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Cities, towns, and wards, in the fifty-five counties of New York

Organized school districts, computed at

Number of children from five to sixteen years of age, December 30, 1831

Number of children at school in the year 1832

Since the year 1827, returns have been made annually from every town; and in 1832, returns were made from 8,941 districts, in which schools were open, on an average, eight months in twelve; and the number of schools in operation was computed at 9,270.

811 9,600



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Of this there was raised by a special tax for building school-houses in the city of New
York, about

Total sum paid for teacher's wages

60,000 00 603,902 95

The amount paid for teachers' wages is computed at only about one half of the expense annually incurred for the support of common schools.

Dollz. Cts.

Estimated value of 9,270 school-houses (those in the city of New York being computed at 200,000 dollars) 2,040,000 dollars, the annual interest of which at six per cent. is.. Fuel fo. 9,270 school-houses, at 10 dollars each ....

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Expense of books for 494,959 scholars, at 50 cents each


To this add (see above)

Total expenditure for common schools in 1832


FROM 1816 TO 1933.

247,479 50

462,579 50

663,902 95

1,126,482 45

[blocks in formation]

It appears, then, that in sixteen years, the num- | the town grows in consideration, so the fund rises in ber of organized school districts has increased from value. As soon as this fund reaches a given amount, 2,755 to 9,600, making an addition, in sixteen years, it is employed; and it is made available for those of 6,845; while the scholars have advanced from parishes or townships which are willing to rate 140,106 to 494,959, making an addition, in the same themselves to a required proportion of the total extime, of 354,853! Take another view of these penses. The system comes into action at a very statements. The number of persons in the State early period of a settlement; and until it can, its between the age of five and sixteen is 508,878; but resources are accumulating and condensing, in the number at school is 494,959; leaving only 13,919 readiness for the future. Throughout the State of of this age not actually at school; and at least this Ohio, for instance, which was a desert forty years number may be embraced by those who are between ago, and is settling now, the school system is in full fourteen and sixteen, and who may have left school play; and it promises, in a few years, to equal any for secular pursuits! Again, the entire population thing of which New York itself can boast. The of this State, in 1830, was 1,918,608; so that we land appropriated to the use of public schools, in have ONE FOURTH of the people at school! the new States on the east of the Mississippi, amounts to 8,000,000 of acres, and the appropriations on the west of that river, on the same principle, will be far more prodigious!

What are we to say to these facts? They are marvellous in themselves; but consider them in connection with a newly settled people, and spread over a vast territory, and what are they? Then compare them with States which have been settled for ages, and which boast of civilization, letters, and refinement, and what are they? New York has one in four of her whole population at school; but Scotland has only one in ten; England only one in twelve; Wales only one in twenty. While France, the very pink of refinement, has four millions of children untaught, and half her entire population unable to read, write, and cipher! Europe has nothing, except it be in Prussia, that will compare with the state of things we are now contemplating without injury. It may be well, if what she suffers by the comparison may induce her, though late, to ask for a remedy.

Of course, these statements are to be understood to apply only to the common schools. They do not embrace, with the exception of Boston, which I introduced for the sake of illustration, the superior public school, nor the academy, which is usually of a private character, and which abounds as the States advance. Nor do they include the Sunday schools, which impart religious instruction to nearly a million of persons, as most of these get their general education at the common schools.

The extraordinary success which has attended this system may be ascribed to such causes as the following, and which may, perhaps, have partly suggested themselves already to the mind.

1. Usually, the Legislature has been taught not to interfere with the subject more than is necessary. The work should, at all events, be done; but the maxim of a wise government will be, So that it is done, the more the people do, and the less it does, the better. What it does, should be rather to create public sentiment, than any thing else; where that is, nothing more is required. There should be great jealousy of reliance on funds, where they exist; if danger for the future arise, it would be from this source.

