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From the Critic.

illustrate and prove the truth of our position. It

Washington. By M. Guizor. Translated by PAUL is necessary to distinguish between the influence

PARNELL, Esq. E. Painter.

ONE of the most interesting spectacles which can engage the thoughts of social man is that of nations or collective bodies emerging, like the ancient Romans, from comparative obscurity and weakness to distinction and greatness, and as such exerting a vast moral influence over the interests of other states and the destinies of the world. We have here what M. Guizot would style one of the grand facts of history combined with all the pleasing adventure of the novel. Next to this, and akin to it, is the rise to glory and immortality of the distinguished patriot, whose character and career appear, and actually are, coeval and coëxistent with those of the land honored by being the scene of his nativity. Biography thus becomes the most striking and the most entertaining part of history, as well as that most easily understood. The comparison is at once pleasing and useful, and in the present instance necessary.

exerted by the mother country and the progress of society in the colonies themselves. M. Guizot evidently does not make sufficient allowances for the latter. According to Robertson, whose history of America, as it is one of the most interesting, is also one of the most correct, the colonies were, during a long period and at different intervals, left much to themselves, whilst at others the government at home seemed more careful and jealous of their own powers, and more willing to meddle or to interfere with the colonies, and such was most certainly the character of the British government prior to the commencement of hostilities.

In page 12 M. Guizot evidently contradicts what he had already advanced as to the mutual influence and feeling reciprocated between the mother country and her dependencies, when he observes:

and held towards them the same language, that the kings which it had conquered had held not long ago towards themselves.”

"Besides this, it was no longer with the crown alone, but with the crown and the mother country united, that the colonies had now to do. Their The progress of the United States, like that of real sovereign was no longer the king, but the king most colonies, is closely identified with the history and the people of Great Britain, represented and of the mother country. It has been remarked by confounded in the Parliament; and the Parliament many distinguished Americans, as well as Eng-regarded nearly all the colonies with the same eye, lishmen, both at the time of the civil war and subsequently, that America owes her freedom to the favorable opinion entertained of her claims at home both in and out of Parliament. This contributed alike to form, regulate, and propel the enthusiasm of her population for a cause in which, to use the words of M. Guizot, they believed "resistance founded upon historical right and upon facts-upon the right of reason and upon philosophy." In accordance with this is the whole past history of the mother country and her dependencies, and therefore M. Guizot justly observes," Of what are we treating, and of what are we in the paragraph after that last quoted:

"It is the honor of England to have deposited in the cradle of her colonies the germ of their liberty. Nearly all, at their foundation, or soon after, received charters which conferred on the colonists the franchises of the mother country.

"And these charters were no vain snare, no dead letter, for they established or admitted powerful institutions, which provoked the colonists to defend their liberties, and to control power whilst they partook of it: the voting of the subsidies, the election of the great public councils, trial by jury, the right of assembling and acquainting themselves with the affairs of the commonwealth.

"Thus the history of these colonies was but the practical and laborious development of the spirit of liberty, growing strong under the colors of the law and the traditions of the country. We may call it the history of England herself."

Speaking of the origin and moral character of the dispute, M. Guizot observes

"In reality, it was a question of right and of honor, not of property and material interest. The taxes were light, and imposed on the colonists no suffering. But the colonists were men to whom the sufferings of the soul are the most bitter, and who only taste repose in the bosom of satisfied honor.

disputing? Is it of the payment of a tax of three pence per pound on tea, as too heavy? No: it is the right only which we dispute." Such was, at the commencement of the quarrel, the language of Washington himself, and the public feeling-a feeling, in truth, as politic as it was moral, and which evinces as much wisdom as virtue. The numerous public unions which were formed at this period in the colonies afford a spectacle useful to contemplate; unions local or general, accidental or permanent; chambers of burgesses or of representatives; conventions, congresses, and committees. Men of the most different dispositions there met together; some, full of respect and attachment to the mother country-others, passionately prejudiced in favor of that American country which was being born under their own eyes, and by means of their own hands; the one party afflicted and disquieted, the other ardent and confident; but all governed and M. Guizot does not, however, at the commence-united by one and the same sentiment of dignity, ment of his work allude, as he should, to the dis- and the same resolution of resistance; allowing tinctive character of the emigrants, the majority freely the variety of their ideas and impressions to of whom were Whigs and Puritans. Cromwell clash, without producing any disagreement, deephimself, as it is well known, had fully prepared seated or durable; but, on the contrary, feeling for a voyage across the Atlantic, in the days, if for each other a mutual respect in their reciprocal any such were numbered in his history, of his sin-liberties, and canvassing together the great busicerity and enthusiasm. Had the other party been more, or this less numerous, the revolution might have been nothing but an unsuccessful insurrection. It was thus that their religious creed, and the firmness of their faith, and the fire of their religious emotions, proved an invaluable assistance to the ezess of their arms, and ultimately insured them The novels of Fenimore Cooper will

ness of the country with those conscientious regards, that spirit of management and justice which insure success, and make it to be least dearly purchased. In June, 1775, the first Congress, assembled at Philadelphia, resolved to publish a solemn declaration to justify the assumption of arms. Two deputies, one from Virginia, the other from Pennsylvania, Jefferson and Dickenson,

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formed part of the committee instructed to compose | haps deficient in the more brilliant powers, he far it. I prepared (says Jefferson himself) a declar- excels in the moral, in which he stands alone in atory resolution. Mr. Dickenson thought it too his glory, the only modern adorning public life violent; he preserved the hope of reconciliation with all the moral splendor of young Greece and with the mother country, and was unwilling to Rome. Let us compare him with Nelson, Napohurt it by offensive words. He was a man so leon, or Byron, and he grows more riveted in our honest and so talented, that even those who did esteem and admiration at every step. Nelson had, not partake in his scruples had a great respect for indeed, a transparency of intention and straighthim. We begged him to take the resolution and forwardness of purpose; but this only served to to remodel it in such a manner as he could approve bring out and testify to his restless and aspiring of. He prepared a completely new edition, pre- spirit. Nelson had the most implicit faith in himserving only the four last paragraphs, and half of self, and greater daring, with sleepless vigor. the one preceding. We approved it, and reported Impossibilities were to him but difficulties, and it to the Congress, which adopted it; thus giving difficulties lost their monster aspect to his sana signal mark of its esteem for Mr. Dickenson, guine view. He believed it, with Hotspur, to beand its extreme desire not to proceed too quickly for any respectable portion of the assembly. The To pluck bright honor from the pale-faced moon.” submissiveness of the resolution was generally displeasing, and the pleasure that Mr. Dickenson War seemed to be his chief craving and reward. felt at seeing it adopted gained him a good many Not but that there was some real patriotism, as voices. After the vote, although all remark was his letter to Mr. Sucking, after the siege of Bastia out of order, he could not refrain from rising and proves, wherein he says, "Every man who had expressing his satisfaction, by concluding with any considerable share in the reduction got somethese words: "There is in this paper, Mr. Presi- thing; I only am without reward, and my money dent, but one word of which I disapprove; that I find not repaid me; nothing but my anxious inword is Congress." Upon which Benjamin Har-terest to serve my country makes me bear up rison rose and said, "For my part, Mr. President, against it; but I am sometimes ready to give all there is in this paper but one word of which I ap-up." But these words were contradicted by prove that word is Congress." others; such as-"I am now but a post-captain, The time was one most fortunate for the insurrec-but shall soon be on the top of the tree." " I shall tionists. Lord North was at the head of the shortly have a Gazette of my own." "Pity! I administration. Great Britain had attained her shall soon be envied." zenith of glory, and was thus an object of envy on Of Lord Byron, his friend and encomiast Moore the continent, and political science and liberal opin-says-" That sort of vanity which is almost insepaions had been diffused both at home and abroad, rable from genius, and which consists in an extreme engendering a proudly ambitious spirit that could sensitiveness on the subject of self, Lord Byron, I not endure to submit to mere hereditary rule and need not say, possessed in no ordinary degree. precedent. Nothing was wanted but an unrelent- We need not refer to the character of Napoleon. ing and unyielding courage at home, and gradual How different, how superior, and how isolated in steps of courageous progress, with patience, ener- this respect is the character of Washington, of gy, and activity in the scene of the war. And whom M. Guizot saysthese were richly manifested by the crown and the colonies; the former being as rash and precipitate as the latter were prudent, united, and steadfast. But one thing more was requisite, without which, probably, all would have failed, and that was a leader combining talent, and courage, and "There prevailed, moreover, the most profound principle, and unyielding perseverance. A num- conviction of his perfect disinterestedness. To ber of great men they had, both civil and military, this great intellectual luminary men willingly conalready honored by their fellow-citizens; but these fided; this mighty force, which attracted all souls, were not sufficient. Amongst the chiefs there must and insured at the same time their interests, that still be a chief, and such was found in Washington. they should never be given up as a sacrifice, or as "He was young, still very young, and already instruments to personal and ambitious views." great hopes were entertained of him. Employed Like other eminent men, however, he was not as officer of militia, in some expeditions on the to be exempt from suspicion and slander. M. western frontier of Virginia, against the French Guizot says, speaking of the latter part of his presand the savages, he had amazed equally his supe-identship, even his integrity was infamously atriors and his companions-the English governors tacked," and then notices the American press, and the American population. The first wrote to which has ever been distinguished for its scurrility. London, to recommend him to the favor of the "As regarded the attacks of the press, he king; the others assembled in the temples, to in- adopted this language: I did not believe-I voke the divine protection on their arms, and heard could not imagine until lately-that it was within with pride Samuel Davies, an eloquent preacher, the bounds of probability, hardly within those of exclaim, whilst he was extolling the courage of possibility, that while I was using my utmost the inhabitants of Virginia, I must mention to exertions to establish a national character of our you one glorious example: that heroical young own, and wished, by steering a steady course, to man, Colonel Washington, whom Providence has preserve this country from the horrors of a desopreserved in so signal a manner, doubtless, for lating war, that every act of my administration some important service that he is called to render would be tortured, and the grossest and most into his country." sidious representations of them be made, and that, Washington has superior claims to esteem over too, in such exaggerated and indecent terms as any of his contemporaries or descendants in fame. could scarcely be applied to a Nero, to a notorious Equal and superior in the sterner, though per-defaulter, or even to a common pickpocket. But

