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"The Government railways of Natal and Central South Africa are equally free from secret concessions and favoritisms of every kind."

There are those who, after denying that public-ownership would abate corruption and discrimination and finding themselves proved to be in the wrong, take refuge in the silly, shallow and essentially slanderous cry that while public-ownership in various foreign lands wherever tried, whether in New Zealand or Germany, Switzerland or Belgium, England or Austria, may have resulted in lessening corruption and increasing efficiency, it would fail in this country because the American people are too corrupt to be entrusted with the ownership and operation of public utilities. This slander on the Republic should be resented by every self-respecting citizen. The circumstance that the great

railway and other public-service corporations have steadily and silently gained control of political bosses and machines and by princely campaign contributions and other forms of bribery and corrupt practices have packed the government with their own attorneys and others complacent to them, only proves that the American people have one great and allimportant duty to perform: Turn the rascals out; destroy the power of the privileged few to continue to debauch government, plunder the masses and reap hundreds of millions of dollars that should go to the individuals and the State.

Space forbids our further noticing this great work of Professor Parsons. Sufficient to say, however, that it is by far the most important, authoritative and comprehensive popular discussion of the rate question that has appeared, and no intelligent American should fail to read it.



HEAUTHOR OF "THE CIVIC EFFICIENCY OF THE EDUCATED CLASS": "The Civic Efficiency of the Educated Class" is a paper of more than ordinary interest and value to thoughtful friends of the Republic. The author is a fundamental thinker and a man of unusually broad mental vision. He graduated from Yale College in 1864 and holds the degree of Master of Arts from that Institution. Later he attended Princeton and Andover Theological Seminary, and for many years was actively engaged in ministerial labors. In 1871 he accepted the chair of English in Beloit College, which he retained until 1899. He was a contributing editor to the Century Dictionary and is an honorary member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Leaders of Civilization and Defenders of the People's Rights: THE ARENA has given during the past few months several papers devoted to the fine constructive work being carried forward by genuine leaders of civilization and defenders of the people's rights. Among these were Professor BEMIS' admirable sketch of Mayor JOHNSON of Cleveland; the very notable pen-picture of the late SAMUEL M. JONES, the Golden-Rule Mayor of Toledo, by a scholarly journalist who had long known this apostle of human advancement; and sketches by the editor of EDWIN MARKHAM, the poet of democracy, DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPS, the novelist of democratic progress WILSON L. GILL, the twentieth-century educator, and Judge BEN B. LINDSEY, the high-minded

and enlightened jurist whose great work is justly attracting the attention of the noblest minds in America. This month we publish an exceptionally fine paper prepared for THE ARENA by WILLIAM KITTLE, Secretary of the Board of Regents of Normal Schools of Wisconsin, on "Robert M. La Follette: A Statesman After the Order of Lincoln." The author is thoroughly acquainted with his subject and has followed Mr. LA FOLLETTE's political life with deep and critical if sympathetic interest. Like hundreds of thousands of other patriotic Americans, he has found the fearless governor-senator an intrepid, honest and loyal popular leader, such as the people are everywhere calling for in the present crisis. In this issue we also publish a pen-picture of Mayor J. N. ADAM, another highminded municipal leader.

"British Egypt" and Its Author: Readers of general literature will be deeply interested in the authoritative pen-picture of the events that led up to English occupation of Egypt and the results that have followed that important event, as narrated by Mr. ERNEST CROSBY in Part I. of his discussion of "British Egypt." Mr. CROSBY was for some time judge of the Mixed Tribunal at Alexandria and when holding this official position he gained an intimate knowledge of the facts with which he deals. The subject is one that will appeal to all persons desiring accurate knowledge relating to important events of contemporaneous history. In two further papers Mr. CROSBY will deal with later happenings and

their import in relation to English occupation of the land of the Pharoahs.