2. All sectarian distinctions are annihilated, or rather they have never existed. Religious animosities and apprehensions, which have always been the great impediment to any system of general education, are unknown.

I have remarked, and would, in candor, repeat, that this is the best instance to be found in the middle states. Some of them have been backward in the race of improvement; but they are all now moving with accelerated steps; and the example of New York necessarily acts on them with great power. Pennsylvania, perhaps, for its extent and early advantages, is most overshadowed by popular ignorance. Good provision was made by the early settlers, as might be expected, for universal education; but this provision was not enlarged as the people multiplied and spread. The heart of the state was settled chiefly by Germans, who had little education, and little value for it; and the legislature did nothing to overcome their phlegm, till at length it was in danger of being disabled from doing any 3. Civil distinctions are blended and harmonized. thing by the prevalence of cherished ignorance. The common or public school is usually the very Both people and government are now awake to the best of its kind that is accessible to the people of a evil, and have arisen to wipe away the reproach. district; and hence the more wealthy citizen covets An act for the general education of the people, by its advantages for his child equally with the poorer; common schools, was passed last year. To give and the circumstance of his child attending it, and effect to this act, they have a fund, which, by suc- of his taking an interest in it, has again the tendency cessive accumulations, now amounts to nearly two of preserving its character, and of raising it as somillions of dollars. The platform adopted resem-ciety is rising around it. Nothing can be conceivbles that of New York; and in ten years, the re-ed to contribute more directly to the union and harsults may be as striking. It has, indeed, lost the mony of the several gradations of society, than an start of New York by past negligence; but it may arrangement for thus bringing the richer and poorer still have the honor of generously emulating a no-together during the period of childhood. When it ble example. can be done without injury, it is always done with high advantage to the commonwealth.

4. Then, the sense of civil equality, which pervades all classes, undoubtedly is a great auxiliary to this success. Every man feels that, as a citizen, he is equal to every other man; but if he took no interest in the public school, he would forfeit some of his rights as a citizen; and if his child did not claim its benefits, he would not compare with the child of his neighbor; so that, personally and relatively, he would sink from his equality, and be ashamed to meet those who had become more to him than his fellows.

But you are ready to inquire after the state of education in the West. Happily there is no difficulty in meeting this inquiry. The older states were left to act for themselves on this subject; and many of the first efforts arose from liberal donations on the part of individuals; of course, the movement was neither general nor simultaneous. But the Congress has interfered with the new States, and provided, at their settlement, for universal education. Every new township is to be divided into thirty-six sections; each section being a mile square, or 640 acres. One of these sections, that is, a thirtysixth of the township, is appropriated to schools. Certainly, in dismissing this head of observation, So that the existence of a fund for education is iden- I might criticise the system; and, seizing on instantical with the settlement of every township; and asces in which it is yet in perfect development, I might


English Grammar, including analyzing and the study of poetry, arithmetic completed, modern and ancient geography, modern and ancient history, the second, third, and fourth books of Euclid's Geome try, mental philosophy, rhetoric, chemistry, and astronomy.


adduce defect and fault as an abatement on its ex- | the Mind, Physiology of the Human System, Nacellency. But, in fact, speaking of it as a whole, tural Philosophy, Government of Massachusetts, and judging it impartially, I know no fault of ge- and of the United States. neral importance, except it be, that the remuneration to the teachers has mostly been too low. There is, in every thing, a stubborn connection between price and quality; and where all sorts of ordinary labor find a liberal reward, it is indispensable that the teacher should be paid in proportion, or few will offer themselves for that important vocation; and those few will commonly be feeble and unfurnished. The public attention is directed to this subject; and, when fairly under notice, it will be dealt with in the manly and decided manner usual to this people. If complaint and regret were to be blended with a subject so capable of inspiring admiration, it must arise from a reference to the Slave States. There, the whites have the means of education; but they are neither so plentiful nor so good as in the Free States. And here are two millions of human beings, who are shut out from the unutterable benefits of education; while their condition is made the darker and more rueful, by the light and intelligence which are all around them.

