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toria, Australia, 213; Fostering Home-Building
in a Fraternal State, 214; Extension of Old-Age
Pensions, 214; How the Standard Oil Greed Has
Recently Been Manifested in the Robbing of the
Toilers of New Zealand, 214; Forty Thousand
Miles of World-Wandering, 215; David Graham
Phillips: A Twentieth-Century Novelist of De-
mocracy, 252; Great Japan, 285; J. F. Hanly:
Indiana's Anti-Graft Chief Magistrate, 289; J.
Sidney Craiger: An Iowa Cartoonist, 290; Ed-
ucational Art Pictures, 294; Childe Hassam and
His Prize Picture, 296; Our Most Dangerous
Class: Its Method of Procedure and How It
Threatens Free Institutions, 297; Concrete Illus-
trations of Methods Employed to Discredit High-
Minded and Incorruptible Statesmen, 298; The
Power Exerted by Privileged Wealth Over the
Press, 301; The Pressure of Privilege on College
and Church, 302; How Privileged Interests Have
Increased Their Power in Government by Re-
warding Their Servants With Places of Trust,
303; Our Most Dangerous Class, 303; The In-
surance Revelations: Their Significance and
Lessons, 304; Has the Unholy Alliance between
the Insurance System and the Politicians Been
Destroyed? 306; The Standard Oil Company at
the Bar, 307; The Action of the Colorado Sen-
ator and the Standard Oil Magnates Contrasted,
308; How Mr. Rogers' Buffoonery and Openly
Insolent Contempt for the High Court Alarmed
His Associates, 308; The Standard Oil Company
More Powerful Than the Government of the
United States, 310; Light in Dark Places, 310;
Wholesale Robbery of the Poor by False Weights,
311; George Foster Peabody's Outspoken Stand
for Public-Ownership of Public Utilities, 311;
A Practical Object-Lesson from Providence,
the Bond City, and Detroit, the Free City, 314;
A Successful Coöperative Experiment, 315; The
Liberal Triumph in Great Britain and Its Mean-
ing to Democracy, 315: Reactionary Legislation
That Aroused the Democratic Spirit of England,
316; The Liberal Democratic Programme, 318;
Labor a New Factor in Politics, 318; England's
New Premier's Noble Plea for Disarmament,
318; The Election of M. Fallieres a Triumph for
Progressive Democracy, 319; Municipal Lighting
in Edinburgh, 320; Municipal Street-Railway
Profits in Manchester, England, 321; A Move-
ment for the Reclamation of Submerged Man-
hood Through Cultivation of the Land, 321;
How the Indian National Congress Is Arousing
the Patriotism and Ambition of the Indian Peo-
ple, 322; The Swadeshi Movement, 323; The
Single-Tax for Centuries in Practical Operation,
and Its Result, 323; The Signal Victory of Pre-
mier Seddon's Party, 324; The Movement for
Church Union in Canada, 325; W. A. Rogers:
The Cartoonist of Civic Integrity, 372; Helen
M. Gougar: A Noble Type of Twentieth-Century
American Womanhood, 384; Mayor Johnson on
Municipal Control of Vice and the Chief Causes
of the Social Evils, 400; Stuyvesant Fish: The
Man Who Refused to Prostitute His Mental and
Moral Integrity at the Behest of Wall-street High
Financiers, 416; The Armstrong Report, 417;
Judge Kellogg's Blow at Entrenched Rascality,
419; Privilege Unchecked Will Sound the Doom
of the Republic, 421; Some Notable Recent Car-
toons, 421; Mr. Amory's Indictment of District-
Attorney Jerome, 423; The Slaughter of the In-