"Direct Primaries": The American people are in the midst of the most important conflict that has been fought since the birth of the nation-a battle to rescue the Republic from as dangerous and as corrupt and subversive a power as ever attempted by stealth to destroy a free government. The priv ileged interests, controlling bosses and political

machines, have in numerous instances robbed the American people of all but the form of free government, and they are to-day entrenched in power and are using that power to contest every effort of the voters to regain the government for the people. The Direct Primary, Direct-Legislation and the Right of Recall are all practical methods that would enable the people to meet the changed conditions of the present and to defeat the despotism of the criminal‍rich and overthrow their rule through the corrupt bosses and political mis-representatives who are the creatures of the trusts and privileged interests. Hence it is the duty-the sacred and imperative duty-of every citizen of America who loves the Republic to fight staunchly for all these great reform movements. In this issue we publish an excellent paper on "Direct Primaries" written by IRA CROSS whose recent paper on coöperative stores attracted such general and favorable notice.

"The Socialist Programme": "For weal or woe," says Mr. SLADE in his admirable paper on "The Socialist Programme," "Socialism is developing apace in every country where industrialism has created a propertyless proletariat." And it is to give the general reader an intelligent conception of just what Socialism the world over means that he has prepared his paper for this issue of THE ARENA. The author has made a deep study of the subject and before preparing the paper he made a careful comparative examination of the platforms and programmes of the Socialist parties of the leading nations. This paper is remarkably clear and lucid, considering it is so condensed.

"The Feminization of the High-School": Dr. WILLIAM LEE HOWARD, the famous nerve specialist and student of psychology, contributes a paper to this issue in which he protests against the mixed high-school. His views are shared by many prominent physicians and some educators, although, as we have pointed out in "The Mirror of the Present," they are in direct opposition to the views of other prominent heads of coeducational institutions

educators who have for years carefully observed the actual results of the union of the sexes in university work.

publish Chapter II. of the Direct-Legislation Primer The Direct-Legislation Primer: This month we prepared for The Arena Clubs by leading Directsubject of the popular Initiative in a manner which Legislation authorities of America. It presents the will make it readily understood by the general read-er, and it also notices the various chief objections that have been advanced against this fundamentally sound democratic method of preserving free government. Next month we hope to publish the third The Initiative and Referendum deal with Directand last instalment of the Direct-Legislation Primer. Legislation, and in the supplementary chapter which Representation and Direct Primaries will be noticed is yet to appear the Right of Recall, Proportional as other fundamental and practical measures for preserving free government.

Our Story: In "Thin Tilly Westover" Mrs. HELEN C. BERGEN-CURTIS gives us a charming little realistic life-sketch that is strong in human interest and abounds in delicate touches.

Mr. Mills' Paper: The next instalment of Mr. MILLS' magnificent history of the war of corporate wealth against the rights of man in Colorado will deal with the labor troubles in Colorado and Idaho, and it has been thought best, owing to the conditions that prevail at the present time, to hold the matter back until our July issue, in order to give the proper historical connection with the events that will be the subject of this discussion. There has been a vast amount of newspaper writing done in the interests of the Mine Owners' Association, the SmelterTrust and the great corporations of Colorado, which have long been striving to destroy the influence of organized labor in the West and to cast upon it the odium of crimes which have not, as yet, been proved, and which organized labor has resented as malicious calumny. Mr. MILLS will not only bring to the discussion the broad vision of a statesmanlike mind and the trained methods of one accustomed to impartially weighing evidence, but will also treat it in a spirit that shall harmonize with the principles of free government and the rights of man, rather than from the view-point of one who appeals to class prejudices in the interests of privileged wealth. This paper will be a very notable contribution to this distinctly great series.


Abolition of Passes by the Pennsylvania Railroad,
The, 204.

Adam, J. N., A Municipal Leader of the New Time,

Adams, G. Cooke, State-Owned Savings-Banks, 590,

Aggressions in the National Government, The On-
ward March of Autocratic and Bureaucratic, 66.
America, College Coöperative Stores in, 379; in the
Philippines, 386; Coöperative Stores in, 647.
American Commonwealth Where the People Really
Rule, An, 523.

American Federation Declares for Political Action,
The, 630.

American Literature, What Our Universities are
Doing for, 498.

American Sculptors, The Society of, 207.
Anti-Suicide Commission, Mayor Johnson's, 71.
Appendicitis, Successful Treatment of, Without the
Knife, 90.

