: The prostrate seraph licks the ground, 9 How chang'd the scene!-of late, the mirth 10 Behold yon tyrant! stript and bare, 11 Well may'st thou wail! the time draws nigh, (This And all thy captives leave the tomb. HYMN 577. С. М. Widow. J. M. G. THOUGH faint and sick, and worn away With poverty and woe, 2 Be thou, O Lord! my Saviour still- 3 I know the soul that trusts in Thee 4 Then, keep me, Lord! where'er I go- 5 To give my weakness strength, O God! E. W-G. HYMN 578. С. М. The Condescension of God. Kings viii. 27. ETERNAL pow'r, almighty God, Who can approach thy throne? Accessless light is thy abode, 2 Before the radiance of thine eye And all the glories of the sky 3 Great God, and wilt thou condescend To this vile world thy notice bend, 4 But oh! to show thy smiling face, 5 How strange! how awful is thy love! 6 While golden harps, and angel tongues Great God, permit our humble songs MRS. STEELE. Come, said Jesus' sacred voice 462 Come, worship at our Father's feet Come ye who love the Lord Come thou desire of all thy saints Come serve the Lord with love and joy D DAUGHTERS of pity tune the lay, 496 500 545 570 268 481 61 257 Dear Lord, behold thy children here 340 FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss 229 304 Far from mortal cares retreating 29 Far hence, each superstition vain 324 Far from these scenes of night 552 Father, how wide thy glory shines 85 Father of mercies, send thy grace 96 Father of mercies, in thy word 2 Father of all, omniscient mind 197 Father of lights, we sing thy name 205 Father Divine, thy piercing eye 506 Father of all, whose powerful voice 435 Forsake my soul, the tents of sin 474 |