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strengthened by its exercise; and it was proposed to seek the higher profit and pleasure which might arise from personal intercourse. In this spirit, a Deputation was appointed to make a fraternal visit to the churches of that land; to assure them of our Christian esteem and affection; and to bear home again the responses of kindness and confidence. The churches of America have shown their eagerness to participate in this communion; not only by

THE EARNEST DESIRE THAT IT MAY PROMOTE the temper in which they received the Deputation,








Ir must be admitted that enough has been recently written on America, unless it were better written, or occupied some new field of discourse. The execution of the following volumes must be left with the judgment of the public; but the authors may claim the advantage of having occupied new ground.

Notwithstanding the numerous communications made by travellers within these few years, relative to this interesting country, the ample felds of Nature and Religion remained almost unexplored and unreported. Happily, these subjects are in keeping with each other, since to illustrate one is to assist the conception of the other; and happily, too, they were most in accordance with the taste of the writers, as well as in the very spirit and design of their mission. Religion, indeed, must be considered as the great subject of inquiry; and if nature and outward circumstance, in the form of narrative, are associated with it, it is from a desire of commending to the memory and heart, with greater facility and power, the things that are "invisible," by "the things which do appear."

The Congregational Union was formed in the year 1831. It had been several times contemplated; and at length arose, partly from the growing exigencies of the times, and partly from the improved spirit in the churches. It was felt that, in pleading with unwavering resolution for the principle of independence, under difficult circumstances, we were liable to adopt a limited view of its import; and that it was desirable, on every account, to convey the acknowledged strength and efficiency of our individual churches to those churches in an associated capacity. The attempt has been successful beyond the expectations of many; and it is earnestly to be hoped, that, since the sign of our religion is Union, and the spirit of it Love, its success will be complete.

but equally by the celerity with which they determined to send their delegates in return; while the efforts which we have already made have certainly disposed us the more fully to renew and perpetuate the delightful intercourse.

One should have thought, that such a movement on the part of churches in different regions of the globe, could have been viewed only with unmixed satisfaction and jo. Yet the Deputation, on returning, have concern, if not surprise, to find that, in some quarters, and in the name of religion, their mission has been open to misrepresentation, and their motives to miscc..struction. They trust, however, when it is found that their mission was as catholic as the religion they profess; that they had no political or party purposes to accomplish; that their embassy was one of fraternal and Christian charity-to express love and to invite love-nothing more and nothing less-that justice will be done to a service which, apart from the manner of its execution, demands only the approbation of the generous and the good. Whatever may be the ultimate conclusion of those who have indulged in hasty, and perhaps prejudiced objection, their judgment is fixed

unalterably fixed. They have reason to regard it as one of the noblest acts to which the church, in recent times, has given herself; they are confident that, if rightly sustained, the consequences will be most felicitous; and they must regard it, in itself, as among the most cheering signs of the times, if, indeed, the union of the church is to anticipate the conversion of the world.

It was no part of the engagement, that the visit of the Deputation should issue in an extended and published report. But they have been ready, with such ability and opportunity as they might command, to obey urgent request; and the more so, as the interest which the mission has created in their minds, disposes them to contribute to the utmost to render its effects extensively and permanently beneficial. They have felt that this part of their undertaking is attended with delicacy and difficulty, Every statement is likely to be seen through the medium of opposite habits and partialities; and on that account alone, while it gives pleasure to one party, it may give offence to the other. All offence, indeed, might have been easily avoided, by avoiding discrimination; but to write without discrimination would be to write without profit. They have confidence in the manliness of the American character to believe, that candid remark, when One of the best and earliest effects of this union meant for improvement, will be candidly received; was, to express sympathy to kindred fellowships, and if comparison and discrimination should somewithout restriction from national bias or geogra- times reveal defects on our own part, they cannot phical boundaries. An affectionate correspondence think that it must necessarily give offence. They was soon opened between it and the Presbyterian have sought to fulfil their commission in forgetfuland Congregational bodies of the United States, ness of prejudice on the one hand, and partiality on which afforded much gratification. Affection was the other; and they will not suppose that, on this ac


count, they will be deemed worthy of blame or suspicion. It were ungenerous of them not to do justice to America; but it were unnatural of them to depreciate England for the purpose of exalting America. They are truly sensible that their mission is one of pure charity; they would deeply regret that it should not be consummated in this spirit; and should it seem to be otherwise, in any instance, they crave of the reader to supply the charitable construction which may be wanting in the writer.

The circumstances of time, of distance, and of the Deputies having, during the visit, kept separate notes, made it requisite, in preparing the following volumes, that there should be a division of labor. It will be seen that the report on Canada and Pennsylvania, and the arrangements of the Statistical Tables in the appendix, rested with Mr. Matheson; for the remaining portions, the other member of the Deputation is responsible.

work to the public, without a distinct and grateful acknowledgment of the manifold kindnesses expressed to them during their residence in the United States. Especially they desire to assure those friends who so readily made them a home in their own families, when they were so entirely separated from their endeared connections, that they do and must retain a deep and indelible sense of their affectionate and self-denying attentions.

