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his death. It was his hope, expressed in health, | Fainter and fainter like the dying roll that he should not be allowed to linger superflu- Of thunders in the distance-Stygian pools ous on the stage, nor waste under the slow pro-Whose agitated waves give back a sound gress of disease. He was always ready to meet Hollow and dismal, like the sullen roar his God. His wishes were answered. Two In the volcano's depths-these, these have left days before his last illness he delivered in court a Their spell upon me, and their memories masterly judgment on a complicated case in Have passed into my spirit, and are now equity. Since his death, another judgment, in Blent with my being till they seem a part a case that had been argued before him, has been Of my own immortality. found among his papers ready to be pronounced. God's hand, I saw him for a moment only on the evening preceding his illness. It was an accidental meeting away from his own house-the last time that the open air of heaven fanned his cheeks. His words of familiar, household greeting, on that occasion, still linger in my ears, like an enchanted melody. The morning sun saw him on the bed from which he never rose again. Thus closed, after an illness of eight days, in the bosom of his family, without pain, surrounded by friends, a life, which, through various vicissitudes of disease, had been spared beyond the grand climacteric, that cape of storms in the sea of human ex-Its echoes sounding through these corridors istence;

Multis ille bonis flebilis occidit,
Nulli flebilior quam mihi.

He is gone, and we shall see him no more on
earth, except in his works, and in the memory of
his virtues. The scales of justice, which he had
held so long, have fallen from his hands. The
untiring pen of the author rests at last. The
voice of the teacher is mute. The fountain, which
was ever flowing and ever full, is now stopped.
The lips, on which the bees of Hybla might have
rested, have ceased to distil the honeyed sweets of
kindness. The body, warm with all the affec-
tions of life, with love for family, and friends, for
truth and virtue, is now cold in death. The jus-
tice of nations is eclipsed; the life of the law is
suspended. But let us listen to the words, which,
though dead, he utters from the grave:
not as those without hope.'
"The righteous judge,
the wise teacher, the faithful friend, the loving
father, has ascended to his Judge, his Teacher,
his Friend, his Father in Heaven.

66 Sorrow

At the creation, hollowed out this vast
Domain of darkness, where nor herb nor flower
E'er sprang amid the sands, nor dews nor rains
Nor blessed sunbeams fell with freshening power,
Nor gentle breeze its Eden-message told
Amid the dreadful gloom. Six thousand years
Swept o'er the earth ere human foot-prints marked
This subterranean desert. Centuries
Like shadows came and passed, and not a sound
Was in this realm, save when at intervals,
In the long lapse of ages, some huge mass
Of overhanging rock fell thundering down.
A moment, and then dying in a hush
Of silence such as brooded o'er the earth
When earth was chaos. The great mastodon,
The dreaded monster of the elder world,
Passed o'er this mighty cavern, and his tread
Bent the old forest oaks like fragile reeds,
And made earth tremble.-Armies in their pride
Perchance have met above it in the shock
Of war, with shout and groan and clarion blast,
And the hoarse echoes of the thunder gun;
The storm, the whirlwind and the hurricane
Have roared above it, and the bursting cloud
Sent down its red and crashing thunder-bolt;
Earthquakes have trampled o'er it in their wrath,
The old Atlantic ;-yet no sound of these
Rocking earth's surface as the storm-wind rocks
E'er came down to the everlasting depths
Of these dark solitudes.
How oft we gaze
With awe or admiration on the new
And unfamiliar, but pass coldly by
The lovelier and the mightier! Wonderful
Is this lone world of darkness and of gloom,
But far more wonderful yon outer world
Lit by the glorious sun. These arches swell
Sublime in lone and dim magnificence.
But how sublimer God's blue canopy
Beleaguered with his burning cherubim
Keeping their watch eternal! Beautiful
Are all the thousand snow-white gems that lie
In these mysterious chambers gleaming out
Amid the melancholy gloom-and wild
These rocky hills and cliffs, and gulfs-but far
More beautiful and wild the things that greet
The wanderer in our world of light-the stars
Floating on high like islands of the blest-
The autumn sunsets glowing like the gate
Of far-off Paradise-the gorgeous clouds
On which the glories of the earth and sky
Meet and commingle-earth's unnumbered flowers
All turning up their gentle eyes to heaven-
The birds, with bright wings glancing in the sun,
Filling the air with rainbow miniatures-
The green old forests surging in the gale-
The everlasting mountains on whose peaks
The setting sun burns like an altar-flame-
And ocean, like a pure heart rendering back
silence-Heaven's perfect image, or in his wild wrath
Heaving and tossing like the stormy breast
Of a chained giant in his agony.

