THE GRAMMATICAL REMEMBRANCER. AIDS FOR CORRECT SPEAKING, WRITING, PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION AND ORATORY; AUTHOR OF LONDON: GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 1871. 302. g. 93. д MR. HARTLEY CONTINUES TO GIVE PRIVATE LESSONS IN ORATORY AND ELOCUTION For the Senate, the Church, the Bar, etc.; for the Stage, Public Reading, and as an Accomplishment; and in ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Stammering, Stuttering, Imperfect R, Misplaced Aspirate, Lisping, Monotony, Thick Utterance, Falsetto or Effeminate Voice, Dysphonia Clericorum, and all Defects of Voice, Articulation, and Pronunciation, permanently cured. UPWARDS OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN TEACHING IN LONDON AND OXFORD. The Highest References and Testimonials. Address, by letter, to the care of MESSRS. GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 5, Paternoster Row. THE GRAMMATICAL REMEMBRANCER. INTRODUCTION. GRAMMAR is the science which treats of the principles and rules of spoken and written language; and teaches the proper use of letters, syllables, words, and sentences. The object of English grammar is to teach those who use the English language to express their thoughts correctly, either in speaking or writing. -- Dr. Blair, in his "Lectures on Rhetoric," says:- "The structure of language is extremely artificial; and there are few sciences in which a deeper or more refined logic is employed than in grammar. It is apt to be slighted by superficial thinkers, as belonging to those rudiments of knowledge which were inculcated upon us in our earliest youth. But what was then inculcated before we could comprehend its principles would abundantly repay our study in maturer years." But few persons can afford time for the study of grammar, and perhaps fewer still have the inclination. The English language is, without doubt, the most neglected, and carelessly spoken and written, language in Europe. Tenfold the time and atten |