nocents by Commercialism's Juggernaut in Penn-
sylvania, 424; The Victory of the People Over
the Machine in Pittsburgh, 426; A Railroad Ob-
ject-Lesson from Michigan, 426; Rhode Island's
Shame, 427; Mr. Cortelyou's Grievance, 429;
Mayor Johnson and the Cleveland Clergy, 430;
Recent Important Step Toward Church Union
in the United States, 433; Jack London's New
Haven Speech, 433; Placing Jack London's
Books Under the Ban, 435; History Repeats It-
self, 435; Installation of the President of France
With Democratic Simplicity, 436; The King and
the New Liberal Government of Great Britain,
436; The Countess of Warwick on the Hustings,
436; Fabians in the English Parliament, 437;
The Overthrow of Constitutional Government
in Hungary, 437; A Further Word on Prime-
Minister Seddon's Great Victory in New Zealand,
437; The Debt of New Zealand, 437; The Men-
ace of Privilege, 438; Hon. Frederic C. Howe,
Whose Recent Work, The City the Hope of De-
mocracy, is the Most Notable and Fundamental
Work on Municipal Government of the Year,
512; "The Two Ambitions": A Striking Piece
of Relief Work by Frank F. Stone, 513; Prime-
Minister Seddon: The Nestor of Practical Gov-
ernmental Fraternity, 514; Democracy in Edu-
cation; or,
The School City in Practical Opera-
tion, 516; Oregon: The Standard-Bearer of
Freedom in the New World, 523; A Concrete
Example of Practical Democracy, 523; What the
Popular Initiative Has Already Achieved in
Oregon, 525; Some Facts About the Introduc-
tion of Guarded Representative Government in
This Commonwealth, 525; Five Reasons Why
We Favor Municipal-Ownership, 526; Seattle
Elects a Municipal-Ownership Mayor, 529; Ex-
tension of Municipal Lighting in a Large Western
City, 530; The Triumph of the Recall in Seattle,
530; Governor Folk's Strong Stand for Direct-
Legislation, 530; Practical Ďemocracy as Illus-
trated in the Government of the Richest Town
in the World, 531; The Decision Against the
Tobacco and Paper-Trusts, 532; The Decision
in Favor of the Citizens in the Chicago Street-
Car Controversy, 532; Exhibitions of Brazen
Contempt for Law and Order by Leading Repre-
sentatives of the Plutocracy and by Officials
Complacent to the Great Corporations, 532; An
Unsound and Unsafe Secretary of the Treasury,
535; Utilizing Corporation Laws for Coöperative
Progress, 537; Europe a Cauldron of Social Un-
rest, 538; The People as a Peace Dynamo, 538;
Russia Again the Victim of Incarnate Savagery,
538; Austria-Hungary, 539; France Under a
New Ministry, 539; England Under the Liberal
Ministry, 540; The Universal Ballot for Sweden,
541; Prime-Minister Seddon's New Programme,
541; The Nationalization of the Railways of
Japan Another Object-Lesson for the United
States, 541; The Indian Congress at Benares,
543; The Unpopularity of Lord Curzon in India,
543; The City the Hope of Democracy, 544; J.
N. Adam: A Municipal Leader of the New Time,
576; Charles H. Grant's “Nearing Port,” 615;
Edwin Markham's Great Poem, "The Leader
of the People," 615; Dr. G. Cooke Adams, 617;
The Attempt of the Special-Pleaders for the Crim-
inal Rich to Distort the President's Speech Into
a Condemnation of Those Who Are Leading the
Battle for Common Honesty and Moral Idealism,

