in country parishes. Hence I could have no light for the time of her baptism." was finished in less than six; the first stone being Probably many of our readers would be surprised laid on the 11th October, 1811, and the bridge opened on the 18th June, 1817, the anniversary of the glorious victory from which it derived its name. The ceremony of opening it was conducted with the utmost splendour, the Prince Regent and the Duke of Wellington being present. While Waterloo Bridge was in progress, that at Southwark was undertaken, the first stone being laid on the 23rd of May, 1819; and thus the remarkable spectacle was afforded of two bridges, over a tide river more than one third of a mile broad, being in process of building at the same time, within sight of each other. The substitution of iron for stone in the construction of the arches, admitted of their having a much wider span, so that there were sufficient to embrace the whole breadth. The work was completed in less than four years, and opened without any procession or ceremony at midnight of the 24th March, 1819. In the mean time the veteran London Bridge, which had endured the wear and tear of more than six centuries, was sharing the fate of other old establishments, its former services were forgotten its inconveniences, which had been quietly submitted to for ages, were industriously magnified, and its destruction loudly called for. There were many, however, and important interests to reconcile, and numerous difficulties to overcome, before such a plan could be carried into effect; and it was not until the year 1824, that the present bridge was commenced. The first pile was driven on the 15th March, in that year; the first stone laid on the 27th April, 1825; and the first arch keyed in, on the 4th August, 1827. We have seen Blackfriars Bridge surpassing that of Westminster in the span of its arches, and the arches of Blackfriars again considerably exceeded by those of Waterloo Bridge: yet those of the new London Bridge go far beyond either of them, the centre arch being 152 feet span, the next on each side of the centre are 140, and the two shore arches 130: the narrowest arches thus exceeding those of Waterloo Bridge five feet, the centre arch of Blackfriars thirty, and the centre arch of Westminster Bridge fifty-five feet; indeed, on reading this. The fact, however, seems to be that the introduction of Parochial Registers in England was in consequence of the injunctions of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, which were set forth in 1538, the thirtieth year of Henry VIII; but they were not muck attended to till the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who issued injunctions concerning them in the 1st, 7th, and 39th years of her reign. It appears that in Spain they had been in use several years before, and are said to have been instituted by Cardinal Ximenes, in the year 1497, in order to remedy the disorders arising from the frequency of divorces in that country. Till late years, they were kept very negligently in many parts of England; and being in the custody of Churchwardens who changed from year to year, old registers were frequently lost or destroyed. In Northamptonshire, a piece of an old parish register, on parchment, was found on the pillow of a lace-maker, with the pattern of her work pricked upon it. It was formerly the practice in many places to record in the registers any extraordinary event which took place in the neighbourhood. This might still be done on the cover or the margin, and be the means of preserving much interesting matter, which would otherwise be forgotten. Since the year 1813, the registers are uniform throughout the kingdom, and are kept, with perhaps few exceptions, with very great care. T. THE following words were written by Sir William Jones on the blank leaf of his Bible:-" I have carefully and regularly perused the Holy Scriptures, and am of opinion, that the volume, independently of its divine origin, contains more sublimity, purer morality, more important history, and finer strains of eloquence, than can be collected from all other books, in whatever language they may have been written." The taxes are indeed heavy; and if those laid on by government, were the only ones we had to pay, we might more easily discharge them;-but we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us. We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly; and from these taxes the commissioners cannot ease or deliver us by allowing any abatement.-FRANKLIN. BOUNDLESSNESS OF THE CREATION. ABOUT the time of the invention of the Telescope, another instrument was formed, which laid open a scene no less wonderful, and rewarded the inquisitive spirit of man. This was the Microscope. The one led me to see a system in every star; the other leads me to see a world in every atom. The one taught me that this mighty globe, with the whole burden of its people and its sity; the other teaches me, that every grain countries, is but a grain of sand on the high field of immenof sand may har bour within it the tribes and the families of a busy population. The one told me of the insignificance of the world I tread upon; the other redeems it from all its insignificance; for it tells me, that in the leaves of every forest, the flowers of every garden, and in the waters of every rivulet, there are worlds teeming with life, and numberless as are the glories of the firmament. The one has suggested to me, that beyond and above all that is visible to man, there may be fields of creation which sweep immensely along, and carry the impress of the Almighty's hand to the remotest scenes of the universe; the other suggests to me, that within and beneath all that minuteness which the aided eye of man has been able to explore, there may be a region of invisibles; and that could we draw aside the mysterious curtain which shrouds it from our senses, we might see a theatre of as many wonders as astronomy has unfolded, a universe within the compass of a point so small as to elude all the powers of the microscope; but where the wonder-working God finds room for the exercise of all his attributes, where he can raise another mechanisın of worlds, and fill and animate them all with the evidence of his glory. - CHALMERS. THOSE who place their affection at first on trifles for amusement, will find these trifles become at last their most serious concerns.