Arena Club of Denver, The First, 76.

Books of the Day, 103, 221, 326, 444, 554.
Book-Studies, 97, 100, 215, 285, 438, 544, 651, 658.
Bosses and Machines, The Power Behind the: A
Pen-Picture of Wall Street, 97.

Boss-Rule, The Redemption of Ohio from, 60.
Boston, A Popular Victory in, 59.

Brandt, Albert, Criminal Wealth versus Common
Honesty, 449.

Bribery by Franks and Passes: The Lion in the Path
of Popular Relief from Public-Service Extortion,

[blocks in formation]

Arena Club Movement, The: Its Purpose and Pos- Canada, The Movement for Church Union in, 325;

sibilities, 194.

Armstrong Report, The, 417.

Art and Life, 289, 615.

Art Pictures, Educational, 294.

Art Spirit of Japan, The Principles of the Decora-
tive, in Comparison With Those of Western
Countries, 17.

At the Tomb of Walt. Whitman, 278.
Australia, Government-Owned Railways of, Yield
Millions to the Public Treasury, 86; Cardinal
Moran's Advocacy of Social Reform in, 87;
Bountiful Harvests in New Zealand and, 646.
Austria-Hungary, 539.

Austria's Throne, The Tramp of Democracy Heard
on, 210.

Autocratic and Bureaucratic Aggressions in the
National Government, The Onward March of, 66.
Awakening of the Labor Giant and Its Significance
to Democracy, The, 627.

Awakening, Labor's, Some Foreign Influences that
Have Contributed to, 628.

Baker, Robert, Human Liberty or Human Greed?
240; The Value of an Immigrant, 504.
Balfour Cabinet, The Downfall of the, 208.
Battle of the Giants in Russia, The, 211.
Belgium, The Practical Results of Governmental
Insurance in, 80.

Bemis, Edward W., His View on the Present Cler-
ical Crusade in Cleveland, 432.
Benares, The Indian Congress at, 543.

Benson, Allan L., A Socialist's Reply to John Moody,


Bergen-Curtis, Helen C., The Romance of Thin
Tilly Westover, 610.

Berlin, The City of, Votes to Build and Operate a
Subway, 83.

Bigotry and Intolerance, An Astounding Recent
Illustration of Medieval Religious, 649.
Boers, An English Heroine Among the, 88.
Bolivar, General Simon: The Liberator of Northern
South America, 491.

Coöperation in, 648.

Carman, Albert R., Incurable! 409.

Cartoon, Direct-Legislation in, 92.

Cartoonists, Politics, The People and the Trusts as
Seen by the, 520, 619.

Cartoons, Some Notable Recent, 421.
Charles H. Grant: Marine Painter, 480.
Chicago Progressive Alliance, The, 680.
Chicago Street-Car Controversy, The Decision in
Favor of the Citizens in the, 532.
Childe Hassam and His Prize Picture, 296.
Church and State in France, The Separation of, 210.
Church, The Pressure of Privilege on College and,

Church Union, The Movement for, in Canada, 325:
Recent Important Step Toward, in the United
States, 433.

Church Unity, The Most Significant Recent Step
Toward, 325.


City the Hope of Democracy, The,” 544.
City, State and Nation, 201.

Civic Advance Movement in Colorado: The First
Arena Club of Denver, 76.

Civic Efficiency of the Educated Class, The, 561.
Civic Integrity, W. A. Rogers: The Cartoonist of,

Civic Righteousness and Sound Morality, The Bat-
tle for, in the Empire State, 416.

Class Government, The Initiative a Democratic
Safeguard Against, 46.

Class Rule, Concrete Illustrations of the Spoliation
of the Wealth-Creators Under Our Present Ré-
gime of, 646.

Cleveland Clergy, Mayor Johnson and the, 430.
Cleveland, Rev. Harris R. Cooley on Conditions in,
430; Hon. Frederic C. Howe on Conditions in
431; Professor Edward W. Bemis' View on the
Present Clerical Crusade in Cleveland, 432.
Cockerell, Wilmatte Porter, When Cochran Quit. 279.
Coeducation: A Case in Which Doctors Disagree,


College and Church, The Pressure of Privilege on,


College Cooperative Stores in America, 379.
Colorado, Civic Advance Movement in: The First
Arena Club of Denver, 76; The Economic Strug-
gle in, 150, 243, 467; Labor Proposes to Battle
for Direct-Legislation in, 631.

Colorado Senator and the Standard Oil Magnates,
The Action of the, Contrasted, 308.
Color-Line in New Jersey, The, 394.
Coming Exodus, The, 390.

Comments, Notes and, 112, 223, 335, 447, 559, 664.
Commercialism's Juggernaut in Pennsylvania, The
Slaughter of the Innocents by, 424.
Concrete Example of Practical Democracy, A, 523.
Concrete Illustrations of Methods Employed to
Discredit High-Minded and Incorruptible States-

men, 298.

Conservative Cabinet, The Master-Spirit of the, 315.
Conservative Ministry, The Three Counts Against
the, 208.

Constitutional Government in Hungary, The Over-
throw of, 437.

Cooley, Rev. Harris R., on Conditions in Cleveland,

Coöperation, 537; At Home and Abroad, 647; in
Canada, 648.

Coöperative Experiment, A Successful, 315.
Cooperative Progress, Utilizing Corporation Laws
for, 537.

Cooperative Stores in America, 647; College, 379.
Cooperative Wholesale Society, The Enormous
Annual Business of the English, 648.
Cory, J. Campbell: Cartoonist, 48.
Corporation Laws, Utilizing, for Coöperative Prog-

ress, 537.

Corporations and the Dominant Parties, The Prev-
alence of Corrupt Practices Arising from the
Union of, in City, State and Nation, 631.
Corrupt Conditions, The President's Praise for
Magazine Writers Who Faithfully and Consci-
entiously Unmask, 624.

Corrupt Municipal Rule and Corporate Domina-
tion, The Overturn in Milwaukee Another Evi-
dence of the Rising Tide Against, 639.
Corrupt Practices, The Prevalence of, Arising from
the Union of Corporations and the Dominant
Parties in City, State and Nation, 631.

Corrupt Rule of Boss Cox, The Uncovering of the,


[blocks in formation]

Cross, Ira, College Coöperative Stores in America,
379; Direct Primaries, 587.

Curzon, Lord, The Unpopularity of, in India, 543.
Czar and the Kaiser, Japan Frustrates the Plans of
the, 79.

Dangerous Class, Our Most, 297, 303.
Dark Places, Light in, 310.

David Graham Phillips: A Twentieth-Century
Novelist of Democracy, 252.

David Graham Phillips, The Menace of Plutocracy,

Debt of New Zealand, The, 437.

Decision Against the Tobacco and Paper-Trusts,
The, 532.

Decision in Favor of the Citizens in the Chicago
Street-Car Controversy, The, 532.

Democracy, Edwin Markham: The Poet-Prophet
of, 143; In Education, Wilson L. Gill: An
Apostle of, 176; The Tramp of, Heard on Aus-
tria's Throne, 210; David Graham Phillips: A
Twentieth-Century Novelist of, 252; The Liberal
Triumph in Great Britain and Its Meaning to,
315; Progressive, The Election of M. Fallieres a
Triumph for, 319; in Education; or, The School
City in Practical Operation, 516; A Concrete
Example of Practical, 523; Practical, as Illus-
trated in the Government of the Richest Town
in the World, 531; The City the Hope of, 544;
The Awakening of the Labor Giant and Its Sig-
nificance to, 627.

Democracy's Call to the Statesmanship of To-day,

Democratic Ideals in Germany, The Growth of, 648.
Democratic Programme, The Liberal, 318.
Democratic Safeguard Against Class-Government,
The Initiative a, 46.

Democratic Simplicity, Installation of the President
of France with, 436.

Democratic Spirit of England, Reactionary Legis-
lation that Aroused the, 316.
Democratic View-Point, Significant Events in the
Political, Social and Economic World from the, 57.
Denver, The First Arena Club of, 76.
Despotism, Russia as an Historic Bulwark of, 78.
Detroit, the Free City, A Practical Object-Lesson
from Providence the Bond City and, 314.
Diack, William, The British Labor Party: Its Aims
and Aspirations, 476.