623; President Roosevelt's Description of the
Man with the Muck-Rake, 623; The President's
Praise for Magazine Writers who Faithfully and
Conscientiously Unmask Corrupt Conditions,
624; The Compulsion of Moral Idealism Has
Led the Magazine Writers to Battle Against Cor-
ruption in High Places, 625; Absurdity and In-
sincerity of the Charge of Recklessness and Un-
truthfulness Made Against the Magazine Writers,
626; Why the Campaign Against Corruption
Must be Prosecuted with Increasing Vigor, 626;
How Labor's Long Sleep Has Imperiled Free
Government, 627; Inactivity Not Marked by
Moral and Intellectual Inertia, 628; Some For-
eign Influences that Have Contributed to Labor's
Awakening, 628; Legislative Insolence When
Labor Supplicated for a Few Meager Concessions,
629; The American Federation Declares for
Political Action, 630; The Chicago Progressive
Alliance, 630; Labor Proposes to Battle for
Direct-Legislation in Colorado, 631; The Preva-
lence of Corrupt Practices Arising from the Union
of Corporations and the Dominant Parties in
City, State and Nation, 631; The Uncovering of
the Corrupt Rule of Boss Cox, 632; The Ohio
Senatorial Committee Makes Astounding Reve-
lations of Wholesale Corruption, 634; Tamper-
ing with the Courts, 635; A Judge Comes to the
the Rescue of the Rascals, 636; Senator La Fol-
lette Alarms Plutocracy's Minions in the Senate,
637; Revelations of Corruption in Buffalo, 638;
The President's Castigation of Judge Humphrey,
639; The Overturn in Milwaukee: Another Ev-
idence of the Rising Tide Against Corrupt Mu-
nicipal Rule and Corporate Domination, 639;
Direct-Legislation in Los Angeles, 641; Direct-
Legislation in Ohio, 642; The New York World
Opens Its Columns to a Discussion of Socialism,
643; The Rev. R. Heber Newton on Socialism,
643; Why Ernest Crosby Opposes Socialism,
644; Two Methodist Clergymen on Socialism,
645; The Mayor of Buffalo on Socialism, 645;
Bountiful Harvests in New Zealand and Australia,
646; Marked Difference in the Results of Good
Crops in New Zealand and in the United States,
646; Concrete Illustrations of the Spoliation of
the Wealth-Creators Under Our Present Régime
of Class-Rule, 646; Coöperative Stores in Amer-
ica, 647; Coöperation in Canada, 648; The
Enormous Annual Business of the English Co-
operative Wholesale Society, 648; The Growth
of Democratic Ideals in Germany, 648; Mr.
Morley and India, 649; An Astounding Recent
Illustration of Medieval Religious Bigotry and
Intolerance, 649; Coëducation: A Case in Which
Doctors Disagree, 650; The Inferno of Packing-
town Revealed, 651; The Latest and Ablest Work
on the Railroad-Rate Question, 658.

Folk, Governor, His Strong Stand for Direct-Leg-
islation, 530.

Foreign Flags, Under, 436.

Foreign Influences That Have Contributed to La-
bor's Awakening, Some, 628.

Foreign Lands, The March of Events in, 207, 538;
Notable Events in, 648.

Forty Thousand Miles of World-Wandering, 215.
Fostering Home-Building in a Fraternal State, 214.
France, The Separation of Church and State in,
210; Installation of the President of, With Dem-
ocratic Simplicity, 436; Under a New Ministry,

Franks and Passes, Bribery by: The Lion in the
Path of Popular Relief from Public-Service Ex-
tortion, 75.

Fraternal State, Fostering Home-Building in à, 214.
Freedom, Oregon the Standard-Bearer of, in the
New World, 523.

Free Institutions, Our Most Dangerous Class and
How It Threatens, 297.

Free Government, How Labor's Long Sleep Has
Imperiled, 627.

Freemen of Pennsylvania, The, and Their Revolt
Against Their Masters and Rulers, 61.
French President, The New, and What He Stands
for, 319.

Gasoline-Car That Promises to Revolutionize Sub-
urban Travel and Traffic, A, 89.

German City Where Municipal-Ownership is in
Full Flower, A, 82.

German People, The Crushing Burden that Mili-
tarism Has Imposed on the, 207.

Germany, Municipal-Ownership of Street-Railways
in: A Conservative Educator's Report, 81; The
Growth of Democratic Ideals in, 648.

Gill, Wilson L.: The Apostle of Democracy in Ed-
ucation, 176.

Gorman, Senator, His Waterloo, 61.
Gougar, Helen M.: A Noble Type of Twentieth-
Century American Womanhood, 384; America
in the Philippines, 386.

Government, The Railways and the: Mr. Olney's
Sophistry Exposed, 67; The President's Strange
Ignorance Concerning the Power of Wealth in
Our, 205; How Privileged Interests Have In-
creased Their Power in, by Rewarding Their
Servants With Places of Trust, 303.
Government-Owned Railways of Australia Yield
Millions to the Public Treasury, 86.
Governmental Insurance in Belgium, The Practical
Results of, 80.

Grant, Charles H.: Marine Painter, 480; His
"Nearing Port," 615.

Great Britain, The Liberal Triumph in, and Its
Meaning to Democracy, 315; The King and the
New Liberal Government of, 436.

Great Japan, 285.

Great Uprising in New York City, The, 59.
Grimké, Archibald H., The Heart of the Race Prob-
lem, 29, 274, 606.

Guarded Representative Government, Some Facts
About the Introduction of, in Oregon, 525; The
Movement for, 641.

Guelph, Ontario, Successful Municipal-Ownership
of Public Utilities in, 212.
Handy, Ray D.: One of the Youngest of Our News-
paper Cartoonists, 171.

