Page images




America; Address respecting the | Naval Officers in the Service of | Roman Catholics, 111, 133, 242,

War with, 575

Appeals, 244

East India Company's Charter,
377, 418, 511

Exchange of Prisoners of War,


the East India Company, 497

Petitions respecting the Claims of
the Roman Catholics, 111,
133, 242, 352, 394, 498, 511,
559, 649, 656, 690, 737, 841,
1104, 1155

Prince Regent's Speech on open-
ing the Session, 11

Prince Regent's Message respect-
ing a Grant to the Marquis of
Wellington, 180

Prince Regent's Message respect-
ing the Invasion of Russia,


352, 394, 498, 511, 559, 649,
656, 690, 737, 841, 1105, 1155

Slave Trade, 318

Vice Chancellor's Bill, 114, 182

Wellington; Vote of Thanks to
the Marquis of, for the Victory
of Salamanca, 135
Wellington, Marquis of; Prince
Regent's Message respecting a
Grant to, 180

Ex-officio Informations, 316

Gold Coin Bill, 323

Informations Ex Officio, 316
Insolvent Debtors' Amendment
Bill, 217


Admiralty Registrar's Bill, 655
America; Declaration of War
with, 363

America; Address respecting the
War with, 593, 679
Army Estimates, 1156, 1193

Booksellers' Petition respecting
Copy Rights, &c. 308
"British Press" Newspaper;
Complaint against the, 518

Charitable Estates Bill, 223
Committee of Supply, 171
Copper Export Bill, 739
Cotton, Sir S., Thanks of the

House given to, 1191
Criminal Law Bills, 562

East India Company's Charter,
336, 346, 354, 384, 395, 416,
426, 454, 654, 658, 659, 676
Election Petitions, 117, 118, 146,
148, 177, 188, 194, 196, 220,
(VOL. XXIV.)-Index.

241, 246, 272, 273, 294, 296, Navy Office Clerks, 345


German Legion; Lord Folke-
stone's Motion respecting the,


Gold Coin Bill, 224, 243, 278,

Inglis, Petition of Captain, 308,


Ilchester Gaol; Petition of the
Relatives of Persons confined
in, for Riots, 340, 1191
Ireland; Breach of the Act of
Union with, 431

Local Tokens, 346, 362, 508
Lord Mayor of Dublin; his
Letter soliciting leave to pre-
sent a Petition of the Cor-
poration of Dublin at the Bar
of the House, 698

Malt Duty Bill, 275

Orders and Notices, Resolution
respecting, 119

Petitions respecting the Claims
of the Roman Catholics, 115,
187, 218, 306, 350, 360, 378,
408, 415, 419, 439, 499, 512,
553, 589, 692, 726, 741
Pembrokeshire Election Petition
-Exchange of Lists, 842
Post Office Secretary's Franking
Bill, 295

Prince Regent's Speech at the
opening of the Session, 50, 120
Prince Regent's Message respect-
ing a Grant to the Marquis of
Wellington, 179, 201

Prince Regent's Message respect-
ing the Invasion of Russia,
317, 324

Prisoners of War in France, 360
Private Bills; Resolutions re-
specting, 117

[blocks in formation]

Eldon, Lord, see Lord Chan- Lansdowne, Marquis of, 134, 140,


Ellenborough, Lord, 217
Efskine, Lord, 588

Gloucester, Duke of, 111
Grenville, Lord, 44, 49, 112
Grey, Earl, 1104

323, 580, 657, 738, 1156

Leinster, Duke of, 498

Moira, Earl of, 1104

Norfolk, Duke of, 242, 353, 499,

691, 692

Norwich, Bishop of, 352

Redesdale, Lord, 182, 186, 244,

245, 560, 650
Rolle, Lord, 19

[blocks in formation]

Liverpool, Farl of, 37, 180, 318, Somers, Lord, 143

319, 584

Longford, Earl of, 15

Lord Chancellor (Eldon) 9, 244, Wellesley, Marquis, 20, 49, 144,

245, 561,588

377, 584, 586, 841


[blocks in formation]

Brydges, Sir Egerton, 287

Burdett, Sir F. 162, 206, 303,
317, 334, 340, 345, 706, 724
Burrell, Sir C. 681
Butterworth, J. 240, 736

Canning, G. 61, 129, 132, 215,
238, 264, 457, 484, 633, 682,
1041, 1123, 1154, 1245

Carew, R. S. 940
Cartwright, W. R. 6
Castlereagh, Viscount, 8, 78,
119, 125, 131, 133, 150, 199,

201, 235, 332, 345, 459, 531,

Chancellor of the Exchequer
(Right Hon. Nicholas Vansit-
tart), 128, 171, 173, 200, 224,
228, 237, 244, 278, 287, 993,
317, 324, 362, 433, 458, 508,
509, 510, 534, 703, 1078,
1098, 1103
Clive, Lord, 50
Cochrane, Lord, 212, 555, 716
Colthurst, Sir Nicholas, 858
Coote, Sir Eyre, 857
Creevey, T. 120, 171, 225, 295,
296, 1175