"He did nothing which he did not believe to have reason and right to rely upon; so that those of his actions which had not a systematic character humiliating to his adversaries, had, nevertheless, a moral character which commanded respect.


enough of this. I have already gone further in | bers that France was interested in maintaining the the expression of my feelings than I intended."

equilibrium existing between the different powers of America, M. Guizot did not, in my judgment, mean that France should endeavor to establish in the western hemisphere an equality of strength between the various powers existing there—this would be chimerical-but that France should despect. This is, notwithstanding all that has been said, a just and honorable policy, which abridges in nothing the legitimate sphere of action of the American people. The Union is regarded by M. Guizot, as by every statesman imbued with a national spirit, as an ally, and not as an enemy."

M. Guizot throughout the work takes the part of the colonists against England, though he is careful to conceal any direct feeling of hostility towards our country, for which he has professed such a warm predilection. Like his other works, we have here extensive knowledge combined with powers of ac-sire to see rights already existing treated with recurate generalization, but no indication of genius. His political, like his historical knowledge, is the result, no doubt, of close and careful study; but his political principles, so far as they can be gathered, appear to be traditional rather than philosophical or moral, derived from that motley school which sprung up in France after the Restoration. M. Guizot has given almost equal attention to the claims of the biography and the history, the latter of which we have not space to analyze. It is pleasing to see ministers of state and public men directing their energies to a sound and healthy literature, especially connected, as it is in the present instance, with their own experience, guidance, and improvement. They may here learn, in the closing words of our author :

"Government, in all times and in all places, will be the grandest employment of the human faculties, and, consequently, that which requires the loftiest souls to undertake it. It is thus to the honor as well as the advantage of society, that they should be drawn out and yoked to the administration of affairs. There are no institutions, no guarantees which can supply their place.

"And as for them, let them remember that with all men worthy of this destiny, every feeling of fatigue or sadness, legitimate though it may be, is still a weakness. Their mission is to labor; their recompense is the success of their work, and this is only to be attained by toil. Often is it their lot to die, pressed down by the weight of their task, long before they can receive its recompense. Washington did receive it. He deserved, and he tasted success and repose. Of all the great men that have ever existed, he was at once the most virtuous and the most happy. The Almighty has no higher favors to grant in this transitory world." We have only to add that Mr. Parnell has performed his office with fidelity and elegance, and this is the highest praise that can be awarded to

a translator.