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The class of schools receiving usually the appellative of Academy, but sometimes the finer name of High School, Institute, and Gymnasium, is meant to supply an order of education superior to that of the common schools. They are nearly in every case the creation of individual or social effort; and are designed to finish the education of the schools, when more is sought than they supply; or to meet the wishes of such parents as, from various motives, choose wholly to decline the aid of the common school, in favor of more private and select tuition. Such as are provided for the reception of male pupils bear so strong an affinity to the High School of Boston, which I have described, in their method and advantages, that it would not be desirable, perhaps, to multiply instances. But the female academies here are still so much of a peculiarity, and have excited so much notice at home, that it will doubtless be grateful to you to be informed of them with some distinction and certainty. I have seen many of them; and from what you know of my habits on this interesting subject, you will believe that I have not been inattentive to their economy. Let me furnish you with one or two references, as examples of the class.

Mental philosophy and some other studies reviewed, algebra, ecclesiastical history, natural theology, analogy between natural and revealed religion, evidences of Christianity, composition and education.

Reading, composition, calisthenics, vocal music, the Bible, and several of the above branches of study, will receive attention through the course. Those who are deficient in spelling and writing, will have exercises in these branches, whatever may be their other attainments. It is desired, that, as far as practicable, young ladies before entering the seminary, should be skilful in both mental and written arithmetic, and thoroughly acquainted with geography and the history of the United States.

The efficacy of the system rests rather in the mind by which it is wrought, than in the materials of which it is composed. The persons taught are brought into close and friendly contact with the teachers; and the great effort of the instructer is not to educe right action, but to implant right and elevated principle. Every pupil is thrown back very much upon herself; she is taught to know herself; to measure her capacity, and to feel that the measure of her capacity is the measure of her duty; and that her duty has an immediate and constant relation to Him "with whom we have to do."Thus self-respect is substituted for emulation; and the fear of God for worldly and worthless considerations.

Religion is thus made to run through all the avocations of this family; and each one is made to feel that it "is the principal thing." At the commencement of the term, the young people are invited to profess themselves under religious influence. If they do so, it is taken as their voluntary act; they know that they shall be expected to walk in harmo ny with the principles they profess; and they meet separately once in the week for the purpose of devotional reading, conversation, and prayer. Of course the very circumstance of their known retirement, with their teacher, for such an engagement, must have a salutary influence on the remainder. Besides this, those who profess are usually the elder of the school, and they are mostly the more successful scholars and the best examples, and this is not without its influence. Those who are younger, and have not acknowledged the power of religion, are placed under their special care; and they are exhorted to use their influence as friends for the highest welfare of their juniors. The results are as you would ex

The Ipswich Female Seminary, of which you have heard, is rather an academy for training teachers, than for lower purposes. It receives its pupils between the ages of fourteen and twenty. It was instituted in the year 1824, on the principle of sub-pect, very considerable. In the course of a term it scriptions; and is managed by trustees. It owes to adopt a profession, by soliciting to unite in the is common, as an average, for ten or twelve pupils most of its reputation to Mrs. Grant, the principal; weekly devotional exercise. a lady endowed, in an unusual degree, to take charge When I visited this establishment there were 110 of such an institution with honor to herself, and the pupils; the number is commonly more, rather than highest advantage to the community. The arrange-less. They have, at present, no dwelling adequate ments of study are as follows:


Vocal music, reading, linear drawing, composition, botany, geology, philosophy of natural history, modern geography, arithmetic through interest and proportion, first book in Euclid's Geometry, History of the United States, English Grammar, Watts on

to receive and board them. They are, therefore, accommodated with families in the village, two of them occupying one room. The principal is made responsible for this arrangement, and for the oversight and regulation of her charge at all times.