Hanly, J. F.: Indiana's Anti-Graft Chief Magis-
trate, 289.

Harris, Henry F., Divorce and Remarriage, 392.
Hearst, William Randolph, and the Most Exciting
Municipal Campaign in the History of New York,


Heart of the Race Problem, The, 29, 274, 606.
Helping the Wealth-Creators to Secure Homes, 87.
Henderson, Archibald, Maurice Maeterlinck: Sym-
bolist and Mystic, 115.

High School, The Feminization of the, 593.
His Girl, 53.

History Repeats Itself, 435.

Hobhouse, Miss Emily: Heroine of Peace and Hu-
manity, 185.

Home-Building in a Fraternal State, Fostering, 214.

[blocks in formation]

Increased Cost of Living. 76.
Incurable! 409.

India, The Awakening of, 322; The Unpopularity
of Lord Curzon in, 543; Mr. Morley and, 649.
Indian National Congress, How It Is Arousing the
Patriotism and Ambition of the Indian People,
322; at Benares, 543.

Indiana's Anti-Graft Chief Magistrate, J. F. Hanly,

Inertia, Inactivity Not Marked by Moral and In-
tellectual, 628.

Inferno of Packingtown Revealed, The, 651.
Initiative, The, a Democratic Safeguard Against
Class Government, 46; The Popular, What It
Has Already Achieved in Oregon, 525.
Insane, Shameful Disclosures of the Condition of
the, in the Philadelphia General Hospital: A
Fruit of Machine-Rule, 204.

Insurance, Governmental, The Practical Results of,
in Belgium, 80.

Insurance Revelations, The: Their Significance
and Lessons, 304.

Insurance System and the Politicians, Has the Un-
holy Alliance Between the, Been Destroyed? 306.
Intercollegiate Socialist Society, The, 187.

In the Mirror of the Present, 57, 201, 297, 416, 523,

Iowa Cartoonist, J. Sidney Craiger: An, 290.
Irrepressible Conflict, Various Phases of, in Other
Commonwealths, 424.

James, George Wharton, Charles H. Grant: Ma-
rine Painter, 480.

Japan, The Principles of the Decorative Art Spirit
of, in Comparison With Those of Western Coun-
tries, 17; Frustrates the Plans of the Czar and
the Kaiser, 79; Great, 285; A Lesson From, 323;
The Nationalization of the Railways of, Another
Object-Lesson for the United States, 541.
Jerome, District-Attorney, Mr. Amory's Indictment
of, 423.

Johnson, Mayor, His Anti-Suicide Commission, 71;
His Victory for the People in Securing Cheap
Street-Car Fares, 205; on Municipal Control of
Vice and the Chief Causes of the Social Evils,
400; and the Cleveland Clergy, 430.
Jones, Samuel Milton: The Golden-Rule Mayor,126.
Judge, A, Comes to the Rescue of the Rascals, 636.
Judiciary, Liberty Imperilled Through the En-
croachments of the, 189.

Jungle, The, Upton Sinclair and His Powerful Work,


Kaiser, Japan Frustrates the Plans of the Czar and
the, 79.

Kellogg, Judge, His Blow at Entrenched Rascality,

Kerlin, Robert T., Main Currents of Thought in
the Nineteenth Century, 225, 356.

Kittle, William, Robert M. La Follette: A States-
man After the Order of Lincoln, 571.
Labor a New Factor in Politics, 318.
Labor Giant, The Awakening of the, and Its Sig-
nificance to Democracy, 627.

Labor Party, The British: Its Aims and Aspira-
tions, 476.

Labor Proposes to Battle for Direct-Legislation in
Colorado, 631.

Labor's Awakening, Some Foreign Influences that
Have Contributed to, 628.

Labor's Long Sleep, How It Has Imperiled Free
Government, 627.

La Follette, Robert M.: A Statesman After the
Order of Lincoln, 571; Senator, Alarms Plutoc-
racy's Minions in the Senate, 637.

Land, A Movement for the Reclamation of Sub-
merged Manhood Through Cultivation of the,321.
Law and Order, Exhibitions of Brazen Contempt
for, by Leading Representatives of the Plutoc-
racy and by Officials Complacent to the Great
Corporations, 532.

Liberal Democratic Programme, The, 318.
Liberal Government of Great Britain, The King
and the New, 436.