VIEWS OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT.-Mr. Gaillardet, the eminent editor of the Courrier des Etats Unis, is now in Europe, and the last number of that paper contains an account of an interview between himself and M. Guizot at his country seat, near Passy. After speaking of M. Guizot in those terms which his distinguished capacity, elevated position, and pure character demand, Mr. Gaillardet thus proceeds: "Our conversation turned, as you may easily suppose, on America, and the questions now in agitation there. M. Guizot treats these subjects in a manner at once dignified, national, and liberal. His views he has already expressed at the Tribune. He respects the rights of the Americans, and recognizes their legitimate ambition. He profoundly sympathizes with this great people, whom he regards as the missionaries of civilization, liberty, order, and industry in the new world; but France must desire (doit desirer que) the American Union, while carrying out her high and vast mission, to respect the nationalities on her borders. When he declared in the Cham

This language would not perhaps have any peculiar significance, did it not so closely tally with M. Guizot's remarkable speech on the subject of the annexation of Texas-that" it behooves France" (il lui appartient) to preserve the balance of power in the western hemisphere; and this is what Mr. Gaillardet evidently means "existing rights are to be respected"-the "nationalities on her borders," i. e. Mexico, California, Canada, Oregon, Guatemala, 66 are to be respected."

We have all heard of wheat and other grain, inclosed in the cerecloths of mummies of the time of the Ptolemies, having preserved its vitality during three thousand years, and fructifying in our own climate; even yet more wonderful is the case of the animalcule, which, living in water, if deprived of that element, dries to dust, and revives at a future period when water shall be supplied to it.

ous in the vegetable kingdom, which enables a seed The power of vitality, so wonderfully conspicuto retain its vegetating power though dormant for many years, has a remarkable analogy with the revivification of some of the animalcules. "The Rotifer redivivus, or wheel animalcule, can live only in water, and is commonly found in that which has remained stagnant for some time in the gutters of houses. But it may be deprived of this fluid, and reduced to perfect dryness, so that all the functions of life shall be completely suspended, yet without the destruction of the vital principle; for this atom of dust, after remaining for years in a dry state, may be revived in a few minutes by being again supplied with water." * Other animalcules exhibit the same phenomenon; and the analogy is still further carried on by the fact well known to gardeners, that seeds which have been long kept, will vegetate more surely if soaked for some time in water before they are planted.

Every discovery, in whatever science, seems more and more clearly to point to simplicity of design and unity of purpose in nature:-Where the same course and method will accomplish a similar end, a different one seems never to be adopted. All the researches of modern physical science, though they may place new objects and new substances within our view, tend to lessen. not enlarge, the list of elementary bodies ;—and all investigations into the organized parts of creation teach us to refer more and more to a few simple principles, modified, indeed, by the nature and requirements of each species, but all pointing to the same law, which appears to prevail throughout the universe, that nothing shall be unnecessarily complicated.— Vegetable Physiology.

*Roget, Anim. and Veget. Phys., vol. i., p. 62.


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POETRY.-Lament of the Statues; Railway Maniac, 467-Life's Work; Sunshine of Life;
Sonnet, 472-How shall I meet Thee? 481-The Fallen Leaves, 488.

SCRAPS.-Fusion of Politics and Parties; New University Movement, 459-A Potato-Fed
People, 462-Pawning Money, 465-Prussian Heroine, 468-Fuller, 485-Signs of Free
Trade; War in the Caucasus, 486.

Western Clearings; by Mrs. C. M. KIRKLAND, | in the small,) that it must be wholesome to observe how author of "A New Home," &c. (No. VII. what we love appears in those whom we do not admire. of Wiley and Putnam's Library of American The monkey and the magpie are imitators; and when the one makes a thousand superfluous bows and grimaces, Books.) and the other hoards what can be of no possible use to

by pinning a pocket handkerchief to her bonnet, while we laugh at the self-deception; and fancy that we value only realities. But what affords us most amusement, is the awkward attempt of the rustic, to copy the airs and graces which have caught his fancy as he saw them exhibited in town; or, still more naturally, those which have been dis

played on purpose to dazzle him, during the stay of some

mould of fashion" in the country. How exquisitely funny are his efforts and their failure! How the true and the pseudo is impassable! Little dreams he that his hugs himself in full belief that the gulf between himself own ill-directed longings after the distingue in air or in position seem to some more fortunate individual as far from being accomplished as those of the rustic to himself, while both, perhaps, owe more to the tailor and milliner, than to any more dignified source.