On the whole, as the fruits, at the time, were unquestionably good, may it not be hoped that they shall abide and improve with years? And by such intercourse, maintained on Christian principles, why may we not expect that the churches of the two countries shall become ONE; the people become ONE; and their efforts to benefit the world ONE; till all nations shall be blessed, even as England and America are blessed? And England and America the more blessed, for the common deed of righteous

They cannot allow themselves to commit thisness and love? London, April 28, 1835.



served in silence. Every thing was raised from its MY DEAR FRIEND-I remember when called to ordinary state of being, and was full of power.separate from you, that I promised to supply you The calm earnestness of the captain; the awakenwith a narrative of our visit to the Western world. ed and prompt attention of the sailor; the subI originally meant to do this by a succession of let-dued anxiety of the passenger; the straining and ters, transmitted from date to date, as I might groaning of the vessel; the roaring and battling of change the place of observation, or find opportunity the waters as they resisted our impetuous course; to copy and forward my impressions. Such, how-were full of sublimity. At such a time, the snapever, was the pressure and continuity of my en- ping of a cord or the starting of a plank might gagements, as to make this quite impracticable. All have brought not merely disaster, but death. But that I could do was to take hasty notes, to defend me from the treachery of the memory; in the hope that I might afterward give them such form and correctness as might render them intelligible and acceptable to you. I now propose to fulfil this duty; and I have the persuasion that, under the circum' stances, you will receive it as a real, though a late, redemption of my promise.

On the morning succeeding the very solemn and affecting valedictory service at Zion chapel, I left town for Liverpool. On arriving at that place, I was sought out by my esteemed friend Mr. Bulley, and kindly urged to make his house my home.Here I was joined by Mr. Matheson, who was to be the companion of my travels. Every thing had been arranged by our friend for our departure; and we had only to realize and confirm those arrangements previously to our sailing.

the ocean, what shall be said of it? When it rose in all its mightiness, and shut up our view, which was before illimitable, to a small span in the heavens; when it stood around our little bark in unbroken mountains, as once it did around the Egyp tians, threatening to ingulf us in an instant and for ever; then I had an advanced and unutterable conception of nature and of Omnipotence. In crossing our channels, and in running along our coasts, had thought I knew what the sea was; but I was then satisfied I had never seen it before.

did not see the icebergs nor the sea-serpents. We I will not trouble you further with sights. We were told that we saw some whales; but I should fear to avouch it. Indeed, we were now beginning to look for the land, as decidedly the most interesting came on, and made us in turn fearful of the object object. But while searching for it, calm and fog of our anxious search. This pause to our hopes was Every wish was

The Europe, in which vessel we had engaged our hard to bear so near to our haven. passage, was announced to sail on the 16th; but we had hope that as the tide would not serve till two now directed to the pilot-boats; and when at length o'clock, and as the wind was not promising in the one was discovered, like the wing of a bird through in quietude. With this doubtful hope we partici- should make a decided movement towards our port. opening of the day, that we might pass our Sabbath the opening mists, there was universal joy. We felt as if, on getting the pilot on board, we pated in the morning worship at Dr. Raffles's, and had an especial place in the prayers of the church But the breeze was still faint, and the fog heavy. and congregation. At the close of the service the Fogs, it is understood, prevail very much at this word was- The wind serves-all on board imme-season of the year for many days; and they arise diately." We obeyed the summons; parted with our friends; joined our vessel; and committed our

selves to the ocean and to God.

The passage is now so regularly made, and it has been so often described, that it is needless to offer particulars. Our packet is considered one of the finest on the line; it is fitted up in the most handsome style; it has a table not inferior to our best inns; it is indeed a floating hotel. Our company, too, composed as it was of all professions and pursuits, was respectable and agreeable; they were rather disposed to respect than to depreciate us on the ground of our ministerial character; we parted with many of them with much regret, and after

ward in our travels met with some of them with

sincere pleasure. Indeed, every thing was acceptable and pleasant, with the exception of close air, coffin-like cabins, restless but confined motion, and the sea-sickness. These deductions, unhappily, belong to a sea life; and though the allowance made for them may be various with various persons, I think it is uniformly considerable; for I have always observed that both the sailor and the passenger equally admit, that the quick voyage is the good


from the sudden return of hot weather, which disWe moved slowly through the Narrows into the solves the ice, and produces immense evaporation. expanding bay, and dropped anchor in the evening In the morning we quitted our vessel for a steamoff Staten Island, and about six miles from the city. thing from sight; we lost, therefore, for the present, boat. The mists were still heavy, and veiled every the view of the bay, which is admitted to be exceedingly good. This, with a new world before us, was but a slight disappointment. About ten o'clock I sprang on the landing at New-York, and realized the presence of a country, which had long dwelt as a picture of interest and of hope in my imagina


We made the best of our way to Bunker's hotel. Our first inquiry was for single-bedded rooms, as we understood that to be the only matter of doubt. They were readily obtained; and a black servant was commissioned to conduct us to them. After dressing, our first concern was, to use our retirement in acknowledging the Hand which had conducted us safely over the great Atlantic; and in committing ourselves to its renewed guidance, now that we were strangers in a strange land.

You know my admiration for the ocean; I had Before we retired to our rooms, we had expressed one opportunity of seeing it in its majesty. We a wish for some refreshment; and I expected, on were in a smart gale of wind for a day and a half. coming down, to see a little breakfast-table set for Unwell as I was, I could not forego the unobstruct-us. Nothing of this sort was, however, visible. ed enjoyment of the scene. I got on deck, and secured I went into the bar-room, and looked at the papers, myself as well as I could by the cordage, and ob- still waiting for summons to the anticipated re

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