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Every reader and speaker who wishes to form and retain the habit of clear, crisp syllabication and to acquire a mastery of the expressive utterance of words, the key to which lies in the words themselves, in their elementary composition,

should frequently and forcibly spell phonetically, and pronounce, from the following or like lists of words. At least ten minutes a day, 'rain or shine,' should be devoted to this work. All varieties of inflection, pitch, stress, loudness, quantity, and quality, should be practiced. There should be at least a few minutes of loud practice daily.

No student, teacher, preacher, reader, or speaker ever gets beyond the need of regular gymnastics of this sort.




Wade, wane, wail, waste, ware, wart, warm, ward, wax, weeds, ween, weal, want, went, west, weld, wide, wire, wine, wise, wight, wish, win, wind, will, woe, worn, wont, water, woo, wood, wound; ruinous, fruition, Croatia, dower, poet, Iowa, redowa, drawing, rewarded, renewing, coeval, flowing, flowers, lower, slower, go on, law of kindness.


Whale, what, wheeze, wheel, wheat, when, whence, whet, white, while, whine, whit, which, whist, whilst, whip, awhirl, whim, awhile, awheel.


Pave, pains, page, park, part, pawl, pause, pack, pat, pique, pick, pit, pigs, pigeon, pour, poke, poor, put, pound, pose; plays, plat, plait, plane, plans, plausible, pleasant, pleasing, plenary, plenty, pleasures, plies, plod, plumes, plow; pray, prawn, prank, preen, princess, primrose, price, pride, prime,

prizes, prone, prose, prod, proof, prove, prunes, prisms, proud, prowl, precise, protect, preference; upper, stepping, appear, opportune, flippant, disappoint, compel, impress, composure, depletion, displeasure.


Bad, band, bale, bane, ball, balk, bard, bees, beams, buy, bind, build, bold, boat, boasts, bond, bonny, bought, booby, beauty, booty, boys, bound; bleed, blend, bliss, blaze, blow, blood, blew, blind, bless, blunt; brave, brawl, brand, broad, breeze, breast, bread, brag, brilliant, bronze, bruise; rubber, Robert, dabber, number, slumber, filbert, Albert, robust, embolden, rebellion, stability, arbitrament, obey, obedience, embody.


Mime, maim, main, mace, make, mazes, mark, Mars, march, mat, mast, mean, meet, minds, miles, met, mere, mist, mill, moan, mourn, mock, more, moor, mood, moon, muse, must, muck, mound, memorial, mimetic; amity, demur, demon, utmost, pigment, admirable, submit, summon, acme, reminder, immense, immemorial, immortal, immortality, admonish.


Famous, farms, fall, fawn, fiend, feast, felt, fend, fetter, fat, fact, facts, firs, fine, fight, fin, fizz, fists, foam, forge, foray, first, fix, fox, fog, forest, form, fool, foot, fume, feud, furious, fun, foist, fount, found, foul, food, facetious; flail, flames, flaunt, flaw, flat, flax, flags, flee, flit, flay, fleer, phlegm, flight, flies, flick, flora, flew, flume; fray, frames, frail, freight, franc, freeze, freak, friend, frenzy, fright, frill, frore, fro, fruit, froufrou, frown; differ, defer, confine, beautiful, infinite, suffrage, pilfer, comfit, emphasis, crucifix, interference, defile, defect, diffuse, refer, confess, reflection, refusal. 7.

Vague, vain, various, variety, vaunt, vat, vent, vogue, voracious, volley, vigor, voyage, vociferous; driver, driven,

corvette, divine, ravine, raven, revoke, reverence, deceiver, convene, severe, sever, converge, vehement, vehicle, inversion, involuntary, intervention, intervene, fervently, velvet, revival.


Thane, thaw, thank, think, things, thin, thole; three, Thrace, Thrale, thrall, threat, threads, threnody, thrive, thrice, thrill, throne, throve, throb, thrust, thrums; something, nothing, healthy, enthusiasm, enthralling.


They, that, those, thy, thine, this, those, though, thou, thus; bother, other, breathing, soothing, northerly, motherly, thitherward, hither, weather, heather.


Take, tame, taste, tarn, tall, tat, tattoo, talk, tack, tax, teach, tearful, team, tear, tare, test, tell, tend, terror, tempest, text, texts, tight, times, tides, tick, till, tin, tone, toast, toque, tot, toss, tools, toot, took, tune, tun, tuck, tusk, tower, town; train, trade, trail, traitor, trawl, trash, tret, treat, tread, tries, trist, trow, troll, true, trust, trout; tactics, active, particle, cater, clatter, attempt, attain, Toronto, fitter, fittest, arctic, Baltic, promptitude, contend, protrude, fatigue, distress, artist.