C. S.

From the Louisville Journal.



ALL day, as day is reckoned on the earth,
I've wandered in these dim and awful aisles,
Shut from the blue and breezy dome of heaven,
While thoughts, wild, drear, and shadowy, have

Across my awe-struck soul, like spectres o'er
The wizard's magic glass, or thunder clouds
O'er the blue waters of the deep. And now
I'll sit me down upon yon broken rock,
To muse upon the strange and solemn things
Of this mysterious realm.

All day my steps
Have been amid the beautiful, the wild,
The gloomy, the terrific. Crystal founts,
Almost invisible in their serene
And pure transparency-high, pillar'd domes
With stars and flowers all fretted like the halls
Of Oriental monarchs-rivers dark

And drear and voiceless as oblivion's stream,
That flows through Death's dim vale of
All fathomless, down which the loosened rock
Plunges until its far-off echoes come


WE may see by what the railway has done, what may be done, what must be done, and what undoubtedly will be done. With little more risk to the two or three individuals employed than what is now daily incurred by thousands of women on their way to market, and with no greater expense than a few bushels of coke, and the wear and tear of a few iron rods and bars, England has now, in all human probability, been twice traversed almost from north to south within eighteen hours, two or three of which were spent in the metropolis. Consider what this implies. From the southern coast to Edinburgh and back is become the easy work of twenty-four hours. From the Land's end to John O'Groat's house is brought within the same compass. The whole of this island is now, to all intents and purposes, as near the metropolis as Sussex or Buckinghamshire were two centuries ago. The midland counties are a mere suburb. With the space and resources of an empire we enjoy the compactness of a city. Our roads are contracted into streets, our hills and dales into municipal parks, and our thousand leagues of coast into the brief circumference of a castle wall. Nineveh, it is said, was three days' journey across. Great Britain is one in its longest dimension. For questions of distance we are as mere a spot as Malta or St. Helena, as one of the Channel Islands, or as any one of those minute though famous insular states in the ancient Egean. One peaceful circumvallation includes the hundred cities of the island. A hundred opposite ports are blended into one Piræus, and to every point of the compass diverge the often-traversed long walls, that unite them with our ungirded acropolis.

Compare the two discoveries, and contemplate their joint operation. The contingency of war affords the easiest though the least probable as well as the least agreeable mode of illustration. Our neighbors still talk of invasion. Their dream of flotillas has passed into a dream of war steamers. An army at Cherbourg is to receive orders at sunset on what part of our southern coast it is to land at sunrise. Be it so, kind neighbor. We will not deny you the harmless gratification which has given eternal celebrity to one at least of your royal names. But mark what follows-not what follows, but what occurs simultaneously in every port and city of this charmed isle. No sooner are fifty funnels seen in the offing than every soldier and citizen in the kingdom is waked from his bed with the news of their number and destination. Before the first boat has touched the beach, if it does not already find the shore bristling with bayonets, one current of strong indignation has set in to that devoted point from every quarter, north and south, east and west. By noon, whatever progress the landing or march may then have made, every soldier whom it may be considered proper to spare from all England south of the Trent, will be stationed between the enemy and the metropolis. The yeomanry and the militia will be wherever it may be wished to dispose them. Twelve hours will be sufficient to bring the whole military force of England within sight of the foe, and another six will add all Scotland. The next sunrise will, if it be thought fit, see the end of the campaign as far from the shore as fifty thousand men are likely to have proceeded. The whole steam fleet of the British empire will be present at their reëmbarkation.