I took notes of one day's exercise; and you may, perhaps, desire to see it. It runs thus:-Rise a quarter before five. The chamber arranged. Half

an hour to each of the two pupils in retirement.Half-past six, breakfast; recess of ten minutes; silent study till a quarter to eight. Eight, attend school; devotional exercises; recess, ten minutes; assemble; general instruction. Half-past nine, singing and gymnastics. Ten, recitations in classes. Eleven, singing and recess; recitations continued. Half-past twelve, dine; leisure till half-past one; study till a quarter past two.

At half-past two, re-assemble; general business. One hour reading and writing; recess, ten minutes; recitations till a quarter to five; sectional exercises in class-rooms half an hour; assemble; close in prayer. Half-past five, tea; recreation. Half-past seven, half an hour to each in room; study till nine; retire.

Of the female academies, for the ordinary period of education, there is perhaps none that so fully merits attention as the institution at Albany. It is in a flourishing condition, and has recently erected a noble edifice for its accommodation. This erection supplies sixteen apartments as class and lecturerooms, and is faced by a beautifu! portico of the Ionic order, copied from the temple on the Ilissus.

Arnott's Natural Philosophy, first and second volumes, Simpson's Euclid, Logic, Guy's Astronomy, Bigelow's Technology, Schlegel's History of Literature, Constitutional Law, Legendre's Geometry, select parts of the English Classics, Kames' Elements of Criticism, Butler's Analogy, first part, Payne's Elements of Mental and Moral Science, linear drawing. In this department, critical attention is paid to composition, in which there are frequent exercises.

In addition to the recitations in the books above specified, the scholars in each department are daily exercised in orthography, reading, parsing, and writing.

This course of instruction is administered by a principal and a male assistant, and eight female assistants. The French language is taught by a professor; and when sufficient classes can be formed, lectures are given in the winter terms, on experimental philosophy, in its various departments, by skilful professors. The institution is supplied with maps, charts, globes, a chemical and philosophical apparatus, and an extensive library.

given, and gold medals are awarded to those who excel in mathematics and original composition.Besides this, those who have gone through the whole course with approbation, are eligible to receive a diploma bearing the seal of the institution. This is its highest honor; and it is sought by those, especially, who are qualifying to become teachers.

There are two examinations in the year. At the The Institution is divided into six departments, close of the examination in February, the names of exclusive of the classes composed of those scholars those who have distinguished themselves are anfrom each of the higher departments, who are pur-nounced; at the July examination, premiums are suing the study of the French and Spanish languages, natural history, chemistry, and botany. In the Sixth Department, the rudiments of education are commenced. The books used are, Worcester's Primer of the English Language, Webster's Spelling Book, the Boston Class book, Leavitt's Easy Lessons, the New Testament, Parley's Geography, Olney's Geography, Emerson's First Part, and Colburn's First Lessons through the sixth section. This department is furnished with Holbrook's apparatus for primary schools.

In the Fifth Department, regular Instruction in writing commenced, Colburn's Lessons and Olney's Geography concluded, Smith's Intellectual and Practical Grammar, Irving's Catechisms of the History of various Nations, and Triminer's Elements of Natural History. As an exercise in the definition and use of words, and the structure of language, the pupils are daily required to incorporate in sentences, to be written by them, words given to them by their teachers.

In the Fourth Department, the studies of the Fifth reviewed; the books used are, the Malte Brun Geography, by Goodrich, Worcester's General History and Chart, Shimeall's Scripture History and Biblical Literature and Chart. In this department, Colburn's Sequel commenced; exercises in composition in the journal and letter form.

In the Third Department, Colburn's Sequel and Worcester's General History concluded, and the other studies of the Fourth reviewed. The books ased are, History of the United States, Ancient Geography, Goodrich's Histories of Greece and Rome. In this department, Blake's Natural Philosophy commenced, and composition continued in the journal, letter, and descriptive form.