In this volume will be found all the excellences him, we may, even in those, see a far off reflex of certain to which we are accustomed in this justly popular things prevalent among ourselves. Next in order come writer-a sweet and genial temper, able to sym-neck for a cravat, and the girl supply her ideal of a veil little children; and the boy will put a napkin about his pathise with whatever is simple and healthful, balanced by a quick sense of folly, pretension, or morbid action in character; admirable good sense, ennobled by generous desires; a cultivated taste, and great comic power. When to these qualifications for observing men is added a familiar love of nature, with uncommon talents for description, it must be confessed that the combination of claims is rare. And Mrs. Kirkland has yet one more, that will not be less felt by the American reading public; and this is that though she has received sufficient influence from the literature of the old world to refine and expand her powers. she belongs, both by her topics and the structure of her mind, to the new. She has represented a particular period in our social existence with so much success, that her works, though slight in their fabric, and familiar in their tone, are likely to have a permanent existence and enforce a permanent interest. She is only a sketcher, but with so clear an eye and vigorous a touch as to afford just views of the present and valuable suggestions for the future. As a specimen of the reflective portion of the book, take the following:

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The country imitates the town, most sadly; and it is really melancholy, to one who loves his kind, to see how obstinately people will throw away real comforts and advantages in the vain chase of what does not belong to The restraints necessary to city solitude and freedom. life are there compensated by many advantages resulting from close contact with others; while in the country those restraints are simply odious, curtailing the real advantages of the position, yet entirely incapable of substituting those which belong to the city.

Real refinement is as possible in the one case as in the other. Would it were more heartily sought in both! In the palmy days of alchemy, when the nature and powers of occult and intangible agents were deemed worthy the study of princes, the art of sealing hermetically was an essential one; since many a precious elixir would necessarily become unmanageable and useless, if allowed to wander in the cominon air. This art seems now to be

uncle of HIS'N, just come down from Ionia county, the town of Freemantle, village of Breadalbane-come away up here to mill, (they ha'n't no mills yet, up there.) Uncle, this is Miss Wiggins, John Wiggins' wife, up yonder on the hill, t'other side o' the mash-you can see the house from here. She's come down to meetin'."

With regard to this same designation of His'n, we have seen it remarked by a celebrated French writer as a beautiful trait of the women of Brittany that, in speaking of their husbands, they always say he, or him, only, thinking it unnecessary to name him, as if the other party must know there could be no other man in the world to them. Just so affectionately says the German woman, "My Man," in speaking of her husband; and he, no

among the lost, in spite of the anxious efforts of cunning projectors; and at the present time a subtle essence, more volatile than the elixir of life-more valuable than the philosopher's stone-an invisible and imponderable but most real agent, long bottled up for the enjoyment of a privileged few, has burst its bounds and become part of our daily atmosphere. Some mighty sages still contrive to retain within their own keeping important portions of this treasure; but there are regions of the earth where it is open to all, and, in the opinion of the exclusive, sadly desecrated by having become an object of pursuit to the vulgar. Where it is still under a degree of control, the seal of Hermes is variously represented. In Russia, the supreme will of the autocrat regulates the distribution of the "airy good;" in other parts of the continent, ancient prescription has still the power to keep it within its due reservoirs. In France, its uses and advantages have been publicly denied and repudiated; yet it is said that prac-less," My Woman," in speaking of her. tically.everybody stands open-mouthed where it is known to be floating in the air, hoping to inhale as much as possible without the odium of seeming to grasp at what has been decided to be worthless. In England, we are told that the precious fluid is still kept with great solicitude in a dingy receptacle called Almack's, watched over by certain priestesses, who are self-consecrated to an attendance more onerous than that required for maintaining the Vestal fire, and who yet receive neither respect nor gratitude for their pains. Indeed, the fine spirit has become so much diffused in England that it reminds us of the rid-try. Her manner is as original and fresh as the

dle of Mother Goose

A house-full, a hole-full,

But can't catch a bowl-full.

The essay on " Idle People" is one of the most graceful in the book. The mode of making religious marriages spoken of in "Chances and Changes," was new to us.