The vision is marvellous, but not irrational. We see no flaw in the calculation. Portsmouth or Falmouth can communicate with Manchester But even these distances, slight as they are, are or Newcastle in ten seconds, and it will do so already about to be annihilated in one chief respect when the poles are up and the wires hung. Man-for the communication of intelligence. The chester can send ten thousand men to the southern electric telegraph in a few years will bring, as it coast within twelve hours-at least it will be able were, the whole population under one roof, and when the rails are laid down. Woolwich can into one room. The metropolis will instantane- send thither, within that time, a thousand ton of ously transmit and receive information from every material. An army can traverse the southern important point in the island. For every great coast from Kent to Cornwall in one night. There need or emergency, the very farthest point will is no impossibility or improbability, or considerasoon communicate its tidings or its wants, and ble difficulty in the way. What becomes then, will receive immediate reply, announcing the of the menaced invasion? certain arrival of the assistance or commodity required within twenty-four hours. The island will thus become one nervous system, with a scarcely less quick and infallible action than the human frame. Our metropolis will be the sensorium of one acutely sensitive and intelligent fabric. The most northern or western part will communicate its sensations as immediately as the finger or the eye transmits its noiseless tidings to the brain. A pulsation, a glance, quick as lightning, quick as thought, passes from Caithness to the Admiralty, and thence to Penzance. From Dover to Holyhead takes less time than the writing these two words. Termini a thousand miles apart, with a hundred intermediate stations, may, if it be found necessary, receive all in one moment of time the official announcement of orders. The head will transmit its intentions to the remotest members as quickly as it receives their intelligence. The tables or the walls of a parlor in Downing Street will be the retina of an empire. On a few dials will appear the continual reflex of a nation's history.

ON a moderate estimate, the railways already in
existence and to be executed may be taken
to cost

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The gross profit on that cap-
ital, at 8 per cent., would be 12,000,000
From which a deduction of 35

per cent. for expenses (the
lowest expenditure of any
large company) would a-

mount to

4,200,000 £7,800,000,-or not

Leaving the net profit of
quite 5 per cent. upon the capital.

In other words, to afford the shareholders in all our completed and projected railways a return of rather less than 5 per cent. upon their outlay, the public must annually expend 12,000,0007. in railway travelling alone.

The word "million" comes glibly from the tongue, but conveys no tangible image to the

mind. An effort is required to realize to the must be some natural limit to the activity of the imagination the magnitude of the sum which principle. Men do not travel for travelling's sake, must be annually spent on railway travelling to but on business or for pleasure-to earn money, yield our speculators a moderate profit on their or to spend it; and what possible facility will set capital. Let any one attempt distinctly and ar- men in motion where these motives are wanting? ticulately to count aloud from one to a million: he The enormous amount of money invested in railwill find it hard work to enunciate on the average ways would seem to imply that some classes of one thousand numbers in the hour, and would con- Englishmen are expected to live on railways, as sequently require a hundred days for ter. hours a some classes of Chinese live on their canals. To day to count the million. The mechanical opera- render these undertakings remunerative, a numertion of telling over a million of sovereigns piece ous portion of society would need, like the fabled by piece would occupy a full month, at the rate birds of paradise, to keep always on the wing-to of 3,600 an hour for ten hours a day. The joint spend their lives darting from town to town with earnings of 1,830 agricultural laborers with their the velocity of swallows in a summer-evening. 7s. a week for thirty years each, not a working- The boldness and extent of these aggregate underday left out, would be less than a million of takings conveys a magnificent idea of the repounds sterling. The joint earnings of 640 me- sources and enterprise of Britain; but their very chanics at 20s. a week, toiling each as uninter- magnitude lies like a load on the imagination, mittingly during the same period, would not while the incessant restlessness and swift moveamount to a million of pounds sterling. The payments they presuppose in such a numerous class of of 90 British general officers at 17. a day, would the community make the head giddy only to think not in thirty years amount to a million of pounds of.-Spectator, 16 Aug. sterling. So much of toil, and danger, and exposure to the elements-so much of patient, persevering, and more or less skilful industry-so much of valor, and accomplishment, and high spirit, as represented by money-may be bought for a million of pounds sterling.