In the Second Department, Goodrich's Histories of Greece and Rome, Ancient Geography, Blake's Natural Philosophy, concluded, and the other studies of the Third reviewed; Porter's Rhetorical Reader, Ancient and Modern Geography, with construction of Maps, Ryan's Astronomy, Robinson's History of England, Beck's Chemistry, Watts on the Mind, Newman's Rhetoric, Colburn's Algebra, and Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History, composition in written essays.

In the First Department, the studies of the Second and Third continued as exercises; Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric, Moral Philosophy, Alexander's Evidences of Christianity, Paley's Natural Theology,

The charges for tuition are as follows:-For the sixth or lowest department, three dollars per quarter; for the fifth, four; for the fourth, five; for the third, six; for the second, seven; and for the first, eight.

The success of this establishment has arisen from the excellency of its methods, and the efficiency and fidelity with which they have been executed. Excellent as the education is, it is evident that the useful is regarded much more than the ornamental. And it is this that chiefly tries the power and aptitudes of the teacher. A few accomplishments may be thrown over the character almost at any time, and at no price, (although with us they are, in a literal sense, dearly bought ;) but to awaken the intellect, to teach the mind to think, the will to resolve, to nourish and train all the nascent faculties with their appropriate aliment, that is the labor, that is the difficulty.

The method of communication between the teacher and the pupil here, as in other cases, which I have noticed, is chiefly by recitation. Great care is taken not to use the text book as a thing to be stored away in the memory, but as a guide to direct inquiry and investigation. In the one case, the mind is called into vigorous and wholesome exercise; on the other, it is burdened with a weight that destroys its elasticity, and prevents its growth. Much as this simple principle commends itself to us in theory, it is seldom brought into practice. This is still the great deficiency in our schools. The ordinary teacher, as by far the easier task, will content himself with loading the memory; while the man who is truly qualified for his work, will seek to train and strengthen the superior faculties. It is due to America to say, that great watchfulness is employed against this evil, and that many examples are supplied of its having been overcome. Perhaps nothing will contribute more to this, with them and with us, than to erect the art of teaching into a fourth profession, and to begin the work of education systematically, with teaching the teachers.

I must finally observe, that this Institution, also,

dian and the African. And it is just as impossible to notice the relative position of these two classes of the people, without strong, but just, disapprobation. But the claims of our common humanity are the highest earthly claims we know; and they must not be blinked, or disregarded.

owes much of its success to its decidedly religious character. Religion, without sectarian and denominational distinctions, pervades its instructions. The analysis of natural science and revealed science, conduct to one conclusion; and they are made to illustrate and support each other. If this is profitable to just attainment in knowledge, as it saves us Slavery is, at the present time, the question of from distorted and half-formed conceptions of the questions in America. You will be glad to learn sublimer subjects, it is yet more beneficial to cha-that it is so, since extended discussion cannot fail racter, as it gives sobriety to the mind, and elevates to humanize opinion, and to bring on a happy conthe spirit with devout affections. summation. If I glance at the state of the slave, the means used in his favor, and the prospects of a successful issue in the use of such means, you will, perhaps, be sufficiently informed on this most in

I must not omit to say, that this admirable establishment is raised and supported by subscription; and it corresponds exceedingly, with the single difference of sex, to our modern Proprietary or Gram-teresting subject. mar School. Why should not our daughters, equally with our sons, possess the advantages which these institutions, when well conducted, so readily supply?

In referring to the condition of the slave in this country, it may be well to observe both on his legal and actual state. Although the different Slave States have various laws, they are essentially the same; and there is, therefore, not much difficulty in extracting the spirit and substance of the whole code of bondage. In the eye of the law, then

Slavery is hereditary and perpetual, to the last moment of the slave's earthly existence, and to all his descendants, to the latest posterity.