Liberal Party in New Zealand, The New, 86.
Liberal Programme, Prime-Minister Fejervary's, 84.
Liberal Triumph in Great Britain and Its Meaning
to Democracy, The, 315.

Liberty Imperiled Through the Encroachments of
the Judiciary, 189.

Life and Art, 289, 615.
Light in Dark Places, 310.

Lindsey, Judge: A Typical Builder of a Nobler
State, 350.

Literature, American, What Our Universities are
Doing for, 498.

Liverpool, Magnificent Record of the Municipal
Street-Railways in, 211.

Living, Increased Cost of, 76.

London, Jack, at Harvard and Faneuil Hall, 187;
His New Haven Speech, 433; Placing His Books
Under the Ban, 435.

Los Angeles, Direct-Legislation in, 641.
Machine, The Victory of the People Over, in Pitts-
burgh, 426.

Machine-Rule, Shameful Disclosure of the Condi-

tion of the Insane in the Philadelphia General
Hospital: A Fruit of, 204.

Maeterlinck, Maurice: Symbolist and Mystic, 115.
Magazine Writers, Who Conscientiously and Faith-
fully Unmask Corrupt Conditions, The Presi-
dent's Praise for, 624; The Compulsion of Moral
Idealism Has Led Them to Battle Against Cor-
ruption in High Places, 625; Absurdity and In-
sincerity of the Charge of Recklessness and Un-
truthfulness Made Against the, 626.

Main Currents of Thought in the Nineteenth Cen-
tury, 225, 356.

Manchester, England, Municipal Street-Railway
Profits in, 321.

Mansfield, Richard, 3.

Markham, Edwin: The Poet-Prophet of Democ-
racy, 143; Democracy's Call to the Statesman-

ship of To-day, 146; His Great Poem, "The
Leader of the People," 615.

March of Direct-Legislation, The, 271.
Massachusetts, The Result in, 61.
Menace of Plutocracy, The, 258.

Menace of Privilege, The, 438; The Author of, 186.
Men and Movements that Are Making for Progress,


Methodist Clergymen on Socialism, Two, 645.
Methods Employed to Discredit High-Minded and
Incorruptible Statesmen, Concrete Illustrations
of, 298.

Metropolis, Enriching the, by Utilizing Its Waste
and Refuse, 203.

Michigan, A Railroad Object-Lesson from, 426.
Militarism, The Crushing Burden Which It Has
Imposed on the German People, 207.
Miller, George McA., Economics of Moses, 33, 234.
Mills, J. Warner, The Economic Struggle in Colo-
rado, 150, 243, 467.

Milwaukee, The Overturn in: Another Evidence
of the Rising Tide Against Corrupt Municipal
Rule and Corporate Domination, 639.

Mirror of the Present, In the, 57, 201, 297, 416,
523, 623.

Moody, John, A Socialist's Reply to, 164.

Moral and Intellectual Inertia, Inactivity Not Mark-
ed by, 628.

Moral Idealism, Common Honesty and, The At-
tempt of the Special-Pleaders for the Criminal
Rich to Distort the President's Speech into a
Condemnation of Those Who are Leading the
Battle for, 623; The Compulsion of, Has Led
Magazine Writers to Battle Against Corruption
in High Places, 625.

Moran, Cardinal, His Advocacy of Social Reform
in Australia, 87.

Morley, Mr., and India, 649.

Moses, Economics of, 33, 234.

Muck-Rake, President Roosevelt's Description of
the Man With the, 623; versus the Muck, The,

Municipal and Social Advance in England, 320.
Municipal Lighting, in Edinburgh, 320; Extension
of, in a Large Western City, 530.
Municipal-Ownership of Street-Railways in Ger-
many: A Conservative Educator's Report, 81;
A German City Where It is in Full Flower, 82;
of Public Utilities in Guelph, Ontario, Successful,
212; Five Reasons Why We Favor, 526; The
March of, 526; Mayor, Seattle Elects a, 529.
Municipal Street-Railway Profits in Manchester,
England, 321.

Municipal Street-Railways in Liverpool, Magnifi-
cent Record of, 211.