Now that the most eventful session of Parliament

recorded in railway history has reached its close, we

are enabled to announce, from our official returns, the following as the great results of its legislation. Parliament has sanctioned the construction of 2,090 miles of new railways in England and Scotland, and of 560 miles in Ireland. This is in effect to double the extent of the railways of Great Britain, exclusive of Ireland. The capital authorized to be raised in shares for this purpose amounts to 31,680,000l., exclusive of 6,800,000l. required for the Irish lines; making in all 34,480,000l. The cost of the new railways per mile will be thus very much less than that of existing lines. The average of the new is nearly 15,0001. per mile, and that of the old exceeds 30,000l. per mile.-Railway Chronicle.

ACCORDING to the Times, it has been estimated that no less a sum than ten millions sterling must be sent out of this country in the course of the year, to pay the calls on foreign railway shares; and speculators are warned of the effect which that may have upon the money-market.

And our railway-projectors and speculators calculate upon drawing twelve of these millions annually from the pockets of the public. In other words, they expect that twelve millions of people -half the population of the Three Kingdoms, men, women, and children-(at 1d. per mile) will each travel 160 miles by railway every year, and pay them 20s. a head. Or they expect that one million people will travel 1,920 miles each in the course of the year, and pay them 127. a head. Or they expect that one hundred and twenty thousand people will each travel 16,000 miles by railway every year, and pay them 1007. per head. Be it remembered, too, that railway-travelling constitutes but a fraction of the whole annual travelling of the nation. Our railways, existent and in projection, embrace not one half of the surface and population of Great Britain; and even in the railway districts there is active competition To show the extraordinary nature of railway specfrom steam-boats, omnibuses, cabs, vans, spring-ulation in Glasgow, we may mention, that on a line carts, &c. &c. The steam-boats of the Thames near this city, on which a deposit of 21. 10s. was reand the Clyde carry more passengers than the quired per share, they soon ran up to a premium of Greenwich, Blackwall, and Glasgow and Green51. and 101. per share; and on Monday they were ock Railways. In the great towns, not only the lowing they fell to 171.; and now they are running quoted as high as 231. and 247., but on the day fol wealthier classes as a badge of station and for up again, in consequence of what is called "time" amenity, but tradesmen for professional purposes, or "bear" bargains, ruinous to some, but profitable keep vehicles, which when travelling on business enough to others; and this is a feature, we are afraid, or for pleasure they from sheer economy generally which pervades too many of them. Sober business employ in preference to other modes of convey-is now shoved aside, and speculation-speculationance. In the rural districts, landowners and far-railway shares and railway deposit, scrip and premi mers do the same. Again, the price of a railway-um, seem to be the order of the day.-Scotch Reformticket is only part of the outlay of the railway-ers' Gazette. traveller on conveyances. In most cases it implies the additional expense of short-stage, cab, or 'bus, to convey him to and from the railway, or from one railway to another.

Our sanguine projectors and speculators pay little heed to these considerations; though the brokers who are agents in the transfer of shares often ask each other in wonderment, where all the travellers are to come from. Put the question to any dabbler in railway stock, and he replies with an" Oh, with the increase of locomotive facilities travelling will increase indefinitely.' It may be so: hitherto the theory has held good: yet there

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THE tenders for the purchase of the Sycee silver were opened yesterday, according to the terms of the notice in which the metal was offered to public comawarded to a person who had bid 60 1-16d. per ounce petition. The result was, that 400.000 ounces were for that quantity only, while the rest was awarded to who had offered 60d. for the entire quantity. These another firin (said to be the Messrs. Rothschild) prices are extremely high; being exclusive (accord ing to the terms of the contract) of all the gold above five grains in the pound Troy which may be found in the silver, and which will have to be paid for separately at a fixed rate.-Times.

A VERY tempting offer has been made to the medical profession. A "nervous invalid" is advertising for a "medical gentleman," of "good education," and "cheerful manners," to eat and ride with him, to walk and talk with him, and to shave and dress him! Terms, fifty pounds a year. MR. SERGEANT DAVY, eminent in the last cen tury, was once upbraided with lowering "the dignity of the profession" by accepting silver as fees from a client. "I took silver," he said, "because I could not get gold; but I took every rap the fellow had; and if you call that lowering the dignity of the profession, I don't know what the dignity is.”—Morning Post.