The labor of the slave is compulsory and uncompensated; while the kind of labor, the amount of toil, and the time allowed for rest, are dictated solely by the master. No bargain is made, no wages given. A pure despotism governs the "human brute;" and even his covering and provender, both as to quantity and quality, depend entirely on the master's discretion.

I think you cannot fail, my dear friend, to survey this brief report on the subject of education, whether collegiate or common, with wonder and admiration. And yet we have been told, in the face of all this evidence, with petulance and pride, that the Americans have no literature, and are not a literary people. Not literary! and yet they have done more for letters than any people ever did in similar circumstances. Not literary! and yet they have made more extensive grants in favor of universal education than any other country. Not literary! and yet not only the common school, but the academy and the college, are travelling over the breadth of the land; and are sometimes found located in the desert, in anticipation of a race that shall be born. The slave being considered a personal chattel, Not literary! and yet, in the more settled States, a may be sold, or pledged, or leased, at the will of his fourth part of the people are at school; and in the master. He may be exchanged for marketable State of New York alone, apart from all private se- commodities, or taken in execution for the debts, or minaries, there are 9,600 schools, sustained at a taxes, either of a living or deceased master. Sold yearly expense of 1,126,482 dollars! Not literary! at auction, "either individually, or in lots, to suit the and yet there are, in this new country, FIFTEEN UNI-purchaser," he may remain with his family, or be VERSITIES; FORTY-SIX COLLEGES; TWENTY-ONE medi- separated from them for ever. cal schools; and TWENTY-ONE theological! Not literary! and yet they circulate SEVEN HUNDRED and FIFTY MILLIONS of NEWSPAPERS A YEAR, this is TWENTY-FIVE to our ONE; and all our best books commonly run through more and larger editions there than they do at home.

Slaves can make no contracts, and have no legal right to any property, real or personal. Their cwn honest earnings, and the legacies of friends, bele ag, in point of law, to their masters.

Neither a slave, nor free colored person, can be a witness against any white or free man, in a court They have no literature, indeed! The fact is, of justice, however atrocious may have been the they have all the literature that is possible to their crimes they have seen him commit; but they may age and circumstances; and as these advance, they give testimony against a fellow-slave or free cowill assuredly advance in the more abstruse and ab-lored man, even in cases affecting life. stract sciences, till it shall be a bold thing for any to The slave may be punished at his master's discrecall themselves their peers. Their fidelity for the tion-without trial--without any means of legal repast is their security for the future. Meantime, are dress-whether his offence be real, or imaginary; not Newton and Locke, Bacon and Shakspeare, as and the master can transfer the same despotic power much theirs as they are ours? Would it be wis- to any person or persons he may choose to appoint. dom, on their part, to repudiate them, even if they The slave is not allowed to resist any free man had not an equal claim to them? Would it be wis-under any circumstances; his only safety consists dom in us to reproach them with tastes which do in the fact, that his owner may bring suit, and rethem honor, and to endeavor to separate them from cover the price of his body, in case his life is taken, community in our common republic of letters, which or his limbs rendered unfit for labor. more than any thing may make two great nations, that are one in affinity, one in fact? For my own part, I know of nothing more truly sublime than to see this people in the very infancy of their national existence, put forth such Herculean energy for the diffusion of universal knowledge and universal virtue! But prejudice has neither eyes nor ears.


MY DEAR FRIEND-I regret that I must now turn to other and very different subjects. In a general notice of this country, especially if that notice profess to be of a moral and religious character, it is impossible to pass in silence the condition of the In

Slaves cannot redeem themselves, or obtain a change of masters, though cruel treatment may have rendered such a change necessary for their personal safety.

The slave is deemed unworthy of protection in his domestic relations.

The slave is denied the means of knowledge and improvement.

The slave is denied the justice awarded to the white.

There is a monstrous inequality of law and right. What is a trifling fault in the white man, is considered highly criminal in the slave; the same offences which cost a white man a few dollars only, are punished, in the slave, with death.

This, then, is the law or rather the injustice of

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