Direct-Legislation, An American Municipality for
200 Years under, 70; in Cartoon, 92; The March
of, 271; A Primer of, 507, 600; Notes, 530;
Governor Folk's Strong Stand for, 530; in Colo-
rado, Labor Proposes to Battle for, 631; in Los
Angeles, 641; in Ohio, 642.

Direct Primaries, 587.

Disarmament, England's New Premier's Noble
Plea for, 318.

Discrimination, Railroad, 132.

District-Attorney Jerome, Mr. Amory's Indictment
of, 423.

Divorce and Remarriage, 392.


Downfall of the Balfour Cabinet, The, 208.
Drama, Mrs. Fiske on the Ethics of the, 183.
Economic Struggle in Colorado, The, 150, 243, 467.
Economics of Moses. 33, 234.
Economy, 264.

Edinburgh, Municipal Lighting in, 320.
Educated Class, The Civic Efficiency of the, 561.
Education, Democracy in; or, The School City in
Practical Operation, 516.

Educational Art Pictures, 294.
Egypt, British, 582.

Elwell, Mrs. F. Edwin, The Principles of the Deco-
rative Art Spirit of Japan in Comparison with
Those of Western Countries, 17.
Emancipation of Philadelphia, The, 57.
Empire, The Railway, 22.

England, Reactionary Legislation that Aroused the
Democratic Spirit of, 316; Municipal and Social
Advance in, 320; Under the Liberal Ministry, 540.
England's Battle Against Reaction, 208.

England's Magnificent Postal-Service Record, 212.
England's New Premier's Noble Plea for Disarma-
ment, 318.

English Cooperative Wholesale Society, The Enor-
mous Annual Business of the, 648.

English Heroine Among the Boers, An, 88.
English Parliament, Fabians in the, 437.

Enriching the Metropolis by Utilizing Its Waste
and Refuse, 203.

Ether Forcing Rhubarb, Interesting Results of, 90.
Ethics of the Drama, Mrs. Fiske on the, 183.
Europe a Cauldron of Social Unrest, 538.
Exodus, The Coming, 390.

Extension of Old-Age Pensions, 214.
Fabians in the English Parliament, 437.

Fallieres, M., The Election of, a Triumph for Pro-
gressive Democracy, 319.

Federal Regulation of Railroad Rates, 346.
Fejervary, Prime-Minister, His Liberal Programme,


Feminization of the High School, The, 593.

Fish, Stuyvesant, Economy, 264; the Man Who Re-
fused to Prostitute His Mental and Moral In-
tegrity at the Behest of Wall-street High Finan-
ciers, 416.

Fiske, Mrs., on the Ethics of the Drama, 183.
Five Reasons Why We Favor Municipal-Owner-
ship, 526.

Flower, B. O., J. Campbell Cory: Cartoonist, 48;
In the Mirror of the Present, 57. 201, 297, 416,
523, 623; Book-Studies, 97, 100, 215, 285, 438,
544, 651, 658; Notes and Comments, 112, 223,
335, 447, 559, 664; The New Political Revolu-
tion Inaugurated by the November Elections in
City and State, 57; The Emancipation of Phila-
delphia, 57; The Three-Fold Municipal Victory
in Ohio, 58; A Popular Victory in Boston, 59;
The Great Uprising in New York City, 59; The
Result in San Francisco, 60; The Redemption
of Ohio from Boss-Rule, 60; The Freemen of
Pennsylvania and Their Revolt Against Their
Masters and Rulers, 61; Senator Gorman's
Waterloo, 61; The New Jersey Election, 61;
The Result in Massachusetts, 61; William Ran-
dolph Hearst and the Most Exciting Municipal
Campaign in the History of New York, 62; The
Onward March of Autocratic and Bureaucratic
Aggressions in the National Government, 66;
The Railways and the Government: Mr. Olney's
Sophistry Exposed, 67; An American Munici-
pality for Two Hundred Years Under Direct-
Legislation, 70; Mayor Johnson's Anti-Suicide
Commission, 71; The Lesson of the Toledo
Victory, 71; Is the United States Senate the Cor-
rupt Tool of the Standard Oil Company? 72;
The Slaughter of the Innocents; or, How a Cor-
rupt Political Machine Caused the Death of
Twelve Hundred American Citizens, 74; Bribery
by Franks and Passes: The Lion in the Path of
Popular Relief from Public-Service Extortion,