Municipal Victory in Ohio, The Three-fold, 58.
Municipality, An American, for Two Hundred
Years Under Direct-Legislation, 70.
Nationalization of the Railways of Japan, The,
Another Object-Lesson for the United States, 541.
National Government, The Onward March of Auto-
cratic and Bureaucratic Aggressions in the, 66.
"Nearing Port," Charles H. Grant's, 615.
New Cabinet, The, 209.

New Jersey Election, The, 61.

New Jersey, The Color-Line in, 394.
Newton, Rev. R. Heber, on Socialism, 643.

New York, William Randolph Hearst and the Most
Exciting Municipal Campaign in the History of,


New York City, The Great Uprising in, 59.

New Zealand, The New Liberal Party in, 86; How
the Standard Oil Greed Has Recently Been Man-
ifested in the Robbing of the Toilers of, 214,
The Election in, 324; Å Further Word on Prime-
Minister Seddon's Great Victory in, 437; and
Australia, Bountiful Harvests in, 646; Marked
Difference in the Results of Good Crops in, and
in the United States, 646.

Nineteenth Century, Main Currents of Thought
in the, 225, 356.

Noa, Frederic M., General Simon Bolivar: The
Liberator of Northern South America, 491: The
Proposed Pan-American Trades-College, 603.
Norway, Reactionary Usurpation in, 83.
Notes and Comments, 112, 223, 335, 447, 559, 664.
Ohio, The Three-Fold Municipal Victory in, 38:
The Redemption of, from Boss-Rule, 60: Sena-
torial Committee Makes Astounding Revelations
of Wholesale Corruption, 634; Direct-Legisla-
tion in, 642.

Old-Age Pensions, Extension of, 214.

Open Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, An.


Oregon, the Standard-Bearer of Freedom in the
New World, 523; What the Popular Initiative
Has Already Achieved in, 525; Some Facts About
the Introduction of Guarded Representative
Government in, 525.

Our Most Dangerous Class: Its Method of Proced-
ure and How It Menaces Free Institutions, 297.
Our Most Dangerous Class, 303.

Packingtown, The Inferno of, Revealed, 651.
Pan-American Trades-College, The Proposed, 603.
Parliament, English, Fabians in the, 437.
Parsons, Frank, The Railway Empire, 22: Letter
from, in Regard to Mr. Olney's Sophistry on the
Railway Question, 68; Railroad Discrimination,
132; Federal Regulation of Railroad Rates, $46.
Passes, Bribery by Franks and, The Lion in the
Path of Popular Relief from Public-Service Ex-
tortion, 75; The Abolition of, by the Pennsylva-
nia Railroad, 204.

Peabody, George Foster, His Outspoken Stand for
Public-Ownership of Public Utilities, 311.

Peace and Humanity, Miss Emily Hobhouse: He-
roine of, 185.

Peace Dynamo, The People as a, 538.
Peace Propaganda of Socialists, International.
Creating Alarm in Reactionary Circles, 84.
Pennsylvania, The Freemen of, and Their Revolt
Against Their Masters and Rulers, 61; Railroad,
The Abolition of Passes by the, 204; The Slaught-
er of the Innocents by Commercialism's Jugger-
naut in, 424.

Pensions, Old-Age, Extension of, 214.
People, Mayor Johnson's Victory for the, in Secur-
ing Cheap Street-Car Fares, 205: The Victory of
the, Over the Machine in Pittsburg, 426; as a
Peace Dynamo, The, 538.

Phelps, Arthur S., The Coming Exodus, 390.
Philadelphia, The Emancipation of, 57; General
Hospital, Shameful Disclosures of the Condition
of the Insane in the: A Fruit of Machine-Rule,
Philanthropy from the Insurance View-Point,
Trafficking in Trusts; or, 337.

Philippines, America in the, 386.

Phillips, David Graham: A Twentieth-Century
Novelist of Democracy, 252; The Menace of
Plutocracy, 258.

Plutocracy, The Menace of, 258; Exhibitions of

Brazen Contempt for Law and Order by Leading
Representatives of the, and by Officials Com-
placent to the Great Corporations, 532.
Plutocracy's Minions in the Senate, Senator La
Follette Alarms, 637.

Pneumonia: A Simple Remedy Recommended by
a Health Board, 90.

Political Action, The American Federation Declares
for, 630.

Political and Commercial Corruption in the United
States, The Battle Against, 631.