W. 480, 550, 837

Croker, J. W. 645, 679, 705,

537, 548, 552, 593, 685, 701,
721, 847, 984, 1018, 1102, 846

1107, 1108, 1111, 1126, 1157,

1148, 1186, 1243

Curtis, Sir W. 693

[blocks in formation]

Foley, T. 1130

Long, C. 1177
Lushington, S. R. 1194

Macdonald, J. 473
Manning, W. 232
Marsh, C. 949
Martin, H. 173, 655
Marryatt, J. 303, 548
May, Sir Edward, 291
Mathew, General, 727, 728
Mildmay, Sir H. 261

Milton, Viscount, 120, 122, 173,
261, 264, 704, 1115, 1237

Folkestone, Viscount, 235, 243, Newport, Sir J. 431, 433, 509,

[blocks in formation]

683, 848, 1155

Giddy, Davies, 1098

Gordon, R. 548, 551, 680

Grant, J. P. 299

730, 733, 880, 1119, 1233

Nicholl, Sir J. 2

Owen, Sir J. 843

Palmerston, Lord, 250, 254, 262,
270, 971, 1156, 1178
Parnell, Sir H. 453, 455, 734,


Peel, Sir Robert, 510

Simeon, J. 548, 550

Smith, W. 129, 291, 737, 745,

Smith, C. 301, 693

Smyth, J. H. 481, 834
Somerset, Lord C. 1175

Speaker, (Right Hon. Charles
Abbot) 7, 9, 10, 702, 705,
843, 845, 847, 982, 1191, 1204
Stephen, J. 123, 291, 317, 544,
551, 687

Stewart, Hon. General, 262
Sumner, H. 846
Sutton, Manners, 1028
Sutton, Sir T. 969

Taylor, M. A. 483, 518, 680
Thornton, H. 233, 1102
Tierney, G. 552, 701, 1095
Tighe, W. 456

Tomline, W. E. 763

Vansittart, Right Hon. Nicholas,
see Chancellor of the Exche-

Grattan, Henry, 456, 699, 747, Peel, R. 432, 457, 700, 734, Vernon, G. G. V. 111


Plunket, W. С. 795
Plumer, Sir T. 1150
Pole, W. W. 889, 948
Ponsonby, G. 106, 124, 131,
170, 231, 259, 317, 328, 331,
433, 458, 496, 549, 612, 689,
703, 720, 1037, 1153, 1210

Preston, R. 286, 303, 549
Protheroe, E. 211, 287, 870,


Robinson, F. W. 121, 209, 962,


Romilly, Sir S. 491, 537, 547,
550, 562, 572, 575, 687,
1140, 1153

Rose, G. 284, 299, 1028
Round, J. 878

Ryder, Richard, 575, 941

Scott, Sir W. 1006
Shaw, Sir J. 693, 704

Ward, J. W. 915

Wetherell, Charles, 494, 534,
552, 688

Wharton, R. 276, 295
Whitbread, S 90, 119, 125, 132,
172, 173, 212, 225, 235, 270,
278, 289, 293, 297, 305, 331,
360, 455, 457, 511, 627, 684,
687, 722, 848, 950, 984, 985,
1107, 1108, 1128, 1144, 1153,


Wilberforce, W. 124, 198, 200,
335, 1238
Wise, Ayshford, 874
Wood, T. 1128

Wortley, Stuart, 122, 1126,

Wrottesley, H. 847
Wynn, C. W. 699, 719, 846,
849, 1106

Yorke, C. 745, 820, 1116, 1122


795, 1073, 1197

Grenfell, P. 739

Gurney, Hudson, 291, 346

Harvey, C. 341

Hamilton, Lord A. 510, 719
Heathcote, sir Gilbert, 106
Herbert, H. A. (of Kerry) 291
Heron, Sir Robert, 777, 1035
Hippisley, Sir J. C. 850, 1215
Horne, W. 537

Huskisson, W. 279, 732, 1095,

Johnstone, Cochrane, 169, 270,
737, 846, 847, 1106, 1131

Keene, Whitshed, 206, 234

Lascelles, H. 276, 980
Leach, J. 519
Lewis, T. F. 1130
Lockhart, J. 223, 682

Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court,

Fleet-Street, London.

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from the Earliest Period down to the Year 1803,

(at which time the Parliamentary Debates commence)

comprising the Period from 1753 to 1765, - was published in May;
the 16th Volume will be ready in July.

Communications for these Works are to be addressed to the Editor, 5 Panton
Square, or Mr. Hansard, Peterborough-court, Fleet-street.

June 18, 1813.

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