-GOLDSMITH. ANCIENT MARKS IN PAPER. EVERY one knows how often we are obliged to refer to ancient times to explain common terms of art, and words which are in every one's mouth. We have a curious instance of this in the names which are given to the different sorts and sizes of paper. We all talk of foolscap paper, post paper, and note paper, and paper makers and stationers have other terms of the same kind, as hand-paper, pot-paper, &c. Now, the term note paper is clear enough, as it evidently means paper of the size fit for notes; while post paper, we may suppose, means the larger size which is used for letters sent by the post. But when we come to foolscap paper we are altogether at a loss for an explanation; and here we find we must look to something else than the size of the paper as the origin of the name. Now, if we go back to the early history of papermaking, we find that terms which now puzzle us so much, may easily be explained by the various papermarks which have been in use at different times. In ancient times, we know, when very few people could read, pictures of every kind were very much in use, where writing would now be employed: every shop had a sign, as well as every public-house; and these signs were not then, as they very often are now, only printed upon a board : they were always either painted pictures, as many inn-signs still are, or else models of the thing which the sign expressed, as we still sometimes see a bee-hive, a tea-canister, or a doll. For the same reason, printers always had some device which they put upon the title-pages and at the end of their books; and paper-makers used marks to distinguish the paper of their manufacture from that of others. Some of these marks becoming common, naturally gave their name to different sorts of paper; and as names, we all know, remain very often long after the origin of them is forgotten and the circumstances changed, we shall not be surprised to find the old names still in use; though, perhaps, in some cases, they are not applied to the same things they originally denoted. It will be the best way, perhaps, to mention briefly the chief paper-marks which have been used, as they occur in the order of time. The first paper-maker in England is supposed to have been John Tate, who is said to have had a mill at Hertford: his device was a star of five points, within a double circle. The first book printed on paper manufactured in England was a Latin one entitled Bartholomeus de Proprietatibus Rerum: it was printed in 1495 or 1496: the paper seems to have been made by John Tate the younger, and had the mark of a wheel. The paper used by Caxton, and other early printers, had a great variety of marks, of which the chief are the ox-head and star, the letter, the shears, the hand and star, a collared dog's head, with a trefoil over it, a crown, a shield with something like a bend upon it, &c. &c. The ox-head, sometimes with a star or a flower over it, is the mark of the paper on which Faust printed some of his early books: but the open hand, which was likewise a very ancient mark, remained longer in fashion, and probably gave the name to what is still called hand paper. We have given a representation of two which were copied (as were the rest which we shall give) from loose pages of old written or printed books. The first of these two figures was taken from a loose page at the beginning of a Bible printed in 1539. Another very favourite paper-mark, at a somewhat later period, was the jug, or pot, which seems to have been the origin of the term pot paper. It is sometimes found plain, but oftener bears the initials or first letters of the maker's name: hence there is a very great variety of figures, every paper-maker having a somewhat different mark. We have given figures of both kinds: the jugs or flagons are often of a very elegant shape, and are curious as showing the workmanship of the times in which they were made. Two of the specimens which we have given of the former kind are taken from books printed in 1539; the other two are of nearly the same date: the latter specimens are very nearly a century later. The fool's cap was a later device, and does not seem to have been nearly of such long continuance as the former. It has given place to the figure of Britannia, or that of a lion rampant, supporting the cap of liberty on a pole: the name, however, has continued, and we still denominate paper of a particular size by the title of foolscap paper. The subjoined figures have the cap and bells which we so often read of in old plays and histories as the particular dress of the fool, who formerly formed part of every great man's establish ment. Post paper seems to have derived its name from the post-horn which at one time was its distinguishing mark. This is of later date, and does not seem to have been used before the establishment of the General Post-office, when it became the custom to blow a horn. THE Llama is a native of the lofty and mountainous regions of Peru, Chili, and other districts of South America. It is about four feet and a half in height, and in length, from the neck to the tail, nearly six feet. It bears a strong resemblance to the camel, and performs many of the services allotted to that animal, in the countries where it is found. The Llama is of greater importance than even the camel, on account of the length and fineness of its wool. In the Spanish settlements of South America before the introduction of mules, the Llama was employed in the ploughing of land, and in many parts of those countries it is still used for the conveyance of goods. Like the camel, it lies down to be loaded, but it is self-willed; when tired with labour, no severity will make it proceed, but kindness and caresses will induce it to rise. There is, however, one peculiarity in the Llama, namely, that it will not travel by night. Llamas are generally employed in carrying the rich ores from the mines of Potosi. In these journies, without repose, and they then rest of their own accord they will sometimes travel four or five days together twenty or thirty hours. In travelling during the daynerally spend the night in chewing the cud. The time, they browse wherever they find herbage, and geweight, however, which a Lama can carry is not greater than what is carried by an European ass. Its gait is neither a trot nor a gallop, but so exceedingly gentle, that the women prefer the Llama to every other animal for riding. They are pastured in the open fields, and never make any attempt to escape. The wool of the Llama is as soft as silk, and as fine as the wool of our sheep. The animal is generally shorn about the end of June. The Llama chews the cud, like oxen, sheep, deer, &c. but it differs from other animals of the same kind in the number of its teeth. The nostrils of the Llama consist of a mere slit in the skin, which is opened and shut at pleasure; the lips are thick, the upper one |