AUSTRIAN RAILROADS.-The opening of the great line of railroad from Vienna to Prague is definitively fixed for the 20th of this month, (Aug.) The entire corps diplomatique have been invited to accompany the emperor upon the expedition, which is to take place on the occasion of the solemnity of opening this new and important line. It will be possible to accomplish the whole distance from Vienna to Prague in one day; but upon this occasion the first day's journey will be ended at Brunn, where the emperor, with his whole brilliant cortège, will be received by the Moravian authorities; speeches will be held and banquets given. The next day the Austrian court will arrive at Prague, where festivities and various solemnities will take place for two days. On the 25th it is proposed that the emperor, with his train of distinguished guests, should return to Vienna.

M. THIERS has taken his departure for Spain; whither, as his editors have taken care to notify, he is repairing, in order personally to inspect the fields of battle he will describe in his next volumes of the Histoire du Consulat de l'Empire.

THE North Star steam-ship arrived at the Brunswick Wharf, Blackwall, a few days since, with a cargo and passengers from the port of Leghorn. This was understood to be an experimental trip, being the first voyage ever made by a steamvessel to or from that place and the port of London.-Times.

SIR ROBERT HAS HARD WORK.-The problem, however, is, how Sir Robert Peel gets the tories to assist him in carrying for the liberals; how he gets them to follow him against all their most stubborn prejudices, and many of their most important (fancied) interests. Leigh Hunt's clever description of pigs under the control of their driver is the aptest representation of this curious cross-grained case.

"Unwilling was their subjection, but more in sorrow than in anger.' They were too far gone for rage. Their case was hopeless. They did not see why they should proceed, but they felt themselves bound to do so; forced, conglomerated, crowded onwards, irresistibly impelled by fate and Jenkins. Often would they have bolted under any other master. They squeaked and grunted as in ordinary; they sidled, they shuffled, they half stopped; they turned an eye to all the little outlets of escape; but in vain. There they stuck, (for their very progress was a sort of sticking,) charmed into the centre of his sphere of action, lying their heads together, but to no purpose; looking all as if they were shrugging their shoulders, and eschewing the tip-end of the whip of office. Much eye had they to their left leg; shrewd backward glances; not a little anticipative squeak, and sudden rush of avoidance. It was a superfluous clutter, and they felt it; but a pig finds it more difficult than any other animal to accommodate himself to circumstances. Being out of his pale, he is in the highest state of wonderment and inaptitude. He is sluggish, obstinate, opinionate, not very social; has no desire of seeing foreign parts. Think of him in a multitude, forced to travel, and wondering what the devil it is that drives him! judge by this of the talents of his

A GREAT QUESTION SETTLED BY AN "IF."-Several of the journals have announced the death, in Holland, on the 10th instant, of the person called the Duc de Normandie, and who pretended to be the Dauphin son of Louis XVI. M. Hebert, ex-director general des postes of the army of Italy, writes on this subject to some of our Paris contemporaries :"IF the Duc de Normandie be the same person that I saw in Rome, in May, 1810, on arrest, and undergoing an interrogatory in the cabinet of General Radet, general of gendarmerie, he was really the son of Louis XVI. I derive this conviction from that of General Radet, who interrogated the pretender, and read the documents of which he was the bearer. General Radet sent this pretender to Paris. Count Miollio, governor of Rome, was necessarily acquainted with this arrest, and the trace of it must be found in THE FRENCH-IEST THING WE HAVE SEEN FOR SOME his papers, as also in those left by General Radet."-TIME.-Our spirited contemporary of the Etats Unis, Galignani.

As the Duke of Clarence was once sitting to Northcote, he asked the artist if he knew the prince regent.

"No," was the brief reply. "Why," said the duke, " my brother says he knows you."

"Oh," answered Northcote, "that's only his brag."

