the forty-sixth of the first book; but the motto there is Tandem fit arbor. The Index to the Task (for which, as well as for the parallel passages, the Editor repeats his thanks to Mr. Peace,) will be found so useful that any edition of that delightful poem must henceforth without such an appendage be deemed deficient. CONTENTS. VOL. IX. THE Nativity. Poeme Heroique. Tom. iv. Sect. 1 God neither known nor loved by the World. Tom. ii. The Swallow. Tom. ii. Cant. 54 The Triumph of Heavenly Love desired. Tom. ii. A figurative Description of the Procedure of Divine Love, in bringing a Soul to the Point of Self-renunciation and absolute Acquiescence. Tom. ii. Cant. 110 9 21 The Testimony of Divine Adoption. Tom. ii. Cant. 78 • Simple Trust. Tom. iii. Cant. 95 The Necessity of Self-abasement. Tom. iii. Cant. 92 • |