Daze, dames, dark, dart, darn, dawn, daughter, din, dear, deem, daunt, doit, doughty, domes, dozen; dray, drawl, drank, dreams, dread, drest, dry, drone, droll, drew, drowns, dribble; adder, fodder, madam, noddle, modest, coldest, rudest, redeem, addition, condemn, fidelity.


Names, nail, knave, nard, gnaw, knees, kneel, net, neat, nest, nine, near, knit, nick, nose, knoll, nod, not, noon, news, knuckle, noise, now; unable, inner, tunable, inanity, obnoxious, Aetna, dyspnoea, ichneumon, thickness, ennoble,

enable, inanition, tenacious, donor, connection, venerate, tiny, deny, innumerable, nonentity.


Save, sane, same, sake, safe, sard, salt, sauce, sat, sand, sap, seem, seek, seed, said, sent, sept, sect, sell, sight, sides, size, sit, seer, six, sift, soar, soul, soak, sod, sot, sobs, sodden, sodded, soft, songs, so, soon, soothe, sooth, soot, suit, sue, sup, sullen, soil, sound, seize, silver; scale, scath, scathe, skate, scar, scarce, scald, skip, scow, skipp'd, scone, sconce, skill; slave, slay, slaw, sleet, sleeves, sleek, slender, sled, sledge, slept, sliddery, slide, slime, slim, slip, slope, slow, slop, sloop; smart, small, smack, smatter, smoke, smirk, smooth, smith; snake, snack, snail, sneak, sneck; squash, squalor, squeamish, squirm, squire, squint; stay, stage, stale, stake, stark, stall, stop, steam, stick, still, stint, store, stove, storm, stoop, stuck; stray, streams, streak, strive, strip, strengths, strenuous, strong; swale, swallow, sweet, swan, swear, switch, sworn, swell; vices, deceit, fleeces, masses, devices, essences, research, insists, inspect, absent (adjective), absent (verb), accent (noun), accent (verb), restore.


Zany, zest, zones, Zulu, Zanzibar, zeal, zealous, Xanthippe, Xanthus, Xerxes, zymotic, zouave; dozen, cousin, bazoo, blazes, roses, daisies, mazes, imposes, fuses, Missouri, blazon, dissolve, discern, resolute, enthusiast, position, disarm, causation, resort, dishonest, orison, horizon, dazzle.


Raise, rain, rake, rate, raw, rat, rack, wreck, reek, rest, rear, risk, rip, robe, roar, roam, roast, rope, rob, root, road, rut, roistering, round, raged, ragged, resist; worry, mirror, unrest, terrify, peremptory, roaring, carryall, marriage, ferocious, atrocity, across, mirage, arrival, derive, merriment, corrode.


Shames, chagrin, shilly-shally, shown, shun, Chicago, shawls, shoot, shove, shout, shapes, shard, shall, sheen, shone, shod, shoon, shock, shook, sugar, shut, shudder, schist; shrank, shriek, shriek'd, shrink, shrikes, shrive, shrill; caution, nuptial, partial, enshrine, dishevel, insure, tissue, ratio, ashamed, vanishing, action, remission, passion, tuition, revelation, revulsion, declension, option, gumption, ratiocination, delicious, audacious.


Azure, vision, pleasure, leisure, measures, treasure, occasion, corrosion, régime, Parisian, negligee, gymnasium. 18.

Change, chain, charge, charg'd, charr'd, chart, chap, chat, cheese, chest, check, chess, chime, chine, child, chives, cheer, chill, chin, chink, chit, chick, chose, chore, choose, Charles; marches, churches, preaching, enchain, enchanter, mutual, don't you? didn't you? won't you? fortune, satchel, question, Manchester, treacherous, Manchuria.


James, jade, jail, jars, jeer, jet, gelid, gems, jest, gist, gin, jowl, jury, George, jewel, June, joist, jejune, jolly; pageant, rigid, religion, injurious, midget, cabbages, villager, rejoicing, larger, hugest, congeal, enjoin, voyager, agitator, courageous, dangerous, vengeance, did you? would you? could you? should you? soldier, messenger, injure, injurious, edu



Laid, lane, lame, lace, lard, law, latter, least, lease, lean, linen, lime, leer, let, lit, lists, lick, lone, lost, lot, log, lose, loose, loon, lock, lucid, lume, loom, lure, luck, loud; folly, inly, rely, relaid, melancholy, holy, wholly, alluring, Islington, Arlington, brilliancy, ululation, dilate, relieve, element.

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