INDEX TO VOL. XXIV. INDEX TO DEBATES IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. America; Address respecting the | Naval Officers in the Service of | Roman Catholics, 111, 133, 242, War with, 575 Appeals, 244 East India Company's Charter, Exchange of Prisoners of War, 318 the East India Company, 497 Petitions respecting the Claims of Prince Regent's Speech on open- Prince Regent's Message respect- Prince Regent's Message respect- 319 352, 394, 498, 511, 559, 649, Slave Trade, 318 Vice Chancellor's Bill, 114, 182 Wellington; Vote of Thanks to Ex-officio Informations, 316 Gold Coin Bill, 323 Informations Ex Officio, 316 INDEX TO DEBATES IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Admiralty Registrar's Bill, 655 America; Address respecting the Booksellers' Petition respecting Charitable Estates Bill, 223 House given to, 1191 East India Company's Charter, 241, 246, 272, 273, 294, 296, Navy Office Clerks, 345 842 German Legion; Lord Folke- 248 Gold Coin Bill, 224, 243, 278, Inglis, Petition of Captain, 308, 338 Ilchester Gaol; Petition of the Local Tokens, 346, 362, 508 Malt Duty Bill, 275 Orders and Notices, Resolution Petitions respecting the Claims Prince Regent's Speech at the Prince Regent's Message respect- Prisoners of War in France, 360 Eldon, Lord, see Lord Chan- Lansdowne, Marquis of, 134, 140, cellor Ellenborough, Lord, 217 Gloucester, Duke of, 111 323, 580, 657, 738, 1156 Leinster, Duke of, 498 Moira, Earl of, 1104 Norfolk, Duke of, 242, 353, 499, 691, 692 Norwich, Bishop of, 352 Redesdale, Lord, 182, 186, 244, 245, 560, 650 Liverpool, Farl of, 37, 180, 318, Somers, Lord, 143 319, 584 Longford, Earl of, 15 Lord Chancellor (Eldon) 9, 244, Wellesley, Marquis, 20, 49, 144, 245, 561,588 377, 584, 586, 841 INDEX OF NAMES.-HOUSE OF COMMONS. Brydges, Sir Egerton, 287 Burdett, Sir F. 162, 206, 303, Canning, G. 61, 129, 132, 215, Carew, R. S. 940 201, 235, 332, 345, 459, 531, Chancellor of the Exchequer W. 480, 550, 837 Croker, J. W. 645, 679, 705, 537, 548, 552, 593, 685, 701, 1107, 1108, 1111, 1126, 1157, 1148, 1186, 1243 Curtis, Sir W. 693 Foley, T. 1130 Long, C. 1177 Macdonald, J. 473 Milton, Viscount, 120, 122, 173, Folkestone, Viscount, 235, 243, Newport, Sir J. 431, 433, 509, 683, 848, 1155 Giddy, Davies, 1098 Gordon, R. 548, 551, 680 Grant, J. P. 299 730, 733, 880, 1119, 1233 Nicholl, Sir J. 2 Owen, Sir J. 843 Palmerston, Lord, 250, 254, 262, 986 Peel, Sir Robert, 510 Simeon, J. 548, 550 Smith, W. 129, 291, 737, 745, Smith, C. 301, 693 Smyth, J. H. 481, 834 Speaker, (Right Hon. Charles Stewart, Hon. General, 262 Taylor, M. A. 483, 518, 680 Tomline, W. E. 763 Vansittart, Right Hon. Nicholas, Grattan, Henry, 456, 699, 747, Peel, R. 432, 457, 700, 734, Vernon, G. G. V. 111 900 Plunket, W. С. 795 Preston, R. 286, 303, 549 1129 Robinson, F. W. 121, 209, 962, 1037 Romilly, Sir S. 491, 537, 547, Rose, G. 284, 299, 1028 Ryder, Richard, 575, 941 Scott, Sir W. 1006 Ward, J. W. 915 Wetherell, Charles, 494, 534, Wharton, R. 276, 295 1183 Wilberforce, W. 124, 198, 200, Wortley, Stuart, 122, 1126, Wrottesley, H. 847 Yorke, C. 745, 820, 1116, 1122 END OF VOL. XXIV. 795, 1073, 1197 Grenfell, P. 739 Gurney, Hudson, 291, 346 Harvey, C. 341 Hamilton, Lord A. 510, 719 Huskisson, W. 279, 732, 1095, Johnstone, Cochrane, 169, 270, Keene, Whitshed, 206, 234 Lascelles, H. 276, 980 Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street, London. 1 THE FIFTEENTH VOLUME OF THE PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from the Earliest Period down to the Year 1803, (at which time the Parliamentary Debates commence) comprising the Period from 1753 to 1765, - was published in May; Communications for these Works are to be addressed to the Editor, 5 Panton June 18, 1813. |