Political Revolution, The New, Inaugurated by the
November Elections in City and State, 57.
Politics, Labor a New Factor in, 318.
Pomeroy, Eltweed, The Initiative a Democratic
Safeguard Against Class-Government, 46; Di-
rect-Legislation in Cartoon, 92; The March of
Direct-Legislation, 271.

Poor, Wholesale Robbery of the, by False Weights,

Popular Victory in Boston, A, 59.

Postal-Service Record, England's Magnificent, 212.
Power Behind the Bosses and Machines, The: A
Pen-Picture of Wall Street, 97.

Practical Object-Lesson from Providence, the Bond
City, and Detroit, the Free City, A, 314.
Present, In the Mirror of the, 57, 201, 297, 416,
523, 623.

President, The, His Strange Ignorance Concerning
the Power of Wealth in Our Government, 205;
The Attempt of the Special-Pleaders for the
Criminal Rich to Distort His Speech into a Con-
demnation of Those Who are Leading the Battle
for Common Honesty and Moral Idealism, 623;
His Praise for Magazine Writers Who Faithfully
and Conscientiously Unmask Corrupt Conditions,
624; His Castigation of Judge Humphrey, 639.
Press, The Power Exerted by Privileged Wealth
Over the, 301.

Pressure of Privilege on College and Church, The,

[blocks in formation]

Privilege Unchecked Will Sound the Doom of the
Republic, 421.

Privileged Interests, How They Have Increased
Their Power in Government by Rewarding Their
Servants with Places of Trust, 303.

Privileged Wealth, The Power Exerted by, Over
the Press, 301.

Progress, Men and Movements That Are Making
for, 512.

Progressive Alliance, The Chicago, 630.

Progressive Income Tax in Victoria, Australia, The,

Prosperity Under the Southern Cross and in the
United States: A Comparison, 646.
Providence, the Bond City, and Detroit, the Free
City, a Practical Object-Lesson from, 314.
Public-Ownership of Public Utilities, George Fos-
ter Peabody's Outspoken Stand for, 311.
Public-Service Extortion, Bribery by Franks and
Passes: The Lion in the Path of Popular Relief
from, 75.

Public Utilities, Successful Municipal Ownership

[blocks in formation]

Rascals, A Judge Comes to the Rescue of the, 636.
Reaction, England's Battle Against, 208.
Reactionary Circles, International Peace Propa-
ganda of Socialists Creates Alarm in, 84.
Reactionary Legislation that Aroused the Demo-
cratic Spirit of England, 316.
Reactionary Movements, Russia's Rôle in the Latest,

Reactionary Usurpation in Norway, 83.

Read, A. Ross, Direct-Legislation in Ohio, 642.
Recall, The Triumph of the, in Seattle, 530.
Redemption of Ohio from Boss-Rule, The, 60.
Religion of the Spirit that Maketh for Righteous-
ness, The, 100.

Religious Advance, 433.

Religious Bigotry and Intolerance, An Astounding
Recent Illustration of Medieval, 649.
Remarriage, Divorce and, 392.

Republic, Privilege Unchecked Will Sound the
Doom of the, 421.

Result in Massachusetts, The, 61.
Result in San Francisco, The, 60.

Revolution, The New Political, Inaugurated by
the November Elections in City and State, 57.
Rhode Island's Shame, 427.

Richard Mansfield, 3.

Righteousness, The Religion of the Spirit that
Maketh for, 100.

Robbery of the Poor by False Weights, Wholesale,


Rogers, Mr., How His Buffoonery and Openly In-
solent Contempt for the High Court Alarmed His
Associates, 308.

Rogers, W. A.: The Cartoonist of Civic Integrity,


Romance of Thin Tilly Westover, The, 610.
Roosevelt. President, His Description of the Man
With the Muck-Rake, 623.

Russia as an Historic Bulwark of Despotism, 78;
The Battle of the Giants in, 211; Again the Vic-
tim of Incarnate Savagery, 538.

Russia's Role in the Latest Reactionary Movements,


Samuel Milton Jones: The Golden-Rule Mayor,

San Francisco, The Result in, 60.

Satterthwait. Linton, The Color-Line in New Jersey,

Savings-Banks, State-Owned. 590.

School City Movement, The Progress of the, 202.
School City in Practical Operation, Democracy in
Education; or, the, 516.

Schoonmaker, Edwin Davies, What Our Universi-
tise are Doing for American Literature, 498.

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