From the New York Evening Post. Mrs. Kirkland has acquired a reputation by the vivacity and interest of her style, which gives all she writes a quick circulation over the whole coun

people she describes. There is an exquisite good humor, with dashes of a rare and pungent wit, in If such efforts in England amuse us, what shall we say life, that many of her most general descriptions all she says. Her sketches, too, are so true to of the agonized pursuit everywhere observable in our own country? We have denounced the fascinating gas as poi- have been regarded as portraits of particular localisonous-we have staked our very existence upon exclud-ties and persons. Some of the Great Westerns. ing it from the land, yet it is the breath of our nostrils- we believe, have been offended by the freedom of the soul of our being-the one thing needful-for which her satire, but none have ever failed to laugh at we are willing to expend mind, body, and estate. We exclaim against its operations in other lands, but it is the purchaser decrying to others the treasure he would appropriate to himself. We take much credit to ourselves for having renounced what all the rest of the world were pursuing, but our practice is like that of the toper who had fors worn drink, yet afterward perceiving the contents of a brother sinner's bottle to be spilt, could not forbear falling on his knees to drink the liquor from the frozen hoof-prints in the road; or that other votary of indulgence, who, having once had the courage to pass a tavern, afterwards turned back that he might "treat resolution." We have satisfied our consciences by theory; we feel no compunction in making our practice just like that of the rest

. of the world.

her fun. Yet as sprightly as her tales appear, they have running through the whole of them an undercurrent of profounder meaning.—Her sympathies are genial, and while detecting the faults, she does full justice to the nobler qualities of the Western settlers.

From the Boston Courier.

We ever welcome with pleasure a book from the pen of Mrs. Kirkland. Her books are genuine books. They are the growth of her own mind, and not manufactured by a book-making process, taking here a page, and there a paragraph, as This is true of the country generally; but it is nowhere druggists compound medicines by pouring out of She writes of what so strikingly evident as in these remote regions which the big bottles into little ones. noise of the great world reaches but at the rebound-as it she had seen, and her descriptions are fresh, vivid, were in faint echoes; and these very echoes changed from and natural. They are not taken at second hand. their original, as Paddy asserts of those of the Lake of They are not descriptions of descriptions. Her Killarney. It would seem that our elixir vitæ a strange style is natural and easy, her vein of humor origianomaly becomes stronger by dilution. Its power of fascination, at least, increases as it recedes from the foun-nal, and she has a happy power of seizing and detain-head. The Russian noble may refuse to let his lineating peculiarities of human character. Her daughter smile upon a suitor whose breast is not covered descriptions of Western life and manners have been with orders; the German dignitary may insist on sixteen received with great favor, on both sides of the quarterings; the well-born Englishman may sigh to be admitted into a coterie not half as respectable or as elegant Atlantic, from their truth and freshness. They as the one to which he belongs-all this is consistent are contributions to American literature, strictly so enough; but we must laugh when we see the managers called; not tame copies of foreign orginals. They of a city ball admit the daughters of wholesale merchants, are full of the flavor of the soil. while they exclude the families of merchants who sell at retail; and still more when we come to the "new country," and observe that Mrs. Penniman, who takes in sewing, utterly refuses to associate with her neighbor, Mrs. Clapp, because she goes out sewing by the day; and that our friend, Mr. Diggins, being raised a step in the world by the last election, signs all his letters of friendship, "D. Diggins, Sheriff."

The present work is a collection of tales, sketches, and essays, marked by those excellences of matter and manner, which have given her so honorable a place among our writers. The grave and the gay will here find matter suited to their respective tastes. It will introduce the quiet people of New England into a new world, very This is a specimen of the fun of a Western in-pleasant to read about, but not so agreeable to partroduction. How happy it would make some of us who are not, through a native love for gossip, forearmed with such particulars as to those to whom we are likely to be presented, if a similar full announcement was customary on "the seaboard." It would save such a world of questioning and beating about the bush.

take of. Mrs. Kirkland's is a healthful mind, with an excellent foundation of strong, good sense. There is consequently nothing of extravagance, exaggeration, bitterness, or injustice in her views and pictures. She sees all that is good in Western life and manners, and is not so fastidious as to be unable to forgive the annoyances which a sensi“Miss Wiggins, let me make you acquainted with an ❘tive spirit must encounter there.

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