75; Increased Cost of Living, 76; Civic Advance
Movement in Colorado: The First Arena Ciut
of Denver, 76; Russia as an Historic Bulwark of
Despotism, 78: Russia's Role in the Latest Re-
actionary Movements, 78: Japan Frustrates the
Plans of the Czar and the Kaiser, 79; The Prac-
tical Results of Governmental Insurance in Bel-
gium, 80: Municipal-Ownership of Street-Rai-
ways in Germany: A Conservative Educator's
Report, 81: A German City Where Municipal
Ownership is in Full Flower, 82; The City of
Berlin Votes to Build and Operate a Subway,
83; Reactionary Usurpation in Norway,
Prime-Minister Fejervary's Liberal Programme.
84; International Peace Propaganda of Socialists
Creating Alarm in Reactionary Circles, 84: The
New Liberal Party in New Zealand, 86: Govern-
ment-Owned Railways of Australia Yield ME-
lions to the Public Treasury, 86; Helping the
Wealth-Creators to Secure Homes, 87; Cardinai
Moran's Advocacy of Social Reform in Australia.
87; An English Heroine Among the Boers, 88:
A Gasoline-Car that Promises to Revolutionize
Suburban Travel and Traffic, 89; Interesting
Results of Ether Forcing Rhubarb, 90: Success
ful Treatment of Appendicitis Without the Knife,
90; Pneumonia: A Simple Remedy Recom-
mended by a Health Board, 90; The Power Be-
hind the Bosses and the Machines: A Pen-Picture
of Wall Street, 97; The Religion of the Spirit
that Maketh for Righteousness: Three Vital
Works Instinct With Religious Thought and Life,
100; Edwin Markham: The Poet-Prophet of
Democracy, 143; Ray D. Handy: One of the
Youngest of our Newspaper Cartoonists, 171;
Wilson L. Gill: The Apostle of Democracy in
Education, 176; Mrs. Fiske on the Ethics of the
Drama, 183; Miss Emily Hobhouse: Heroine of
Peace and Humanity, 185; The Author of The
Menace of Privilege 186; Upton Sinclair and His
Powerful Work The Jungle, 186; Jack London
at Harvard and Faneuil Hall, 187; The Inter-
collegiate Socialist Society, 187; Liberty Imperil-
led Through the Encroachments of the Judiciary,
189; The Arena Club Movement: Its Purpose
and Possibilities, 194; The Rapacity of the The-
atrical Trust, 200; The Ship Subsidy and Its
Missionaries, 201; Progress of the School City
Movement, 202; Enriching the Metropolis by
Utilizing Its Waste and Refuse, 203; The Aboli-
tion of Passes by the Pennsylvania Railroad, 204;
Shameful Disclosures of the Condition of the In-
sane in the Philadelphia General Hospital: A
Fruit of Machine-Rule, 204; Mayor Johnson's
Victory for the People in Securing Cheap Street-
Car Fares, 205; The President's Strange Ignor-
ance Concerning the Power of Wealth in Our
Government, 205; The Society of American
Sculptors, 207; The Crushing Burden Which
Militarism Has Imposed Upon the German Peo-
ple, 207: The Downfall of the Balfour Cabinet,
208; The Three Counts Against the Conservative
Ministry, 208; The New Cabinet, 209; The Sep-
aration of Church and State in France, 210; The
Tramp of Democracy Heard on Austria's Throne,
210; The Battle of the Giants in Russia, 211;
Magnificent Record of the Municipal Street-Rail-
ways in Liverpool, 211; Successful Municipal-
Ownership of Public Utilities in Guelph, Ontario,
212; England's Magnificent Postal-Service Rec-
ord, 212; The Progressive Income Tax in Vic-

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