Cincinnati, 30 Aug.


tells the following Parisian bit of gossip.-"A couple very well known in Paris are at present arranging terms of a separation, to avoid the scandal of a judicial divorce. A friend has been employed by the busband to negotiate the matter. The latest mission was in reference to a valuable ring given to the husband by one of the sovereigns of Europe, and which he wished to retain. For this, he would make a certain much desired concession. The friend made the demand. "What!" said the indignant wife, "do you venture to charge yourself with such a mission to me? Can you believe that I could tear myself from a gift which alone recalls to me the days when my husband loved me? No! this ring is my only souvenir of happiness forever departed. 'Tis all-(and here she wept)—that I now possess of a once fond

A NEW and novel branch of business has recently been commenced by some of our enterprising builders, the manufacture of portable cottages for the south and west. I saw three of these cottages on Fourth street the other day, which were intended for the Nashville market. They are about twelve feet wide by twenty long, and are divided into two apart-husband." ments. They are constructed chiefly of panel work, The friend insisted. The lady supplicated, grew so that they can be taken to pieces for transportation, obstinate-grew desperate-threatened to submit to and put up again with little trouble. They cost at the yard of the builder $200. It is said that a saving of near 50 per cent. can be made by emigrants going south or west by buying cottages here, instead of purchasing lumber and building when they arrive at their places of destination; and the manufacture of these cottages promises to become an extensive branch of business in our city.

a public divorce as a lesser evil than parting with this cherished ring-and at last confessed that-she had sold it six months before!

A LIGHT IN THE EAST.-A newspaper is about to be established in the city of Jerusalem. Solomon, with all his wisdom, never dreamt of such a thing.— Globe.


[blocks in formation]

SCRAPS and POETRY.-Gurneyism; Aviary, 66-Lithography; The Stepmother, 87-The
Longing; Jews, 88.









THE long-continued drought so far lessened the water in Charles' River, that Messrs. Curtis were unable to supply us with paper in season, and we have to apologize to our readers for some temporary irregularity. The rain which has fallen, is, we hope, sufficient to prevent a return of the difficulty.

we are forced to postpone the gratification of our own taste.

MR. LESTER'S Medici Series of Italian Prose, No. 4, is, The Citizen of a Republic, what are his rights, his duties, and privileges, and what should be his education. By Ansaldo Ceba, a Genoese Republican of the 16th Century. Dedicated to John Quincy Adams.

Hunt's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review ought to be read by every young man of business, and contains abundant materials for the

THE opinion that the death of the Emperor Alexander was occasioned by poison, has been so prevalent as to give much interest to the narrative of his Last Days, which we copy from the Athe-study of legislators.


Southern Literary Messenger has been sent to us by Messrs. Redding & Co.

HARPER & BROTHERS go on rapidly with their Illustrated Bible. It has reached No. 39, and extends into the Apocrypha. They have also ARTIFICIAL STONE.-At Augsburg, another published The American Shepherd: being a history architect, Herr Alois Steiermann, has invented an of the sheep, with their breeds, management, and artificial stone; which, for solidity, is said to surdiseases, by L. A. Morrell. pass the best free-stone, is one third its cost, and This looks very to which any form can be given in the manufacmuch as if our American manufacturers would ture. It is composed of river-sand, clay, and a shortly do with wool, what they have already done cement whose composition is the inventor's secret. with cotton. No. 11 of the Encyclopædia of Do-It has been submitted to the proof of air, pressure,. mestic Economy nearly completes this excellent book, which contains valuable directions for all departments. After so much that is solid, a little recreation may be allowable, and the same house sends The Bosom Friend, a novel. From the motto, "A bosom serpent-a domestic evil"-we suppose that the friend is worse than naught.


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and fire, and resists them all. The King of Bavaria has given his gold medal of civil merit to Herr Steiermann, for this useful invention.Athenæum.

THE QUEEN, breaking through the rigid etiquette spirit of the people among whom she found herself, of an English court, and catching something of the has ventured to pay a visit to a mere literary which Literature, Science or the Arts have receivProfessor. This courtesy, the first of the kind ed from her Island-Majesty, she paid to Dr. Bischoff, at Bonn. We fear, however, that literature must not plume itself on this recognition-for Dr. Bischoff was the director of Prince Albert's studies. during his residence at that University. It is consolatory to know, that as this visit to a foreign Professor had special grace of its own, it will take nothing from the grace of any personal recognition that may hereafter occur to her majesty of such titles at home.—Athenæum.

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