The grammatical remembrancer: aids for correct speaking, writing, and spellingGroombridge and Sons, 1871 - 56 էջ |
From inside the book
Էջ 20
... ends in e the letters st only are added ; as , large , largest . When the positive ends in y preceded by a con- sonant , the y is changed into i before er and est ; as , Happy , happier , happiest . When the positive ends in a single ...
... ends in e the letters st only are added ; as , large , largest . When the positive ends in y preceded by a con- sonant , the y is changed into i before er and est ; as , Happy , happier , happiest . When the positive ends in a single ...
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The Grammatical Remembrancer: Aids for Correct Speaking, Writing, and ... Charles Hartley Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2013 |
The Grammatical Remembrancer: Aids for Correct Speaking, Writing, and Spelling Charles Hartley Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2023 |
The Grammatical Remembrancer: Aids for Correct Speaking, Writing, and Spelling Charles Hartley Դիտել հնարավոր չէ - 2023 |
Common terms and phrases
12 stamps abbreviations abridgment accent adjectives adverbs apostrophe aspirate augment battle of Hastings best authors called clause colon comma comparative and superlative composition consonant contains distinct sounds divide words double letter double the final edition of Johnson's ellipsis ELOCUTION EMANUEL AGUILAR ending in silent English language express futurity final consonant final syllable followed form the Past free for 12 French frequently spelled g soft grammar GROOMBRIDGE GROOMBRIDGE & SONS GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS honour Johnson's Dictionary language LONDON nominative note of interrogation number of syllables omission omitted orthoepy orthography outvie Participle past tense PATERNOSTER ROW persons or things phrases possessive post free preceded prefixing preposition Price 6d pronunciation punctuation rules Sea Kale semicolons sentence separated silent e singular number sound or syllable speak spoonful Stories Stratford-upon-Avon styled a verse Thomas Ford tion Todd vowel Walker says Webster William the Norman Word consists Words ending write
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 38 - I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal ; For it must seem their guilt. [Exit. Knocking within. Macb. Whence is that knocking ? How is't with me, when every noise appals me ? What hands are here ? ha ! they pluck out mine eyes. Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand ? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.
Էջ 53 - Court Journal. HOME SCENES. — " Grace Agnilar knew the female heart better than any writer of our day, and in every fiction from her pen we trace the same masterly analysis and development of the motives and feelings of woman's nature.
Էջ 50 - Eggs, with a Chapter on Bird Catching. By RICHARD Avis. GROOMBRIDOE & SONS, 5, Paterncster Row, London. » *.' • » • . -x *, *GROOMBRIDGE'S SHILLING PRACTICAL MANUALS. Each Book sent post free for 12 stamps. 14. WINE GUIDE ; or, Practical Hints on the Purchase and Management of Foreign Wines, their History, and a complete catalogue of all those in present use, together with remarks upon the treatment of Spirits, Bottled Beer, and Cider. To -which is appended Instructions for the Cellar, and...
Էջ 49 - GROOMBRIDGE'S SHILLING PRACTICAL MANUALS. Each Book sent post free for 12 stamps. 1. HOME-MADE WINES. How to Make and Keep them, with Remarks on preparing the Fruit, fining, bottling, and storing. By G. VINE. Contains Apple, Apricot, Beer, Bilberry, Blackberry, Cherry, Clary, Cowslip, Currant, Damson, Elderberry, Gooseberry, Ginger, Grape, Greengage, Lemon, Malt, Mixed Fruit, Mulberry, Orange, Parsnip, Raspberry, Rhubarb, Raisin, Sloe, Strawberry, Turnip, Vine Leaf, and Mead. 2.
Էջ 3 - too careless an author." The indefinite article can be joined to substantives in the singular number only ; the definite article may be joined also to plurals. But there appears to be a remarkable exception to this rule, in the use of the adjectives few and many, (the latter chiefly with the word great before it,) which, though joined with plural substantives, yet admit of the singular article a : as, a few men ; a great many men. The reason of it is manifest, from the effect which the article...
Էջ 3 - The following passage will serve as an example of the different uses of a and the, and of the force of the substantive without any article. " Man was made for society, and ought to extend his good will to all men : but a man will naturally entertain a more particular kindness fortte men, with whom he has the most frequent intercourse ; and enter into a still closer union with the man whose temper and disposition suit best with his own.
Էջ 37 - PUNCTUATION. PUNCTUATION is the art of dividing a written composition into sentences, or parts of sentences, by points or stops, for the purpose of marking the different pauses, which the sense and an accurate pronunciation require.
Էջ 47 - A very valuable help to the art of composition, as well as a useful book of reference to the secretary and student. Besides the etymology of words we find their general acceptation also explained. An analytical index, containing the whole of the Synonymes indicated by the pages where they occur, arranged in alphabetical order, facilitates the search for a required word.
Էջ 31 - Words of one syllable or words of more than one syllable accented on the last syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel.